
Jobless Reincarnation of The Magic God

((Spoiler Warning! for Mushoku Tensei Anime Enjoyers)) After many years of suffering, Future Rudeus Greyrat gets reincarnated into the other world again. This time he gets reincarnated as a High Elf Noble Family in the world of Danmachi.

Mistka · Cómic
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36 Chs

Dragon and Father


Now everyone was gathered to discuss the plan to take down the Grey Dragon. Orstrid had already come back from her mission that I had given her to deliver a message to my father. I don't want to get scolded by Mother after all, and Allen is already awake, and something that Oberon learned just as he opened his eyes was to not listen to anyone.

"Are you sure about the information, Mia-san?"

I asked Mia about the reliability of the information she had about the gray dragon, which said that the dragon could nullify all magic attacks.

"Yes, I am sure that the guild is the one providing the information; after all, there is a low chance that they give us false information."

"Dragon is immune to any attack magic, which means I can only provide all of you with support magic. Haa … I'm just glad that monster doesn't have five heads that need to be cut and burned."

Mia was confused about what I said.

"5-head monster? There is no such thing as a five-headed dragon."

"No, nothing, just a stupid thought of mine. Just don't mind too much about it. Now! We need to hatch a plan to take down that dragon. If your information is correct, the only ones who can do that monster damage are you all, who don't rely on magic. But, of course, I am not going to watch all of you fight alone. I will use my magic not as an offense but as a support."

"But how?"

Then I cast a swallow quagmire on Mia's right leg. I took her by surprise, and she was irritated when I soaked her shoes in the quagmire.

"Sorry, Mia-san, I just demonstrated magic as support, not as offensive."

"Haa, I understand now that with this magic, you can stop the movement of any monster in an instant, but you have forgotten that a dragon can fly."

"I know that for that, I need all of your support. The problem is that not all of you trust me."

"Hump, you damn right Even if you heal all my wounds, which doesn't mean that I can trust you."

"*sigh* Normally, that's true, but Allen, you know that Freya can detect me if I am lying about something, right? For your sake, I will say it again to Freya."

Then I laid my gaze on Freya.

"I promise you that I will not try to harm or deceive your children, and I will make sure we take down the gray dragon together."

"What Oberon said is all true, so each one of you must trust him without question."

"Thank you, Freya. Now this is the plan; you are all going to follow it, remembering each step like your life is dependent on it."

Everyone nodded.

"My plan's name is Hammer and Nail."

{Back to Present}

We are only 600 meters away from the dragon.

"Orstrid, you know what to do."

"Yes, Master, I will execute it flawlessly."

Then Orstrid started to dash forward toward the dragon. Following behind her were Ottar and Mia, carrying a big hammer and a nail made of earth magic. I make sure to strengthen them to make them less easily destroyed. Then I laid my gaze on Freya, who never left my side for some reason.

"Please hide in that room I made from earth magic in case you are in danger of crossfire, Freya."

"Sure, Oberon, be careful, okay?"

I just nodded, cast my magic, and flew forward to provide them with my support.


After Orstrid crosses 200 meters, the dragon starts to awaken from his slumber and watches directly where Orstrid is, then they start to split. Orstrid alone must keep the monster at bay while Mia and Ottar wait for the opening for their move. Then she increased her speed to close the distance.

Then the dragon starts to prepare his signature attack of fire breath, but before fire leaves the dragon's mouth, I cast 'quagmire' on the dragon's standing ground to lower the dragon's jaw, and then I cast ice magic on the quagmire for help with the stepping for Orstrid. Orstrid then stepped on the ice and started to jump to the dragon's lower jaw and do an uppercut. Cause it to explode in his mouth.


The smoke came out of the dragon's mouth, but still, that dragon standing there made no mistake that hurt the dragon. Then the dragon crawls out of the quagmire and tries to catch Orstrid with his smoking mouth, but it is of no use. Orstrid easily steps away and avoids it, thanks to the earth spear Oberon creates as a footstep. While Orstrid and I tried to create an opening, Mia and Otar were hidden in the bush, waiting for the signal.

"That woman is a monster; he can punch that dragon with her bare hand," Mia said.

"Hm, I agree she is likely to be level 5 or above."

