
Journey across space-time

this is mainly an SI Power fantasy no harem that shi makes every story a tiny bit worse anyway you know the drill by now boring guy gets wishes through a survey and gets brought to another world blah blah blah...yeah so if you still want to read this then enjoy and please give me your ideas this is mainly a freeflow type of story to improve my writing skills

DaoistcngN1G · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
5 Chs

ch 3

Charlie's POV

The morning sun bathed the forest in a golden glow as I roused from my slumber. "uwhaa" stretched my arms and legs, savoring the sensation of being fully rested and ready for the day's challenges. Today, my goal was clear—I would train and test the limits of my burgeoning abilities.

With a sense of purpose, I settled into a meditative posture, closing my eyes and allowing the sounds of nature to wash over me. My thoughts turned to chakra manipulation, a skill I had been eager to master. I focused on the concept of channeling my inner energy, visualizing it as a force I could shape and command.

As moments turned into minutes turned into hours, my patience began to wear thin. Frustration simmered beneath the surface as I struggled to sense any progress. My inner voice grew impatient, and I couldn't help but mutter my annoyance aloud. "Why is this so difficult?" I questioned, the frustration evident in my voice.

Determined not to give up, I returned to my meditative state, delving deeper into my own consciousness. Time seemed to stretch on, and I lost track of the world around me. Then, like a flicker of a distant flame, I sensed a subtle shift in my energy.

My heart quickened with anticipation as I reached out to grasp this newfound power within me. It was a delicate process, each attempt accompanied by a surge of excitement and uncertainty. But finally, I felt a connection—a thread of energy that I could pull on.

As I tugged at the thread of power, a surge of energy erupted from within me, enveloping me in a radiant aura. The sensation was overwhelming, and I couldn't help but voice my surprise. "Whoa! What's happening?!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with wonder and awe.

The energy pulsed around me, a tangible manifestation of my inner strength, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. With newfound control, I willed the energy to wrap around my body, reinforcing my muscles and strengthening my bones. It was a sensation like no other, the power coursing through me, making me feel invincible.

Brimming with confidence, I approached a nearby tree and decided to test my newfound abilities. With a mighty punch, my fist effortlessly tore through the solid trunk, and I couldn't contain my elation. "Yes!" I exclaimed, my voice echoing through the forest. However, in my excitement, I nearly lost control of the energy, a stark reminder of the fine line between mastery and chaos.

Quickly regaining my focus, I withdrew my fist from the tree, which took a few attempts and left me feeling slightly embarrassed. Thankfully, no one was around to witness my momentary lapse.

Returning to my makeshift hut, I picked up my trusty new sword, my determination unwavering. This time, I attempted to infuse the energy not only around my body but also around the blade. It was a challenging endeavor, and I could feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead as I concentrated.

With immense effort, I succeeded in enveloping the sword in the same radiant energy that surrounded me. However, maintaining control over both myself and the weapon proved to be more challenging than I had anticipated.

I began to swing the sword, my instincts guiding me, while simultaneously trying to manage the energy that emanated from my body. It was a strenuous exercise, pushing me to my limits. Time seemed to blur as I continued, my movements growing slower and more deliberate.

Eventually, exhaustion overcame me, and I collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily. I had pushed myself to the brink, but I knew that this was just the beginning of my journey. With a sense of accomplishment and the taste of my own limitations, I vowed to continue honing my newfound powers and becoming a true force to be reckoned with in this mysterious world.

*chakra manipulation lvl 1->2* *Swordsmanship Mastery lvl 2->5*

*Mana Burst (Light) lvl 1->2* *Tactical Genius lvl 1->2*(from the last chapter)

A FEW days later 

The days had passed in a blur of dedicated training and unwavering determination. For almost a week, I had tirelessly worked on refining my chakra manipulation skills. One particular method had become my constant companion—a technique I remembered from the original Naruto series. I stuck a leaf onto my forehead and used chakra to keep it securely in place. It was a simple yet effective exercise that had now become my daily routine.

Each day, I could feel my control over my chakra/mana improving, growing more precise and refined. I had been relentless in my pursuit of mastery, and finally, after days of unwavering effort, I achieved a breakthrough. My chakra manipulation had reached level 5, a milestone that meant I had unlocked the tree-walking skill.

