
Jobless Reincarnation of The Magic God

((Spoiler Warning! for Mushoku Tensei Anime Enjoyers)) After many years of suffering, Future Rudeus Greyrat gets reincarnated into the other world again. This time he gets reincarnated as a High Elf Noble Family in the world of Danmachi.

Mistka · Cómic
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36 Chs

Goddess and Familia

I am now standing in front of people whom I have never met; however, with my eye ability, I should be able to judge whether they are treated or not. Then I met a woman who called herself Freya, and since I laid an eye on her, I felt this uncomfortable feeling. At first, I thought that she was just a normal human with the same name as the famous goddess in Norse mythology. Freya is known for her beauty, lust, war, and magic.

'She looks so beautiful.'

That was the first thing that crossed my mind when I saw her face.

"I am sorry to ask, but are you one of the gods and goddesses that walk among the mortals?"

Then she smiled gracefully, which could make any man's heart sway a bit because that was exactly what I felt when I saw her smile.

"Yes, I am one of the goddesses that descended from heaven."

"I see; pardon me for being rude and not noticing sooner. It's my first-time meeting one of the gods because of our strict rule about the outsider."

"It's okay, child; I know that the elven kingdom is not so kind to let a god, or a goddess grant a passage in their territory... *sigh* It's unfortunate~."

"May I know for what reason you are here in the middle of nowhere? And did you find any strong monsters around here or abnormalities? As an exchange for your cooperation, I can cast healing magic to heal that catperson."

It's much easier to earn strangers' cooperation with some mutual benefit in mind, and I tried to look less arrogant to make the goddess upset.

"I will answer your first question. We are from Orario, and we had a mission to exterminate a strong monster that brought havoc on the border of Santorio Vega. The second answer is, the strong monster is the Grey Dragon that we hunt right now, probably the monster you are talking about."

A dragon is not a monster that can be locked down; from what I know, the strongest creature that exists in the Gekai world is a dragon. Oberon understands he must not let that monster roam around. I can try to face it alone, but it is too risky to face something that I do not fully understand.

'It's only left me with one option.'

"I see. Did you find the dragon nest, Goddess Freya?"

"Yes, the dragon nest is located to the east of here. But as you can see, one of my children is injured, and we can't go to face the dragon with only three people if we exclude Allen."

"Where are the other members, if I may ask?"

"They are going to the nearest town to buy a potion to heal him."

While she pointed her finger toward the nearby town.

"I see. Thank you, goddess Freya, for answering my question. I will heal him as promised, and I have a proposal."

"Hm, what is your proposed child?"

"Orstrid and I will assist you in defeating the dragon. I am not going to ask for any reward; I want to make sure that the Grey Dragon does not bring any havoc to our border."

She looks at me with a kind smile, but I can feel a chill in my spine for some reason.

"Sure, child, I will accept your proposal, but are you sure you can fight with us?"

"Yes, I am sure I can fight. Even though I am now eleven years old, I have already mastered all my family's secret magic. And I can annihilate hundreds of monsters with a single spell."

Oberon is already aware of the story of the god who could tell a mortal whether he was lying or not. In his mind, it was unwise to use any deception or lie in front of the goddess Freya.


The goddess and Ottar showed me surprise and disbelief written all over their faces. Then, for Oberon's confusion, Freya tried to close her distance with me. Her way of walking makes any man's knees feel weak because of how alluring it is like the model showed her crafted clothes and body to her audience.

"I see. You are not lying to me. You are a talented young elf; if you join my Familia, you will become a great asset to us. What about it, child? Are you interested?"

From what I know, if I join a Familia led by a god or goddess, I must obey and never betray them in exchange for their blessing, and with their blessing, a mortal can gain Excelia, which can make you stronger every time you kill a monster.

'I am not sure to trust any god that I just met; there is a chance that she is not a good or kind goddess, but she is so beautiful, I can't lie.'

"I am sorry, goddess Freya. I must decline the offer; I don't have any plans to join any Familia, and I still can't leave my home before I turn fifteen years old."

"*sigh* that's unfortunate."

"Then excuse me, goddess Freya; I will tend his wound."

