
Journey across space-time

this is mainly an SI Power fantasy no harem that shi makes every story a tiny bit worse anyway you know the drill by now boring guy gets wishes through a survey and gets brought to another world blah blah blah...yeah so if you still want to read this then enjoy and please give me your ideas this is mainly a freeflow type of story to improve my writing skills

DaoistcngN1G · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
5 Chs

ch 3.5

Mirajane's POV


The deafening impact reverberated through the air, and my own screams joined the cacophony as I struggled to lift myself from the ground, dazed from the mindless beast's attack. My brother's transformation into that monstrosity had thrown our mission into chaos, and the realization that I was out of mana added to my despair. This mission was meant to be a routine endeavor, one that my siblings and I usually handled with ease. But this creature's sudden appearance had upended everything, and my brother was spiraling beyond his control.

"Elfman!" I cried out, desperation thick in my voice, my heart clinging to the faint hope that he could regain control. But that hope seemed futile, as my brother's monstrous form continued its relentless advance, heedless of my pleas.

"Elfman, get a hold of yourself!" I yelled again, my voice tinged with frustration, but it seemed that my words fell on deaf ears. His gaze remained empty, trapped within the frenzy of his transformation.

"Mira-nee," my sister Lisanna's voice called out to me, drawing my attention. She had just transformed back from her animal soul takeover after evacuating the townsfolk. Confusion and concern danced in her eyes.

"Run, Lisanna!" I urged, panic bubbling inside me. The beast, once my brother, drew closer to us, paying no heed to our predicament.

"I don't understand... what happened?" Lisanna questioned, her worry apparent as she struggled to grasp the situation.

"I was careless," I confessed bitterly, urgency driving my voice. "Elfman tried to protect me and used his Take Over magic against that creature."

"Then..." Lisanna began, seeking answers, but I couldn't contain my frustration and disappointment, my voice heavy with regret.

"However, its magical power overwhelmed him. Elfman lost control!" I exclaimed, confronted by the painful realization that I hadn't been strong enough to protect my family.

"Oh no!" Lisanna's voice wavered with worry as she offered her shoulder to help me rise. The concern was evident as she asked, "What'll happen to Elf-Nii-chan?"

Urgency colored my voice as I replied, "If he doesn't come to his senses soon, he'll be taken over by the beast."

Lisanna surprised me by letting go of my arm, a look of determination in her eyes, and bravely walking towards my brother's monstrous form. Confused and concerned, I questioned her, "Lisanna, what are you..." but she cut me off by addressing the beast.

"Elf-Nii-chan, what's the matter?" she called out to him, her voice gentle and filled with love. "It's your little sister, Lisanna. Did you forget Mira-nee too? There's no way you'd forget us, right, Elf-Nii-chan? Because we both love you very much, Elf-Nii-chan."

The beast only responded by narrowing its eyes and raising its massive arm, seemingly preparing to strike our sister. Unperturbed by the threatening gesture, Lisanna continued, "So, let's go home. 'kay?" She extended her arms to the side, as if offering a warm embrace to my brother, and called out to him one more time with all her heart. "Elf-Nii-chan!"

All the heartfelt words my sister spoke seemed to fall on deaf ears as the beast paid no heed to her pleas. With a sinking feeling in my stomach, I watched in slow motion as the beast lowered its massive arm with frightening speed. The world seemed to move at a crawl, and I desperately thought, 'No! I can't get to her in time. She's about to—'

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a blur of white and blue that moved too fast for me to discern. It shot past me and reached my sister with incredible speed.


The impact of the monstrous beast striking the ground left a sizable crater where Lisanna used to be, and my heart clenched with fear and despair.

I was immensely relieved to see that my sister was still alive, cradled in the arms of a handsome young man. He had striking black and white hair and piercing blue eyes. His attire resembled that of a knight in shining armor, with a black and white tunic, blue accents, black pants, thigh-high armored boots, and a short white cape with a black edge. His left arm was encased in a gauntlet, and a sword scabbard hung from his left side. Red marks adorned his right gloved arm, giving him an aura of strength and determination.

"Hey, are you doing alright?" he inquired with unshakable confidence, his smile radiating warmth and reassurance. My initial impression of this stranger was that he was incredibly fast; he had managed to rescue my sister just moments before the monstrous blow. My thoughts, however, were swiftly interrupted when I witnessed him gently lowering my sister to the ground beside me.

He turned away from us, focusing his attention on my transformed brother. His tone turned firm and authoritative as he addressed my sister, "Hey, pick up the girl behind you and get yourself and her out of here." With purpose, he unsheathed his sword, and the blade began to emanate an intense, radiant glow.

