
Journey Of A Star : Pandora's Story

Entered Xion, someone who chose to enjoy the process to became either a heroes or a villain in his life where he embarks on a new path as a star. Equipped with systems, he learns to transform his desired world as he became someone who walks with determination after being given a second chance to redeem his life. Hardship one by one comes to him and the people close to him. Will he be blinded by despair or walk strong with determination is unknown, but one thing for sure, he needs help... that's when a hand was reaching him..

Aurakyria_K1 · Fantasía
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102 Chs

Fxxk You

WARNING! THIS CHAPTER told about Rap* Scenes. Reader's Awareness Needed, Skip this if You are below 19+ Y.O. Warning!!!


Lee So Hee is a girl who graduated from Sokcho High School of Arts. In addition, her beauty is extraordinary, it is very difficult to describe it in words, but it can be explained simply. Her face is very beautiful and cute.

Her hair is long and slightly wavy but straight. Her body is so beautiful as if it had been created by God proportionally. Especially when she is now at her beginning of adulthood years at 20. While Xion is born at the Half-moon of the third month of Fall, year 3999, while Xion is at the Second Full moon of Spring year 4000, around 6 months different in general age nowadays.

Her plump breasts are offset by her curvaceous hips so that when viewed from behind her body is like a violin, which is very beautiful to look at, imagine some of her male suitors.

She likes wearing tight clothes and skinny jeans. Many of her male friends are eager to date her. One of them is Kang Ho.

He is a muscular young man who owns around 300 Cows and works on his family's cattle farm. His family is like the local tycoon. He has been dated some times but it was all friends with benefits...

Kang Ho already laid his eyes on Lee So-hee since their early days of school, but since Lee So-hee is a social butterfly.

It was very hard to have private time with her, and every day there was always a drama of confession for her and no one was accepted because of her entourage's power.

Kang Ho then settled himself as one of her entourage which made him spend many times with Lee So-hee on many occasions. Lee So-hee is indeed really sociable and a little flirtatious in her school years.

In the beginning, Lee So hee's father wanted to take her to the event but canceled it when he called her while she was still on the bus, telling her that her grandpa fell in the bathroom and broke his leg so his parents will go to the village to tend her grandpa.

That night Lee So-hee called and asked Kang Ho to take her to the reunion event. And Kang Ho knows this is his best chance.

He had prepared everything since he forwarded the message to her, including a very strong aphrodisiac.

So that night after coming home from the event at around 9 pm, Kang Ho deliberately took a detour through the quiet suburbs with the reason wanted to sightsee the night sky on the hill outside the city.

Lee So-hee was not surprised to feel something happening in her body since they had drank a lot that night. She felt very light-headed and started to be quiet along the road.

Lee So-hee didn't know Kang Ho had mixed his drink with a high dose of love potions. The man smiled seeing Lee So Hee nervous.

Kang Ho suddenly stopped his car on the side of a deserted road, got out, and sat on the downward hill facing the city.

This is his favorite place to empty his mind since no one will come here at night at all, he knows it.

Outside the city, on a hill 4 kilometers out of the main road, Lee So-hee started to sweat buckets in the night, while Kang Ho talked about the view of the city from the hill.

She can't focus on hearing what Kang Ho is talking about at all. After another 10 Minutes of enduring the crazily peaking intoxication, she got up shakily and was about to ask Kang Ho to take her back but Kang Ho cut her out first.

"Lee So-hee, do you want this?" Kang Ho suddenly lowered his zipper, took out his hardened and enlarged part from his boxer, apparently he also took the love potion too but in a smaller quantity just to know when it will react in the body.

Lee So Hee looked at him in shock, her body limping helplessly knowing what would come next. "N... Don't. Kang Ho. I..I.. have to go back."

Kang Ho pulled Lee So hee's hand forcefully hugged her body, and bowed the head of the girl, exposing her to his member.

Lee So Hee couldn't control herself, and immediately Kang Ho pushed his body part into Lee So Hee's, dipping and teasing his fantasies.

"Ahh .." Kang Ho groaned with pleasure. It feels good to be fuck by you…

Lee So Hee cried helplessly to hold back her intoxication. Kang Ho started to move Lee So Hee's head up and down. The sound of Lee So Hee's drool was heard clearly.

Kang Ho suddenly grabbed Lee So Hee's hair until Lee So Hee leaned back on the grass.

"Al....rea...dy..stop! Kang Ho!! Already..plea…ugh!" Lee So-hee burst into tears, gasping for air.

Her body went limp. Kang Ho quickly pulled Lee So Hee's tight T-shirt off. Lee So Hee's tight chest sticks out. and then he unzipped Lee So hee's jeans impatiently, slapping them off.

Lee So Hee's slim and plump body is now only wrapped in her black satin strapless top and black cotton panties. Makes Kang Ho more passionate.

"Oii Lee So hee, you are so sexy. I want to disrobe you .."

Kang Ho hugged Lee So Hee, lifted her, and laid her on the back seat of the ford ranger. Lee So Hee was only able to cry while panting when her body betrayed her mind and will.

Kang Ho pulled Lee So Hee's panties quickly, and then pulled her last linen off. Lee So-hee is completely bare.

