
Journey Of A Star : Pandora's Story

Entered Xion, someone who chose to enjoy the process to became either a heroes or a villain in his life where he embarks on a new path as a star. Equipped with systems, he learns to transform his desired world as he became someone who walks with determination after being given a second chance to redeem his life. Hardship one by one comes to him and the people close to him. Will he be blinded by despair or walk strong with determination is unknown, but one thing for sure, he needs help... that's when a hand was reaching him..

Aurakyria_K1 · Fantasía
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102 Chs


Zian grabbed her hand and dragged her all the way… "come with me, fast!" Yiren just ran along with Zian without thinking further…

They run together towards Yuyeon, and when they arrive, Zian just blurted his mind towards his mother, which makes Yuyeon and Yiren look at him one with loving and knowing eyes, one with surprised and scared eyes.

"Mom, I want to make her my sister, can you do it?" Without releasing Yiren's hand, Zian firmly looked back at the girl and said, i want you to be my sister from today, a real sister. what do you say?

Yuyeon, knowing his son has his dad traits just reminded of when his late dad proposed to her, smiled and asked back to Yiren.. little girl, my son wants you to be his sister, since he doesn't have any relatives i believe you will be dotted heavily as a real sister, do you also want to be my daughter since i have no daughter?

Yiren was standing speechless in front of the mother and son duo.. it took a minute before her mind raced thinking about various situations, but when she looked back at Yuyeon, it was the first time she saw the scar on her neck upwards.

She stopped thinking because she was reminded about his late brother's scars from the constant beating by their former drunkard father, she forcefully erased the bad memories and said "are you being true to your words toward Yuyeon?" "Yes, Wholeheartedly!" answer Zian fast.

After some time of thinking, Yiren then says yes and that makes Zian jump in joy, Yuyeon then asks them to stay there as she goes looking for his father-in-law and the orphanage director.

Six hours later, In Wang's residence, a happy atmosphere hung in the air of the family.

Wang Zhanglei is laughing heartily as he is directing the whole party for a toast.

"Today, I celebrated the return of My Grandson, Wang Zi An, and also welcomed my one and only Granddaughter to that I bestowed my surname from this day forward, Wang Yiren.

Three years ago I lost my son but today God still blessed me with joy and blessings with another family member.

All the attendees then have a toast to enjoying the festive atmosphere in the house.. besides the Old Four, Shen Ruiqi also came with several doctors that are the main body of the hospital.

After two rounds of toast for Zian and Yiren, Wang Zhanglei gave the space and time for Zian to announce his intentions.

Yiren was confused since it was her first time knowing things around the household, but remained to sit beside her newly adopted brother and listen and realize it was the old tradition to change names to avoid further misfortune…

Zian spoke fluently like he was prepared for the moment.. and with it, he raised his cup that is filled with aromatic green tea as he announced " today, i have acquired another family member for myself, my little sister Yiren and the fact that we are born in the same day, 12 years ago at the end of December before the new year is just perfect, it's like we are destined to be family since the beginning", hearing this, Yiren smiled brightly and Shen Ruiqi noticed that her smile does resemble Yuyeon's smile...

She then wondered if Yiren was mature enough to outshine her mother's beauty or not.

Zian then continued his speech, "But as most people know today's intention is to announce my new name, so without further ado, i picked this name because the meaning of the name is ready to battle in the Spanish language, and i retain the N alphabet in my former name just to keep me reminded of my former self as the anchor to my future self, from today's onward...

My name is… Wang Xion, as you can call me Xion, all the attendees raised their cups and saluted Xion.. who was standing dumbfounded in front of the large cheers while something magical was happening to him at that instant...

In Xion's head, something mechanical sounded...

-System Activated. Host Scanning Commence… Details Acquired... Database Unlocked!

"Would the host trust and use the system as a guide towards achieving your desired dreams?"

A transparent screen was projected in front of him.. and the manual to use the system was imprinted in his mind.

Xion was caught by surprise and confused. He just drinks the tea in confusion and the others just saw this as a sign of acceptance by the young boy.

He then randomly waved his hand toward the yes button and closed the display screen in front of him and decided to check it later when there was no one around.

Yiren was observing Xion closely and found his strange demeanor, then raised her hand to grab Xion's arm and asked him to sit down.

