
Journey across space-time

this is mainly an SI Power fantasy no harem that shi makes every story a tiny bit worse anyway you know the drill by now boring guy gets wishes through a survey and gets brought to another world blah blah blah...yeah so if you still want to read this then enjoy and please give me your ideas this is mainly a freeflow type of story to improve my writing skills

DaoistcngN1G · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
5 Chs

ch 1

in the middle of a random worn-down apartment

3rd person POV

In the dimly lit corner of a cramped, squalid apartment, a cacophony of electronic blips, and explosions echoed through the air. Empty bottles clinked and rolled as an unsteady hand gripped a game controller, its buttons pressed with reckless abandon. Meet our protagonist, Charlie, a man who had long since surrendered to the comforting numbness of alcohol and the digital world. (aka the average fgo player after a shaft)

The room was a disheveled testament to neglect, where discarded pizza boxes and crumpled chip bags waged war with dirty laundry for control of the floor. A flickering neon sign outside the window cast an eerie glow upon the clutter, revealing a landscape of chaos. Stale beer permeated the air, mingling with the pungent aroma of unwashed socks.

Charlie's eyes, bloodshot and glazed, were fixed upon the flickering screen before him. The only source of light in this decrepit sanctuary came from the frenetic gameplay unfolding on the TV. He was lost in the pixelated world, oblivious to the wreckage surrounding him. Each shot fired and every victory celebrated was accompanied by a mumbled slur or a triumphant hiccup.

The line between reality and the digital realm blurred tonight as Charlie fought his inner demons through the virtual battleground. Little did he know that this night would take an unexpected turn, but that would be happening later.

"Man *hiccup* this is the 3rd time I finished the story in EXTELLA Link," Charlie muttered to himself, a mixture of pride and inebriation in his voice. "I really love the characters in Fate *Hiccup*. I wish that shit was real," he sighed, then continued, "What the hell am I doing right now? I haven't left my room in almost a month." He said as he put a hand on his face in shame. "Ever since my mother passed away three months ago, my life has been mundane, almost as if it's become black and white, devoid of colors," he thought. "Damn, I just want something new to happen."

As soon as he said that, a notification popped up on his phone. "Huh?" A surprised exclamation escaped his mouth as he checked his phone, only to notice a message from a random number he hadn't seen before. When he opened the message, he found a website that said, "R.O.B's Reincarnation Survey for Weebs.com"

"What the hell kind of scam website is this?" he said, raising his eyebrow in a questioning manner. "Ah, what the hell, might as well check it out. Even if it gives me malware, I really need a new phone anyway." He tapped on the screen where the link was, and it sent him to a website where the only thing visible was:

"Would you like to reincarnate to another world?"

  "Yes"  "No"

Charlie's initial skepticism was soon replaced by resignation as he muttered, "Yep, knew it was definitely a scam website." He placed his phone down and reached for the nearly empty alcohol bottle. "I ain't falling for that shit," he declared, downing the last drops of the bottle in defiance of the dubious offer on his screen. Once it was empty, he examined the bottle, realizing he had consumed his last drop of liquor.

"Aw damn, I finished my last one," he said with a hint of disappointment. As he gazed at his reflection in the empty bottle, the harsh reality of his current state stared back at him. Bloodshot eyes with massive eye bags, an unhealthy-looking pale complexion — he looked like a shadow of his former self. 'I look like shit now,' he thought, his self-assessment sobering him up momentarily.

With drooping shoulders, he let out a heavy sigh and dropped his head. But then, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed his phone, still displaying that mysterious website. It was as if the digital portal beckoned to him, offering an escape from the suffocating monotony of his life. A flicker of curiosity and desperation welled up inside him. Charlie's hand trembled as he reached for the phone once more, torn between dismissing it as nonsense and succumbing to the allure of the unknown.

Charlie's life had reached a point where the line between absurdity and possibility had blurred beyond recognition. He couldn't believe he was actually doing this, but a strange mixture of curiosity, desperation, and perhaps a tinge of hope drove him to click on "Yes." The screen responded to his decision with a new question:

"Which character would you like to reincarnate into? (You will receive their appearance and powers but none of their experience or memories)"

Before him, a vast list of character names from different anime, comics, movies, and games sprawled across the screen. It was a bewildering assortment of fictional personalities, each with their own unique abilities and stories. For a moment, Charlie was overwhelmed by the choices. The weight of this decision bore down on him like a heavy burden, but it was also an opportunity for him to escape the bleakness of his existence.

His eyes scanned the list, pausing on familiar names and considering the possibilities each character could offer. This choice could be his chance for a fresh start, a chance to become someone else entirely, if only in a virtual sense. As he pondered the characters and their potential, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of excitement in the pit of his stomach.