In response to his determined course of action, I felt compelled to warn him, "Wait! You can't do that! That's our brother over there!" My voice carried a mixture of anguish and desperation as I tried to convey the gravity of the situation.

His response was marked by confusion, as his brows furrowed in contemplation. He queried, "Brother?" just as my transformed brother's fist was hurtling towards us. Thankfully, the stranger's swift reaction spared us from the impending blow. As we settled a safe distance away, he turned his attention to us, his eyes filled with resolve.

"Hey, can your brother snap out of it?" he inquired, prompting my sister to respond, "My sister tried to make him snap out of it, but his full body takeover was too strong."

The stranger then mutters something under his breath before he inquires "Is there any way to make him normal again?" his voice unwavering.

With a firm and resolute tone, I replied, "We need to force him out of it with a strong enough attack."

The stranger paused for a moment, his gaze reflecting uncertainty. I sensed his hesitation, perhaps questioning whether he possessed an attack powerful enough. Still, his determination remained unbroken.

"All right," he declared with newfound confidence, eyes filled with unwavering resolve. "Let me deal with him."

I found myself utterly captivated by his unwavering confidence and undeniable charisma. His very presence made me believe that he might have the ability to bring my brother back to his senses.

"Hey! You overgrown Yeti, come at me!" he roared with a voice filled with determination. His battle cry was a challenge, a call for my brother's massive form to face him head-on. He charged at the transformed beast, wielding his weapon with an overhead strike.

My brother, in his monstrous state, managed to dodge the incoming blow and attempted to retaliate. However, the stranger suddenly became enveloped in a brilliant, whitish glow, moving even faster than before, to the point where my eyes struggled to keep up. As the battle unfolded, I couldn't help but wonder, 'Who is he? His mana rivals even that of the guild master.' It was perplexing that someone with such immense magical abilities could be unknown to me, given his capabilities were on par with those of an S-rank mage.

The skirmish continued, with the stranger encased once more in a radiant aura. He dashed toward my brother, landing a strike on the transformed beast's forearm. It left behind merely a small scratch, prompting my brother to retaliate with a powerful blow that the stranger barely managed to block. However, the force of the blow sent the stranger flying; he tumbled and rolled along the ground.

"Damn, that hurt," he uttered after absorbing a blow that would have proved fatal for most mages. But the relentless beast was far from finished. Another powerful strike was barreling toward the stranger.

Panicked, I assessed the dire situation and yelled with both urgency and fear, "Watch out!" My sister echoed my warning, and we watched in sheer astonishment as the attack landed, propelling the stranger through the forest and causing a path of destruction as trees shattered in his wake.

"No!" my sister cried out, her voice trembling with dread, and my heart plummeted in response. The despair of losing this mysterious savior loomed large in my mind.

However, before I could fully grasp the situation, the monstrous form of my brother shifted its attention towards us. I knew we had to run, and I shouted to my sister, "C'mon, Lisanna! We need to get out of here!" I made an attempt to rise, but the beast was already upon us, its fist poised for a devastating strike. Stunned and unsure of what to do, we simply stood there, gripped by shock and helplessness. My sister, in her desperation, implored, "Elf-niichan! Please come back to us!" We prayed for some miracle to awaken our brother's consciousness, but the menacing fist continued its inexorable descent toward us.

In an instant, a tremendous surge of mana washed over me. I watched in disbelief as a brilliant comet of bluish-white energy slammed into the side of my brother's monstrous form, sending him hurtling away, several meters in the opposite direction.

"Thank goodness I got here in time!" The stranger's voice was brimming with delight as a wide, gleeful smile painted his face. I stood there, my eyes locked onto the stranger, still enveloped in the same radiant bluish-white aura, and feeling an overwhelming sense of admiration for this remarkable individual. His strength and charisma made him seem like a genuine knight in shining armor.

Even as the arm of my brother's monstrous form reached out in a desperate attempt to seize the stranger, he effortlessly sidestepped the attack and jumped back. The stranger then looked at us with a huge smile and said, "You mentioned I need a strong attack, right? Feast your eyes!" as his mana exploded, only this time his sword also started shining with a brilliant light. 'No way this amount of magic power... it even rivals Guildarts,' I thought to myself, shocked.

The stranger's words echoed with tremendous power, and I found myself utterly captivated by the unfolding spectacle, my thoughts pushed aside by the awe of the moment.