*Tree Walking lvl 1/10 exp (0/10): involves focusing a fixed amount of chakra to the bottom of one's feet, and using that to climb a tree without using one's hands. If the stream of chakra is too weak, the user will lose their footing on the tree and fall off. If it is too strong, the user will be pushed away from the tree, causing the tree to fracture around the point of contact and the user will fall. 5mp/s*

With the Tree Walking skill unlocked, I was eager to put my newfound ability to the test. It was a fundamental technique in Naruto that required precise control over my chakra/mana, and I was determined to master it. I approached a nearby tree, its rough bark and sturdy branches offering a perfect training ground. Focusing my concentration, I channeled a fixed amount of chakra to the soles of my feet, just as I had learned from my training with the leaf.

I took a deep breath and cautiously lifted one foot, placing it against the tree's trunk. The key was to maintain a delicate balance, ensuring that the chakra/mana stream was neither too weak nor too strong. It was a fine line I needed to walk—literally.

The process of Tree Walking was both exhilarating and frustrating. While the concept seemed straightforward, the execution proved to be more challenging than I had anticipated. My massive mana and chakra reserves, while a boon in many aspects, posed a unique challenge—it was a double-edged sword.

As I attempted to channel the required amount of chakra/mana to my feet, I found that my reserves often exceeded the delicate balance required for Tree Walking. With too much energy surging through me, I would lose control and be pushed away from the tree, causing it to fracture around the point of contact. I'd then tumble to the ground in a less-than-graceful manner. "Ow!" I shouted as I fell. Each failure only fueled my determination to master this technique. I was not one to back down from a challenge, and I knew that I could overcome this hurdle with practice and patience. So, time and time again, I attempted to find that sweet spot—the perfect amount of chakra/mana that would allow me to ascend the tree without incident.

Frustration welled up within me as I stumbled and fell repeatedly. But I refused to give up. I knew that these failures were an essential part of the growth process, and I was determined to persevere. With each fall, I learned something new about control and balance. I adjusted the flow of chakra, honed my focus, and slowly but surely, I began to make progress. It was a humbling experience. 'thankfully there is nobody to witness my lame attempts' I thought to myself as I got up again. I knew there were no shortcuts to mastery.

Finally, after numerous attempts and countless failures, I managed to achieve a small victory. I ascended a few meters up the tree, maintaining my balance and control over my chakra. It was a modest achievement, but I couldn't help but smile in triumph. 

My moment of triumph was short-lived. As I lifted my hands in the air and let out a victorious scream,  a surge of excitement coursing through me, I lost my concentration. In my exuberance, I forgot to maintain the delicate balance of chakra, and the result was instantaneous.

"Gah! SHIT!" With an undignified yelp, I tumbled from the tree once more. My hands flailed in the air, desperately grasping for a branch that was already out of reach. and I braced for another less-than-graceful landing.

I hit the ground with a thud, the impact jarring my butt and leaving me momentarily breathless. The once-vibrant sense of victory had given way to a bruised ego and a few aches and pains. "Ow... man that was totally lame!" I voiced out my embarrassment "Well nothing I can do except try aga-" but suddenly My training had been abruptly interrupted by a girlish scream that echoed through the forest. Without a second thought, I wrapped my chakra/mana around my body, preparing to take action. Whatever was happening, I couldn't stand idly by.

With newfound agility and speed, I darted through the forest like a bolt of lightning. The source of the scream drew nearer, and as I approached, the scene came into view.

There, in the midst of a clearing in the forest next to a couple of mountains, I saw a young white-haired girl, her arms extended as if she were desperately trying to shield someone behind her. In front of her, a colossal, monstrous beast—ten times the size of the creatures I had faced the previous night—loomed threateningly. Its massive hand was hurtling toward her at alarming speed.

Behind the white-haired girl, I noticed another older, injured white-haired girl, and it struck me that they were likely sisters. Time seemed to slow as I processed the dire situation.

Realization washed over me. I wouldn't be able to reach the young girl in time to prevent the monster's attack. But I couldn't stand by and watch harm befall her.

In an instant, I activated my mana burst skill, a surge of energy propelling me at almost instantaneous speed. I reached the young girl just as the monstrous hand descended, and without hesitation, I scooped her up in a bridal carry.

