
Jobless Transportation - The Honored One

Pre-Awakened Gojo Satoru Transported Into The Six-Faced World. Or... Gojo Satoru In Mushoku Tensei. Enough said. Don't worry, he's still OP without being Awakened, as he is nevertheless Gojo Satoru. I'll do my best to do him Justice and perhaps expand upon him as he is Teen Gojo in a new world or in better terms: "Not a fully developed Character" just yet. For the sake of not making any false expectations here's a rundown of how this fic goes: This is a Slow Cook Story. A Slice of lifeish fic with a functional Plot. This is basically Teen Gojo's vacation/adventure through the wide and expansive world of Mushoku Tensei. With original plotlines, OC's appear often in addition to the Extremely Important Canon Characters who are important to the overall plot and events that cascade and will eventually intertwine. To give a rough outline of the percentage between Slice Of Life and Intense even Dark plot/action/serious moments would be... On average 70% for Slice of Life and 30% for the latter. This of course would change as we get deeper into important events and plotlines where the percentage could skewer in favor of Intense Plot stuff. Like 100% of only that. In summary - Slice of Life is a major part and covers the gaps between the more intense and plot-relevant stuff. Hope this clarifies your worries! Do take note, I wrote this fic to relax from my more serious main fic. So do take it with a grain of salt and try to enjoy this if you can :P This is a Fanfiction, As such, I own nothing. Not the cover. I don't own Jobless Reincarnation/Mushoku Tensei nor do I own Jujutsu Kaisen. The credit goes to the respective creators and kudos to them for creating such fantastical works. If you haven't. Go read the originals and support the creators. They're better than this I promise! Cover supplied by the kind Wudi_Tianxia! Updates are under no schedule, they are limited only by my motivation to write. However due to the nature of this fic being short chapters: 1k-3k Words Per chapter or more if I'm feeling fancy, chapters should be coming out rather quickly.

BurgerNoTomatoes · Anime y Cómics
Sin suficientes valoraciones
54 Chs


Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

I'm also occasionally chilling in JaxWolf4's (Author of Nah, I'd Adapt) Discord Server. It's a chaotic lobotomy mess. Not for the faint of heart.

Here's the link:

Disc: HrPrTeam

(Special Credit to quiltedbear for the Beta Reading Labor!)

-Story Start-

"White hair... Tall... Shades... Blocking entry to my meeting with Princess Ariel." Soldat observed casually, his finger tapping on his chin.

His head leisurely turned to observe the other passerby sending mixed looks at the oddly dressed stoic snowflake - Yet the recognition in their eyes was unmistakable.

"Surely... That's him." A shadow of a smirk formed on Soldat's face as he approached.

His every booted step forward echoed softly amid the racket of the surrounding city activity.

Eventually, he arrived at arm's length of the white-haired man blocking his entrance.

While not exactly a short man, Soldat still had to lift his head to meet the eyes of the man before him.

A curious and eager smirk was firmly on the adventurer's face as he failed to see through those pitch-black shades, stating honestly, "I'd like to pass through, I have a meeting with Princess Ariel scheduled... You're blocking the path."

He cared to dial down any type of rudeness or arrogance, whilst caring to not don any kind of mask.

That'd be spitting on his own sense of identity and values, after all.


He was met with a tense and unfazed silence from the snowflake he addressed.

A moment later, Satoru lowered his head towards Soldat's face.

Their faces are at a kissing distance from each other.

While a normal individual would have been greatly uncomfortable; Soldat had, unfortunately, been through far worse.

The only concern would be the fact that a Great Power is invading his personal space so casually.

Nevertheless, the blonde S-Rank Party Leader kept his composed smirk.

Satoru lowered his gaze, looking Soldat up and down in great scrutiny.

Extending his hand, he pointed with his finger at the sheathed blade at Soldat's side.

Finally, Satoru spoke with an odd professionalism, "Just that one sword?"


Soldat blinked at that inquiry, a glint of realization crossed his features, mumbling out a surprised admission, "Ah... You're her guard?"

The rumors that the Second Princess of Asura had recruited Gojo Satoru seemed to be valid.

However... The fact that he was her Security measure was almost unbelievable.

'A man of his caliber acting as a simple guard?' Soldat noted internally, keeping that inquiry for later.

As he spoke, he untied the leather binding holding his sheathed blade and was about to hand it to Satoru only to...

Pause as Satoru's palm and voice caught his attention, "No need, you should keep it."