When I laid my eyes toward the unconscious boy named Allen, I could see beside him a spear coated with blood. It probably came from the blood of the mother he slaughtered.

'Hm, I think he did help us with decreasing those numbers when they came to the fortress.'

"Ottar is your name, isn't it?"


"Can you tell me what his condition is?"

"Sure, he suffers many injuries from a monster, most from sharp objects and a couple of broken bones on its ribs and ankles."

"I see, then I will cast the healing magic. Orstrid, please watch my back."

"I understood, Master."

'Saint-level healing magic should do the trick.'

"Angel of miracles, please bestow the breath of heaven, which is the pulse of life. Receiving it from the sky and the sun, the honourable God, who despises the crimson flow, says, spread your white wings and fly down to the sea of light. Wherever you reach, the crimson did not expel [Shine Healing]."

After I cast the saint-level healing magic, all the wounds that remain are gone in an instant, and his arm will start to reattach again from the slashed wound. It took a couple of minutes before all the slashed wounds and broken bones returned to their proper place.

"It's done, but I recommend he rest for a while because he probably lost too much blood because of the fight."

When I look at them, they all look so surprised, and goddess Freya tries to reach my hand but is stopped by Orstrid.

"It's okay, Orstrid. I know you want to protect me, but she had no ill intent."

("I understood, master.")

"I am sorry for her rudeness, Goddess Freya; she only wants to protect me." I bow my head a bit.

"Sigh... your servant is so loyal to you, but I will give you some advice; you need to teach her some manners; not all gods and goddesses are as kind and forgiving as me, fufu."

"I will put that in mind. Goddess Freya, are we going to wait for the other to come back?"

"No need to be so formal with me, Oberon; just call me Freya."

When she said that, I could see her purple eyes start to glow.

"I understand. Then, Freya, I will meditate a bit to restore my mana before our fight with the Grey Dragon."

"Hm, that's unfortunate. I want to chat a bit with you."

I just smile at her, then I look at Orstrid, and she understands to watch my back until I recover some of my mana. Then I cast earth magic to create a small altar to sit on and start to meditate.


(Freya POV)

I keep watching him sit silently, trying to look closely at his soul. I see pure white, but there is a bit of a mix of dark and white, making his soul have a bit of a gray color in it.

'How did his soul have such a pure white color yet there is a dark spot in it, but it does not make his soul light dimmer?'

When Freya watches closely, the young elf soul Ottar notices that Mia and Anya have already come back from the nearby town with the resources they need for the fight.

"Freya-sama I saw Anya and Captain Miya back from the town."

"I see from his look that Allen doesn't need to drink a potion anymore. His healing magic cures every wound on his body without leaving a single scar."

Freya understands the child's name is Oberon. He has the potential to become the candidate for her 'Odr' because of that irresistible feeling of being able to obtain him for herself. Freya understood if she was hastily taking him, it would have an undesirable result, knowing how careful he was from his distance and way of talking.

Because of her strong lust for him, Freya unconsciously activates her charm ability, but he looks like he won't budge. Possibly he had resistance to mental attacks. If that is so, Oberon probably has the highest chance of becoming my Odr compared to the other mortals that she has ever met.

Then Mia Grand, the captain of Freya Familia, and Anya Fromel walk by her side, both bowing to their goddess.

"Freya-sama, we are back, and we have found a potion to heal Allen."

"There is no need for that anymore, Mia; that boy there already heals all Allen's wounds."

Then Mia laid her gaze toward a gold-haired elf boy sitting silently with his eyes closed. And there's a white-haired elf standing beside him, and as a veteran adventurer, Mia could feel the warning to not get closer. But Anya doesn't feel such a thing at all; she wants to get closer to that boy who helps her brother.

"Really Freya-sama? Then I must thank him for healing my idiot brothernya~"

Before Anya went to say hi to Oberon, she stopped by Ottar.

"Don't bother him; that elf is meditating to restore his mana."

"How do you meet him, Ottar?"

"He just comes out of nowhere. He just comes to us and asks some questions; in exchange, he offers to heal all of Allen's wounds."

Freya's look at her children spending time chit-chatting makes him feel disappointed.