With her safe in my arms, I moved her swiftly out of harm's way, our surroundings becoming a blur as we sped away from the imminent danger. I came to a halt a few feet away from the impending impact of the monstrous creature, the girl held securely in my arms. As we paused in the relative safety of our new location, I turned my attention to her. 

"Hey, are you doing alright?" I asked, My voice carried a note of confidence as I spoke, and a reassuring smile graced my lips. I wanted to convey a sense of safety and assurance to the girl, despite the chaos that had just unfolded around us.

"I... I think so," the young girl replied with a shaky voice, her eyes wide with fear.

I gently set her down, ensuring she was on stable ground before turning to face the monstrous creature that had pursued us. With unwavering confidence, I unsheathed my sword, fully intent on confronting the looming threat.

"Hey, pick up the girl behind you and get her out of here," I directed my words toward the younger girl, my voice firm and commanding. I believed that I could handle the menacing creature that now stood before us.

But to my surprise, the older girl hesitated, her gaze locked on the looming monster. "Wait! You can't do that! That's our brother over there!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with anguish and desperation.

"Brother?" I echoed in confusion, my brow furrowing. Before I could inquire further, the monstrous creature let out a deafening roar and curled its massive hand into a fist, preparing to strike us. Instinctively, I acted swiftly, moving both girls out of harm's way just in the nick of time.

Once we were safely away from the immediate danger, I turned my attention to the sisters, concern etched on my face. "Hey, can your brother snap out of it?" I asked, my voice tinged with urgency. 

The younger girl spoke up first, her voice tremulous as she explained, "My sister tried to make him snap out of it, but his full body takeover was too strong."

I furrowed my brow, puzzled by what she meant by  "Full body takeover? where did I hear that before?" I muttered. However, I quickly decided that the specifics could wait for later. I have to deal with this situation first.

"Is there any way to make him normal again?" I asked a sense of determination in my voice. I needed to understand the situation and find a solution as quickly as possible.

The older girl replied with conviction, "We need to force him out of it with a strong enough attack."

I took a moment to assess my own abilities, unsure if I possessed an attack powerful enough for such a task. Nevertheless, I couldn't allow doubt to cloud my resolve.

"All right," I said with full confidence, determination burning in my eyes. "Let me deal with him."

With my sword in hand and determination in my heart, I was ready to confront the monster and do whatever it took to free their brother from the control of this 'full body takeover'.

"Hey! You overgrown Yeti come at me!" With a fierce battle cry, I called out to the monstrous creature, taunting it to come at me. Without hesitation, I dashed toward the colossal beast, ready to confront it head-on. However, the creature proved to be surprisingly agile for its size, narrowly avoiding my initial attack.

Quickly recovering, I executed a mana burst, propelling myself out of harm's way just as the monster's strike created a massive crater in the ground where I had stood moments before. I marveled at the creature's speed but remained undeterred.

Gathering my resolve, I readied another burst of mana and launched an attack at the monster's forearm, managing to leave a small scratch on its massive limb. But the monster's size was far too big for my strike to inflict significant damage.

The creature retaliated with a thunderous punch, and I desperately blocked the blow with my sword, but it still sent me flying through the air. I twisted my body to minimize the impact, tumbling across the ground as pain coursed through me. My thoughts raced as I realized the severity of the situation, and I couldn't help but think, "Damn, that hurt."

However, my momentary vulnerability was met with a warning from the girls, "Watch out!" their voices filled with urgency. But it was too late. Another devastating blow struck me, sending me hurtling through the dense forest, crashing through multiple trees with bone-jarring force. 

As I lay on the ground, dazed and battered, my frustration and disappointment welled up within me. Despite acquiring the powers of some of the strongest characters from different worlds, I had been unable to defeat this monstrous creature or protect the two helpless girls. It was a bitter realization that gnawed at my core.

"Damn it!" I shouted, my voice filled with self-criticism.

My attention snapped back to the unfolding danger as I realized the monster had shifted its focus toward the vulnerable girls. Panic surged through me, knowing I couldn't reach them in time to prevent the impending disaster. The weight of my perceived failure pressed down on me, and I couldn't bear the thought of not being able to save them.

