
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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193 Chs

Chapter 131

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"You have one too? That thing called a notebook?"

Thor was somewhat surprised, as he hadn't expected such a bizarre and mysterious object to be in the possession of so many.

"Besides you, does anyone else have this thing?"

Thor then asked, curious and somewhat puzzled.

"All the notebook owners we know of are here."

Black Widow explained to Thor, "However, whether there are other owners we are unaware of, we simply do not know."

The notebook was too mysterious for its details to be revealed to others.

Unless someone did something obviously inconsistent with the contents of the notebook, or someone like Thor stumbled upon it unintentionally.

Even an organization as large as SHIELD would find it impossible to know.

"It seems my guess was correct."

Tony Stark's voice continued, and Iron Man began to speak, "It appears that those chosen by the notebook are either direct or indirect participants in major future events that could significantly influence the direction the world will take."

Both Nick Fury and Black Widow agreed with Iron Man's assessment.

What Iron Man said was indeed true.

The four known notebook owners included three Avengers, two of which were members of the top trio of the Avengers.

It was certain that the Avengers were involved in major events such as the Battle of New York, the Endgame, and the Infinity War, among others.

Apart from the Battle of New York, which was somewhat well-understood, details about the other conflicts were fragmented.

Only the tip of the iceberg was known.

But looking at these conflicts as a whole, it wasn't just Earth that was affected, but also planets like Titan, Sakaar, and Vormir.

The resulting impact included half of humanity on Earth being sacrificed and half of all life in the universe being erased.

In other words.

The actions of the Avengers had significant impacts on Earth and the universe as a whole!

Although Nick Fury was not an Avenger, he was still the founder of the Avengers.

Before the Avengers were "plucked" by the United Nations, the team's actions undoubtedly carried Nick Fury's influence.

However, since Fury was more of a commander and operated behind the scenes, the notebook mentioned him very little.

But no one could deny the importance of Fury's role.

"Or to put it more simply, the people chosen by the notebook are the main characters of this world!"

Iron Man made a simple yet vivid metaphor.

Of course, it was also somewhat exaggerated.

But both Fury and Black Widow understood what Iron Man meant and were familiar with his personality.

None of them argued with Tony Stark.

"Alright, Thor!"

After refocusing, Nick Fury turned his one eye back to Thor, "Now, I hope we've addressed some of your doubts, right?"

Thor found himself at a loss for words.

Emotionally, he still didn't believe that anyone in Midgard could foresee the future.

But Captain America actually did as the notebook described, lifting Mjolnir and even summoning the lightning!

Thor had no way to explain it.

Could it really just be a coincidence?

After all, it was way too coincidental.

"No matter who is playing games with this item, I will figure it out!"

"Nobody plays tricks in front of Thor!"

Thor pondered for a moment before giving everyone this answer.

Even if Captain America really did lift the hammer, it couldn't fully dispel all of Thor's doubts.

It only lessened them to some extent.

But the doubts remained.

"Thor, I'm sorry, but we might not have the time for you to slowly figure this out."

Nick Fury spoke to Thor again with a serious tone, "We would like to know about Loki, the Warriors Three, and the secret weapon of Asgard, the Destroyer."

"You really trust the notebook implicitly!"

Thor couldn't help but shake his head.

However, having seen the notebook himself, he understood why Nick Fury wanted to know the information.

And for Thor, the information wasn't a big secret.

So he didn't hide anything.

"First, I need to clarify one thing: Loki is my blood brother, not adopted; that's completely nonsensical in the notebook!"

"Moreover, Loki is known by a famous epithet, 'God of Mischief,' full of schemes and proficient in magic."

"The Warriors Three are my best friends and comrades in arms."

"They have joined me in countless battles, and part of every glory of mine includes them."

"As for the Destroyer..."

Thor, who was relatively naive and even somewhat simple-minded,

actually disclosed the information Fury and the others wanted to know.

Of course, it was only a general briefing.

Even if Thor wasn't the sharpest, he wouldn't carelessly disclose any core secrets.

But for Fury and Stark, it was sufficient.

"So, if the Warriors Three truly come, it is highly likely they will be on our side - or rather, on Thor's side."

Tony Stark made an obvious conclusion.

For everyone, this was good news.

"Thor, the Warriors Three, Lady Sif, and Captain America, I mean the one wielding your hammer, can they deal with the Destroyer?"

Black Widow asked Thor with a serious look.

"What a joke!"

Thor immediately shook his head dismissively, with a hint of anger, "Even if that mortal can lift my hammer, do you think he could compare to me? There is only one Thor, and that's me!"

"Thor, calm down, we didn't mean that."

"We just want to know if we can handle the Destroyer."

Nick Fury quickly spoke up to comfort Thor.

"Just you guys?"

Thor laughed scornfully again, "Aside from me, there is no power in Midgard capable of dealing with the Destroyer!"

While Thor's words carried some subjective emotion and were not entirely objective,

everyone gained a general understanding of the Destroyer's scale.

