
ᵥₒₗᵤₘₑ ₅, ₚₐᵣₜ ₁₁ ₋ ₛᵤbₜₑᵣfᵤgₑ: Beginning of the Chaos.

The night hung heavy with an eerie stillness, broken only by the faint crackling of twigs burning in the fireplace. The room was shrouded in darkness, its corners obscured by shadowy secrets. A single, dimly lit lantern casted a feeble glow, creating a play of dancing shadows on the walls.

In the far distance, a melancholic melody drifted through the air, carried by a mournful instrument. The sound was faint, like the distant cry of a lonesome soul. It ebbed and flowed, as if it were the heartbeat of the night itself, a somber serenade to the dark mysteries the player of the instrument carried.

In the center of this dark and cozy ambiance lay a small bed, adorned with plush white blankets that cocooned the figure beneath. The bed's occupant, a young girl with vibrant azure hair, slept fitfully, her flushed face contrasting with the pale sheets. She had been starved for days, and her fevered state had left her in a restless slumber.

As she dreamt, her brows furrowed in distress, and soft moans escaped her parched lips. It was a nightmare, a recurring one that haunted her restless mind. 

She saw herself lost in a vast, labyrinth, where gnarled shadows reached out like skeletal hands to ensnare her. Shadows moved in the corners of her vision, and eerie whispers echoed in her ears.

The moans grew harder, and her body convulsed as she relived her moments. 

But then, something changed. 

A distant melody---sweet and soothing, began to drift toward her. 

She suddenly felt herself in a beautiful forest. The soft hum of the wind through the leaves, the gentle rustling of small creatures in the underbrush, and the distant murmur of a babbling brook merged into a harmonious chorus.

As the music drew nearer, the girl's tense features began to relax. The nightmare's grip on her slowly loosened, and her moans transformed into contented sighs. 

The vivid, menacing labyrinth of her dreams melted away, replaced by a serene glade bathed in the soft glow of a moonlit night. The trees stood tall and proud, their branches swaying gracefully to the rhythm of the invisible orchestra.

However, even in her dream, she wondered where this music came from. 

She had definitely heard it before, somewhere, but this one was attuned to perfection. 

The source of the enchanting melody soon revealed itself—an otherworldly figure, ethereal and radiant. 

A nymph-like being emerged from the darkness, its translucent gown flowing like liquid moonlight. His hair, a cascade of shimmering silver---almost white, seemed to capture the very essence of the starry sky. With every step, it left a trail of delicate, luminescent petals in its wake.

Approaching the girl, the ethereal nymph extended a hand, its fingers gliding gracefully over the girl's flushed forehead. 

The touch was cool, like a gentle breeze on a warm summer night. It soothed the fevered heat that had gripped the girl's body, easing her discomfort.

The girl's sleep began to transition from a troubled nightmare to a peaceful reverie. Her breaths deepened, becoming more rhythmic, and her flushed cheeks gradually regained their natural color. 

As she tried to reach out for the elusive figure in her dream, her fingers grasped at thin air, and a sense of frustration gnawed at her. 

The figure remained elusive, its features shrouded. 

"It's time to wake up."

A voice, soft and soothing, cut through the disorienting dream. 

The words were gentle, like a comforting whisper in the wind. The dream world around her began to tremble, its vibrant colors swirling into a chaotic maelstrom. 

She felt an odd sensation, like being torn from one reality and thrust into another.

With a gasp, she was ripped from the dream's grasp and thrust into consciousness. Her eyes snapped open, wide and unseeing for a moment. Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath, the aftermath of the dream lingering in her mind like an echo.


Her voice echoed in the dimly lit room, filled with a mixture of confusion and fear. Her heart thudded in her chest as she took in deep, shaky breaths, her hands trembling slightly as they clutched the blanket that covered her from head to toe. 

She felt the feverish warmth coursing through her veins, her face flushed with the remnants of the night's unsettling dream.

