

Goku is sent on a journey through different fictional verses via his alternate version. How is this journey gonna end?

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36 Chs



GOKU: "So, you are Ben. I came here to fight you. I heard that you can transform into strong beings and I want to fight you."

Suddenly, Omnitrix starts beeping, "New alien DNA found in vicinity." Goku senses something and charges up, increasing his guard.

GOKU: "So, you're ready to fight."

Omnitrix then suddenly stops the alien signal.

BEN: "Seriously, this day can't get any weirder. First, this watch malfunctioned, and then some stranger suddenly appeared and wanted to fight. Look, buddy, I am busy right now with that crab head."

Goku looks around and says, "That guy." Then he knocks out the servantis, and Kevin screams, "That crystal on his head was the problem, destroy that."

Goku does that and looks at Ben, "Now it's your turn."

Ben, with an annoyed face, turns into XLR8, thinking of outspeeding Goku and knocks him. But, to his surprise, Goku catches his tail and launches him in the air. Then, he shows a hand gesture of "what's next." Ben transforms into Four Arms and tries to overpower Goku.

On the other hand, Kevin ties up all the rooters and rejoins the group, explaining what happened.

Suddenly, Ben comes crashing into the wall. It's clear he was thrown there. Ben detransforms and says, "Who is this guy? Seriously, popping out of nowhere and wanting a fight and how strong is he?"

Goku arrives and says, "I know you can do better, go all out."

Ben thinks, "Is this guy for real? Looks like I have to use the big guns." He transforms into Atomix and goes all out against Goku. But he is not getting any upper hand on Goku.

Ben uses his special move, Nuclear Winner. In response, Goku uses Kamehameha. When both attacks collide, they release a shock wave that is enough to shock all bystanders standing.

After the collision, Ben thinks that this much would be enough to stop him, but then suddenly, a strong punch comes at his face, and this time Ben is launched to another planet.

Goku then starts thinking that all of the forms he took till now are not that strong. When will he use that black alien form like that person said? Goku flies towards Ben, and Ben shoots electricity towards him. Goku dodges that and looks in front and says, "Is that black-colored alien what you call Alien-X?"

Ben replies, "No, this one is called Feedback."

With this, Ben confirmed that this stranger wants to fight Alien-X. Suddenly, a ki blast is launched towards Ben. Ben absorbs it instantly with Feedback and counter-attacks. Goku then launches Kamehameha, but this time Feedback starts to absorb it. Goku, in his surprise expression, wants to test the opponent limit and starts to transform into SSJ1.

Suddenly, Ben also felt the energy pressure was increased a lot. Goku again transforms into SSJ2, and at this point, the direct pressure was increased a lot. Ben counterattacks with his two remaining tentacles. Goku saw that coming and suddenly uses his right hand to make a ki beam and launched towards Ben's attack. Both energies collide and create a huge explosion, enough to blow the planet where they are fighting.

Goku then starts thinking when will he gonna use that alien. Suddenly a punch comes towards him, which he didn't expect, and uses his left hand to guard but fails to do so and gets launched a few kilometers away.

Then Ben comes and pressures Goku from above so he can't stand back. He says, "This is the Alien-X you wanted. Now tell me who told you about me or how you suddenly come after me."

Goku smiles and suddenly transforms into Super Saiyan 3 and launches a dragon fist on Alien-X. Ben gets knocked to a different platform but doesn't take any damage. He is clearly surprised at how he got pushed back and how that guy suddenly moved. But he doesn't get much time to think. Suddenly, Goku comes and launches a right-handed punch, but this time, Ben catches it and punches back. Goku barely manages to guard it with his left hand.

Then Alien-X swings Goku and slams him on the ground. He then uses his telekinesis to pressure him even more and create a large crater. Ben thinks he's done for, but then suddenly, a punch comes and knocks Alien-X several kilometers away.

Ben fixes his posture, looks at Goku with red hair this time, and understands he has to become a bit serious this time because he has the key to Alien-X for minutes, according to the agreement with Serena and Bellicus.

What will be the consequences in the next chapter?