As he looked at Lee So-hee, Kang Ho took his smartphone and took a few photos of Lee So-hee as she tried to cover her body in a fetal position. Kang Ho then undresses eagerly.

Lee So Hee kept crying helplessly seeing Kang Ho's stiff cock. Kang Ho started to straddle the girl's legs and then possessively press Lee So-hee passionately.

Lee So Hee could only cry helplessly, her body shook violently, the truck seemed to be creaking along with the movement of the two of them.

After some nightmarish time, Lee So Hee felt her whole body convulse in pulse waves. Lee So Hee mewled and rasped lowly trying not to enjoy the waves hitting the shores, as she went limp once again.

While Kang Ho doesn't care, he continues to ram Lee So Hee rhythmically. The shaft of his member was drenched by Lee So Hee's fluid which was flowing profusely.

Reflexively, Lee So Hee opened the car door and ran out, but the pain in her back made her stagger and fall on the grasses.

They are on the outskirts of Suwon, which is dark and full of thickets. Kang Ho immediately ambushed from behind, squeezing Lee So Hee's hands and then binding them. Continued by binding her feet later. Lee So-hee was laid face down helplessly, begged pleadingly,

"Enjoy this Lee So-hee... H!" Kang Ho suddenly pressed hard, making the brokeback mountain scenes to his wilding fantasies...

Lee So Hee's body convulsed in pain. Her eyes glazed over in agony and hatred.

Now, Kang Ho is starting to spin the gears, and every time he spins Lee So Hee's body twitches in misery.

Lee So Hee cried and muffled in pain, but it only made Kang Ho even more eager to violently brokeback her.

Finally, Lee So Hee limped and can only be surrendered in pain. Lee So-hee was pinned by the side of the hill, above the grasses.

Kang Ho without mercy choke-holding and covered her mouth with the palm of his big and strong hand.

At that time she was helpless she was so scared that she didn't even have the thought to scream and ask for help. But at that moment, even screaming was useless

All she felt at that time was fear accompanied by a fast heartbeat and cold sweat that ran down her body.

She could only cry, whimper, and be afraid in that helpless position. The tape that is used to strap Lee So-hee is already snapped unknowingly.. but she's already out of stamina

When the bright white moon peeked at her face from behind the clouds, Both of Kang Ho's eyes glared sharply at Lee So-hee's body. His mind traveled far once again…

Kang Ho is very satisfied because he has succeeded in carrying out his goal, namely enjoying the beautiful girl who has been adorning his eyes and teasing him for years.

Kang Ho with his ford ranger again took Lee So-hee, who was already in a weak condition, fully clothed back to his house.

Because she was still weak and due to pain in her lower part, Lee So-hee could no longer walk normally, so Kang Ho was forced to lead the girl into her house.

The atmosphere in the quiet home environment made Kang Ho freely guide Lee So-hee, the weak body to the terrace of the house and then sat her on the bench and patio chairs.

After whispering into Lee So-hee's ear that he promised to come back to enjoy her beautiful body, Kang Ho then left Lee So-hee and disappeared into the night, leaving Lee So-hee still sitting limply on the chair on the terrace of his house, sobbing silently.

Lee So-hee lost all sense of herself. She felt like a shell with nothing inside, like She would be sitting on the sofa with people around her talking and there was nothing left of her there, who she was didn't exist anymore.

The abuse was mainly verbal and psychological but there were peaks of physical and sexual violence that kept her in fear of Kang Ho all the time and She thought a few times that he was going to kill her.

Intense fear represents the first common effect of date rape. Victims of drug-assisted sexual assault also frequently feel shocked, confused, and shame once they realize what has happened. While it's normal to experience these emotions, victims bear no responsibility for what occurred, so shame is an unproductive emotional side-effect of this crime of power and control.

Lee So-hee's psychological coping mechanisms come into play almost immediately following the assault. She somehow knows she must remain in control of herself in the face of this incredibly stressful event.

If She had a few good days, she'd be waiting for it to change as she knew it wouldn't last. The constant fear made her anxious all the time, having panic attacks and crying at everything. Lee So-hee was too scared to tell anyone how bad it was so she just kept everything bottled up.

The next day, Lee So-hee was gone for good…..

~ Author Note:

The effect of date rape can be very traumatic. Date rape victims react differently after being sexually assaulted for several reasons: upbringing, personality, past sexual assaults, and reactions of others around them. Some women have an "expressed" way of showing their emotions, such as crying or weeping; whereas, others may have a more "controlled" manner of expression, appearing calm and subdued. Both styles of expression have a common thread: fear.

Intense fear represents the first common effect of date rape. Victims of drug-assisted sexual assault also frequently feel shocked, confused, and shame once they realize what has happened. While it's normal to experience these emotions, victims bear no responsibility for what occurred, so shame is an unproductive emotional side-effect of this crime of power and control.

Other date rape victims blame themselves for the sexual assault, saying that they should have known better or not drank so much alcohol. For some, the fear may intensify, causing the victim to shy away from making decisions for herself, or to stop socializing with friends and family.

Life is Fair, but people are not.. how can this happen to me...

This Chapter is Updated, Lucky for the previous readers...

Aurakyria_K1creators' thoughts