After discussing important information about Loki, the Warriors Three, the Destroyer, and other matters related to New Mexico, the group also asked Thor about other important issues.

The character that has garnered the most attention is none other than "Thanos" and the Infinity Stones.

Unfortunately, there is too little description of "Thanos" in the notebook, with the only conclusion being that this individual is a person with purple skin.

But in the entire galaxy, there are countless species with purple skin.

Naturally, Thor couldn't make any precise judgments.

As for the Infinity Stones?

"You'll need to be more specific. These are gems with what kind of power? In the vaults of Asgard, there are actually a few," Thor boasted nonstop to the other Avengers about the gems in Asgard's vaults.

At this point, he did not know what the Infinity Stones truly were.

It wasn't until the period of "Avengers 2," after finding the Well of Visions, that he would understand the secret of the Infinity Stones.

Nick Fury and Iron Man shook their heads in disbelief.

Thor clearly did not understand what they were really talking about!

But no one showed their thoughts, continuing instead to ask about the Pantheon, Dormammu, and other matters of the stars and even the multiverse.

While not entirely fruitless, the information gained was quite limited, not nearly meeting their expectations.

Given Thor's high status, much more was hoped for from him.

But upon actual interaction, it turned out his head was filled more with muscle than brain!

"Nick, are you seriously considering sending Captain America to face the Destroyer?"

After Thor left, Nick Fury, Black Widow, and Tony Stark huddled together to discuss their next moves.

Now that they had confirmed Captain America could indeed become like Thor, their previous plans naturally needed some adjustments.

As for Thor?

After returning to his room, he plunged into deep contemplation.

The events at the crater had deeply affected him, and he agonized over why such things had happened.

Why couldn't he, Thor, lift his hammer, yet a mortal could?

This was something Thor still couldn't fathom.


Feeling somewhat irritable, he rubbed his face when suddenly Thor saw a blur in front of his eyes.

In his room, where he had been alone, there was now another person.


Dressed in a black coat and a scarf, standing like a gentleman before Thor.

"Loki, you really came!" Thor exclaimed in surprise, involuntarily letting out a cry.

Just as it had been predicted in the notebook!

Of course, as Thor mentioned, even if the notebook got it right, it wasn't surprising.

His brother was banished, and his younger brother coming down to check on him was normal, right?

But Loki, standing opposite Thor, was slightly taken aback.

By the tone, Thor seemed to have expected his arrival.

When had his foolish brother become so perceptive?

"Do you know I would come?"

Loki couldn't help voicing his question.

"Of course, I knew you would come to see me!" Thor confidently responded.

Loki: "..."

Was it really such simple logic?

Alright, his brother had not suddenly become smart; he was still the same.

"Yes, I had to come to see you, but not to visit. There is something important I must tell you."

Loki's expression became gravely serious, and he spoke in a somber tone.

It seemed like a terrible issue had arisen in Asgard.

Thor's heart skipped a beat as he stared intently at Loki: "What happened? What's wrong?"

"Father has passed away."

Loki conveyed this devastating news to Thor with a heartbroken tone.

Thor was utterly stunned.

But the shock shown by Thor was different from what Loki expected.

It wasn't that the message of Odin's death had caught him off guard.

It was the precision of the notebook's predictions that had taken him by surprise.

What in the world!

Loki was actually delivering the same message about their father's death as was described in the notebook!

Exactly as recorded!

Why was that?

Surely the contents of the notebook, as Nick Fury and the others had claimed, couldn't all be true?

"Loki, you're lying to me, right?"

"Father isn't actually dead, is he?" Thor looked up suddenly and asked Loki seriously.

"I know this is hard to accept. I don't want to believe it either."

"But it is true. Your banishment and the threat of war became too much for our father, and he succumbed to it." 

Loki, not suspecting anything, thought Thor was struggling to accept the news and continued to explain.

Before now, the simple-minded Thor would have believed Loki's lies without question, but now things were different.

"No, Loki, I must return to Asgard!"

"Whatever has happened, I won't know until I return."

Thor spoke resolutely to Loki.

"I'm sorry Thor, but you can't return anymore."

"One of the conditions for the truce with Jotunheim is that you must be permanently exiled." 

Loki continued spinning his web of lies.

Permanent exile!


Just as the descriptions in the notebook had predicted!

Thor's mind began to whirl with confusion, and he was utterly lost.

He was still reluctant to believe the notebook, but with event after event being confirmed, he couldn't ignore it.

"The burden of the throne... now falls upon my head..."

Loki thought Thor's confusion was due to the bad news he'd delivered and didn't take it to heart, continuing his deceit.

"Loki, this is all a lie, isn't it?"

"You are the god of mischief!" 

But suddenly, Thor looked up with a very determined tone, staring straight at Loki.

On the surface, Loki didn't show anything, but he was very surprised on the inside.

Thor wasn't deceived?

When did he get so smart?

Was this still the naive brother he used to fool so easily, never questioning his lies?

Could banishment somehow increase one's intelligence?