
Journey Into One Piece

A story of a One-Piece fan who is reincarnated to the One Piece world as a compensation for being ACCIDENTALLY KILLED by God...-_-!! Enjoy the story as he travels through the vast sea encountering various events, fighting pirates and navies, meeting beauties of the pirate world, finding ONE PIECE and many more.....

Devil_Riez · Cómic
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36 Chs


While sailing at the sea, Ian's group met an unexpected guest. It was a large ship whose main exterior and masks were dark red. Its mast design is a flamingo's neck and head, with the flamingo wearing Doflamingo's signature sunglasses. On each side of the ship are designs of flamingo wings. One the first mast beared the Donquixote pirates' Jolly Roger and the name 'Donquixote'.

"Hey.. I didn't expect to meet him here."

Law: "Its his ship.. I-its really his ship." Law started trembling with excitement. The moment he has been waiting for has finally arrived.

On the other side, a very tall man with light blond-hair, very muscular and lean man with tan skin. He dressed himself in flamboyant clothes with his light pink feather clothes. He also sported a pair of curved, thin white glasses with purple lens. He was the captain of the Donquixote Pirates, Donquixote Doflamingo, also a Shichibukai.

On his side were his elite officers: Trebol, Pica and Vergo. Also his other members: Buffalo, Gladius, Baby 5, Monet, Violet, Dellinger and Lao G.

"Chuckle.. Well well, Isn't this the infamous God Hunter Pirates?"

Doflamingo first started talking but he had a bitter smile on his face 'Damn how could I meet with this madman'. They were on the way to meet with the Beast Pirate and also to send Monet as a spy to Caesar Clown as help with his experiment in Punk Hazard. But now they met the God Hunter pirates.

Ian: "I also didn't expect to meet you so soon, and also sailing on your ship..its quite a rare sight."

Doflamingo: " So soon? Were you planning to meet me?"

"Hehe.. of course I wanted to see you so badly."


Ian: "You see, I have a liking to your kingdom.. So I decided to make it my base."

"what! Are you serious?"

Suddenly the atmosphere became dense, full of killing intents. The sea soon became chaotic.

Then Law suddenly came up and shouted, now he had completely lost his cool,

"You bastard! I'm going to kill you and avenge Corazon"

Trebol: "Beheheheh nehh..Law, you think you can do that..you can't..beheheh"

Baby 5: "Law, you come back.."

Law: "You shut up!" Law look fiercely at Baby 5 which made her scared and hid behind buffalo.

Doflamingo: "Oy.. Oy.. don't tell me you are not kidding.. this is not funny at all"

Ian: "Well you know I don't like joking around.. I go to the main point."

Pika: "Shut up! Don't get cocky just because you fought with Whitebeard. You think you can beat us? Pikkya-pikkya-pikkyarara"

"fffuahhahaha..his voice.. his voice, I can't take it.."

Hearing Pika's voice, Sabo and the others started laughing out loud. Even the angry Law couldn't bear the laughter of the others and suddenly smiled.

Pika: "You-you.. you guys! What are you laughing at!"

"Hahaha.. I'm dying.. m-my stomach hurts..haha"

Vergo: "You guys really have done it."

Both Doflamingo and Ian immediately jumped forward and their kicks 'armed with haki' collided with each other creating ripples in the sea.

'Freezing' 'Icy earth'

Koala immediately decreased the temperature and formed a huge round ice platform floating on the sea, even the Donquixote ship got stucked in the ice.

Both of them forced back and landed on the platform.

"Chuckle.. I have to say, you also have powerfull people in your ship."

"ROOM... Scramble"

Law used his ability to change his position with Ian instantly.

Law: "Captain.. let me deal with him, you can just sit back and watch."

"You sure? Its ok if you want."

Doflamingo: "Law.. long time no see..haha, whats with that eyes? You want to kill me?"

Law greeted his teeth and rushed forward and used his sword covered with haki to collide against Doflamingo's armed string blades.


The others have also started their own fights.

Sabo with Trebol and Dellinger; Albedo with Pika; Augur with Vergo; Laffitte with Lao G; Bepo with Gladius; Reiju and Robin with Buffalo and Violet; Koala with Monet...'Wait! isn't someone missing?'

When Ian was about to jump back to the ship, a cannonball shot towards him and bombarded.

Ian: "I don't understand why you attack me instead of others."

Baby 5: "Hmph.. I just want to kill you thats all.. die you bastard."

Ian: "Hey.. hey.. don't frown, your beautiful face doesn't suit it. Besides, I don't want to fight with you."