"You know what, since we both share the same name and I was just playing him in EXTELLA, I might as well go for Charlemagne from Fate," he mused, his finger scrolling through the list. Finally, he found Charlemagne and selected him. Once chosen, the page prompted him to make another decision.

It read, "Please select three other characters to acquire their powers and abilities as well." Charlie's eyes widened as his mind raced as he contemplated his next choices. The screen before him seemed to pulse with anticipation, waiting for his selections. He muttered to himself, "Hmm, well, my second choice instead of Charlemagne would have been Minato, so he is my second choice." With a nod of determination, he clicked on Minato's name, locking in his second character choice. (no yang kurama btw)

But the decision wasn't complete. He still needed to choose two more characters, and the options before him were both tantalizing and overwhelming. Charlie cupped his chin, lost in thought. His thoughts tumbled over the possibilities, weighing the pros and cons of each character's abilities.

"I think I definitely need some sort of broken defensive ability," he mused aloud. "So maybe Gojo or Accelerator? Nah, Accelerator is too overpowered to be fun after a while, and Gojo's abilities would need some sort of blindfold and an understanding of how to use the infinity and the six eyes. Since I wouldn't get their experience or memories, that would be difficult, but the six eyes are so cool, ugh..."

Charlie's brow furrowed in frustration as he continued to mull over his choices. "Hmm... how about picking Giorno for defense? Nah, too overpowered, but cool. But since I'm thinking about Jojo characters, how about President Valentine, D4C Love Train is broken, but I still have to be inside the Love Train dimension to redirect misfortune, and I can't attack inside it. And the best part is that I would still have the base abilities of D4C, so I am definitely picking Valentine."

With a newfound sense of excitement, he selected President Valentine as his third choice.  Charlie considered his final choice with exasperation. His mind raced through the plethora of characters he could select, each offering a unique set of powers and abilities. He muttered to himself, "For my final one, I'm stumped. I can't pick someone like Goku because Charlemagne is a human, so I can't go Super Saiyan, but Ultra Instinct would be sick to have... Nah, how about someone with strong Haki, like Shanks or Roger... I'll keep it in mind, but nah, how about an Uchiha character from Naruto, since the only thing I'm really missing from my choices is busted eye powers because every weeb's dream is to have OP eye abilities. But the issue is, who should I pick? Ugh, thinking while I'm already hammered sucks!" he shouted in frustration.

"Well, Obito is out since I already have D4C, so Kamui wouldn't do much for me. The next one out is Madara; yeah, he has the Rinnegan, but the show didn't show what Mangekyo abilities he had. Shisui is interesting, but Kotoamatsukami's usage rate isn't worth it (he can only use it once every 10 years, I think. By the way, I know he could bring other versions of himself using D4C from parallel worlds to use it infinitely, but he is drunk, so I doubt he could think of that). That would leave Itachi and Sasuke. Itachi's Tsukuyomi is really useful, but having the Rinnesharingan is better, so I am choosing Sasuke."

With a sense of finality, Charlie selected Sasuke Uchiha as his fourth and final choice, locking in his decision. The page before him underwent a transformation, displaying the message: "Randomly selecting world of reincarnation... World found."

Suddenly, the page presented another notification, one that caught Charlie off guard: "Warning: All abilities and skills of the characters you have chosen are all reset to level 1 due to that some abilities have been locked."

"HUH?!! WHY DIDN'T IT SAY THAT FROM THE START?!" Charlie shouted in anger at his phone. The revelation left him frustrated and confused. He had been expecting to step into his new life with the incredible powers of the characters he'd chosen.

But the page continued, revealing a silver lining: "Stats of the main character haven't been affected unless an ability from another character has an effect on the stats."

"Oh, thank god, at least I won't get killed as soon as I reincarnate... wait, what do you mean 'level'? Do I have a system as well?" Charlie asked with a mix of curiosity and disappointment.

As if in response, another popup appeared: "Negative, you will only be able to access a status window that will translate mastery of skills into levels."

Charlie sighed with a resigned acceptance. The complexities of this virtual world continued to elude him, but at least he had some clarity about his situation. However, he couldn't help but feel that the website had an eerie ability to respond to his voice.

"Wait, what the hell? You can hear me?!" Charlie questioned the website, his voice tinged with disbelief.

The website's response was cryptic: "Heh...you finally realized it, good job dumbass"

Charlie clenched his fist in frustration but was once again interrupted by a new popup: "All the preparation is completed. Good luck on your journey." suddenly Charlie's vision faded to black.

(btw give me suggestions on which world would you like me to write about and thank you everyone for reading hopefully u enjoyed it.

I started writing this at 2:00 in the morning cuz I was bored and I am quite drunk as well so if I made any mistakes please tell me)