
Journey: Revenge of a Lost Soul

Kael Ivo, an unsuspecting editor, is thrust into a fantasy world while on his daily commute. His journey takes a dramatic turn when he confronts a god who transports him to another world after a heated argument, erasing Kael's memory of the encounter.Determined to seek justice, Kael sets out to find and confront the god, leading him to Soale's Town, home of the warrior academy, Regalia. Alongside his companions, Kael faces challenges and battles."Journey: Revenge of a Lost Soul" is an epic saga of adventure and discovery as Kael navigates a world filled with magic, danger, and wonder. His quest for truth and justice leads him to confront powerful foes and unravel the mysteries of this fantastical realm. 10 power stones = 1 bonus chapter 20 power stones =2 bonus chapter

lit_ISV · Fantasía
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11 Chs

The Dark Tide II

As the days passed, the academy returned to a semblance of normalcy, but the shadow of the recent attack lingered over everyone. Kael threw himself into his training with even greater determination, knowing that he needed to be stronger than ever to face whatever challenges lay ahead.One evening, as Kael was practicing his swordplay in the courtyard, he was approached by Lana and Adelheid. They had worried looks on their faces, and Kael could tell that something was wrong."What's going on?" Kael asked, setting aside his sword and giving them his full attention."It's Marc," Lana said, her voice trembling slightly. "He's gone missing."Kael's heart sank. Marc was their friend and roommate, and the thought of something happening to him filled Kael with dread."We need to find him," Adelheid said, his expression grim. "We can't just sit here and do nothing."Kael nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew that time was of the essence, and they needed to act fast.Together, the three of them set out to search for Marc, scouring every corner of the academy. As they searched, Kael couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He remembered Alistair's words about the rumors surrounding the darkness element users, a group rumored to be part of the cult of Umbra, known for their dark and sinister practices. According to Alistair, the cult was said to be planning another attack on the academy, seeking to sow chaos and discord.With this knowledge weighing heavily on his mind, Kael couldn't help but wonder if Marc's disappearance was connected to the cult. The thought sent a shiver down his spine, and he vowed to find his friend and stop the cult's plans before it was too late.As they searched, their footsteps echoing through the empty halls, Kael's mind raced with possibilities. He knew that time was running out, and every moment wasted brought them closer to disaster. He also knew that they couldn't do this alone. They would need the help of their fellow students and teachers if they were to stand a chance against the darkness that threatened to consume them all.Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they found a clue. One of the teachers reported seeing a group of shadowy figures leaving the academy grounds late at night, carrying something heavy between them. The description matched the cult of Umbra, confirming Kael's worst fears.With this new information in hand, Kael, Lana, and Adelheid set out for the nearby forest, where the cult was rumored to have set up their base of operations. As they ventured deeper into the forest, the tension in the air grew thicker, the darkness seeming to press in on them from all sides. Kael's heart pounded in his chest as he gripped his sword tightly, ready for whatever lay ahead.Suddenly, they were ambushed by a group of shadowy figures, their dark robes billowing around them as they advanced. Lana stepped forward, her expression fierce as she summoned a wall of water to shield them from the attackers. With a flick of her wrist, she sent a torrent of water crashing towards their enemies, knocking several off their feet.Seizing the opportunity, Kael activated his time affinity, causing the air around the attackers to thicken and slow their movements. The effect was only temporary, but it gave Lana the opening she needed to unleash a devastating barrage of attacks.With graceful movements, Lana danced through the battlefield, her attacks swift and precise. She summoned blades of water that sliced through the air, cutting down the cultists with deadly accuracy. Her control over the water element was unmatched, and it seemed as though she was a force of nature itself.As the battle raged on, Kael continued to support Lana, using his time affinity to slow the attackers down whenever they got too close. His power was limited, but it was enough to give Lana the edge she needed to keep the cultists at bay.As the battle continued, Adelheid joined the fray, his sword ablaze with flames that danced and flickered with each of his movements. He unleashed a series of big, flashy moves, sending waves of fire crashing towards the cultists and cutting a path through their ranks.Together, Lana, Kael, and Adelheid fought with a synchronicity born of their shared determination to protect the academy. They moved as one, each covering the other's weaknesses and exploiting the enemies' vulnerabilities.However, as the last of the cultists fell, they realized that there was one more opponent left standing. A figure cloaked in darkness stepped forward, her eyes gleaming with malice as she raised her sword high.Before they could react, the figure lunged forward, her blade aimed directly at Adelheid's head. With a quick, desperate maneuver, Adelheid managed to deflect the blow, but he was left off balance and vulnerable.Just as it seemed that all hope was lost, Alistair appeared, his sword flashing as he parried the attacker's strike. He fought with a skill and ferocity that matched even Lana's, and together, they managed to drive the mysterious assailant back.With the immediate threat dealt with, they regrouped, breathing heavily as they tried to catch their breath. The forest around them was eerily silent, the only sound the crackling of flames from Adelheid's sword.