The room itself exuded an eerie calmness, illuminated only by the soft, flickering glow of a single candle on a nearby table. 

Shadows danced across the walls, casting strange, elongated shapes that seemed to twist and sway in time with her racing heart. The air hung heavy with silence, broken only by the occasional crackling of the dwindling fire in the hearth.

Her gaze slowly adjusted to the dimness of the room, revealing the details of her surroundings. The walls were adorned with faded draperies. 

A worn wooden floor creaked beneath her, and the room was sparsely furnished with antique furniture draped in cloth.

Despite the chill in the air, the room held an oddly cozy ambiance. The bed she lay upon was piled high with soft blankets and plush pillows, cocooning her in warmth. 

She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to banish the lingering unease from her mind. The vivid remnants of her dream still haunted her thoughts, leaving a sense of foreboding that clung to her like a stubborn shadow. 

She wished she could remember more about the dream, about the enigmatic figure that had been both haunting and strangely familiar.

"Where even am I?" She mumbled to herself. 

"Welcome to the afterlife." 

A voice cut through the tension. Startled, she looked in the direction only to find a familiar face. His hair was white, but she could tell from a glance. 


"Your head was bleeding. I thought you'd lose it." The reply came out almost immediately as he looked up from the piano he was playing, slowly placing the lid back on the keys. "Been some time, hasn't it, Roxy?" 

"You...Wait... It's you!" 

"I am?" 

"You weren't dea---ugh, why did I even think you were dead...." she clutched her head, a splitting headache invading her as she tried to fight it. 

"Don't push yourself. Your body has started consuming itself in order to sustain itself. Put on some clothes. I will bring you something to eat. You can ask questions later." Julian suggested, standing up as he kept his gaze away from Roxy. 

"No, no, stay here I want to tal--wait, what do you mean by wear somethin---eeek." 

Looking down, she saw herself completely naked, only a layer of blanket covering her. She used it to hide her modest chest, skeptically looking at Julian, "Why am I naked?" 

A memory resurfaced in Julian's mind. 

'Shizuka asked the same thing after she kissed me.' 

"Your clothes were mostly melted away by the acidic properties of the monster's blood. And I removed the rest, so the poison doesn't seep through your skin into the blood stream." 

Roxy felt embarrassed but bowed her head regardless. "Thanks for s-saving me...."

"Mhm. There are some clothes in the wardrobe. Feel free to use them."

"Thanks...." Her voice was barely above a whisper. 

As soon as he left the room, she hastily covered herself in the warmth of the blanket once more, pulling it up to her chin. 

Her heart raced, and her cheeks burned with a deep shade of crimson that extended down to her neck. She couldn't help it; the mere thought of him set her heart aflutter.

In the privacy of her cocoon of blankets, she couldn't contain the whirlwind of emotions that surged within her. She pressed her face into the soft pillow, muffling a delighted squeal as she gripped her locks, her fingers trembling with excitement. 

It was as though she were floating on air, a dreamy smile gracing her flushed features.

'What to do, what to do, what to do!' 

For years, she had harbored a secret fantasy in the depths of her heart, a mawkish, gushy desire for a knight in shining armor who would sweep into her life, protecting her in times of peril. 

It was a daydream she had nurtured through countless nights, a vision of a hero who would emerge to rescue her from the malignant and deleterious time of plight.

And now, finally, she had come to that enthralling chapter of her life. 

Fate had finally, after years of wait, brought her face to face with the embodiment of her dreams, a man who had entered her world like a gallant knight from the stories of old. 

From the very moment her eyes had first met his, she had felt the unmistakable flutter of her heart and the rush of emotions as she understood what he had done.

She had fallen for him. 

Utterly and completely. 

With a depth of feeling she had never experienced before. 

It was love at first sight, a love that had ignited within her like a blazing star, casting aside all doubts and hesitations. Every encounter, every stolen glance, had only fanned the flames of her affection, leaving her longing for more.