Raising an eyebrow at that act, Satoru answered Soldat's unasked question, a haughty smirk finally forming on Satoru's professional stoic expression:

"I've noticed that the more swords you guys have, especially North God users, the more safe you feel around me. So I was just looking out for you~"

Blinking once more, Soldat barked out a laugh, "Hah! You've gotta be one hell of a man to be talking like that... I wonder how the Princess feels being in a stuffy room with armed gruff adventurers. I could still pose a threat to her, you know?"

Satoru snorted in response, a broad, menacing grin on his face, "Be my guest and try something~!" He cheerfully encouraged as he stepped aside - No longer blocking the door.

Soldat snorted himself, matching Satoru's energy as he passed by him, grabbing the handle and opening the large wooden door with a resonating creak.

Satoru mentioned nonchalantly, "The pervert's on the second floor, last door to the right."

Unsurprised, Soldat had easily concluded Ariel was the aforementioned pervert.

The single thought of, 'Asuran Nobles.' was all that he needed to be convinced.

Soldat took a step forward into the building leading into an empty wooden lobby, only to pause for a moment.

Turning to look over his shoulder at the nonchalant and strangely attired Satoru, he called out to him, "Gojo Satoru, right?"

"The one and only!"

Soldat's tone turned slightly cold and more serious in contrast to his casual demeanor, his eyes narrowed sharply, "You should be careful with your lover. My good friend Quagmire had his heart broken by her a few years back. So I'll be frank with you. You should tell her to go to hell and carry on your merry way."

Without waiting for Satoru's response, he also mentioned with a more haughty tone, "But you do you. Given who you are, you'll be fine. Name's Soldat Heckler. Leader of S - Ranked Party Stepped Leader." He gave a wave.

He continued walking, heading up the stairs, managing to miss the...

Rather loud cackle of Satoru:



Having ascended the stairs and reached the room where, to his great surprise, Ariel Anemoi Asura was already expectantly and patiently waiting for him.

Two sofas and a small wooden table in between, and another guard standing stoically beside Ariel's right.

A girl, likely an attendant in Ranoa Magic University uniform stood stoically in the corner.

Sitting on the left Sofa, Ariel sipped some kind of herbal tea, greeting the adventurer with a smile.

In his mind, Ariel had started off strong.

Now, the confusing part came with the fact that...

Gojo Satoru seemingly teleported into the room as he stood to Ariel's left with a grin.

Enjoying every bit of perplexion on Soldat's face.

However, the confusion was only momentary, given Gojo Satoru's capabilities are known far and wide.

Like a puzzle, his power was slowly being pieced together... Though nothing concrete.

Not even mentioning what cesspool he popped out of with his lack of mana and contrasting prowess.

Thus... Negotiations began.

Rising up to greet him, Ariel curtsied, "I thank you for coming this far to meet with me. Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am the Second Princess of the Asura Kingdom, Ariel Anemoi Asura." She radiated all her natural charisma in her hypnotizing voice.

Smirking and lightly bewitched by her beauty and smile, Soldat introduced himself pointedly, his etiquette clearly lacking but nevertheless there, "Soldat Heckler, Leader of S - Ranked Party Stepped Leader. At your service."

Satoru snorted, turning to Luke, "Pfft, like reading off a script-" Only to pause as Ariel lightly elbowed him, keeping that polite and charming smile on her face.

Quickly diverting attention from Satoru back to herself, she gestured for Soldat to sit, to which he obliged.

Having sat down in front of each other, Ariel turned her head to request kindly from the girl standing in the corner, "Kleene, if you may."

Kleene, her attendant turned to grab a cup of now lukewarm tea and approached, setting it down in front of Soldat, and bowing politely to him.

"Thank you." He swiftly thanked her.

Soldat's head lowered to give a momentary glance at the cup of tea.

Considering it for a moment, he leaned in and grabbed it, taking a sip.

Gulping the lukewarm liquid and lifting his gaze, he is met with the noble visage of Ariel, a disarming and soothing smile on her face.

Though he enjoyed every bit of it, Soldat was no fool.

In fact, this only heightened his guard.

Narrowing his eyes, he skipped the small talk, "How can I be of service to the Second Princess of Asura?"

Keeping a smile on her face, Ariel nodded as she leaned in, folding her arms, "At a certain point in time, within the next five years... I will call for aid. I want your Party to be one of those who answer my call. A guarantee of it."

