

John Qin is and adventurer in the future, he and his team of 4 members are working together to Stop Kevin Qin from combining other continents under his rule but first, they have to figure out the missing piece, which means going back to how life was Centuries ago. That is the first part of the story

Peter_Lutara · Fantasía
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4 Chs


THUD, "What was that?" asked Julia in her old and distressed tone

"Nothing" replied John Qin as he was guiding the blind man down the old hall of the house,

This was John Qin's 5th home that he had been in, the other four homes had ended up in him escaping or being kicked out for not doing all the work on time.

"John Qin, John Qin" shouted the blind man

"Yes sir" replied John Qin

"Where are you" said the blind man

John Qin quickly snapped out of his daydream and into reality and rolled the blind man to his bedroom. While he is upstairs, he hears the blind man talking to Julia.

" We should have left him to suffer in that terrible place, now look we have an extra mouth to feed, we will get rid of him by tomorrow morning," said Julia

John Qin hears this and quickly tries to pack up his thing and leave but as he tries his best to keep silent, he accidentally makes a huge noise that seems to have woken the blind man and Julia up.

"Ohh oh," said John Qin

He had done this before jumping out of a window but this time as he was jumping he caught a sight of a young lady passing in tears, he quickly hides thinking that he might be caught.

As he sneaked away from the blind man's house a thought ran through his mind.

"What now?" he thought

As he walked through the dark alley, he saw the girl again as she sobbed, this time he followed her. As she cried she turned in anger

"Who are you" She demanded with a sharp yet horrified voice

"Hey why are you crying" Asked John Qin

" I hate my life no one cares about me so leave me alone" she screamed

"Why are you out here" Asked John Qin

" I left Home" she responded while trying to calm down

"Me too" responded John Qin, he said this while thinking " Really I have left so-called home 5 times"

"So what do we do" she asked with a calm tone feeling better knowing that someone did the same as she did.

" Well, I have done this a lot of times and I know exactly what to do" Said John Qin

"Follow me" He quickly added as he lead the way from the alley

"We need to find food" she muttered

"Sure" John Qin responded

As they walked past a hotel, a delicious smell had caught their attention but they had gone past the hotel already. Suddenly they came to a halt when they had seen a man with a hot dog stan

Before she could say anything John Qin said

"You distract the guy with your beauty"

She looked at John Qin who was whispering the other part of the plan to her

" That was fun...." Said John Qin

"What is your name again?" said John Qin

"Lucy" she responded

"How about yours," said Lucy

John Qin goes into his daydreams thinking about his mother whose name was Lucy, he had been told that she was a kind sweet, and caring person, but deep down, John wanted to meet his mother, he remembers his time in the orphanage when he was a Young, the orphanage and Jones was the only place and person that he knew ever since he was a kid back at the orphanage John Qin had some friends like Jones, people often complimented on his red hair and his deep blue eyes and often got adopted, after being adopted he would be used as a worker for the people. He would rebel against them and heard the same sentence every single time. "We rescued you from that filthy place, you should be grateful." Sometimes they would torture him but he always found a way to escape that place and get them back. Now he was a teen who had learned from his past and knew every single inch of the town.

"John, John Qin," said Lucy

"Ooh sorry" He replied

"Let's go to the convention center, they have dinner meals," he said as they rushed to make it before it was too late.

After Dinner, they were given rooms to sleep in. In the morning, John Qin was already awake and ready to go in the morning but as he went to call Lucy out of her room, Then he suddenly caught sight of Julia, the Old lady who had wanted to get rid of him, with nothing else to do he slips past them and escapes to the city.

"So much for having a friend" John Qin scoffs at himself

I will be writing the next chapter soon so keep watch and if you Like it ? Add to library!

Peter_Lutaracreators' thoughts