"No! I won't let you touch them!" I shouted in defiance, the words filled with determination and desperation. 

*Over the Royal Road lvl 1->3* *Over the Royal Road skill activated* (btw this isn't a vocal system notification it's just for the reader to know for more context aka Charlie can't hear this or read it until he opens his status window)

But in that desperate moment, something incredible happened. My body was enveloped by a colossal amount of mana, and I felt a tremendous burst of power coursing through my veins. Without hesitation, I activated a mana burst so powerful that it blurred my entire vision.

In an instant, I found myself crossing the distance between us and executing a lightning-fast jump, tackling the colossal monster to the ground just moments before its devastating punch could strike the two defenseless girls. 

"Thankfully I made it right in time!" I shout out loud and look at the girls with a massive smile

With relief flooding through me, I couldn't help but let out a triumphant shout. I had reached the monstrous creature just in the nick of time, preventing it from harming the two defenseless girls.

However, even amid my success, a nagging realization continued to gnaw at me. I lacked the means to deliver a powerful enough attack to force the creature out of its transformation. Doubt crept into my mind as I grappled with the limitations of my abilities.

*Over the Royal Road is activating Holy Knight Emperor skill forcefully*

Suddenly, a mysterious melody began emanating from Charlemagne's sword, which had been radiating with a brilliant white glow. My attention shifted from the sword to the approaching danger, and I had to swiftly evade the monster's reaching hands, repositioning myself a bit farther away from the girls.

Yet, as I stood there, enveloped in the inexplicable white aura, a sense of determination overcame me. I couldn't let doubt hold me back any longer. With unwavering confidence, I turned to the girls and spoke boldly, "You mentioned I need a strong attack, right? Feast your eyes!"

The girls could only look on in astonishment, their expressions a mixture of shock and curiosity, as the aura around me continued to intensify, a manifestation of the newfound power I was about to unleash.

3rd person POV

"Let's go!" Charlie says as he erupts with energy

"The holy light that shall never fade"

he ascends into the sky, ethereal wings sprouting from his back and fluttering gracefully.

"the glowing colors of infinite changing form."

Behind him, twelve magnificent swords appear in a perfect circle, each hilt adorned with a single wing. forming a majestic backdrop to Charlie's ascent.

"Carve your legends into this blade to prove my Kingly heroics!"

Charlie raises his sword high into the air, and the sword begins to radiate with otherworldly energy. the twelve swords line up on either side of him The main sword erupts in a colossal, radiant beam that reaches up into the sky, illuminating the entire battlefield. at the same time, ethereal lights radiate on the twelve swords on his side, their colors intensifying and harmonizing with the main sword's brilliance.

"Joyeuse Ordre!"

As Charlie lowers his main sword, a massive white beam shoots out from it, surging toward the monster with blinding speed. Simultaneously, the twelve swords behind him launch themselves in the same direction, their radiant energy beams converging with the main beam into a single, devastating force. 

The colossal blast from Joyeuse Ordre struck the monstrous creature, causing it to roar in agony. The sheer force of the attack sent shockwaves through the battlefield, and the monster's form began to shift and change. In a matter of moments, the towering beast transformed into a white-haired, tanned man. The man lay motionless on the ground, his eyes closed, and his body completely knocked out.

Exhausted from the tremendous exertion, Charlie descended from the sky, his ethereal wings gradually fading away. He landed on the ground with a heavy thud, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. He stared at the transformed man, a mix of relief and concern washing over him. It was a battle unlike any he had experienced before, but he couldn't help but wear a triumphant smile as he looked at the girls, knowing he had protected them and defeated the monstrous threat.

He said to the girls, his voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction, "Are you both okay?" but he was knocked unconscious from the strain before he could hear their replies. 

(a/n I am going to end this chapter here, hope you guys enjoyed I wanted to write the entire ch in Charlie's POV but describing the NP in his POV was absolutely impossible to get it right with my meager writing skills. 

anyway, the next ch will start with mirajane's POV of the fight. I was about to do it this ch but I am already at over 3.4k words. 

anyway, if you enjoyed please save this to your library and if you didn't please tell me what you didn't like. I will do my best to respond to everyone. <3< p>