
JJK: The Greatest Fraud In History

Before I get into this story, I shall give a small summary, this is situational and this is not an MC solo story, so keep your mind open. _______________________________________________________ What exactly brings one happiness? Struggle? Indulgence? Restraint? I dunno but if I wanna save myself from being eaten by my brother again, I have to beat his ass.

Seth_Eden_5432 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
58 Chs


As the countdown nears zero, excitement buzzes through the air. Gojo stands at the loudspeaker, his grin widening as he introduces Utahime. "And now, let's hear from our special guest, Utahime!"

Utahime takes the mic, her voice firm and authoritative. "Hello, everyone. I—"

Suddenly, Gojo cuts off her microphone with a flick of a switch, leaving Utahime's voice abruptly silenced. Her eyes widen in shock. "Respect your elders!" she shouts out in frustration, just before her voice fades completely. The students on the field exchange confused looks, with some trying to suppress their laughter at Gojo's prank.

With the signal to start, both teams burst into action. The Tokyo and Kyoto teams take off from their starting positions, racing into the field. The terrain is a mix of open areas and dense foliage, adding to the challenge.

Panda, eyes scanning the area, turns to his teammates. "Alright, folks, I'm betting the grade 2 curse is somewhere in the middle. It's probably moving around, so let's stay sharp."

Megumi, focused and determined, summons his Divine Dogs. "Divine Dogs, seek out the curse," he instructs. The spectral canines bound away, their noses to the ground as they begin tracking.

Maki, taking charge, gathers her team. "Listen up. We're going to split into squads soon. Megumi will guide us based on the Divine Dogs' findings. Stay alert and keep communication open."

Nobara adjusts her weapons, looking determined. "I'm ready to deal with whatever comes our way. I just hope the other team doesn't get too cocky."

Panda gives a thumbs-up. "We've got this. Just remember, teamwork is key."

Toge, his usual quiet self, nods slightly, his gaze fixed on the terrain. His ability to use cursed speech will be a crucial asset.

As they advance, Megumi keeps his eyes on the Divine Dogs. "The curse should be around here somewhere. Stay close and follow my lead."

The team moves cautiously through the varied terrain. Maki turns to Yuji, who's beside her, and says, "You ready for this? I know things have been tough, but focus on the mission."

Yuji nods, his expression serious. "I'm ready. We're going to finish this and make sure we win."

Nobara, with a mischievous grin, adds, "Yeah, and let's show Kyoto what we're made of. They're in for a surprise."


The Tokyo Team presses forward through the dense forest of the enclosed area, their senses heightened as they search for the grade 2 curse. Suddenly, a rustling in the underbrush reveals a spider-like curse skittering toward them. Its eight legs move in a disjointed, unnerving rhythm, and its eyes glint menacingly.

Maki steps forward, her cursed weapon ready. "I'll take care of this one," she says confidently, preparing to strike.

Megumi quickly raises a hand, his voice urgent. "Wait! Don't engage it yet."

Before Maki can react, a thunderous crash erupts from the trees as Aoi Todo barrels through the foliage. His imposing figure and aggressive demeanor immediately command attention. "Tokyo Team! Face me all at once, or I'll crush you!" he roars, his voice echoing through the forest.

Yuji, with lightning reflexes, reacts instantly. He launches himself into the air, delivering a powerful flying knee directly to Aoi's face. The impact sends Aoi stumbling backward, momentarily stunned. The Tokyo Team takes advantage of the distraction, quickly splitting up to cover more ground and handle the curse.

Maki, watching the scene unfold, nods in approval. "Good move, Yuji. We made the right call letting him handle Aoi."

During the team meeting, Maki had anticipated Aoi's aggressive approach. She knew he'd charge straight at them, eager to assert his dominance. "Yuji, you're on Aoi duty," she had instructed. "Even if it means taking a beating, make sure you hold him off. But remember, if you're going to fight him, make sure you win."

Yuji, with determination burning in his eyes, had promised, "If I'm going to fight, then I'm going to win. I won't let him get the better of me."

Aoi Todo, his eyes gleaming with a mix of admiration and ferocity, adjusts his stance and focuses cursed energy into his fist. He's impressed by Yuji's speed and raw power. The spider-like curse that had been approaching suddenly intercepts Aoi. With a single, devastating blow, Aoi destroys the curse, sending its remains scattering in all directions. The explosion of cursed energy softens Aoi's punch slightly, but the impact still sends Yuji hurtling through the air and crashing into a nearby tree with a loud thud.

Yuji struggles to regain his footing as Aoi advances, determined to finish him off. Aoi's fists come raining down on Yuji, and it seems as though the first-year is on the verge of defeat. Just as Aoi prepares to move on and chase down the other members of the Tokyo Team, he notices that Yuji is somehow managing to get back up, battered but still standing.

Yuji, with a pained expression but a defiant glint in his eyes, looks up at Aoi. "Don't make me any dumber by hitting my head," he says, his voice filled with determination.

Aoi, somewhat amused, responds with a grin, "My favorite pop idol loves dumb guys. Besides, it's more fun this way."

Aoi suddenly becomes curious about Yuji. "What's your name, by the way? And let me ask you something: what type of girl do you like?"

