
Journey across the Multiverse [LitRpg]

Hamza's life unexpectedly turns when he receives a mysterious message on his phone while trying to sleep but can't. inviting him on a journey across infinite realms. Initially thinking it was a joke, Hamza responded with a chuckle and a sarcastic, "Sure." He soon finds himself jumping between verses like Naruto samurai jack etc., accompanied by Yandere elderlich God who is obsessed with him for some reason. With a goal to stop something that is hell-bent on devouring everything in existence. Can they stop a looming threat? Join Hamza as he ventures to five universes all having issues with things that shouldn't exist. These include Samurai Jack, Demon Slayer, DC, Naruto, and Full Metal Alchemist. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Grimdark/comedic undertones.--- yep it gets dark. characters and named characters like Naruto, ainz , and Samurai Jack will have serious challenges. Even the MC itself is in for a ride... Also funny at times... harem-- Won't be an obnoxious bunch. just a 2 girls or 3 maybe. 3 is a hard stretch.. maybe i can even call this a harem lol So this is a fanfic that will explore every single mentioned verse. first is samurai jack... This is a progressive fantasy .. you will see the MC grow and become stronger physically and mentally. Every verse will be an alternative timeline, some events are completely different and some completely original while following the original timeline somewhat.. Check it out if you are interested. It has a funny litrpg mechanic forcing the MC to be highly selfish later on. so hop on at least give it till chapters 4-5 so you can experience what's in store.

ManwX · Cómic
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19 Chs

Chapter 14: The Incoming Siege

In the mining operation, close to the central building, a swirling vortex of energy formed, giving birth to a portal. From this portal emerged Hamza, Jack, and the Observer. The moonlight of the night was at its peak, casting a gentle glow on the surroundings. As Hamza and Jack approached the building, they were beckoned from behind by the dogs that had finally tracked them down. The dog with a monocle, expressed his delight as he met Jack and Hamza, who had been absent for an hour without notice.


"I'm delighted to have finally found you lads. The preparations are complete. All the traps are set, and now we need to ready you for the imminent threat," informed the monocle-clad dog. Hamza, anxious to address the Aku informant before anything else, spoke up before the conversation could proceed to its conclusion, not wanting any further delay.


"Where is the red dog, Richard? We need to have a conversation with him before anything else." Hamza's eyes and face grew stern, eager to confront this disruption. Time was of the essence as an army was on the brink of invading the mining operation.


"Oh, Richard. He is by the trenches. I can guide the way." Hamza subtly nodded to Jack, who reciprocated the gesture. Observer trailed behind them, strolling and taking in the surroundings. The entire mining operation had transformed drastically. Many machines had been repurposed as traps and tools for guerrilla warfare. Strategies involving oil barrels strategically positioned near entry points were in place. Hamza surveyed his surroundings meticulously, finding them as expected. However, one thing troubled him the most


Hamza felt a growing sense of urgency, realizing he might have already wasted too much time. Should he have eliminated the red dog earlier? Hamza looked lost in his thoughts as he walked along the others with his pace slowing down and trailing behind the group.


I don't know if he leaked the plans of the defensive traps? But I didn't have the opportunity also I needed to have a good relationship to manipulate every character. They are my lifeline so I can't risk it too much.


Feeling the weight of worry pressing upon him, Hamza hurried, the concern gnawing at his comfort. His face suddenly was faster than the group. Jack trailed behind at a slower pace, sensing from Hamza's demeanor that something was amiss. After a few minutes of walking alongside the monocle-wearing dog, the group arrived at the dug trenches. As they neared, an alarming sight came into view.


"Is that the excavator we use for digging rocky terrain? Oh my! There shouldn't be anyone here," the monocle dog exclaimed, worry etched on his face. Everyone was instructed to wait in the central building; no one should have been wandering around the mining operation city area.


Inexplicably, a massive machine designed for excavating rocky terrain and mines was actively at work, digging into the trenches filled with massive sharp rubies. The hum of the machine resonated as they approached, nearly obliterating the defense fortification that had been painstakingly built, dislodging the red ruby intrusions cleverly placed in the ground as spiked trench traps, just hours ago.


Hamza sensed something was profoundly wrong and sprinted toward the excavator-like machine, propelled by a surge of adrenaline. He made a high leap from the top, hurtling towards the machine below, and skillfully landed on its windshields



Hamza swiftly positioned himself to peer into the compartment, and not to his astonishment, he discovered that it was Richard at the controls of the machine.