While Orstrid keeps the monster's attention, I prepare to cast the 'Meteor' combination magic of my gravity magic and earth magic.

"Orstrid, step back!"

Just as I ordered, Orstrid took a step back, far away from the dragon, who looked angrier than ever.


A large chunk of rock falls with high speed directly to the dragon's head before the dragon notices it's already too late.


After the dusk fell, I could see that it only managed to stunt the dragon for a while, his head dropping to the ground.

'Tch, I hate to fight monsters with anti-magic properties.'

Then I cast earth magic to hold the dragon's head in case it starts to get awake.

"Ottar! Mia! NOW!!"

Then Ottar dashes toward the dragon while holding an earthen nail, and Mia holds an earthen hammer. Not only could the dragon nullify incoming magic, but the scale of the dragon itself is like an armored tank that needs high force to be able to pierce that armor.

Ottar stands right on top of the dragon's head and holds the nail exactly on top of the dragon's weak spot. They must execute their attack quickly, or the nail will start to get weakened. Mia spins herself forward with the hammer to gather the momentum to hammer the nail.



Oberon could clearly hear a cracking sound from those attacks. Then the dragon awakes, but the nail still sticks to his head. The dragon starts to go into berserk mode, destroy the earth's magic surrounding his neck, release a strong roar toward Ottar and Mia, and swing his tail. The direct hit sent them far away, only leaving Orstrid and Oberon. But my attention is still on the nail; it's still not fully destroyed.

'It needs more pressure.'


In case it's not enough, Orstrid will add more pressure to the nail. Then she uses the same technique as Mia, but she uses her right leg as the hammer.



I see the scale on the dragon head scattered at the same time the nail was destroyed; now all it needs is a finishing blow.

"NOW! Allen!"

Allen is waiting and hiding himself; wait till the dragon scales get scattered, and he will be the one to do the finishing bow. His spear-holding technique was precise enough to do the finishing blow.

"I know! You don't need to tell me!"

Then he dashed forward and jumped with his spear, aiming at the unprotected dragon's head.


The spear pierces deep into the dragon's brain. 


The dragon makes the last scream of pain before turning into dust, only leaving big purple crystals and dragon fangs and scales as the drop items. Oberon paid more attention to Ottar and Mia, who just suffered a direct hit from the dragon's tail, and from the look of it, they suffered a little injury from it.

"Ottar, Mia, are you still alive?"

"Hahaha, which was not enough to leave some scratches on us."

Mia laughed while Ottar was still having his stoic facial reaction. I can see some blood, so I cast healing magic on both.

"Good, now Allen, how does it feel to slay a dragon?"

I teased him a bit.

"Tch, I know... I know your plan works flawlessly. Are you happy now?"

"Well, good enough for me. Now take the drop item and go back to Freya."

Then they started to gather the material, and then I went to Ortrid; it seems she suffered a little injury from her first fight.

"Good job, Ortrid; I am glad you are here."

"Thank you, Master; I will work hard to earn your favour again."

"Sure, just follow my order, and you will earn my praise again."

But still, something is nagging me.

"That dragon is one of the corrupted fire spirits."

"No, Master, it's too weak. That dragon was likely born in a dungeon."

From what I know, the monsters that are born outside the Dungeon are far weaker than the monsters born inside the dungeon because the surface monster uses the power of their magic stone to multiply, and because of that, they are weak.

'How did that dragon end up on the surface?'


We are heading back to where Goddess Freya is waiting for us. In my mind right now, I was to come home before the sun went down to the horizon. When we arrived, goddess Freya was already waiting for us, and this time she was not wearing her cloak covering her body; instead, she was wearing a tight white dress to show the curve of her body, not only that, but the dress itself showed a couple of her beautiful smooth skin.

'By the.... keep your mind straight, Oberon; you don't want her to notice it.'

"Welcome back, everyone. I see... the hunt is going well, probably too well?"

Indeed, the hunt went well because of our teamwork, but after facing that dragon, I realized how weak I am without magic. I want to make the magic armor, but there is not enough material available, and there is no great blacksmith that I can rely on and trust.

"What's wrong, Oberon? You look dissatisfied."

"Yeah, I am just thinking of something I had to fix."

"I see, but your magic is still incredible... I never see such magic that is cast without the need for a long incantation."