Soldat frowned at that request.

"What do we, the Stepped Leader, get from answering your call?" He pointedly inquired.

Smiling broadly and sadistically, Ariel answered, "Nobility within Asura. A Title, Land, Vassals, the whole package - Depending on your contribution, of course. I believe you and your Party will be most delighted with what's to come with your agreement."

Taking a moment to digest that information, Soldat's eyes narrowed, his tone laced with suspicion, "While that does sound enticing, Princess Ariel... You have yet to state what exactly we will be doing to earn such... Grandiose rewards."

Lifting a finger he admitted bluntly, "Frankly, quit playing around the subject, it's pissing me off and isn't leading you anywhere... Tell me what you want down to the last detail."

Blinking, Ariel smiled sadly, "I apologize if it appeared like so, Soldat. But please, call me Ariel."

His eyes narrowed in suspicion even further.

Coughing, she collected herself, her gaze sharpening and changing from a charming smile to a thin line, "I'm certain you are aware, but I will be fighting for the throne in the coming years-"

Soldat cut her off as he pieced it together, "The nobles that have sided with the First Prince's Faction will be executed, and we, as well as other supporters you've managed to recruit, will take their place in Asuran Nobility... Is that it?"

Ariel nodded, "You need not cease your current activities. Stay within your usual activity range or, at least, a place where I can reach you via letter. I'll call for the forces to converge and we shall embark towards War." She stated gravely.


A tense silence enveloped them, whilst Satoru himself was about to doze off, having left his steadfast position beside Ariel to comfortably lean on the wall.

Soldat snickered, "Brave..." He mentioned.

Pointing at the bored Satoru, Soldat questioned, "But unnecessarily risky. Why such desperate costs when he's on your side?"

There he was, sitting there contently.

Completely relaxed.

On the verge of falling asleep even.

Soldat couldn't help but narrow his eyes at the prospect.

It was far too lax, far too irresponsible.

He had his sword and Ariel was within arm's reach.

In less than a second, Soldat could decapitate her pretty little head.


Her guard sat in complete ease.

Soldat's hardened instincts screamed to him that his relaxation wasn't due to another guard standing by Ariel's side.


Even now...

That disturbing, invasive sensation of someone watching him was still present.

Beyond those pitch-black shades...

He was being watched.

Gojo Satoru was the real deal.

Ignoring the subtle sweat on Soldat, his question would have raised alarm bells in Ariel's mind, with her agreement with Satoru at the forefront of her mind, she had to maintain the illusion.

Smiling professionally, she tilted her head, "It is likely that the First Prince's Faction will recruit an individual on the level of the Great Powers as well. His role is to eliminate the rest of the faction's need to fight such a monster."

Soldat huffed as he leaned back into the sofa, comfortably crossing his legs as he hummed in thought.

'The rewards are very enticing... But am I or the Party willing to risk death? This is not Bandit, Slave, or Monster Extermination nor is this Labyrinth exploration... Even with the 6th Great Power presumably by our side, it'll be a close battle.' He juggled with the prospect.

'Noble life... It is not as enticing and free as Adventurer life... No, this is not a gamble I'm willing to take, but the party should hear about it.'

Despite the allure of titles and riches, Soldat couldn't shake the expectant bitter taste of politics and being a ruler of the land - The kind that snared you in responsibilities and even dangers far more perilous than any Labyrinth could offer.

He valued freedom above all, and nobility would surely cage that desire.

But, if nobility, titles, and riches are her highest prize... Can she even offer him something he really needed and was worth risking his and his party's life?

Silence reigned in the room as he glared at the ceiling, rising up suddenly with a made-up mind.

He bluntly stated, "Hard pass."

Ariel's smile turned sad, "Is that so? I am saddened to hear that."

"And it saddens me to taint a beautiful woman's smile as well, but it is simply not meant to be." He retorted with a hint of playfulness in his tone.

Luke's glare settled firmly on Soldat's smirk.

"On a more serious note, I apologize, but regardless of what you were willing to pay, participating in a bloody struggle for the throne is greatly against the interests of my Party as well as myself... But I had to at least hear you out, I am in no position to reject Royalty without any reason, after all." He shrugged as he stood up.

Ariel stood up as well, nodding lightly, "I see, that is most unfortunate."

He gave a small smile, "While those were just my considerations, I am still, after all, the Leader of my Party. I shall relay them your offers and will see you should they convince me otherwise."

