
Journey of the Octane Render

Summoned by the will of 5th Dimensional being Noah find himself involved in the race of throne for the position of only 6th dimensional being in entire cosmos . Given the power to create his own skills , Noah creates [REALITY RENDER - The skills/talents you create will become real as long as enough people believe in it] and a System which has its own intelligence and freedom . Join Noah in his journey as he visits Archanos - a world filled with secrets and wonders beyond one's imagination and as he discovers secrets regarding himself. Note:- The story will not be rushed (medium pace) for sake of character development and starting chapters may be boring as I will be making plot bigger and interesting for novel . novel will have a fantasy build with powers and system made by protagonist . MC will be smart and cunning and i will try to give explanation if needed -The quality of chapter increases as number of chapter increases , so give it it a try till 30 chapter before coming to a conclusion!

OctaneRender · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Creating an Alliance - I

[Status Identification (Appraisal) - You can see the Status of beings connected to System , the more Gap in power the lesser information you may view.

- Allows the user to appraise items ,skills and beings

-Is a subskill of skill "Pearl"

-Grade - Unique]

[Status Editor (Conceal) - You can edit your status to conceal yourself from prying eyes or appraisal based skills

- Allows the user to edit his and others (permission needed) status

- Can't conceal from Mythical rank skills

-Is a subskill of skill "Pearl"

-Grade - Unique]

[Negotiate - User has the exclusive right to negotiate punishment , rewards or Query with the System

- Gives user access to negotiate with user

-Is a subskill of skill "Pearl"

-Grade - Unique]

[Converse - User's skill "Pearl" can communicate System regarding information , query or anomaly at some sacrifice

-Sacrifice must be decided by the system or user , incase of sharing of information to user without price paid , user will suffer system's punishment

-Is a subskill of skill "Pearl"

-Grade - Unique]

"Woah that's quite the OP start I am having but some parts are still yet to get solved" said Noah signifying that's its time to decide what he should give system as a currency for information he may use.

Sophia understanding his intention said "So, what did you thought about it what are gonna give to system in exchange for system's information , do note that it must be something important or else you may never be able to finalize a deal with System" explained Sophia.

Noah after thinking about all possibilities and scenarios said to system "System will you be willing to use skills as a mode of sacrifice for information?"

[[Question accepted!]]

[[Processing request...]]

[[Request Approved.]]

[[Transferring required details to skill "Pearl"]]

"Wait!, why would you do that ? Don't you know how hard it is to get skills of higher grade? and if you plan to user lower rank one what useful information will that provide?" asked Sophia as Noah's action seemingly doesn't made any sense to her.

"Don't worry about it I have way to solve it !" said Noah in a confident manner

"What way?" asked seemingly confused by his confidant tone

"Oh! that will cost you my dear angel" said Noah with a smirk on his face

"You!! humph! fine don't tell me" said Sophia in a angry manner

"Oh really ? you don't want to know " asked Noah in a teasing manner

To which Sophia said "Whether I want to know or not , it doesn't look like you will tell me about it" and shrugged

("Her wings started twitching without her noticing due to her curiosity" )

Noah looking at her condition couldn't help but compare her to how cute animals would behave on Earth.

"Hey! you are thinking something bad about me aren't you" asked Sophia in a suspicious manner as she didn't like the look on his face

To which Noah replied "No, I was just thinking if you can accept it why not we enter in a alliance? I can tell you about how am I gonna solve the skills problems and as for additional payment you can discard my right to ask the third question" said Noah revealing his inner thoughts.

Momentary stunned by his sudden offer Sophia said "You sure are audacious human , I don't think you know the difference between our status , for a alliance to be formed both party should be atleast be equal in power , the things you offer are not worth that much to bridge the gap" said Sophia with a cold look on her face signifying her disagreement.

"Woah , no need to be that chilly atleast let me explain my full proposal?" said Noah as he situation was getting serious by each passing moment and the atmosphere was getting heavier and heavier.

"Fine say , what more antics can you play?" said Sophia

To which Noah replied "I may not be powerful currently but one thing is sure and even you have to accept it , I do have potential to win this competition don't I?" said Noah and further added to smoothen the situation "You can look at it being a kind of future investment "

"Hmm the proposal is certainly interesting ... let's see how much he value this so-called alliance " thought Sophia and then said "What I can see it to be is you leeching off me one-sided and the so called potential is wasted if you are not alive to achieve it completely"

"In the starting it may be like this but you do know with the skills and system coupled with my mind I can be worth the risk?" said Noah seemingly trying his best to leverage himself for the deal.

"Hmm, that can be a acceptable argument but why are so keen on establishing an alliance with me even though you kind of have everything" asked Sophia seemingly puzzled by his actions.

"Well I have my reasons but some you can think of Protection , information , resources and the fact that I can leverage your name for other purposes" answered Noah revealing his intention to why he proposed the Idea of alliance .

"That's quite the good answer you have their but its still not enough for me to trust you " said Sophia with a serious look on her face

Noah understanding her meaning behind words said "So, what can I do to prove myself?" asked Noah

To which Sophia replied "Life Essence" , "what??, but why?" asked Noah in a confused manner.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

OctaneRendercreators' thoughts