
Journey Of A Star : Pandora's Story

Entered Xion, someone who chose to enjoy the process to became either a heroes or a villain in his life where he embarks on a new path as a star. Equipped with systems, he learns to transform his desired world as he became someone who walks with determination after being given a second chance to redeem his life. Hardship one by one comes to him and the people close to him. Will he be blinded by despair or walk strong with determination is unknown, but one thing for sure, he needs help... that's when a hand was reaching him..

Aurakyria_K1 · Fantasía
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102 Chs

Entering School

Seonho then told them that He's an orphan and learned everything about life from a young age, when Xion told him that his late grandpa and grandma also an orphans and relied on each other since young till their death, makes Suzy and Seonho have some emotional attachment with the duo.

It was the first day of spring, when school starts. Yiren was wearing a face mask while entering the gate of SOPA, 5 Minutes before, Yuyeon already called her and talked a bit to her for encouragement.

She was nervous but excited for her first day in school. She then walks past the gate and straight to the Teachers room. She then finds her Homeroom teacher for the year and greets her politely. Hwang In Ah, her homeroom teacher was surprised when seeing her still using her face mask, she then took her to another corner and started to interrogate her, mistaking her for a bullying victim since it was a common occurrence in the school world.

"Yiren, tell me the truth, have you used to be bullied before in Hongkong? It's okay. You are safe here, you can count on me and trust me that I will help you as best as I can as long as you are in this school.." Yiren then replied "I was homeschooled since before Hwang-Seonsaengnim, it's just that.. let me show you.." Yiren replied while opening her face mask.. "Aiishii… Hwang In Ah raised her voice, attracting the attention of every teacher in the room.

Another teacher then said, Hwang-Ssaem, it's not good to swear in front of the student. Hwang In Ah feeling guilty then turned her back facing the other teacher and replied "it's not that i can help it, but look at these.." he then pulled Yiren towards the other teacher.. "mi-chin…" some teachers unconsciously swore and started to put their hand in their mouth.. seeing Yiren for the first time like that makes people's hearts beat crazily.

Yiren's whole body was radiating innocence, beauty, slight sexiness but full of naivety that made people want to protect her at all cost. It's not that there's no beautiful girls in SOPA, even Hwang In Ah herself is a goddess in many students' and teacher's hearts but Yiren just one up on her on many factors.

She then asked Yiren to wear her face mask again and she did, but the lingering effect still radiated out. the bell suddenly rang and the students started to sit in their seats. Hwang In Ah tells Yiren to wait after she does the absence check, then she brings Yiren to the class for an introduction.

Hwang In Ah stands in front of the class. " How are you all, this year you guys are lucky to still have me as your homeroom teacher, she joked. I hope this final year for you will be a good year. for this year, i will raise the standard a bit because i wanted you, you , you and you to fail a bit, she said as she pointed to the high ranking students that placed on top ranked in the class.

Everybody then replied to her with a loud laugh and banging the table making any sound just to hype up the atmosphere.. stop! don't make another ruckus, Hwang In Ah replied fast, " i don't want our first day we have to study in the field again like last year" everyone that's already get used to her antics just sit tightly while holding their laugh internally.

OK Be Quiet now. I'm serious. and all the students focused on her again. Yiren was amused by how her homeroom teacher handled the class; she kinda missed this situation. Now i am about to introduce a new transfer student for this class, She came from Hongkong, so bear with her if she can't speak korean as good as you all are, but i want you all to help her in her study or anything that she needs, as i always says there's strength in unity.

Now, please welcome, Miss Yiren. Hwang In Ah gestured for Yiren to come in, while bowing like presenting something to the audience. Yiren then comes in while still wearing her face mask. She stands in front of the class and greets everyone. Yiren then opened her face mask for her classmates. Another situation similar to what happened in the teacher's room instantly happened.. Another wave of swearing and curse words was being said unconsciously.