However, there was one slight problem. 


The door swung open, revealing Julian's tall figure silhouetted against the soft glow of the hallway lights. 

Roxy's heart fluttered as her fingers clutched the oversized blanket around her. Her face was still flushed with fever, and her exhaustion showed in the weariness etched into her features.

Julian's sharp azure eyes scanned the whole room and then stopped at Roxy, making her flinch. 

She was dressed in an enormous white shirt, which seemed to have been borrowed from someone much larger. The sleeves cascaded over her arms, concealing her delicate hands entirely. 

Beneath the billowing shirt, she wore black net leggings, their intricate patterns accentuating her slender legs. Despite the unusual combination, her petite form still shone through, her thighs and a hint of a modest cleavage peeking through the delicate fabric.

The dress almost made it seem like a child playing "dress-up" with her parents' clothes. 

Roxy's cheeks deepened to a shade of crimson as she caught Julian's gaze wandering over her unconventional attire. 

Her vulnerability and timidity were palpable as she squirmed slightly under his scrutiny. 

She hadn't chosen this outfit willingly; it was a makeshift solution after her original clothes had been soaked in the relentless rain.

'Shizuka's clothes are too big for her after all.' 

Julian thought but chose not to comment on its ill fit, understanding the circumstances that had led her to this peculiar choice. Instead, he addressed the matter at hand.

"Here. You should have something warm in your stomach," Julian said gently, his voice tender. "You've caught a cold."

With a swift motion, he placed a tray on the edge of the bed. 

Steam gracefully wafted from a bowl of hot porridge, a sizzling steak, and three perfectly cooked sunny-side-up eggs. The room was instantly filled with the mouthwatering aroma, causing Roxy's stomach to respond with an appreciative growl.

Roxy attempted to voice her gratitude but found herself silenced by Julian. 

"Eat first," he instructed, his words carrying a soothing assurance. "We can talk afterward."

However, it wasn't that she was going to talk anything. She was out of words that what Julian forbade her from talking was a useless ramble of incoherent words anyways. 

As Julian placed the plates in front of her, he lowered, making his hair cascade down. The close proximity made Roxy's body tremble, the soft sandalwood scent wafting from Julian's body arousing Roxy. 

However, the awkwardness clouded the concupiscent feelings and instead focused more on how to start a conversation. 

Feeling like she can't talk right now, and given how hungry she was, Roxy nodded in agreement, feeling a complicated mixture of emotions. 

Her heart raced. The butterflies in her stomach danced a frenetic waltz as she eagerly dug into her meal.

Taking a seat beside the small, modest piano positioned against the room's elegant backdrop, Julian began to play a soft, melancholic melody. 

His fingers danced gracefully over the ivory keys, each note resonating with an otherworldly beauty. 

The white strands of his hair seemed to shimmer like moonlight in the dimly lit room, and Roxy couldn't help but wonder why it was white instead of the golden hue he had before.

As Roxy savored the warmth of the porridge and the haunting yet unusual beauty of Julian's music, her initial unease began to dissipate. A sense of comfort settled over her, and she couldn't help but sigh contentedly. 

The blush on her cheeks gradually faded, leaving her feeling strangely at ease. The tightness in her chest was still there, but now she could look at Julian for a longer time. At first, she only stole hidden glances but now she could look at him for a long while. 

But part of the reason was because Julian hadn't looked at her for some time now. 

While she continued to enjoy her meal, Roxy's curiosity got the better of her. 

Her mind buzzed with questions about the circumstances that had led to their unexpected encounter. Why was she here in this room? What had prompted Julian to come to her rescue? How was he alive? What had happened to him for the time when he was presumed dead? 

Yet, amid her curious inquiries, Roxy couldn't help but be plagued by her own insecurities. 

Her gaze lingered on Julian's profile, his sharp features and captivating eyes. 