"Yes, indeed, I can't deny that, but the problem is... No, forget it. I believe it can be fixed soon, but for now, we need to celebrate our victory."

Mia just laughed out of nowhere, and thanks to that, it washed away a bit of my troubled mind.

"Good thinking, kid; such things can be solved later; now it's time to celebrate our victory! Hahaha,"

After that, we had a small celebration, and I could hear Allen brag to his sister Anya about the fight; he was so proud to be the one doing the finishing blow. When I tasted Mia's cooking, I knew she was talented, knowing that I asked her what ingredient she used and how she obtained it.

"Thanks for the meal, everyone. Now I must bid farewell."

"Are you sure, kid? You can join us and head to Orario, where you can become stronger there."

"Thank you for the offer, Mia, but I made a promise to my parents, and I can't break that promise."

Then, when I am about to leave, I can feel somebody holding my hands to stop me from leaving. When I saw who it was, I saw the goddess Freya with her expression, who always had a charming smile, but this time she was not smiling, seeing that it was really hard to realize her grip.

"I know that's not the only reason why you declined my offer to join my family; did you, Oberon?"

'Can it be? She can read my mind?'

"Yes, that's not the only reason, Lady Freya."

"Can you tell me the other reason?"

"I am sorry, Lady Freya. When I am ready and strong enough, I will tell you, but now I don't want anyone to know. Please understand that when the secret those mortals want to bring to their graves is something they know can ruin their future if somebody knows and exploits it,

"*sigh*… I understand Oberon; then can I ask your full name?"

"Sure, lady Freya, my name is Oberon Aendryr Wishe."


"So, you are one of the Elven Noble Family, so that means you are a high elf?"

"Yes, I am one of the high-elf families that rule the elven forest. Then, Lady Freya, everyone farewells."

Then I fly back to the fortress with Orstrid. Then Mia Grande walks to Freya's side.

"Are you sure to let him go, Lady Freya?"

"Of course not, Mia; he's just too perfect, and he's one of those rare mortals that can resist my charm."

"A mortal that can resist Lady Freya's charm. But how?"

"I hope I know the reason, Mia, but... I know that deep inside his heart, he resents and fears God. I don't know the reason, but it is most likely not because he is being told to hate God. If he does hate me, he will not lend a hand to us. I am not going to push or insist on his joining me. Because I know that he will hate me and avoid me."

"If you said so, Lady Freya,"

"But Fufufufu, I have no plan to let him go. I know that one day he will come to Orario. He'll be all mine one day. But for now, I need to wait and watch."

Mia sees Freya's expression and feels sorry for Oberon. She knows how relentless Freya is when she wants mortals to fall into her grasp. Mia looks in the direction Oberon is flying in.

'I am better off planning my retirement quickly.'


(Third POV)

Somewhere in Royal Alf Forrest, inside a beautiful castle, in the throne room sits the king, who rules all the eleven that live inside a forest. The king reads the report that just arrived about the battle that occurred in Wishe Forest. The king has eyes and ears around the kingdom to make sure everything is in order.

If you ask any elven race that lives in the forest who their ruler is, they are all gone and say his name is King 'Larfal Ljos Alf.' Not many elves have the privilege of meeting him; only those who are worthy enough can meet him and see him eye to eye.

Larfal: "Is this report all true?"

Guard: "Yes, my king, all the reports that happened in Wishe Forest are true."

King Larfal has now read the report of the incident that occurred in Wishe Forest, in which a hundred monster hordes arrived for unknown reasons. When he heard the news, King Larfal tried to send reinforcements, but Levos declined. At first, King Larfal insisted on lending a hand, but Levos gave him the promise that he could manage everything alone.

Larfal: "I see, now I know why Levos doesn't need reinforcement; he had such a capable son."

At such a youthful age, he has already mastered all his family's secret magic and can use his family's blessing name that is given by the secret tree. That makes King Larfal smile. But when King Larfal receives a letter from Levos asking the king if his son can have a permit to travel outside the elven forest when he reaches the age of 15, Larfal remembers his daughter Riveria.

Larfal: "I want you to send an invitation letter for Levos son. I want to meet him personally."

Guard: "I understand my king."

Then the guard leaves the throne room.

Larfal: "Oberon I hope you can help me with my self-imposed request."