"Let's go!" he exclaimed, a burst of magic energy surging from him like a radiant wave. As I watched in sheer amazement, his very being seemed to be alight with magical brilliance.

"The holy light that shall never fade," he intoned, and ethereal wings erupted from his back, their graceful fluttering lending him an almost divine presence.

"the glowing colors of infinite changing form," he continued, and behind him, twelve magnificent swords manifested in a perfect circle, each hilt adorned with a single, radiant wing. They formed a majestic backdrop to his soaring ascent.

"Carve your legends into this blade to prove my kingly heroics!" With his main sword raised high into the air, it began to emit otherworldly energy. The twelve swords arranged symmetrically on either side, bathed the entire battlefield in a radiant light, their colors intensifying and harmonizing with the brilliance of the main sword.

"Joyeuse Ordre!" The stranger's proclamation marked the culmination of this wondrous display, as a colossal white beam erupted from his main sword, hurtling toward the monstrous creature with blinding speed. Simultaneously, the twelve swords at his side launched themselves in the same direction, their radiant energy beams converging with the main beam into a single, overwhelming force. It was a sight to behold, a display of pure, astonishing magical power.

I watched in amazement as the colossal blast from the stranger's sword struck the monstrous creature. The deafening roar of pain that erupted from the creature resonated through the battlefield. The sheer force of the attack sent powerful shockwaves rippling outward, shaking the earth beneath our feet.

The monstrous form began to convulse and change. In mere moments, the towering beast had shifted into a more familiar sight of a white-haired, tanned man who lay motionless on the ground. His eyes were closed, and his body seemed entirely incapacitated.

As the dust and magic energy settled, the stranger who had wielded such incredible power descended from the sky. His ethereal wings gradually dissipated as he landed on the ground with an audible thud. The stranger's chest heaved as he fought to regain his breath, his gaze shifting between my brother and us. Relief and concern mingled in his eyes.

With a smile that reflected a mixture of exhaustion and satisfaction, he inquired, "Are you both okay?" The question hung in the air, but before we could respond, the strain of his immense efforts took its toll, and he slumped to the ground, unconscious.

Lisanna and I exchanged anxious glances as we knelt beside the unconscious stranger. I could still feel the waves of magic energy pulsating through the air, remnants of the astounding power he had just unleashed. It was clear that his actions had saved us, but they had also drained him to the point of collapse.

"Is he going to be okay?" Lisanna asked, her voice trembling with worry.

I examined the stranger's condition, checking for any signs of severe injuries. "I think so," I replied, relieved to find that there were no visible wounds. "He just needs some rest to recover his strength."

Lisanna sighed with relief, her concern for our savior evident. "We owe him so much," she whispered.

I nodded in agreement, grateful for the stranger's intervention. "We do. He's the reason Elfman is back to normal now."

We both turned our attention to our brother, who had reverted to his human form, though he remained unconscious. We couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that the danger had passed. 

As Lisanna and I discussed our next steps, we decided it was essential to get the stranger and our brother back to the nearby town and seek medical assistance for both of them.

"Let's get them to the town's doctor," I suggested, gently lifting the stranger's head from the ground.

Lisanna nodded in agreement and helped me support the unconscious stranger. Our brother, Elfman, had also regained his human form but remained unconscious, so we carefully lifted him as well.

Just as we were about to depart, Lisanna couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. She looked at me with a puzzled expression and asked, "Mira-nee, do you have any idea who that stranger is? I mean, someone with that kind of magic power... They should be well-known in the magical community."

I shook my head, admitting, "I have no idea, Lisanna. It's strange that we've never heard of him, but I guess there are many powerful wizards out there we haven't crossed paths with."

We began our journey back to the town, carrying our unconscious companions. As we walked, my thoughts were filled with gratitude for the stranger who had saved us, even though he remained a mystery.

(a/n: Originally in ch 3, I wanted to write the fight scene in Mira's POV but It wouldn't have made much sense, especially during the np scene cuz it basically was an ass pull dw he won't be able to do it on command until much later on, and before you bring out the pitch forks hear me out. Joyuesse Ordre is basically a one-shot to almost everyone before the time skip and that makes fight scenes incredibly boring to both read and write.

BTW I wanted Mira's POV to be a lot shorter aka not a full chapter but that would have made the chapter literally 6k words+ so I'm splitting ch 4 into two and releasing the rest tomorrow or the day after I just have to reread it and remove or add some details/Dialogue 

anyway ty for reading this story if you enjoyed this please save it in your library if you didn't please leave a comment telling me what you didn't like and have a good day)