I knew it


The machinery came to an abrupt halt as Richard, the dog, froze in his place. An intruder had landed on the windshield, shattering it. The moonlight revealed the intruder's blue sapphire eyes, sending shivers down Richard's spine. Hamza, too, recognized him now as undoubtedly an Aku minion.


That's it. No room for mercy or remorse. Be useful as GP points


Hamza swiftly unsheathed his crimson ruby sword, prepared to strike. Before he could swing, Jack restrained his hand, a firm grip halting the lethal motion. Hamza looked at Jack, puzzled and annoyed.


"Why do you stop me, Jack? He's undoubtedly working with Aku as an informant," Hamza asked, attempting to remain composed. He wanted to test what would transpire if he acted impulsively. Would Jack resent him for it? Hamza had heard Jack land on his feet just moments before he was about to attack.


"Let him have the chance to voice his opinion," Jack urged, his eyes reflecting concern as he released Hamza's hand. Hamza pondered for a moment, a subtle smile forming on his face.


At least he trusts me enough to handle this issue calmly. That's a promising sign. Now, how should I deal with this?


Securing the ruby sword in a makeshift sheath strapped to his back, Hamza seized Richard the dog with his right hand and hurled him above the trench like an athlete in a hammer-throw competition.


"Jack, I am not inclined to show mercy to a traitor," Hamza declared, fixing his gaze on Jack. Jack nodded, his expression solemn.

I need to make Jack a lot more heavy-hearted. Otherwise, we will die in any uncertain situation


Hamza knew he needed to burden Jack's heart more. In their current situation, any hint of uncertainty could be fatal.


With this version of Aku seeking blood, Hamza realized he had to gradually change Jack's attitude. Clearing his mind, he leaped out of the massive trench, with Jack swiftly following suit. Richard, thrown into the rocky terrain, slid for a moment before regaining balance and standing up.


The entire group approached Richard, their tension palpable. Jack was the first to voice the burning question, "Why did you do this? The trenches were established for a reason. Why disrupt the line of control here?"


Surveying the group, Hamza noticed everyone was tense, except Observer, who observed the scene as if it were a zoo. Both Jack and the monocle-wearing dog wore expressions of concern and uncertainty.


The sting of betrayal often comes from those within our closest circles, Hamza reflected, his gaze shifting to Observer. She winked at him, blowing a kiss, which was met with a cold, hard stare.


Time will reveal what she is truly up to.


Finally, Richard, the red dog, found the courage to speak after being questioned. His body trembled, revealing his fear, but he managed to calm himself and began to explain, "Why, you ask? Because Aku will destroy us all. I had no choice. We cannot defy Aku," he said, his eyes locked with the monocle dogs. Hamza, Observer, and Jack watched in silence.


"Why did you do it? Why did you recruit these warriors? They are going to betray us! What good is freedom if there is no one left to experience it?" the red dog asked.


"What are you saying? What future will we have working to death in these mines?" the monocle dog was pleased with the mummer the voice from his mouth shuttering as if he felt betrayed.


"We still have time! Kill me if you want, but I'll serve Aku. Join me. We can beg and grovel at great Aku's feet for mercy. We were never meant to be free!" The red dog's voice rose, laced with rage and pain, the words tearing at his soul. He had made his choice, and now he had no other way to look.


"I've heard enough. You leaked all the plans, didn't you?" Hamza asked, annoyance evident in his voice, his ruby sword sheathed.


With a sly smile, the red dog locked eyes with Hamza. "Smart one, eh! You won't survive this sei-"

Ching — slurp.

The red dog's head went flying from his body, fully decapitated by Hamza's swift swing. He didn't wait for the smug remark to conclude. Time was scarce, and the impending army siege was imminent, with forces closing in and dawn approaching.


Everyone stood shocked by Hamza's actions. Jack was furious, his hands gripping Hamza's shoulders.


"What have you done? We could have imprisoned him. Why did you have to kill him? He was defenseless."


Hamza shrugged off Jack's grip, flinging the blood off his ruby sword onto the ground.


"He was a lost cause. He'd already made his choice. Didn't you see? He would have done anything behind our backs to sow further chaos during the siege! Everyone makes a choice, Jack. He chose Aku."


"Hamza spoke aloud. He understood that Jack didn't have it in him to harm defenseless individuals; it was against his very nature. However, Hamza was a different story altogether. To him, they were nothing more than fictional characters - neither good nor bad. This was an opportunity to impart a hard lesson to Jack, a lesson he would learn in his journey, perhaps 50 years from now.