"*sigh* Mia, Ottar, you are a veteran adventurer, right? I can pardon Anya, but you two make me feel despised. That boy knows he must be prepared for the battle, and yet you both didn't behave like true adventurers at all compared to an elven boy."


"We are sorry, Lady Freya. We will start preparing for the battle."

"Good, we will head to that monster nest after Allen wakes up, so make sure you all prepare everything you need... Don't embarrass our Familia in front of that boy."

Freya warns them with a cold smile.

'I don't want him to have a bad impression of my Familia.'



(Oberon POV)

After 1 hour of 'Zen' meditation, I can sense that my mana's capacity is enough for the coming battle.

"Fuuuh, Orstrid, I want you to do something for me."

"What is it, master? I will do anything you ask."

Then I pick up some blank paper and a pen from my pocket and start writing a message to my father.

"I want you to send a message to my father, Levos Aendryr Wishe. You can find a fortress northeast of here; fly as fast as you can and come back to me. Make sure to keep your disguise as an elf."

I can see her feeling a bit hesitant to leave my side.

"It's okay; I have an eye to detect any malice or evil person; they all do not have any bad attention, Orstrid."

"I understand, Master; I will be back as quickly as possible."

Then Orstrid starts to create wings and uses her magic to fly to the sky so fast that the cloud becomes split because of her speed. Then I walk close to the goddess and her children.

"Oberon, … Where are your servants going? I saw her leave in a hurry," Goddess Freya asked.

"I ordered her to send a message to my father; I don't want to make him worried."

Then I laid my gaze toward two women standing in disbelief to see if somebody could fly and move that fast.

"Greetings to both of you; my name is Oberon. I will be in your care."

"My name is Anya... It's nice to meet you, Oberonya~"

I saw her look nervous with her tail wagging a bit, and then I saw a big and muscular woman staring at me.

"My name is Mia Grand. Nice to meet you and thank you for healing that idiot Allen's wounds."

"Don't mind it; I just keep my promise of the bargain. So, when will we head to the dragon nest?"

"We will start to move when my child lying there starts to wake up; we need him."

"I see. I am glad that means Orstrid can arrive here when we start moving."

"But fufu... flying magic? I never heard an elf race could cast a flying spell."

"Its unique magic created by me."

Then I cast gravity magic to decrease my weight to make myself fly, and then I can use wind magic to move around. I saw that they were all surprised by the magic that I showed.

"Well, this is not the only thing I can do."

I know I can't lie to Goddess Freya, so it's no use hiding anything. I don't want their suspicions to hinder our battle against the dragon.

"I can't wait to see more of your magic fufu."

"Now I want to know every piece of information that you all have about the Grey Dragon."


Now we are heading toward the nest of the dragon. With Freya keeping her distance close to my side, it almost makes our skin touch each other. I can protest about it, but I just fear confrontation with any god or goddess. It seems like Orstrid is a little dissatisfied with Freya's behavior.

"Allen, your recklessness needs some boundaries. As your captain, Familia, you must obey what I said if you don't want to get punished!"

"Ha. You just want to stop me from surpassing your level and taking your title, so you try to limit my growth!"

"Why you!!"

"It starts againya~ Allen-ni can't stop arguing with the captain when he is always the one who starts it nya~."

"Stop both of you; we are in enemy territory. Your noise can make the dragon notice our presence."

I hear them arguing, which somehow eases my nervousness.

"I am sorry, Oberon; my child is too noisy." I smiled at her and said,

"To be honest, I am not bothered at all. On the contrary, it helped me a bit with the feeling of nervousness I felt."

"I see fufufu. I am glad you think so."

After an hour of walking through dense forest, we arrive on the edge of a cliff. From there, I can see Grey Dragon in his slumber. I can see he is 7-8 meters tall, even from a distance.

But we have the advantage of a big open field to fight in; if we are in the dungeon, it will be a hard fight because fire can suck up the oxygen, making it easier for us to get tired. Then I laid my gaze toward Freya's Familia member.

"You know what to do, everyone. Just follow the plan, and I promise you we will win without anyone dying."

Everyone has firmly made up their mind, but I know that Allen is a little dissatisfied that I lead this mission.

"Then shall we..."