
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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182 Chs

Chapter 125

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Before Odin exiled Thor to Earth and fell into the Odinsleep, Loki had been disguising himself the whole time. The camouflage was so perfect that no one could detect it. Although deep inside, his jealousy towards Thor and dissatisfaction with Odin's favoritism were about to warp his form, Loki did not show the slightest sign. 

It was only on the significant day of Odin's coronation that he quietly allowed the Frost Giants into Asgard to disrupt Thor's coronation ceremony. It was a move worthy of the God of Mischief. Only when Thor reclaimed Mjolnir and returned to Asgard, where the brothers fought a tremendous battle on the Rainbow Bridge, did Loki finally shed his disguise and reveal his true self. But what about before?

Like right now, Thor still had great trust in Loki. That's why Thor was so puzzled and even felt a twinge of anger about the spoilers in the diary. What was Loki up to? Wasn't this cursing their father? Such jokes should not be made!

"Loki! Enough!" Thor bellowed, scanning the surroundings. "Whatever you're planning, it ends here!" Despite having quarreled with Odin and even called him a fool before his exile, Thor deeply respected Odin in his heart.

"Loki!" "Loki?" However, there was no doubt that Loki did not respond to Thor at all. Frustrated, Thor turned back to the diary. Would he really be banished from Asgard forever? Impossible! He was the prince of Asgard, the son of Odin.

In the next room, Tony Stark looked at the diary with unprecedented seriousness. Zhou Cheng had once remarked that if the storyline in New Mexico didn't deviate, the Battle of New York would take place as scheduled. This meant that if 'Thor' followed the original plot, Loki would fall into the cosmic abyss and meet Thanos, leading to the Battle of New York. 

The fragmented complaints, taken out of context, led Tony and the others to surmise Loki's arrival in New Mexico. The diary indeed confirmed this; the mastermind behind the Battle of New York was destined to come to New Mexico.

Contemplating, Iron Man Tony Stark decided that he would do his utmost to prevent the Battle of New York from happening. If it could be nipped in the bud, all the better. If not, at least he had tried his hardest.

But Odin dead? That was a surprise. Odin, the Allfather, was on the level of Zeus. Such a prominent figure couldn't just die unexpectedly. Tony couldn't analyze this distant event, but it worried him deeply. Without Odin, the Nine Realms, including Earth, would be greatly affected.

The diary had revealed that Thanos hesitated to act against Earth out of fear of Odin and the Ancient One. Now that both protectors were gone, was this why the future super-hero era on Earth would be so chaotic?

As for Thor's permanent exile, that was unexpected for Tony as well. But could this lead to Thor joining the Avengers because he had nowhere else to go? Thor's strength would surely return, and he would wield his hammer once more. Tony even wondered if Thor's ordeal was the transformation the diary mentioned.

Thor may be a little dim, but there's no denying his strong mindset, capable of handling ups and downs. From a proud Asgardian prince to a mere mortal unable to lift his hammer, then finding that his father was alive and he had not been exiled, only to discover that Loki sought to kill him—what a roller coaster of emotions.

Silly, maybe, but Iron Man nodded in agreement as he contemplated Thor's many imagined images before his actual arrival.

Upon facing him, I had to admit that he looked nothing like the image I had in mind. There was a huge discrepancy indeed.

The reason was simple.

Thor himself looked like a fool!

At first, Tony Stark wondered if he was overthinking things, considering Thor to be one of those wise fools.

But now the diary confirmed it, Thor was an idiot!

Well, it turns out it's not just humans who can be fools; gods can be too!

Intelligence really isn't something anyone can possess, even gods!

Iron Man felt a strange sense of superiority.

After a brief smug moment, Tony Stark refocused his attention on the diary.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

False alarm, Odin was fine!

It was all a trick by Loki, the god of mischief.

Not surprising for someone who could callously lie about his father's death, really had no bottom line.

But then again, what kind of bottom line could a person have who leads alien races to invade other planets?