"There will be more individuals making these same choices. Will you spare your enemy then, even if they aid Aku? Forget this and let's hurry; the army of beetle droids is closing in. Let's go," Hamza stated, turning his back and sheathing his sword. The monocle dog fell to his knees beside the fallen body, mourning the loss of the red dog. Jack didn't dare to comfort him; instead, he started digging a grave.


"I'm sorry. We can bury him. It's the least we can do," Jack offered, beginning to dig a grave with a shovel he found nearby.


Hamza glanced at what was happening and deliberately slowed his pace. Observer quickly caught up to him, walking side by side.


"Are you certain this was the right thing to do? Weren't you supposed to be Jack's support?"


"Jack is too soft right now. I'm not even sure if we'll survive here. He needs to understand that sometimes you can't save others, or there's no chance of redemption. You have to live with the consequences."


As Hamza walked, a notification appeared:


[You have eliminated an indirect innocent informant of Aku's minion. 100 GP points]




Hamza stared at the screen, a sense of shock and disbelief washing over him. He had never imagined that Richard, the red dog, was innocent.


Why didn't he tell us? I thought he might have been manipulated, but he was innocent?


He halted for a moment, trying to absorb the weight of what he had just read. His hand trembled slightly. He had taken a life, not of a monster, but of an innocent being. He clenched his hand into a fist, stopping the tremors with a stern expression. Observer noticed this and spoke in a mildly amused yet provocative manner.


"What? Now you feel guilty? You didn't think twice before striking him down, huh?"


"I made my choice. Whether it was wrong or right. In the end, they are just fictional characters from someone's imagination. There is no right and wrong in this scenario," Hamza said, attempting to maintain composure. His legs shook, his steps uneven, betraying the facade of calmness. His racing heart only amplified the inner turmoil. He walked on in silence.


"Keep telling yourself that if you feel like it helps," Observer remarked, fully aware that Hamza was grappling with guilt. It was both amusing and frustrating to see him evade the truth. There would come a point where he had to accept the shift in his reality.


As everyone made their way to the central building in the mining operation area, Jack approached Hamza, who was now sitting on the ground. The monocle-wearing dog looked desolate, his eyes swollen from grief. Yet, despite his sorrow, he bowed slightly. Samurai Jack, embodying grace and respect, inclined his head, hands pressed together in a gesture of deep humility and reverence.


As you said, we all have made our own choices," the monocle dog said


Jack added with a plea, "Please help us!"


Hamza stood up from the ground, dusting off his clothes.


"That was the plan. Let's gear up," Hamza said, a hint of tremor in his voice.


We all have made our choices, huh he thought, his heart heavy with the weight of their decisions.


Everyone emerged from the central building to tackle one last task. The dogs, loyal companions, assisted Jack, Hamza, and Observer in preparing for the impending siege. The metal plates scattered around were stripped and welded into makeshift armor by the skillful paws of the dogs. In the silent night, the air filled with the symphony of welding and the echoing clang of metal. Both Hamza and Jack were soon strapped in makeshift armor using chords from machines and ropes.


"I'll be the marksman and watch your back," Hamza suggested as he fixed a machine string and tested the bow. Jack, nodding and smiling, continued crafting arrows from the crimson ruby, each one sharp and deadly as he tested it with his fingertips. It was sharp enough to cut even with a light touch.. He also fashioned spears, using the crimson ruby as the spearhead.


Observer was busy testing her power of telekinesis, shaping a suit of armor from the pile of rubies in a nearby mine cart. As dawn approached, they were almost ready. Jack acquired a steed from the dogs, armored and ready. He fashioned a flag for the resistance and mounted the steed, a massive six-legged creature with white skin. Jack rode this horse-like steed, fully prepared for battle. Each of them was armed with multiple spears and bows.


With a bow in hand, ready for battle, Hamza took a high position on one of the pillars in the mining field. Observer positioned herself near the trenches, her concentration palpable. Jack stood near the traps, ready to trigger them. They awaited the imminent dawn, the anticipation heavy in the air. The sounds of metal reverberated as Hamza observed the vast hills in the distance. The entire terrain seemed to darken as the beetle droid armada approached, the battle now truly beginning.


Perched upon a cliff higher than any within the desolate desert plains, a sinister figure reveled in sadistic delight, a burst of chilling laughter echoing through the shadows and the howling wind.




"Such amusement derived from toying with their emotions. I crave more."


The figure leaped from the cliff, descending swiftly and darting from one precipice to another, rapidly approaching the mining operation area. A palpable threat loomed in the air as this malevolent force made its way toward the impending clash, driven by a dark hunger for chaos and torment.