Ariel smiled lightly, suppressing the delighted glint in her eyes.

She turned to Kleene with a nod, "Could you see him out?"

Kleene nodded, "Of course, Lady Ariel." She approached and stood beside Soldat.

Calling out to the man, Ariel smiled, "Given what you told me, are you staying in Sharia for a while, then?"

A broad smile formed on Soldat at the beautiful woman's interest, "A week at most." Then he remembered, "However, now that you mention it. Do you know where is Quagmire's abode at the University?"

Ariel answered swiftly, "He's gone off to the Holy Land Of Swords. I estimate he'll be back within the month."

Grunting in annoyance, Soldat scratched the back of his head, "Well... Better luck next time then." He headed towards the door.

Ariel nodded, calling out to him, "If you change your mind or need anything while you stay, you can always find me in the Magic University's Student Council Room."

Nodding absentmindedly, Soldat headed out of the room with Kleene in tow, flirting lightly with her as they headed out.

...A princess is too tall of an order, after all.

Thus, the Ariel Faction plus Gojo Satoru were left in the room in silence.

Only to be broken by Ariel's exhausted and weak sigh.

And Satoru's blunt astonishment, "Wow... You're usually not half bad in these negotiations, given you've nailed a couple... But that had to be your worst one."

Ariel huffed, smiling at the admonishment, somehow enjoying it, "What would you have me do better, then?"

Scratching his head, "Not starting off with such a fat reward, for starters, and getting to know the guy before you put on that prim and proper act of yours, those were probably what lowered your chances, but meh~ You win some you lose some~!"

Luke chimed in, "He does have a point."

"Of course I do! It really makes me wonder how fast you jumped to offering him the whole package; as if you've caught Clarice's "insecure and desperate" vibe." Satoru teased sharply, a casual smirk playing on his lips.

Sitting down and sipping her tea calmly, Ariel shot a glance at Satoru, raising an eyebrow, "It worked on you when I used it, hadn't it?"

Tilting his head in confusion, he pointed at himself, "Isn't it obviously because I'm a nice guy?"

Luke bluntly remarked, "I'm lucky I'm not eating anything, else I'd have choked to death after hearing that."

"Shut it! Useless Luke!" Satoru cried out, pointing a degrading finger at Luke.

Giggling at their banter, Ariel turned to Satoru, "You know, I can't help but be surprised how... Moderately serious you are in these negotiations. I'd have expected you to ruin every single one."

Flashing a genuine bright smile, she added, "I'm genuinely pleased that the sinking, almost dreadful sensation proved to be false."

Satoru shrugged.

Luke deadpanned, "He's letting S Rank Adventurers reach arm's length with you while they still have a sword strapped to their sid-"

"Shut it! Useless Luke!"

Turning to Ariel, Satoru tilted his head and narrowed his gaze through his shades, "But you don't usually let them go that quickly... I get what you're trying, but I ain't helping you convince his party members on the side~" He waved her off nonchalantly.

Ariel rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "Naturally..." She frowned for a moment, her bottom lip extending out in a pout. "Was I that obvious?"

Luke shifted, thoroughly confused by their exchange.

Satoru made a so-so gesture, his smirk widening, "Meh, 6.5/10... I'm guessing you sent Elmore to do that for you?" He shot her a teasing glance.

Ariel's pout deepened as she glared at him, "You saw her with those eyes of yours... Don't act smart."

Satoru nodded sagely, feigning seriousness.

After a dramatic pause, he added, "Mhm... 5/10."

Pushing himself off the wall, without waiting for Ariel's reaction, he mentioned, "Well, all in a day's work. Cya later, I've got stuff to do with Shizuka-chan~!"

Clasping his hands together, he vanished in front of them.

Nodding, Ariel turned to Luke, "Anything else scheduled?"

He shook his head, "Nothing except my training with Nina Farion. I trust you will be observing today as well?" He hesitated a bit.

"Well, I can't just move around without any of my loyal guards? Now can I~?" She giggled.

He nodded tiredly, mumbling out a genuine complaint, "Where's Sylphiette?"

Luke never quite enjoyed showing just how... Pathetically he performed in front of his mistress.

Ariel giggled further in sadistic enjoyment.


There she was.

Sitting at one of the three chairs beside a table below the only window in the Lab beside her Private Quarter, Nanahoshi relaxed.

Unmasked, she leisurely drank her own tea, her gaze looking through the window as she took a break from her usual grueling work.

