
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Luminous Resonance

This is a fan-made story based on the universe of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, originally created by Hirohiko Araki. All characters, Stands, and concepts related to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure are the property of their respective owners. This work is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended for commercial use. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Luminous Resonance is a tale of adventure, mystery, and supernatural battles. Please note that this story contains intense scenes and themes that may not be suitable for all audiences. Reader discretion is advised.

Skono_Writer · Cómic
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4 Chs

Brutal Life, Part 1

Jovian, with his elder sister Calista, running through the bustling streets of Queensland, spot a middle-aged man lounging on the beach with his friend.

"Mate, let me borrow your phone, please," Jovian says, his tone a mix of urgency and desperation, begging the man for his phone.

"Hell nah, bugger off," the man replies, dismissing him with a wave of his hand before returning to his cold beer.

I didn't think I was going to have to show you my true ability so soon, but... you gotta do what you gotta do, Jovian thinks to himself, his mind racing with possibilities.

Quick thinking, Jovian uses his Stand, Smash Mouth, to deconstruct his hand into countless tiny fragments. These fragments are almost invisible to the naked eye, as they float towards the man at rapid speeds. 

"Smash Mouth, break down and infiltrate," Jovian murmurs, watching intently as the fragments deftly enter the man's ear, bypassing every physical barrier guarding his brain.

"I've dispersed just enough fragments to not cause any physical harm to your brain, but just enough to temporarily stun it," Jovian explains as the fragments settle within the man's brain, emitting a subtle but powerful shock.

The man's eyes glaze over, his body slumping slightly as his brain shuts down for several seconds. Calista seizes the moment, swiftly taking the phone out of his hand.

"Let's go," Jovian urges, grabbing Calista's arm as they take off running, the man's friend too stunned to react in time.

-A few minutes later-

"Hey Calista, do you mind if I can have that phone now? I need to make an important call in a few minutes," Jovian asks, extending his hand to retrieve the phone.

Calista looks at him, concern etched on her face. "Are you sure this is the best way, Jovian? We're already in enough trouble as it is."

Jovian sighs, his expression softening. "I know, Calista. But we don't have any other choice. We need to get in touch with Uncle Jomilio. He's the only one who can help us right now."

Reluctantly, Calista hands over the phone. "Just be quick, okay? We can't afford to get caught."

Jovian nods, taking the phone and dialing Jomilio's number. The phone rings twice before a gruff voice answers.

"Who is this?" Jomilio's voice is cautious, wary.

"It's me, Jovian. We need your help," Jovian says, his voice steady but filled with urgency.

"Jovian? What the hell are you doing with someone else's phone? Where are you?" Jomilio's tone shifts from confusion to concern.

"We're in Queensland, near the beach. We ran into some trouble and had to... improvise," Jovian explains, glancing at Calista who is keeping an eye out for any signs of pursuit.

"Stay put. I'll be there in ten minutes. Don't do anything stupid," Jomilio instructs, his voice firm and commanding.

"Thanks, Uncle. We'll wait here," Jovian replies, ending the call and handing the phone back to Calista.

As they wait, Jovian can't help but reflect on how they ended up in this situation. Their father had always been a source of turmoil in their lives, his abusive nature driving a wedge between their family. When he left, it was both a relief and a burden. They were free from his tyranny but left to fend for themselves in a world that seemed increasingly hostile.

"Do you think Uncle Jomilio can really help us this time?" Jovian asks Calista, not looking her way.

No response.

"Hey, I know it's tough, you know, with the Queensland Tournament and all... but us Joestars need to pull through, alright?" Jovian adds, still not looking Calista's way.

Still no response.

"Hey, cat got your tongue or something?" Jovian says, looking Calista's way.

What he saw shocked him.

"A-Augh~" Jovian gasped.

Before his eyes, Jovian saw Calista grabbing her throat with both hands, spewing blood from her mouth.

"F-FUCK! CALISTA!!" Jovian exclaimed, wrapping his arms around her. 

To Be Continued! 

Stand Name: Smash Mouth 

Stand Appearance: Appears as a slim astronaut with fumes exerting out from its upper-back. 

Stand Ability: Allows Jovian to seemingly deconstruct his body into a coarse stone material, even breaking his hand into tiny, nearly invisible fragments. 

Sub-Ability: Jovian can produce clouds from the fumes, and manipulate them how he sees fit. The clouds can hold stuff, and obscure his enemy's vision. The clouds have no combat abilities.