
Johnny the WareWolf

jump from high distances without so much as a scratch, and that his eyesight and hearing were vastly improved. Johnny faced many challenges as he struggled to come to terms with his warewolf form. He faced an inner turmoil as he battled with his own conscience and battled to keep his transformation a secret from those he loved. But most of all, Johnny was faced with the challenge of trying to find a way to survive in a world not meant for a warewolf.

Miss_Universe8 · Fantasía
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Johnny the Warewolf

Johnny Goldman was an ordinary thirteen year old boy, until one summer night when he suddenly found himself transformed into a warewolf – a creature of the night that would haunt his dreams forever.

As Johnny lay in the darkness of the forest, shaking in terror, the transformation began. His skin grew thicker and pricklier, hair sprouted from his body, his hands and feet elongated, and his jaw lengthened to accommodate razor sharp fangs. As the moonlight illuminated his new form, he howled wildly into the night.

From that day forward, Johnny was to exist in a state of limbo between the light of day and the dark of night, constantly trying to hold onto his human identity while being pulled deeper and deeper into the darkness of his warewolf state.

It wasn't only the warewolf transformation that puzzled Johnny. He soon realized that the change allowed him to have access to certain supernatural powers. He found that he could move at incredible speeds

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