Yuji, confused and a bit dazed, stares at Aoi. "Why are you asking me about my type right now?"

Aoi shrugs nonchalantly. "I'm just trying to get a sense of who I'm up against. It's part of my process."

Yuji, still somewhat bewildered, answers truthfully, "I like tall girls with big butts. Like Jennifer Lawrence."

Aoi's eyes widen as the answer triggers a strange and vivid memory. He recalls a surreal flashback of him and Yuji chatting during middle school. In this memory, Aoi confesses his crush on a girl named Takada-chan, only to be turned down.

Yuji, ever the supportive friend, offers to buy Aoi ramen to cheer him up. The scene is filled with laughter and camaraderie. Tears well up in Aoi's eyes as he relives this nostalgic moment, even though it never actually happened. The connection he feels to Yuji is profound and emotional.

Aoi's voice quivers with emotion as he declares, "Yuji, you're my best friend. I've always felt a bond with you, even if it was just in my head."

Yuji, bewildered and exhausted, tries to convince Aoi that the memory isn't real. "That wasn't real, Aoi. We never—"

But it's too late. Aoi, overcome with sentiment, has already embraced the idea of their supposed friendship, leaving Yuji to grapple with the bizarre turn of events.

Momo, perched high above the battlefield, watches the unfolding chaos with a keen eye. Her focus is sharp as she observes Yuji's precarious position. With a signal to her classmates, they move in to surround Yuji, preparing to strike him down with their jujutsu.

As the students close in, Yuji's senses sharpen. The gravity of their intent hits him, and he realizes they're trying to kill him. Panic and determination flood his mind as he braces for the onslaught.

Suddenly, Aoi Todo springs into action. With a swift and precise use of his cursed technique, Aoi swaps the positions of everyone on the field, creating a chaotic swirl of bodies. This move disrupts the attack on Yuji, and Aoi immediately targets Noritoshi Kamo, launching a fierce assault. Aoi's intervention forces his classmates to retreat, and he turns his attention back to Yuji.

"You and me, one-on-one!" Aoi shouts, his voice filled with excitement and challenge. The other Kyoto students are left in disarray as they regroup and strategize.

Amid the chaos, Megumi Fushiguro seizes the opportunity to strike. He releases Nue, his shikigami, to catch Momo off guard. The thunderbird swoops through the air with a blinding speed, knocking Momo out of the sky and forcing her to crash down into the trees below.

With Momo incapacitated, Maki Zenin and Megumi take advantage of the situation. They ambush Noritoshi's team while they're still retreating. Maki takes on Kasumi, her fierce combat style clashing with Kasumi's defensive moves. Megumi, meanwhile, confronts Noritoshi directly, his eyes sharp and intent.

"Are you trying to kill Yuji?" Megumi demands, his voice carrying an edge of anger and disbelief. "Is that what this is all about?"

Noritoshi, taken aback by the direct accusation, tries to maintain his composure. "We're just following orders. Gakuganji said to eliminate Sukuna's vessel."

Nobara, looking over the battlefield with a mix of frustration and concern, turns to Panda. "Why would the Kyoto students be so determined to kill Yuji? It doesn't make sense to me."

Panda, frowning as he assesses the situation, replies, "It's not that surprising. Principal Gakuganji is the kind of guy who would issue that kind of order without a second thought. To the Kyoto students, Yuji isn't a person—they don't know him. To them, Sukuna's vessel is just another curse that needs to be exorcised. It's like dealing with any other cursed object that's a threat."

Nobara's expression darkens as she processes Panda's explanation. "That's messed up. They don't even see him as a person, just a target."

Maki, overhearing the conversation, nods in agreement. "Exactly. That's why it's so important for us to make sure Yuji is safe. We need to get back to him and make sure he's okay."

She turns to Megumi, who is already moving in the direction of Yuji. "Let's head back to Yuji. We need to protect him and make sure he's not overwhelmed."

Megumi, with a determined look on his face, agrees. "Right. Let's move."

As they begin to make their way back, Panda and Nobara follow suit, ready to support their friend and teammate. Panda, determined to end the conflict as quickly as possible, suggests that they should track down the grade 2 cursed spirit and finish the event.

Nobara looks at Toge, who has been quietly observing. "Toge, we need you to take care of the grade 2 curse. If we deal with it, the event will end sooner, and we can focus on protecting Yuji."

Toge, after a moment of hesitation, nods in agreement. "I'll handle it. We need to finish this quickly." which In reality was, "


Salmon (しゃけ Shake?) — Used for affirmation.

Fish Flakes (おかか Okaka?) — Used for negation, and usually negative.

Kelp (こんぶ Konbu?) — Used as a greeting.

Mustard leaf (たかな Takana?) — Used to show concern/worry, "I'm on it".

Salmon Roe (すじこ Sujiko?) — "Well, well" or "My, my".

Caviar (いくら Ikura?) — Used as an expletive/curse word.

Spicy Cod Roe (めんたいこ Mentaiko?) — Used motivational.

Tuna (ツナ Tsuna?), Tuna Tuna (ツナツナ Tsuna Tsuna?) — Used to call attention to something, "look".

Tuna Mayo (ツナマヨ Tsuna Mayo?) — Used as general talk, "do something" (about the situation).

Everything else is gibberish.

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