But Loki's purpose for coming to New Mexico was to kill Thor?

I have to admit, this was totally unexpected.

Thor, his own brother!

Loki wanted to kill his own brother at the critical moment when he was stripped of his powers and exiled?

Although Tony Stark didn't know why Loki would do such a thing, it seemed his hatred for Thor was quite profound.

And if that was the case, was the Destroyer that came to New Mexico specially meant for Thor?

The diary had already revealed that it was Asgard's ultimate weapon, crafted by Odin to counter the Aesir!

For such a powerful weapon, the target must be formidable, and Thor certainly fit the bill.

The battle that almost destroyed the New Mexican town must have been the fierce fight between the Destroyer and Thor.

Did Thor, who had been stripped of his powers, regain them before the Destroyer's arrival?

After some thought, Tony Stark pieced together the likely sequence of events.

There were no more questions now, New Mexico would soon become the battlefield for these two brothers.

I just didn't know what roles the three warriors of the palace and the warrior Sif would play in this battle.

"What exactly is Loki up to?" wondered Thor, looking increasingly confused in front of the other diary.

One moment it said his father was dead, the next it was just a ruse, and now it suggested Loki was out to kill him?

What a mess!

Was Loki speaking nonsense, or was this diary not even his, but written by someone else?

That Zhou Cheng perhaps?

Could there be a sorcerer in Midgard?

Even if Midgard indeed had sorcerers and Zhou Cheng was one, what was the purpose of giving this diary to him?

Why write such nonsense in a diary?

Thor felt his brain was struggling to cope.

[Just after the messy situation in New Mexico ended, I returned to Asgard only to witness my brother falling into the cosmic abyss!]

[Another massive blow!]

[To borrow a phrase from Lady Sif, the highs and lows of life are indeed too thrilling.]

[Thor's experiences in New Mexico over just a few days were more tumultuous than many experience in a lifetime.]

[That he hasn't mentally crumbled is impressive.]

[No, not just mentally strong, Thor also led a rather cozy life on Earth.]

[Flirting with the woman who would be his future girlfriend; he almost got to bring a daughter-in-law back to Odin.]

Oh my!

Tony Stark didn't know how to react.

It's true that Thor's experiences in New Mexico were tumultuous and complicated – very much so.

Father dead, father not dead, brother wants to kill, brother dead!


Rock bottom to cloud nine, back to rock bottom again and again.

Without a very strong inner self, most people probably couldn't handle it.

But Loki is dead?

Iron Man frowned slightly. Loki was the mastermind behind the Battle of New York!

Loki had gone to SHIELD to steal the Tesseract!

How could he be dead?

And Thor too, the diary had already revealed that he was involved in the Battle of New York!

Together with the Avengers, they fought against Loki and the Chitauri.

Could it be that after New Mexico, Loki immediately went to steal the Tesseract and then instigated the Battle of New York?

That couldn't be right.

Tony Stark felt an urgent sense of concern.

If that was the case, the situation was far too grave.

Why did the diary mention that the trouble in New Mexico had just ended?

From the tone, it seemed that Thor and Loki hadn't gone through the Battle of New York before returning to Asgard.

But still, Loki was dead!

How did a dead Loki instigate the subsequent Battle of New York?

There was a clear contradiction.

After carefully considering the information, Tony Stark couldn't form a logical "storyline."

Clearly, the events in New Mexico were not as straightforward as they seemed, and crucial details were still missing.

Iron Man thought for a moment, then decided not to dwell on it anymore and went back to reading the spoiler-filled diary.

He soon revealed an expression of speechlessness.

Even in such circumstances, Thor didn't forget to charm the ladies in New Mexico?

It seems Thor has much in common with "the great Tony" himself!

In front of the other diary, Nick Fury's single eye sparkled with a sharp glint.

This was good news!

If Thor's bond with Earth could be strengthened, that was exactly what Director Fury hoped for.

In fact, he silently decided to facilitate this if possible.

The only question remained: who was the woman mentioned in the diary?