Lifting the cup, her lips made contact with the cold edge of the cup.

Slowly, gently, she lifted it, allowing the warm tea to-


"AH!" She screamed, throwing the cup of hot tea in the air in her startled state.

The cup flew in the air, spraying the scorching liquid all over.

Only for the cup and the tea to freeze in the air.

Flipping the cup, and pulling the liquid back into its contents, Satoru had managed to save the poor messy papers on the ground from being ruined and, most importantly...

Not letting Nanahoshi get scalded.

He shook his head as he nonchalantly floated the cup back to Nanahoshi's hand, "Sheesh, you really gotta be careful with how you drink your tea. You should be glad I was here to save you~!"

She sighed her pain away, fully knowing arguing or getting mad at him would only make her... Even more annoyed.

Raising an eyebrow, Nanahoshi inquired evenly, a note of snark in her tone, "Had fun playing federal bodyguard?" She pointedly looked at his attire.


Shaking her head, Nanahoshi took another sip, as she rose up and casually fitted her mask back in place.

Her tone turned serious and worried, "I know I'm beating on a dead horse here, but Gojo-kun... Involving yourself with Ariel Anemoi Asura? Are you getting attached to this world? How will you return to Japan?"

Raising an eyebrow himself, he pointed at a Magic Circle near completion, his tone matter of factly, "With that~?"

Rolling her eyes, she approached.

Reaching arm length from him, she tried to meet his eyes through the shades by lifting her head, "I'm serious... Although I..." She shivered at her voracious disgust of this world, "Greatly disagree, I can partially understand your view of this place as a vacation... But getting involved in politics as well as a struggle for the throne of Asura? This doesn't sound like a Vacation anymore, now does it?"

While Nanahoshi was a shut-in, she wasn't stupid.

Satoru's lack of want to get involved in any political faction, country, or conflict was one of the only common ground topics the two of them held regarding this world.

It was additional evidence to her that despite his antics and prior promises, he was serious about getting back to Japan, and this was truly a vacation to him.



He had made an exception.

Satoru waved off her concerns, "I ain't getting involved in the struggle itself. Also, just because I deem this a vacation doesn't mean I have to ignore the world and the people around me and limit myself completely... Like you do. We've talked about this, I have to return to Japan." He shrugged, his tone completely serious.

A teasing smile played on his lips, "But... Worried about me, Shizuka-chan~? I'm touched! What would boyfriend-kun say about that?!" He chastised as he wrapped himself protectively.

Sighing once more, she shook her head, "Why'd I even try... If you deem your senior's advice pointless, then I can do nothing. Let's get on with it." She approached the paper on the ground.

"If your advice is actually senseless, being a senior doesn't help it whatsoever~!"

"Shut it. Help me complete these two layers." She pointed at the incomplete and rather complex magic circle below them.

"What's the magic word~?" He drawled out in a giddy tone.




"I'm not saying the rest of it." She asserted vehemently.

He shook his head in dismay and profound tragedy, as he lowered himself to help Nanahoshi, "What's so difficult about saying - "Please help me, Oh Great, Handsome, Majestic, Wisest And Strongest Man - Gojo Satoru!"?"

"Everything." She replied.


Standard procedure as usual.

As the rather hefty amount of Magic Crystals was drained of all Mana - An intricate Magic Circle began to glow, accepting the input.

However, this one was met with great anticipation.

It was not just one Magic Circle - but several Magic Circles laid on top of each other using multiple papers to create a working individual complex Magic Circle.

Nanahoshi's expectant gaze locked onto the glowing parchments, not a hint of smoke or smell of burnt paper just yet.

Satoru's Six Eyes observed the following phenomenon with great interest, with a degree of expectancy from him as well.

Then, finally, the room was lit aglow by the Magic Circle's activation.

Blinded by the light, Nanahoshi turned away, while Satoru's greater eyesight persevered.

The result of the Magic Circle popped out, and a smirk replaced the thin line and serious expression on his face.

Yet his eyes were narrowed as he processed the phenomenon itself.

Ignoring Satoru's reaction, Nanahoshi turned to look back at one of the layered Magic Circles that the two of them worked hard to make...

Her heartbeat, already having been rapid and drumming in her chest had further accelerated.

Her breath hitched as her eyes narrowed at the...

Plastic Bottle that appeared.

She shivered in excitement as she balled her fists in genuine joy, "It's a success!" She announced.

