

Where am I ? Isn't that the village ? Is that blood on my head ? " He said with trembling hands.

The boy was helplessly lying on the ground with each part of his body aching from pain. His beautiful platinum blonde hair was dripping with blood.

He tried to stand up but his scarred knees only kept bringing him down.

"My head is gonna explode. what's happening to me?" He held his head while breathing heavily.

And just like all of sudden, he screamed as a serie of numerous flash backs started coming into his mind.

A kingdom above the clouds, unfamiliar people or maybe familiar, shocking memories that made his heart ache with horrible pain.

And then he recalled that precise moment, the one that might have completely changed his life.

Now he remembers everything clearly, from the spot he was standing on to the sound of the judge's gavel.

He remembers being part of a trial, being accused of a crime he must have done. The familiar figures he recognized as his siblings were all sitting while only him stood at the center with shackles around his wrists.

They looked disappointed, angry at some point, where was all that love and affection? Was it really there in the first place ?

"Who am i ? a monster ?" He muttered.

The only remaining heart warming memory was that of his poor twin sister , crying her soul out, looking in so much pain , screaming his name until she lost her voice.

The flashbacks chattered like pieces, a wave of pitch black darkness covered his eyes and he blacked out.

My body is not moving is this the end ?


"Arrow ?? Are you okay ? You hurt anywhere ?" A black haired girl reached out to the body, a hint of worry and fear drawn all over her face. But soon the expression changed when she was met with the figure's face.

"Whaa--t" She said, looking confused.

"I must take my revenge . I will never forgive the ones who humiliated