Feeling the hand on his arm, Xion looked back at Yiren and smiled back and then sat and started to eat the food on the table.. everyone then busied themselves with whatever things were in front of them, Yuyeon as the House Lady paying great attention to every detail in the table and asked the housemaid to do some refill for the beverages and food for everyone...

After the party in Xion's room, in his bed, he says...

System activate .. and then the transparent screen popped up again in front of him.


Host Information

Name : Xion / Wang Xion

Divinity: Knowledge, Creativity

Job: None

Mastery: Basic Language (Mandarin, Korean, English, Japanese)

Martial Arts: Basic One Inch Punch

Body Information

Strength 3

Stamina 2

Dexterity 4

Agility 4

Intelligence 6


What is this? Why is it so simple yet confusing? Why did this appear in front of me today? so many questions popped up in his mind at the same time…

Detecting the host confusion, the system then opened the database menu that displayed the content of how to advance every point that was being displayed.

It took nearly 2 hours for Xion to understand everything about his system and how to upgrade it. Unknown to him, the tweaks that The Creator put in his system displayed that even when he told others about the existence of the system, they would forget it almost instantly since it was only known for himself.

So basically i can learn anything and the system will deduce how much understanding i have on the things that i've learned.. let me try this tomorrow, i'm too tired today. Xion then decided to sleep and test everything tomorrow.

In the morning, at breakfast, Xion asked her mother, mom.. can you play the guqin for me? I want to hear it again.. Yuyeon smiled and said ok, then asked the maid to prepare her guqin in the living room.

Yiren's ear perked up and listened to her family talks in the morning with much anticipation… Later, Yuyeon played a classical Chinese song with the guqin while the children were listening..

Xion then asked his mom to teach him how to play.. Yuyeon agreed and started to explain the notes and function of every string in it attentively.. both the children listened closely, trying not to miss anything from her explanation.

Yiren then asked if she could try to play some notes with the guqin, and Yuyeon handed the seat to her, Yiren then sat and started to play it some notes are easily played but some notes are too high pitched, after 10 minutes, she gives chances for Xion who is listening.. 'Brother, why don't you try it", asked Yiren.

Xion then took the seat after Yiren and started to play some random notes.. Unknown to everyone present, the Divinity Icon in Xion's hand and forehead shined for a moment..

"Ding- Basic Instrument Mastery - Guqin - Learned"

The announcement then makes Xion understand one thing.. If he practices on something, he can easily learn it, but for increasing mastery, he has to continuously practice it.

Yuyeon, seeing how Xion played the guqin, is surprised on how fast he can learn to play it since it took a couple of months for her to gain the basic mastery when she first played it, but decides not to speak about it, thinking that maybe he's being used to how he usually sees her played it way back.

Yiren, seeing how Xion can play better than her, doesn't think so much about it since it was her first time and thinks maybe her brother has already played the instrument before.. but Xion doesn't stop there, he then approached a Guzheng and tried to play some notes in it.. nothing happened.. he was thinking, what is the difference in both instrument, and how to play it, he tried several times and still nothing happened..

He got confused and asked her mother, "what is the difference between the two instruments, mom? Do you know about the origin or the keys or whatnot? .. Yuyeon then explained the origin of both instruments and their differences and how to play both the instruments to him and Yiren , and Xion tried again to play the guzheng..

"Ding- Minor Instrument Mastery - Guzheng - Learned"

This time Xion is confused, because the title implied Minor mastery not basic.. he then asked the system about the differences and the system just displayed it.


Instrument Mastery Grade

Minor : can play for fun

Basic : can play better than average people

Major : can play to impress others

Advanced : can play to stir the atmosphere slightly

Profesional : Can influence people that hear it

Master : Can influence the atmosphere greatly

Grand Master : the world acknowledges


"So, basically i have to learn more instrument, just to gain more mastery in it."

The higher the mastery will bring better results and makes me easier to become an artist."

I can start to pave my way from early days to become an artist now... but i guess i should kept it hidden from now. I will talk about it with mom and granpa later... and the best part is this system can be upgraded. I am invincible!! Xion thinks haughtily...

Unknown to Xion, the system also smirked back at him.

the first Five chapter... i still can't believe myself doing this for real...

Aurakyria_K1creators' thoughts