A sudden self-consciousness washed over her, a relentless tide of anxiety. She couldn't shake the nagging feeling that her petite, underdeveloped figure was the reason Julian hadn't paid her as much attention as she secretly longed for.

The sound of her own thoughts reverberating in her head filled her with apprehension. She bit her lower lip, her blush returning in full force. She didn't want Julian to see her like this, vulnerable and filled with self-doubt.

Shaking her head, she got rid of those thoughts and completed her food. Once she was done, she sighed heavily, placing her hands behind her as she let out a long breath. 

'His cooking got even better...' 

"Done?" Julian's voice reverberated in her ears. 

Maybe it was because she was starving and wasn't in her right mind, she just noticed how much his voice had changed. It wasn't exactly heavy but the subtle gruffness in it made her tingle, sending jolts of electricity in her body. 

"Hm, oh, yeah, I am. Thanks for the meal." 

"No worries."

Silently, he rose to his feet, collected the plates from their place in front of her, and passed them to the individual stationed outside their door. Once the man's footsteps receded, fading into the distance, Roxy summoned her courage and made a decision to break the prevailing silence. 

"Uhm, Julian?" 


He replied, closing the door and turning the small knob, locking the door. The lock closed with a subtly audible metallic grind, followed by the whoosh of wind that was created due to the speed with which the door was closed. 

"First of all, uhm, thanks a lot for saving me..." she paused, struggling to look him in the eyes. His dull gaze from the time she had remembered was much sharper, a dignified aura around him. It almost felt like looking at him in the eye was like having a dagger next to her eyes, ready to gouge it out. "...it was you who saved me, right?" 

A part of her wanted it to be him. It didn't matter if it was someone else now. The first assumption was that Julian had saved her and no matter what he said now, her feelings wouldn't change. 

So, with bated breath, she stayed silent, bracing herself for the answer that would leave his lips. 

"Mhm, yeah, it was me." 

She exhaled audibly. Only after the words came out of Julian's mouth did she realise that she was holding in her breath. 

"Thank God..." She murmured to herself. 

However, it wasn't the time to be immersed in her feelings. There were so many questions that she wanted to ask him. 

"Can I ask a few questions?" Roxy asked, her tone formal. 

"You were my first friend in this world. Don't be so starchy." Julian cut her off, dragging the chair and sitting beside her. 

Again, the raw, woody scent made her tremble. 



'Why is your hair white?' was the question she wanted to ask him first, but the words lumped in her throat. Instead; 

"How were you doing all this time?"

The question was quite sincere as she looked down at hands, their fingers interlinked. 

"Good. Quite good. I am assuming you haven't been outside in the past one year." Julian spoke and Roxy's expressions froze. 

The passage of time had halted for her in that forsaken place. 

"I don't really remember. I started with a party, but I lost them. It has been months but a year...I couldn't understand the passage of time."

"It's not a big deal. You're alive, even that is commendable. I would've died the moment I stepped foot in that labyrinth." Julian replied with a nonchalant shrug, undermining himself. 

Roxy laughed inwardly. 'He likes talking down on himself.' 

Finding somewhat of a comfort in his presence, she started asking the questions that had piqued her interest the most. 

"So? Why is your hair white? What happened?" 

"Hmm. It is a long story, but long story short, I lost a lot of mana, and it has been like that ever since."

"Ahh..." She finally understood. She had heard of cases in which mana depletion led to people losing their hair colour as it turns white. "...you know, this suits you as well. Be it golden or white, both seem to look quite good on you." 

"Oh? Thanks." 

Julian thanked her and after a moment, she cursed at herself. For reasons one might not think of. After all, what goes in a woman's head, is a mystery even to the thinker themself. 

"I have a question." 

"Go ahead." 

"It was you in the cave who casted that weird magic, right?" 

Julian tilted his head, "Yeah?" 

"I heard you chant. Weren't you able to cast silently?" 