As the dust settled from the intense battle with the Umbra cult members, a new challenge arose: finding Marc. The group split up, spreading out through the dense forest, their eyes and ears alert for any sign of their missing friend. Kael's heart pounded with worry; he couldn't be too far.Meanwhile, deep in the forest, Kael encountered another Umbra cult member. The air crackled with tension as they squared off, each sizing up the other. The cult member attacked with swift, precise strikes.In a desperate move, Kael unleashed short bursts of hot and cold air, causing the opponent's sword to become brittle. With a loud snap, the sword broke, and the cult member stumbled back, momentarily disarmed.Seeing an opportunity, Kael lunged forward, but his opponent, realizing the danger, dodged and countered. However, this proved to be a mistake, as Kael's mastery over the time element had significantly improved. As the fight reached its peak, both combatants paused, locking eyes with furious intensity. In that silent moment, they seemed to silently agree to end the fight with one decisive strike.With a sudden burst of speed, Kael closed the distance, slowing down time around his opponent. The cult member's movements became sluggish, giving Kael the opening he needed. Drawing his katana in a fluid motion, he infused it with neutral lakan, strengthening the blade. With a single, precise slash, he severed the cult member's head, ending the fight decisively.As the body fell to the ground, Kael took a moment to catch his breath, the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. Kael stood panting, his katana gleaming in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the trees. The body of the umbra cult member lay at his feet, defeated. Kael's heart was pounding in his chest, and he felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins.He looked around, scanning the area for any sign of Marc. The forest was eerily quiet, the only sound the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. Kael knew that he couldn't give up; he had to find Marc, no matter what.Suddenly, he heard a noise to his left and spun around, his katana at the ready. It was Marc, stumbling through the underbrush, his clothes torn and bloodied. Relief washed over Kael as he rushed to his friend's side."Marc, are you alright?" Kael asked, concern evident in his voice.Marc nodded weakly, his face pale. "I'm fine, just a few scratches," he replied, trying to sound brave.Kael helped Marc to his feet, supporting him as they made their way back to the academy. Along the way, Marc recounted his own encounter with an umbra cult member. He had fought bravely, using his earth affinity to create barriers and traps to defend himself.As they reached the edge of the forest, Kael and Marc were met by Alistair and the others, who had been searching for them. Alistair's expression was one of relief as he saw that they were both safe."Well done, both of you," Alistair said, his voice filled with pride. "You have proven yourselves to be true warriors of Aetherium."Kael and Marc smiled wearily, knowing that they had faced a great challenge and emerged victorious.On returning to the dorm room, Kael and Marc were greeted by Lana and Adelheid. Alistair had already contacted them, informing them that Kael had found Marc. They all gathered in the room, relieved to be reunited once more.Lana and Adelheid immediately turned their attention to Marc, asking him about his health and how he was feeling after the ordeal. Marc assured them that he was fine, albeit a little shaken. He thanked Kael for coming to his rescue, grateful to be back with his friends.Despite the relief of finding Marc, they remained on guard, knowing that the danger was still present. They decided to take turns keeping watch throughout the night, unwilling to let their guard down after the events of the day.

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