
Journey Across The Firmament

When the world is created, there is two things Yin and Yang. It's up to you (the reader) to design which is who.

DaoistLongriver · Historia
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2 Chs

CHAPTER I: Creation

In the beginning, He created the universe, the earth was formless and was still a gaseous chaos. The cosmic ocean is surging, covering 2/3 of the time covered by pitch darkness. However, His power moved over the Ocean. He said, "Light is the Dark One." A light appeared over the ocean in the form of a gas giant. He is satisfied with His work and separated the light from the darkness by a name, the light is "Day" and the darkness is "Night". Night turns to morning. Such was the first time.

Then He said, "Separate these two Oceans in two, above and below." Then it happened. Thus He separated those that were below from those that were above. That which is above it He called "Sky". Night turns to morning. Thus the second period.

Then He said, "Let what is under the heavens flow away from the places of blessing so that the land will be seen." Then it happened. The land was named "Land", and the collection of air which is now named "Sea". He said again, "Let the soil give birth to various kinds of creatures that are environmentally friendly and have trunks, namely the kinds that produce seeds and the kinds that produce fruits." Then it happened. Thus the earth gives rise to all kinds of green creatures which are called plants. And he was happy to see it. Night turns to morning. Thus the third period.

Then He said, "Let there be a light in the sky to explore this ocean, to trade the day from the night, and to indicate the time of the beginning of the day, year, and mysticism day." Thus He made the two great luminous bodies, the gas giant above the ocean from the sun to conceive of day, and the rest of the gas from the moon to perceive night; besides that, He also made stars from other gas fragments. He placed these bright bodies in the sky to enlarge the earth, to rule over the day and night, and to distinguish light from darkness. Night turns to morning. Thus the fourth period.

Then He said, "Let there be many kinds of living creatures in the air and in the air fly many that shoot." So He created the giant beasts of the sea and every kind of creature that lives in the air, and every kind that is seen. He forced all of this by giving orders to the creatures that live in the water to multiply and fill the sea, and to those who calm them to multiply. The night turns to morning, thus the fifth period

Then He said, "Let the earth bring out all kinds of land animals, tame and lying, great and small." Then He said, "Now We are going to make humans who will be like Us and like Us. They will take care of fish, birds - and all other animals, both tame and liar, both big and small." Thus He created man and made them like Himself. He created them male and female. Then He blessed them with the words "Be many and fruitful, so that your descendants may inhabit the whole earth and rule over it. I have assigned you to take care of the fish, birds and all other lying animals. For your food, I have given you all kinds of plants that produce seeds. grain and fruit. But as for all the lying birds and beasts, I give grass and leafy plants for food." So it happened, He saw all that He had made, and He was very pleased. Night turns to morning. That's the sixth season. Thus was completed the creation of the entire universe.

He spoke to all corners of this vast universe, "We are LEGION because we are many. We declare this universe as an offering to the highest above all emperors, His Majesty The Forgiver Liuzar Kreldan. May this creation be accepted by Him and blessed be accepted by him." And so it happened in the seventh age, the period of stillness and growth.