"Hmm, well, I guess you won't know of it." Julian mumbled, piquing her interest, "Simple explanation would be because I wasn't able to apply my magic techniques' polarity without harming you as well in the process. Do you know, a magic spell goes through four stages." 


"The basic difference between effortlessly casting silently and with chants lie in the additional first step. People who chant have no imagination. They are purely pouring water into a container. However, after a certain amount of practice, they can leave chanting. However, it still stays the same." 

"I don't understand." Roxy's head was spinning from the explanation. 

"Hmm. Think of it this way." Julian spoke as he raised his index finger. 


A small wisp of flame ignited on his finger, "I just chanted. It isn't a spell and doesn't really require a spell but using anything bigger than this will ruin the room. Assume this wisp is an advanced spell." 

"I am listening." Roxy replied, sitting attentively. 

"Hm. With time, I will learn how to cast it without chants." 

Julian continued as he extinguished the flames and ignited it again, this time without saying its name. 

"What do you think is the problem here?" 

"Uh, nothing?" 



"Technically, there isn't a problem. However, from a battle perspective, the flames are still the same with no increase in intensity." 

"Isn't that just a matter of pumping more mana into it?" 

"That is an option but not a solution. You do not understand the essence of magic..." Julian voice trailed off. 

『Blue Fire』

Without an increase in magic output, the small wisp turned blue, and the temperature visibly increase. 

"You can't see it like I do, but can you feel it?" 

Roxy's eyes widened, glittering with excitement, "How? How is this possible? Your mana is the same." 

"Hm. It will turn blue in two cases. You use your own source to make it hotter, like your mana. Or you can use the similar amount of mana for a small spell and use that little mana to compress a higher amount of oxygen. It is tedious work but once you do it, you can make it more explosive." 

"Wait, wait, what's oxygen and how do you make it more explosive." 

"Hm, never mind the oxygen. Like I said before, people who chant have no imagination since they are doing a predetermined work. However, you can't just visualise the process of gathering oxygen, especially when you are in a battle. So, to stimulate that feeling, chants are necessary. Short and concise ones that can do the work. What I did in the cave was that while I could still fire the singularity at them, you would've died as well. So, chanting helped me exclude you and adjust the power and intensity of it." 

Roxy tried to comprehend everything and almost succeeded, however, she couldn't stuff everything he said in her mind. "This is complex." 

"I know." 

"You know so much about magic now... you must be a world power by now!" She said half-jokingly. 

"I hope I am someday." Julian replied, in an equal manner of jest. 

However, the conversation of magic, the only thing that excited Roxy slowly closed the rift of awkwardness as she talked to Julian more and more. 

They talked a lot, topics ranging from mundane things to serious ones. 

However, the conversation seemed to die out once a particular subject was brought to attention. 

Julian found the conversation amusing as well since most people never laughed at his jokes. Although, Roxy, as if she was drunk, was cackling out loud every time he made a joke. 

It continued on for a while as Roxy's laughter echoed through the room like a sweet, melodic chime as she leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with a newfound sense of curiosity. "Julian," she began, her voice laced with mirth, "do you have a wife? You must have one!"

Julian's response was calm, almost detached. "No, I don't have a wife."

The moment those words left his lips, Roxy's heart soared with unspoken joy. Her mind raced with possibilities, imagining the future that might lie ahead. In the depths of her being, hope blossomed like a fragile flower.

But just as her excitement threatened to bubble over, Julian's next words fell like a heavy stone into the pool of her emotions. "However," he continued, his tone light, "I do have a girlfriend. We've been living together for over a year now."

Roxy's elation shattered into a million pieces; her smile frozen in place as she struggled to process the unexpected revelation. It was as if reality had slapped her in the face, dispelling the brief illusion she had allowed herself to indulge in.

As Julian's words hung in the air, Roxy felt a mixture of disappointment and embarrassment wash over her. She had let her imagination run wild, painting a vivid picture of a future that now seemed impossible. The warmth that had begun to bloom in her chest turned cold, leaving behind a hollow ache.