Baby 5: "Eh! W-what are y-you saying? M-my face is beautiful.. don't want to fight with me.. Ahh, is it that you l-like me? B-but we just met.."

Baby 5 heart started beating fast.. now her mind is in complete mess. Looking at the blushing Baby 5, Ian gave a sigh.. he knew that she has misunderstood his words. But how could Ian waste this chance, he was not a good man..

"Well I like you.. what? you don't like me?"

Baby 5: "N-no.. its not that I d-don't like you but w-we've just met and.. and.."

Ian: "Well I don't care about that. I have already fallen in love with you when I first saw you. I need you.."

Baby 5: "W-what! Love.. Y-you need me?"

Gladius: "Damn Baby 5, don't get fooled easily.. don't trust him"

Bepo: "Fuck you bastard, don't disturb others..wakaa 'boom'

" Damn you talking bear.. die"

"I'm sorry"

Baby 5: "You are n-not lying, are you?"

Ian: "What? sigh.. so you don't trust me. Its ok if you don't love me. Maybe I should keep my love for you deep inside my broke heart."

Watching Ian's oscar acting, Baby 5 was completely broken.. now she doesn't care about anything else except Ian's love.

"N-no don't I believe you. I-i love you too."

Baby 5 immediately rushed to Ian and held his arm tightly.

'Huh.. what a simple minded woman, seems like I need to change her later.' Thats what Ian thought in his heart, then he finally started the final attack..

Ian: "Well you don't have to pity me. I'm fine, besides we are enemies so your team may hate you."

Baby 5: "I-i don't care as long as we can be together and I really l-love you.."

"Really, Baby 5.."

Baby 5 nodded her head lightly and held Ian's arm tightly scared of leaving her.

Then, Ian slowly lifted her chin and lowered his head and kissed her.


Baby 5 left a light moan and soon melted with the kiss. A slight curve appeared on the corner of his mouth thinking about Doflamingo.

On the other side,

The Doflamingo family have already understood what Ian and Baby 5 were talking. They knew that Baby 5 was a very simple woman who would do anything if someone needed her. She even had an ugly fiance. They wanted to stop her from Ian but how could Ian's crew let them go to disturb their captain.

Doflamingo: "Damn that stupid woman. She has fallen again."

Law: "Heh.. it seems like Baby 5 will leave the family, Doflamingo.."

"Damn you kid.."

Doflamingo used 'String Claw' to attack Law but was easily cut as it was in the range of his ability.

Law used 'shave' to speed up his attacks and fought hardly with Doflamingo.

"Fuffuffuffu.. Law you have gotten quite stronger. But its still not enough."


Sabo has already entered the end of fight. Even though Trebol and Dellinger were strong, Ian's crew have already reached Yonko level strength. Now they can fight equally with a Yonko force. So, these small characters like the Doflamingo family who were defeated by Luffy's group in the series were nothing to Ian and the others.

Sabo instantly appeared behind Dellinger and punched him hard on his spine and distorted it which killed Dellinger.

"What! Dellinger..."

Sabo: "Chuckle.. don't worry, I will send you with him.. 'World Breaker'.."

"Ahhh.. it hurts.. it hurts.."

Similarly, Pika was easily bullied by Albedo. He was already at the disadvantage.. his ability was mainly based on rocks but now where could he find rocks in the vast sea. So he could only armed his whole body with haki and fight with Albedo.

"Pikkya! Ahh my hand.. my hand.."

Albedo: "Ara.. does it hurt that much? But I have only started your lesson. Next left leg.."



Vergo was also shot several times by Augur. Now, he was paralyzed and can't even move. Augur came forward and pressed his riffle on Vergo's head.

Augur: "What a pity human you are.. blame yourself for your weakness.. *bang*"

A red stick pierced through Lao G's heart from behind..

"What!cough.. cough.. When did you appear behind me? I didn't even sense it."

Laffitte: "Well its called Silent killing..huh,huh.."


"What! How can a pet be so strong! splurt.."

Bepo: "Hmph.. thats what you get for underestimating me.. idiot!"

Likewise, Reiju and Robin have also defeated their enemies and captured them.

Koala also easily defeated Monet as she was weak against high temperature.

Similarly, Ian also defeated Baby 5 completely.

After kissing for a while, their lips finally parted.

Baby 5 weakly fell on Ian's embrace.

"By the way you can call me Ian.."

"ungg.. call me Baby 5"

"Ok, Baby 5.. love you"

"love you too."

