
The End?

(The following text was transcribed from the personal journal of Lloyd Frontera aka Joffrey Baratheon, detailing his experiences during his time spent fostering at the Reach.)

My father is the most powerful man in the Seven Kingdoms. If I want to become like him, I have to learn how to use my power. Tywin lannister wanted to help me understand this and train me to do just that.

Too bad I've got my own plans.

The day the Royal fleet arrived at Lannisport was the day I meet My Uncle Stannis Baratheon.

He meet with us at the Port. It was a rainy day. As he left the rowboat that brought him to the docks I approached to greet him properly, noticing that Ser Davos Seaworth was with him. 

The infamous "Onion" Knight's hand fidgeting the small collar holder with the bones of his severed fingers. I wonder if I can manage to spend some time with him. He is one of the few legit good guys in this story. His knowledge in sailing without being catch and his contacts with Pirates like Salhador Saan may be lucrative in the future.

"Uncle Stannis." I said as I bowed slightly before looking at him directly. "It is good to see you again."

He stared at me, a strange look on his face. It almost seemed...a smile?

"Joffrey, we have much to discuss, but first get me to a dryer place."

So I took him into my improvised office at a damaged warehouse, and it was there where I told him all that happened since we push back the Ironborn incursion."Before we continue, I must tell your father is here!" Stannis said as he began taking off his armor. His squire, a Velaryion bastard, cleaning it.

"Wait, my father is here? Why didn't he disembark with you uncle Stannis?"

"My Brother thought you would be at Casterly Rock, where is more safe and where Tywin Lannister would expect to keep you."

"But why did he send you alone?!"

Stannis sighed, and then answered."I'm not entirely sure myself, but I think it has something to do with this new weapon you "procured" at the Reach."

This time it was Samwell Tarly who interrupt us. "We didn't found it, we made it ourselves back there. Ah... Sorry I am, ah, Samwell."

"Tarly, I know who you are boy." Said Uncle Stannis grinding his teeth at being interrupted like that. "I assume you participated in the battle of Lannisport?"

"Not only participate. He helped us building the gunship and sulking half dozen Iroborn scum back to their Drowned God." I said grinning back at the poor Samwell Tarly who was blushing like a tomato. "He is my best gunner, and thereafter he was the one who slayed single-handily the "One Eye'd Raven", Euron Greyjoy."

Said the prince as if Samwell was the man who killed the King of the Iron Isles himself. Stannis of course has heard the rumors, usually he would dismiss such as just that, but he remembers that this boy's father was the only general to defeat his brother Robert back during the Rebellion. 

"Hmm... As expected of a Tarly" Said uncle Stannis, to my amusement. "Now tell me, how many of this new weapon... Canon?"

"Cannon!" I corrected.

"Cannon, how many of these we have currently?"

"One." I said proudly. Samwell looked at me but said nothing. Good, smart boy.

"Good. One is enough. Now I have heard that the Lords of the seven kingdoms are afraid of the weapon and its destructive power. Well, I don't care about that. As long we can use it against the enemies of the Crown. We shall take back our lands and show them what happens when you defy the Kings peace."

"What if they refuse?" Samwell asked reasonably.

"Then we will march on Westeros and burn the Seven Kingdoms to ashes." Said a rain soaked Tywin Lannister who just entered my office without knocking.

And I was beginning to think that selling him the rights for the culverine may not been a good idea at all...

The End.


This is the End of Lloyd Joffrey adventures fostering at the Reach. And also the End of this little Book. Man it was fun to write!

Now tell me, Do you want to read more?

If you would like to read a continuation, please leave a comment in the comment section suggesting what do you like to see Lloyd building or doing during the Greyjoy Rebellion. Stay Safe!