
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · Cómic
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The Mighty Thor

Together, the Warrior Three and Sif were able to fight the Destroyer and even give it equal competition.

Warrior Three then becomes engaged in the fight, successfully bringing the Destroyer focused on them.

Destroyer again opened his mask and was ready to fire a destructive beam on them, but before he did.

Sif takes good timing, wielding her spear with precision. With a swift and powerful strike, she managed to pin the metallic behemoth to the ground, the spear piercing through its mouth to its stomach.

"Wow, Sif, you really solved it," Warrior Three complimented her, and they were ready to celebrate for this victory, but it was short-lived.

The Destroyer, seemingly unharmed, started turning into a surprising 180-degree turn, while his face also turned towards the Sif. And he was ready to release the devastating energy.

"Sif, run," Ben commanded after seeing this, he was ready to activate his Diamond Head powers.

Sif has already understood that the initial attack, they had formed, only scratched the surface of its true power.

She just jumped, but the destructive beam still followed her. She didn't know what to do, she closed her eyes, and was ready to accept her death.

But the death, or the destructive rays, didn't touch her. Instead, she found she was hugged by someone, and from the feeling of being hugged, she knew he was her King, Ben.

She opened her eyes in panic, and thought Ben had sacrificed himself for saving her. But then, she noticed, nothing happened to him. The destructive rays were bouncing back, after colliding with his body.

"Thank God, you are safe," Ben sighed with relief, then his expression turned in anger, "Now, let's face this metal junk, how dare he try to harm you."

"It's okay, Ben I am fine," Sif said, she didn't want Ben to face the Destroyer. But Ben didn't listen to her, he jumped in front of the Destroyer, and with a punch he sent it back.

Then he continuously started punching the Destroyer, sending him back here to there.

"How?" Hogun said with shock and interest.

"He was really a brave warrior and amazing warrior, and we even didn't know his powers till now, even he sits with us, eating together," Fandral comments, he was amazed but also satisfied with the Power, which Ben showed.

But then something more amazing happened, that gathered everyone focused, even Ben and Destroyer focused was shifted towards the amazing thing.

It showed Mjolnir, the enchanted hammer, flew through the air and landed in Thor's outstretched hand. And the moment Thor grasped the hammer, a transformative spectacle ensued.

Thor underwent a breathtaking metamorphosis as his divine attire materialised, and the power of the enchanted hammer surged through him. With a radiant display of energy and strength, Thor emerged as the mighty God of Thunder.

In a resounding declaration, Thor asserted his identity, "I am Thor, God of Thunder, the son of Odin!" The air crackled with newfound energy of Thor.

The Destroyer seems to remember something, he quickly releases the destructive beam on Thor, but Thor, with just one strike of Mjolnir, easily throws the Destroyer in the ground.

Wielding the enchanted hammer, Thor became a whirlwind of divine strength, countering the destructive energy beams unleashed by the relentless guardian.

"Let's end this here," Thor said, and he summoned the full force of Mjölnir. With a mighty swing, he struck the Destroyer with overwhelming force.

The guardian, once indomitable Destroyer, crumbled beneath the power of the God of Thunder. The ground shook as the soulless machine fell.

As the dust settled, Thor stood tall, victorious over the fallen Destroyer. The battlefield, once filled with the chaos of their confrontation, now bore witness to the resilience and power of a god who had reclaimed his strength and purpose.

As the battle's echoes faded, "Guys, we need to return back to Asgard, or I don't know what Loki will do." Thor said, and the time came for him and his companions to return to Asgard and confront the looming threat of Loki.

"Heimdall, opened the Bifrost," Thor shouted, and with everyone's presence, the Bifrost, a bridge between worlds, opened its ethereal gates.

Thor, standing alongside his friend, shared a heartfelt goodbye with Jane Foster. "I shall return for you, my love," He said, and gave a final kiss to Jane.

Jane also cooperated with him in the Kiss, "I will be waiting for you."

Sif also gives her goodbye to Ben, "I will also try to return as quickly as I can, my King." She then also leaned in to kiss him.

After savoring the kiss with Sif, "That idiot Destroyer comes at the important time, and disturb my precious time," Ben showed his anger on the broken Destroyer.

Sif gave a chuckle seeing this, she then put his hands on her bosom, "My King, I know we didn't share more time together, but still, I only belonged to you. I will try to return quickly, ok goodbye, my love, my King," She said, and then with Thor, and the Warrior Three, she stepped in the Bifrost, disappearing from there.

After Thor has vanished with the Sif and Warrior Three. Ben and Jean were still looking towards the sky.

After witnessing the mighty battle between Thor and the Destroyer, Phil Coulson was impressed, but now the problem has gone, he can handle everything easily.

And he quickly sprung into action to manage the aftermath. "Secure all components of the Destroyer. Don't leave any single piece behind," He swiftly directed the S.H.I.E.L.D agents on the scene to take control of every part of the fallen Destroyer, leaving nothing behind.

While the agents efficiently loaded the Destroyer's parts into their vehicles, Coulson turned his attention to Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster, Dr. Erik Selvig, and Ben.

"All of you, don't breathe a word about what happened here. Sign these Non-Disclosure Contracts," Coulson said, holding out the documents.

He then moved towards the Ben, "And how are you able to fight the Destroyer, you need to reveal everything about it. You need to come with us."

However, to his dismay, the group seemed to ignore him, paying little attention to the paperwork. When Coulson tried to hold the Ben, Ben just did a little movement, and Coulson was thrown far away.