A girl just then grabbed her phone and walked towards Yiren and snapped a selfie of her and Yiren and then sent it to the school's intranet group with a capital tagline "SOPA Goddess of the Year" in it. Hwang In Ah just let it happen since she knows sooner or later the news is gonna spread. Yiren was standing confused and just smiled naturally when a girl took a selfie of herself and her in it. 1 Minutes later there were loud voices happening around the classes.

All the teacher knows what happened and just let it be since the first hour of the school is basically just a fun time. Yiren then takes one empty seat next to the window and the class then resumes.

The same thing also happened to Xion in Hanlim, which earned him a title in the system.


Acquired Titles : Hanlim Legendary Prince (D)

Fame Point + 500

Xion then secretly opens the interface and sees there's (D) in the title; he assumes that even the titles have their ranks also.

When the class is finished, Xion looks at the window and finds that many girls are waiting in the front yard on the gate area. "Now this is difficult, I never expected that the pills would bring me this group of admirers.." Xion then decided to find a backdoor, he spent 30 minutes looking for a way out and found that he couldn't jump the wall behind the car parking spot and sigh..

Xion then walked out of the front gate, and wore a black face mask and a hat. Later he found out that it was empty in the front gate. "I guess I'm just fooling myself thinking that I am that handsome.. no wonder it is empty."

Suddenly a car stopped and the front window was lowered. "come in now… I'll take you to your home" Seonho's voice was heard from inside the car" Xion bent his body and took a look into the car and found Seonho inside. he then entered the car and fastened his seatbelt.

What makes you get out of the gate so long? I've waited for around 30 minutes already Xion-ah? embarrassed, Xion then explained his reason which made Seonho laugh along the road to his boarding house..

"Xion-ah, it's true that you are handsome, but don't underestimate the power of Hanlim, there's plenty of Idols inside the school, and you aren't a trainee yet. Those idols are more handsome and famous before you. take this lesson as it is. without fame or exposure, being handsome is normal in Hanlim. But this is good for you, less exposure means you can be focused on what you want to achieve in school. Now, what do you want to eat?" told Seonho straight.

Can we eat some chicken and melon juice? i am craving for one.. and thanks for your reminder hyung.. replied Xion. Okay.. let's go… Seonho says in excitement.

After they have their lunch, Seonho dropped Xion in his boarding house. When Seonho turned from the corner of the street then he entered his room, on the stairs, he met a girl that just got out of her room on the third floor, which is above his room.

"Oh annyeonghaseyo, i'm the one that stays on the second floor.." greet Xion politely, My name is Xion, nice to meet you.."while bowing slightly since the girl seems to be of the same age.

The girl then replied, "annyeonghaseyo, i'm the third floor renter, my name is Lee So hee". the girl then smiled and put out her hand for a handshake with Xion.

Xion's heart skipped a beat seeing the smile.. he then shook her hand and blurted out "let's date, you and me.. i really like you, you are beautiful". Lee Sohee was caught off guard since she didn't expect something like that out of the blue..

Lee Sohee then laughed at Xion, "don't you think that is too hasty? I haven't known you for long, I don't know if you are a good man or a bad one too.. besides that, you are one year younger than me, judging from your Hanlim outfit."

While talking, Lee Sohee didn't take her hand from Xion, which makes the latter think that he has a chance, and sure he didn't waste his opportunity..

" I am a good man, I think.. I've taken care of my mother since dad passed away, and I have never seen her cry again since then. I believe i can do the same for you"

Lee Sohee's face turned a bit down upon hearing Xion's explanation but she hides it quickly, "I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself, how about we start from acquaintance first. If in 3 months you can't make me like you more, the deal's off."

Xion quickly replied, "Deal!! but you must promise me, No other man shall pursue you for 3 months, you just have to reject them straight, it's not fair if i get one sided on this deal.." Lee Sohee then replied, Okay.. try your best.. I am not that easily swayed… She then dismisses their handshake.

Maybe because they are young and adventurous, Lee So hee and Xion are easily connected.. both of them then started to chat about today's event and their activities..but somehow, both of them are reluctant to speak about their background.

You think he's overly handsome? Nope, He's just have so much competition too

Aurakyria_K1creators' thoughts