Satoru nodded, his tone serious despite the momentous occasion, "Step 1... Complete."

'It's just as I thought...' He confirmed through his Six Eyes.

The Plastic Bottle did not simply appear out of thin air.

It pierced a hole through... Existence.

The World itself.

But, it was in a familiar manner.

'Reminiscent of invading someone's Domain or Barrier... This World and Earth are separated by a...' Satoru continued his line of thought.

'Barrier.' He confirmed.

The omnipotence of Magic had both fascinated and eluded Satoru.

The instructions inscribed on the Magic Circles had truly called out to [Earth] and for an [Inanimate Object], with the clear instruction of [Reverting Status Quo] following the Circle's activation.

The last instruction was the most difficult to scribe, given the complexity of such a command - It deals with reverting something to its prior state in time, or simply put Time Manipulation at its most basic form.

Whilst the first instruction calling out to [Earth] was the most ambitious and uncertain to work...

Nonetheless, without the clear instruction of - [Reverting Status Quo] which likely was responsible for patching up the hole in the world's barrier...

Satoru had, for a thousandth of a second...

Seen Mana Converge At An Alarming Pace And Quantity.

Given the arbitrarily short period of time the convergence lasted, it didn't have any visible effects, at least for Nanahoshi.

But Satoru was certain...

If they hadn't written that instruction...

They'd have caused another Mana Calamity right then and there.

The nature of Magic Circles and Magic in general is as follows:

You ask, and you shall receive.

As long as you know how to ask.

And as long as you have the Mana to pay.

Acting in accordance with the law of conservation of energy that Mana seemed to abide by quite consistently, should NOT have allowed these puny Magic Crystals to fuel a Mana Calamity.


But it was enough to create a hole in the World's Barrier, albeit small.

'That method by which the World patches its own holes is flawed... Resulting in that mess a few years ago.' Satoru had confirmed as well.

He couldn't help but admit, a smirk on his face, yet his tone betrayed no joy:

"When we're done here. I'm destroying every last piece of paper." He stated with no room for argument.

Still excited and tremendously relieved, Nanahoshi turned to Satoru with a smile beneath her mask, "Don't care! Do you not understand that we can get back home now?! Do you comprehend it?!" She maniacally called out to him, tugging his sleeves.

'I'll have to visit Perugius earlier.' Nanahoishi quickly reminded herself and adjusted her plans.

Nanahoshi's sudden maniacal craze had creeped out Satoru as he cringed at her, "You might want to go chill in the Hot Springs. You're creepin me out."

But, truth be told, he couldn't blame her.

She had truly worked for so long and agonized for so long, and a connection to their world had been finally formed for the first time through experimentation.

Getting back to Japan shouldn't take too long from this point onwards, now should it?

However, Satoru was content with keeping the fact that they, in essence, had the ability to unleash the equivalent of a Nuke in this world at their leisure - wherever and whenever they pleased.

A secret that he...

And only he would know.


It was only two days later that Satoru received an interesting proposition...

"Go to the Biheiril Kingdom?" He repeated with a tilted head.

Ariel nodded, "If you decline, I'll await Sylphy's return and head there with her and the others... I trust the entire ordeal would not take more than two months, so Rudeus would forgive me for stealing his wife... Hehe~" She giggled pervertedly.

"They're married?"

To Be Continued!

[ARC 2 - Gojo Satoru In Ranoa - COMPLETE!]

-Author Note Start-

Been a while my lovelies!


Yes, you read that correctly!

Next chapter My magnificent ALIVE Gojo is tying up some loose ends (And I plant my lovely plot seeds) and on with the next Arc we go!


Though when Gojo returns the Academy it will be significantly shorter since some tense shi gon happen and drama and stuff and whatever the fk so he'll be going somewhere else real quick.


I'd like to welcome all of you to...

[ARC 3 - Gojo Satoru In Biheiril Kingdom]

The connection between Cursed Energy & Mana is still a theme that is yet to be fully revealed, so there's a reason ya'll aren't getting the details yet.

But I'll summarize this arc real quick on that front:

Gojo repeatedly tries to cast a fireball but fails with pride.


Hope this chappie was up to snuff in quality and stuff and you've enjoyed it!

Thanks! Love ya! Bu Bye!

You can read 1 chapter ahead on P A T R E 0 NN

Here's the link:


As always, feedback and such is much appreciated and have a lovely day!