For a brief moment, she had felt a glimmer of connection. Yet, in the same breath, Julian's revelation had erected an insurmountable barrier, reminding her of the stark reality that separated them. 

Roxy forced a smile, masking her true feelings behind a facade of cheerfulness. "Oh, that's great," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of forced enthusiasm. "You must care about her a lot."

Julian nodded in response, his expression remaining impassive. "Yes, I do."

In that moment, Roxy couldn't help but feel like an outsider, an interloper in his world. She had momentarily glimpsed the possibility of something more, only to have it swiftly extinguished. 

The pain of unfulfilled longing settled in her heart, but she couldn't let it show.

With a heavy sigh hidden beneath her laughter, Roxy decided to change the subject, steering their conversation away from the emotional precipice that had suddenly opened before her.


(1 month later)


Good Lord. I have been a good boy. Since I am about to die, please give me a seat in heaven. I shall be eternally happy for this favour. Amen. 

I recited my last prayers as Eris' kick knocked the living daylights out of me. It almost felt like the truck that had killed me in my past life. However, instead of flying off, I fell down on my knees. 

Good thing she really meant to kick my guts and not my nuts. Would've been a disaster. Phew. 

Right now, all 3 of my wives---Eris, Sara and Sylphy were in my house. 

Sylphy was currently asleep, exhausted due to it being her 4th month of pregnancy. When Eris and Sara first arrived here, they showed almost no hostility and were extremely cooperative. 

Sara helped with the housework while Eris... well, she didn't do much other than practice her swings. 

I should've suspected it. 

It was all too smooth for it to be true!

Once Eris and Sara saw that Sylphy was asleep, Sara lured me in the room and Eris started to torture me. 


"Wait, Eris, I can explain..." 

"What explain? What's next? Are you going to bring in those beast-women I saw you with?" Sara's voice cut in. She was rather possessive, more than even Eris. 

"Silence!" Eris shut both Sara and me who was about to mutter strings of excuses. "Rudeus!" 


"I only have one question." She spoke, her tone low and rumbling, like thunder on a stormy night.


"Do you love her?" 

"I do?" 

"More than me?" 

"I love you all equally." 

It was true that I loved Eris the most since I had spent so much time with her, but it doesn't mean I will lower the other's morale by saying that. All of my wives were equally precious to me. The amount of love maybe varied due to time spent with each one of them but that wasn't stopping me.

I might not have spent enough time with Sara, but she anchored me every time I leaned towards the dark side. The time when I had lost my brother to my own hands. 

She was my support. 

Also, cause she's crazy good at sex, tehee~

"It can't be helped then." Eris exclaimed. 

"Haah? Eris?" Sara looked at her. 

After I went to the Sword Sanctum and told Eris about my condition with Sara, she beat me up and then agreed to her being the second. And by beat me up I mean, beating me in a stamina bout. She drained me dry and left her marks on me. 

Ahnn~ The good days---- cough, cough, ehm, I got side-tracked again. 


There was a sudden knock on the door. Sara stayed behind while I and Eris went towards the door. 

Opening it, I found familiar faces---Ruijerd, Badigadi and Alexander---former Rank 7. 

"Ah, please come in." I welcomed them all. 


Looking back, I saw Paul looking at the three behemoths with wide eyes, "R-Rudy?" 

"Ah, sorry father, these are my guests. I hope you don't mind." 

"Oh, uh, no problem..." 

His voice trailed off and before he could say anything else, I guided them all to my living room. 

"Rudeus, did we come at a wrong time?" Ruijerd asked. 

He is always so considerate. 

"Ah, haha, no, no. I was waiting for you anyways." I replied. 

"HAHAHAHA, Of course, he was. HAHAHAHA." 

What is four-arms laughing at? 

