
JJK: Master of Cursed Energy

A teenage boy gets transported to the world of Jujutsu Kaisen with his personally created innate cursed technique with hopes of becoming the strongest. Follow his journey through the world of Jujutsu Kaisen and his path to potentially becoming the strongest.

KeikakuIntensifies · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

First I tried to sense the cursed energy Inside me and after a bit of meditation, I could feel and see it in my mind. A black swirl of negativity like a miasma, inside of me in what seemed like an abundance. Now having a grasp of the cursed energy Inside me, I tried to utilise it and move it outside of my body. First I tried moving it about inside my body, getting a feel for the control.

After feeling confident enough to move it outside, I did just that and manipulated the cursed energy to gather around my fist, and after some trial and error it succeeded, not amazingly but I did succeed. Right now I have what looks like an evil energy aura around my fist, undoubtedly wasting a lot more than necessary but it's progress.

After snapping out of my daze, I realised that I'd been wasting a lot of cursed energy, so I quickly stopped gathering it around my fist. While that was important, the thing I'm most excited about at this moment is testing out my innate cursed technique, the thing that carries almost every powerful sorcerer to where they are. I think I remember it saying that it makes up about 80% of a sorcerer's strength.

After trying to feel anything in my body, similar to what I did with the cursed energy, and failing, I tried another approach, instincts. That's when I felt it, almost like before this I was missing a limb and I had just regrown it, I felt like I finally found the missing piece.

The cursed energy inside me that I was once struggling to control now moved with barely any struggle, almost as easy and instinctual as moving.

'I was right, it actually worked!' I thought in my head as a massive smile grew on my face, my previous worries about tomorrow now are completely gone.

When I was inputting my Innate cursed technique I specifically used a certain sentence, which was 'A deeper connection to cursed energy', and it worked out as I thought. My control, from what I imagine and seeing the difference from before I awakened the technique, is now equivalent to maybe a first-grade to second-grade sorcerer, and this is within less than an hour of first manipulating it. The only concern I have now is the amount of cursed energy I have, but I guess I'll learn tomorrow when I encounter my first-ever cursed spirit.

Now that my control is good, I need to test out the actual ability of my Innate technique, to manipulate cursed energy outside of my control and disrupt others' cursed techniques. The latter I can't practice now, but the former is something I can practice, seeing as there is cursed energy in the atmosphere, even if it isn't a lot.

I started small, just trying to gather little amounts of cursed energy in one spot, but I immediately found a problem. The difficulty of manipulating cursed energy that isn't mine is even more difficult than controlling my cursed energy before awakening my Innate technique, many times so at that. I was only slightly affecting the cursed energy near me, it was moving like a light breeze. The only positive about this is that it doesn't cost any cursed energy to perform this technique.

I guess whilst my control of personal cursed energy is good, the same can't be said about external cursed energy. I'm sure with practice I can improve my control of external cursed energy and it doesn't matter that much seeing as the strength in my Innate technique is affecting other people's techniques.

If I can get to the level of control of cursed energy that Gojo has then - scratch that, if I can get a level of control even close to Gojo then I'll be almost unbeatable. The only major problem I can think of right now is Toji Fushiguro, someone who doesn't use any cursed energy. But that's a problem for a later date, I shouldn't be thinking this far ahead when I just need to focus on being prepared for tomorrow, then I can plan for the future because if I die then that's it.

After getting back on track, I decided to get back to practice. This lasted until I heard a knock on the door, making me stop my practice and answer the door.

"Hugo, Mom and Dad are calling you for dinner," My cousin said, her name was Hina Tanaka and she was a year younger than me and half English half Japanese.

I wouldn't say I was close to her before I awakened my memories, like a distant family member, seeing as she lives in Japan and I used to live in England, not letting us meet very often, even though we have met a couple of times before.

"Okay thanks, I'll be down in a minute," I said and as she nodded in understanding and walked back downstairs I closed the door.

Somewhat dreading it, I decided to get out of my school clothes and dress in casual clothing. In my past life, I didn't have loving and caring parents and that's not something I want either, so it's good that I don't have parents, but from what I've seen in my memories, they are overly supportive and almost tiptoeing around me, and that just seems like a major drag.

After I join Jujutsu High I can go back to being alone, the way I like it. But a girlfriend would be nice I guess, 'Stop daydreaming!' I thought as I smacked my cheeks to make sure my mind stopped wondering.

I quickly got changed but as I was doing so I saw something that didn't make sense. I was ripped, it was almost unnoticeable with my clothes on but my body was incredibly muscular, and not in a grotesque or overly large way. After thinking about how this is possible, as in all my memories I had always been skinny and wasn't this muscular, it hit me I had forgotten about the stat points. Being so occupied with the Innate cursed technique and my training for tomorrow, I had forgotten about my stats.

That means this body has a lot higher than average stats, especially in intelligence, stamina and vitality. I only put five points in strength and this is the result, so the fourteen I put in Intelligence and eight in stamina and vitality are going to be pretty substantial boosts. After dinner, I need to test out the effects of this properly, and what intelligence affects because in many games intelligence can be for different things or it could just be an increase in IQ, but I doubt it as I don't feel any smarter. If I had to guess though I'd say it helps with comprehension of cursed techniques and cursed energy in general, at least I hope that's what it is.

Finally done getting dressed and getting distracted, I decided to go downstairs and join my aunt, uncle, and cousin for dinner.