
Journey Starts from SAO

For every 100 power stones you bestow, I will reward you with a bonus chapter. ............................................... Arthur awoke in the immersive world of Sword Art Online, but his journey took an unexpected turn when he unlocked a proficiency system, granting him unparalleled mastery over skills. With his swordsmanship already at the pinnacle of LV7, Arthur embarked on an adventure where each level-up could grant him abilities from across anime realms. As he navigated through various anime worlds, facing formidable foes like the One-Eyed Owl, Arthur realized he possessed an extraordinary system beyond his wildest dreams. Prepare for a thrilling multi-world odyssey where Sword Art Online meets the fiery intensity of Tokyo Ghoul, seamlessly blending virtual reality and daily life into an unforgettable saga of power, prowess, and peril. ................................ If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498. Hey everyone, Thanks for checking out this translated novel! Just a heads up, I’ve done a lot of editing on this version. I’ve removed some toxic stuff and made the story more positive overall. I’ve also made some big changes to the story itself. So, if you’re familiar with the original, don’t expect this to be exactly the same. There will be new twists, different character developments, and maybe even a different ending. My aim is to make the story better and more enjoyable for a wider audience. So, while you might recognize the basic plot, expect some surprises along the way. I hope you enjoy this revamped version as much as I enjoyed working on it! Thanks for your support and happy reading! Original Novel:刀剑神域之老子是挂逼

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30 Chs

Chapter 12 Damn Beta players

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After acquiring the White Rose Star, Arthur decided it was time to return to the Town of Beginnings for a while. Though he had been out for less than a day, today's haul was extraordinary, equivalent to what most players would gather in weeks or even months. With a new single-handed sword technique and the legendary White Rose Star in his possession, Arthur couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction.

Moreover, he had earned some Col and materials from helping Argo defeat a trap monster earlier. Selling these would provide a considerable income.

Arthur glanced at his inventory, noting the valuable materials obtained from slaying the giant serpent:

- **Scales of the Century-Old Venomous Serpent:** B-grade material, perfect for crafting resilient leather armor or selling to NPC tailors.

- **Fangs of the Century-Old Venomous Serpent:** B-grade material, enhances weapon sharpness when forged, or can be sold to weapon and forging shop NPCs.

- **Rare Venom Sac of the Century-Old Venomous Serpent:** A-grade material, ideal for crafting potent poison potions or adding poison attributes during weapon forging, also highly valuable to weapon and forging shop NPCs.

- **Gallbladder of the Century-Old Venomous Serpent:** A-grade ingredient, coveted by certain NPC chefs, can be sold to cooking NPCs.

The giant serpent had not only rewarded Arthur with Col but also with these rare and precious materials and ingredients.

However, Arthur wasn't ready to part with these valuable items just yet. Such rare finds were a stroke of luck, and he intended to hold onto them for the right moment.

Retracing his steps, Arthur made his way back towards the Town of Beginnings with a spring in his step. Though still clad in his beginner's gear, the exquisite White Rose Star at his waist made him stand out. He wondered if openly displaying such a magnificent sword was too conspicuous, but quickly dismissed the thought. After all, he had earned it through his own efforts but he have to be careful.

Humming a tune, Arthur walked while discarding the stale bread from his inventory, muttering to himself, "This stuff isn't fit for a pig, let alone me."

Even though he had set out in the morning and wandered the dense forest for most of the day, by the time he emerged, it was already midnight. Realizing it was too late to travel back to town safely, Arthur decided to rest at a village he had passed earlier. He recalled the decent food he had enjoyed there at noon and headed for the tavern on the village outskirts.

As he entered, he was surprised to find the tavern bustling, unlike the quiet afternoon. A few players sat around, some looking serious, others smiling and chatting in low tones.

Players at this stage of the game rarely ventured into the forest, so when Arthur walked in, conversation ceased as all eyes turned to him. Many were drawn to the impressive White Rose Star at his waist.

Arthur hadn't expected to draw so much attention. Frowning slightly, he ignored their stares and took a seat at an empty table. After ordering some food, he began sorting through his inventory, placing the rarest materials in prominent spots and relegating the less useful items to the bottom. He planned to sell these soon.

As he started eating, he noticed the tavern's patrons whispering about him. He didn't like being the center of attention, but since no one was speaking ill of him, he had to endure it. His appetite waned, and he quickly finished his meal before leaving the tavern.

"Did you see that sword?" a young man in simple gear said loudly.

"He must be a beta tester," a burly man grumbled. To him, it was unlikely that any ordinary player could reach the forest's edge by the second day of the game. As a seasoned gamer, even he struggled to get this far.

"Yeah, those beta testers are hogging all the resources, leaving nothing for us," another player complained, banging on the table.

The tavern filled with disgruntled murmurs. Meanwhile, a few players silently observed, finished their meals, and quietly left.

However, it was clear that the others in the tavern didn't notice the departure of these few players and continued to blame the beta testers for their perceived injustices.

Such is human nature, nothing more, nothing less.


If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498