"Eeeeh, sorry for the intrusion." Alexander---North God, Kalman the third's polite tone reached our ears as he entered the room as well after saying his hellos to my wives. 


Once everyone was settled, Sara and Eris went back to their rooms and I locked the door. 

"So, Rudeus-kun, why did you invite us all over today?" It was Alexander who started talking this time.

"Ah yes, about that. Man-God appeared in my dream yesterday."

At the mention of his name, everyone suddenly fell silent.

There were varying circumstances for everyone present here to help me.

First, Ruijerd was helping me because...there was no reason, or rather not a very deep reason. We had spent a lot of time together. Years. It wasn't just an escort-escortee relationship anymore. We could be classed as best friends now.

Secondly, Demon King Badigadi. He is a weird one. Even Hitogami bowed his head in front of him to get his alliance. Well, anyways, the armour he has got some weird properties and powers so he would be a good asset, I guess. That's what Hitogami says at least.

Lastly, Alexander. Doesn't need much of an explanation but I defeated him using a specially designed Magic Armour. How did I make it? That's a secret, hehe.

"What did he say?" Alexander asked.

"There are some disturbances in Asura. He action doesn't know the origin point of these irregularities, but it most likely connected to Dragon and Void God." 

"HAHAHAHA. The Void God fellow sounds fun. I will fight him." 

"Me too."

Both Badigadi and Alexander exclaimed at the same time. The urge to scoff raised in my mind but I held back. "In time, both of you would be able to do it. Don't worry about that." I replied, reassuring them of a fight that would satisfy them.

"So, what are we supposed to do?" Ruijerd asked. 

"Hmmmmm, Hitogami didn't identify of anything specific. His own intel is limited, thanks to the weird magic Void God has. All of us have to gather in Asura as soon as we can as well. I recently learned from the letters that I had discovered..." I paused. I felt sorry. But as Hitogami said, I looked in Sylphy's drawer and saw the Ariel was still alive. "...we need to go to Asura." 

"Will the Void God be there?" Alex asked. 

"Most probably. However, you won't be going there. I need you to stay here. The Void God is cunning. Until now he has neutralised everything Hitogami has thrown at him. We need to be wary of him and his tactics. Hence, Alex and Lord Badigadi should stay here. I and Ruijerd will go to Asura. While we search for Ariel in Asura, you should look for her in Sharia. If you find them first, kill her. If we do find her, we will do the same. Understood?" 


"Good. I recently got a letter from Sword God - Gal Farion. He will be looking in areas around Sword Sanctum and Ogre God would be on the lookout as well. Some of Zanoba's old supporters are in Shirone so that won't be a problem as well." 



"Good, good." 

"North Emperor-Auber Corvette and Water God-Reida Reia is already in Asura. They won't be able to do anything." Alex added. 

"Good the---" 

"Rudeus! You've got another guest!" Eris barged in, kicking the door open. 


"SHISHOOOOO!" Zanoba came inside the room, his eyes wide. 

"Huh? Zanoba? What happened?" His face was pale and cold sweat lined his face. 

"Sh-Shirone... It has been overthrown." 

"What?!!! By whom?" 

"By my brother, Pax." 

"Calm down. It's not that big of a deal, HAHAHAHA." Badigadi chimed in. 

"I know, but the ones who did it is concerning." 

The air in the room suddenly got thick, crackling with anticipation. 

"Rank 5 and Rank 6 --- Death and Void Gods are working together. The entirety of royal family has been slain. Not only that, but both of them also defeated the incoming armies from neighboring countries. After that they sent this letter." 

Zanoba passed the letter to Rudeus. 

Panicking, he opened it immediately. 

{Grabell is next.}



This is the last chapter of the Volume "Subterfuge." Thanks for reading. 

Next Volume - Endgame. 

Hope you lot are enjoying it so far, and I hope I don't make a mess out of the next volume. There are a few things bothering me, so I will try to sort them out and end this volume as well.