Now Baby 5 has become completely devoted to Ian. She would do anything that Ian tells. As for the Flamingo family, she felt little sad and nothing more.

But suddenly, the Donquixote ship exploded destroying the ice platform into pieces.

Albedo, Augur, Laffitte and Reiju escaped but the remaining were unprepared and fell to the sea.

Ian immediately Baby 5 up their ship and jumped down the sea.


Baby 5 was instantly crazy seeing Ian suddenly jumped into the sea. She knew that Ian was a capable person and falling to the sea means death. She wanted to jump down but was caught by Albedo.

"Relax.. he won't die that easily."

"B-but the curse.. can't swim.."

"Giggle.. don't worry, he is a special case and can swim in sea"

"Eh! So it was like that."

Soon after, Ian threw up Bepo, Koala and Law on the ship and again went in to look for Robin.

Ian saw Robin sinking slowly and immediately grabbed her and kissed her to give oxygen. But she didn't wake up so he hurriedly got out of the sea and jumped up the ship and landed on the deck holding Robin.

Then he performed artificial respiration and held her up and pushed her stomach. Some water came out by she was still unconscious. So he again performed artificial respiration but this time a soft slimy thing entered Ian's mouth.

'Eh! Is it a sea insect? How could it be in her mouth?' But Ian soon realised that it was not something but Robin's tongue. Robin's eye opened slowly at looked at Ian with red face. Ian wanted to continue but Albedo immediately broke the moment.

"Ara.. Robin-chan has become very smart in this kind of thing."

Infact Robin and Ian didn't take the last step till now as he wanted to give some time for Robin. He knew that Robin liked him but was still hesitating. Even though they kissed, he knew that she wasn't fully prepared to go further. So their relationship has been on hold until now.

Robin: "What neesan! Are you jealous?" Robin acted brave but her red face showed her flaws.

Ian: "Ahm.. ok², is everyone ok?"

Law: "Yes but sorry I let him escaped."

"Don't worry.. let him enjoy his remaining time. But I didn't expect he would sacrifice his family."

Law: "Hmph.. what family, he was just using them for his benefits."

"Ok.. little pearl, speed up the ship and immediately go towards Dressrosa, our future base.."

"Understood master"

The black pearl soon started sailing towards their destination, Dressrosa.

"What! You want to make our kingdom your base?"

A female voice sounded on the ship. Ian then looked back and saw two girls tied in sea stones chain that they took from the marine ships.

Baby 5: "So Viola and Monet, you two survived.. sigh.. thats good"

Albedo: "Well, we saved them as we may need them in the future."

Viola: "Didn't you hear what I said? Ian the devil.."

Ian: "Of course, you heard it right.. I will make Dressrosa my base."

Viola: "I won't let you.. the peoples have suffered enough, I won't let them suffer anymore."

"Chuckle.. I don't know what you think about me but you don't have to worry cause you can't stop me from getting what I want."

"Y-you.. I hate pirates like you.."

Baby 5: "Shut up! You can't bad mouth him, understand! "

Monet: "I don't care what you do but please don't hurt my sister. If you fulfill my request, I will forever dedicate my life to you."

She was completely loyal to Doflamingo but in the current situation, she realised that if she didn't changed her mind.. She and her sister will surely die in the hand of Ian. Her loyalty to Doflamingo has also reduced when he left them to die in the explosion. Now only she can put her hopes on Ian's decision.

Ian: "Haha.. a smart girl indeed. Well we will see when we reach there. Until then the girls of our crew will watch you."

"I understand.."

Albedo: "Ufufu.. Robin-chan, why don't we have some fun with this two?"

Robin: "That is a good idea, neesan.."

Baby 5: "Can I watch too.. n-neesan."

"Ara.. already calling neesan. Giggle.. a cute one.

Ok, why only watch? Baby 5.. you should join us too."

Viola: "W-what are you guys talking about? What do you want to do? Stop.."

The trio girls took the two hostages inside the ship .

Sabo: "Hum.. I have been wondering what this 'fun thing' neesan have been talking about? Is it that fun?"

Bepo: "Yes, I am also very curious.."

Law: "Me too."

Reiju: "You guys! Don't think about it! Its not fun at all.. I-its like, it was like hell. Also, our neesan is very scary at that time."

Hearing Reiju's words, three of them even Reiju all felt chills on their spine. They could bear several injuries but never wanted to experience Albedo's horror.

Thus, the busy black pearl sailed towards Dressrosa..


End of chapter... hope you guys like it.

Remind me if there is mistake.....:)))))