"Guys, let's go," He said, and took out the key of his Mariam Interstellar Car. He pushed the button on the key, and the Mariam Interstellar Car appeared in front of them from the parking lot.

Even with the massive battle, not any little scratch appeared on the Mariam Interstellar Car, it showed its durability and strength.

Darcy, Jane, and Dr. Selvig nodded in agreement, quickly seating themselves in the vehicle before it smoothly departed, leaving Coulson and his team behind.

And later, Ben has decided to return to his Crown Haven Villa in New York. So he can share the events with his girlfriend, Amelia and Mariam. He even plans to reveal this information to his father-in-law in the next meeting with him.

Frustrated by the lack of cooperation, Coulson stood up from the ground, raised his voice and shouted, "How dare you ignore me!" But the departing car paid no heed to his voice.

In an angry mood, Coulson approached one of the agents. "Find out everything you can about them."

"Ok, Boss." Agent nodded, and he swiftly disappeared from there, to gain the information about them.

Later, at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, Coulson relayed a detailed report to his boss, Nick Fury. He explained the entire sequence of events, from Thor's arrival to the battle with the Destroyer, and the decision to seize its components.

The aftermath required S.H.I.E.L.D's attention as they wrapped up the mission and were ready to adjust to the consequences of the extraordinary event.

Coulson was now waiting for the information of Ben, since with Nick Fury, he already delved into the details gathered about Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster, and Dr. Erik Selvig only Ben was left.

The Agent returned back with the complete report, which he had gathered about Ben.

"Sir, here are all the details about the Ben Tennyson," He said after presenting the report and exited the scene.

Phil Coulson picked up the report, he was still curious about the Ben' powers. It was like the physical powers, even the destroyer beam was bounced back after colliding on his body.

Even if Thor has not gained the power of Mjolnir, Phil Coulson believes, Ben will easily destroy the Destroyer.

"Ben Tennyson lives in the Crown Haven Villa. And he is the boyfriend of Amelia William. And his wedding is also going to happen with her. William's family has already accepted him."

"About his power, no one has seen him using it. And before appearing on the Diamond Shop on the 5th June 2008, there was not any existence of him before."

"How is this possible, that there is no presence of him? Did he appear from the air like magic?" Phil said, as he became confused.

But he didn't notice, there was sweat starting appearing on his boss, Nick Fury's face. When he learns that Ben is going to become the son-in-law of William's family. He knew that Ben was off limits to him.

"Coulson, quickly delete all the information about Ben Tennyson. And from now, stop all of the Agents who were working on finding the details about him, and recall them back. We won't pursue any details on him," Nick Fury swiftly made a decisive command.

Phil Coulson, was confused by the sudden decision, he questioned, "But why, sir? He also has some incredible powers. And we even need to find out if he is human or not, since we did not have any details about him before June 2008."

"Agent Phil, you are one of my best agents," Fury praised, acknowledging Coulson's expertise. Coulson nodded, acknowledging the compliment.

"So, it was time to tell you about the limitations of S.H.I.E.L.D," He opened his mouth, and was ready to explain some rules, "As you know, there are some individuals, or some organizations that are off-limits. Take Tony Stark as an example. We know he's Iron Man with a fleet of Iron Suits, but still we can't touch him."

Phil Coulson affirmed his understanding, "Yes, sir, we're aware of that policy."

"Similarly there was some specific organization, and one of them is the Hammer Organisation. Which does many illegal things, and we knew about it. But even then, we weren't able to detain him, not even ask any questions. Similarly, one of them is the William family."

"Yes, I know about it, that we can't touch the Hammer, but still we send some agents, and keep an eye on them."

"So that they do not do something destructive to Earth, even though we also spy on Tony, it was a different matter, that he caught all of the devices and destroyed them. So, why can't we not spy on the Ben?" Phil asked.

"Well, I will tell you about the story of the early 2000s. That time, with the Government's help, a friend of mine attempted to get involved with the William's."

"But, then the replies came back from the side of William's family. And it was a very brutal reply. The consequences of touching William's family were very severe."

"Not only was my friend erased from the face of Earth, but even his entire family was erased. Even the ruling Government official with their family disappeared. It teaches the lesson to not get involved with William's family."

"The new American Government quickly took matters in his hands, they scolded and warned all of the S.H.I.E.L.D and many other organizations."

"To never touch William's family again. And from then, William's family is off limits to everyone." Nick Fury explained the matter, he was young at that time, but due to Captain Marvel, Skrulls and Kree appearance teaches him many things.

Due to this, he quickly denied the invitation from his friend to touch the William's, he even advised his friends.

He still thanks Carol and Skrulls, because of them, he didn't become rash and goes with his friends, or else today he is not sitting here alive. He still feels the chill in his bones, whenever he thinks about that time and his friend.

"So, you can do anything, but there is something off-limits, you don't try to get involved in them," Nick Fury again warned Phil Coulson.

Phil Coulson nodded in understanding and absorbed the information, recognizing the importance of respecting boundaries, even with the power of S.H.I.E.L.D operations.

Upon discovering the untouchable status of Ben Tennyson due to his association with the formidable William family, Nick Fury and Phil Coulson redirected their attention to other critical information.

"Well, about Dr. Selvig, I think we need to invite him to our headquarters, after all he has also collaborated with Bruce Banner in the Gamma Experiment." Nick Fury said, and he immediately took action.