

Jiangong is the the one that control the resentment in the world. Li Zian is the only Jiangong in the country since none of the other Jiangong wants to step into the country. With the enemy lurking in the dark and Li Zian is still in training, will she able to stop the resentment from the enemy? Thank you for reading Jiangong.

Tsu_YouMing · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
41 Chs

Chapter 22

"If master orders us to fight, we the spirits will fight to the death for our master," Zhong added.

Li Zian glances towards Zhong, "Are you really itching to fight Zhong? Leave it for the final battle."

"I will wait for it." Zhong drinks tea leisurely. He knows Li Zian will not ask him or the other spirits to fight.

Lin Min Zhe and Li Zian walk home towards their rented room. As they nearing the building, they heard a commotion near them.

"You! Where do you think you are going! Are you just going to leave me?"

"Of course! Without your hand how can you support me?"

The woman yanks her cloth bundle from the man. The man lost his hand at his wrist. His hand looks like two long sticks. That hand tries to hold the cloth bundle that the woman holds.

"I work as a carriage drive; I just need to tie the rope at my hand to navigate the horse. I can still tend to the horses."

"I do not care! I do not want a cripple as a husband!" The woman pushes the man and runs away. That man screams, calling the woman. He looks so miserable. The onlookers are pointing fingers at the man and whisper to each other.

An old man comes towards the man, "It is enough. Just let her go. It is your fault for gambling."

The man's eyes are red because of crying yells at the old man, "Everyone is blaming me! It is my fault for gambling but everyone forgot that I am not a crazy gambler. I just go gambling once in a while. Why are all of you blaming me? Tell me who did not occasionally go gambling here? Tell me!"

The man's resentment increases tremendously. He runs and disappears into the dark alley. The old man is speechless after being yell by the man. He walks away hurriedly to catch up with the man, "Wait!"

Li Zian stares at the old man, "Min Zhe, look at that old man." Li Zian gestures towards the old man using her head. Ling Min Zhe is shocked seeing the old man, "How could it be? That is the mother seed? So, he is...?"

"Investigate the old man! Let's go!" Li Zian pulls Ling Min Zhe towards the old man.

Ling Min Zhe and Li Zian follow the old man but when they found him, they did not feel the mother seed's presence. They follow him to his house and inspect the old man's body to find the mother seed but the mother seed has disappeared. The old man snores wake Li Zian and Ling Min Zhe from their surprise. Where did the mother seed go? Can the mother seed walk by itself?

Both of them go back to their rented room and ask Zhong about the seed of resentment. Zhong takes out a lot of documents about the seed of resentment and the three of them spend their night researching the mother seed.

"The resentment practitioner usually would not separate with their mother seed unless he is a talented person and able to contain multiple mother seeds...Or that person is too weak to contain mother seed in his body and has to use other people as a container. He can call the mother seed anytime that he wants." Zhong reads from the record.

"But it is also written here the container of the mother seed will be a trusted person of the owner." Ling Min Zhe added.

"Look at this! Li Zian shows Zhong and Ling Min Zhe a diagram, "It is an array. Using this array, anyone within the circle is eligible as a container. He would not need a trusted person. The mother seed just needs to transfer from one person to another until he summons it. It will be constantly moving and absorb resentment."

"Luckily the child seed did not move around like this." Ling Min Zhe sigh with relief. If the child seed also constantly moving it will be hard for both of them to find the clues.

"Since we already know there is a mother seed here, what we need is to stay within the circle and wait for the mother seed to come for us."

"Be careful, the mother seed of resentment is the core of resentment practitioner. Having it on your body is like having a bomb of resentment. If they explode you may be influenced by the resentment." Zhong said before entering the pagoda.

In the dark alley, a masked man breathing heavily. He hears the sounds of footsteps and climbs a five-story building and enters one of the rooms. Luckily, the room is empty. He slumped to the ground. Then, he sits in a lotus position and starts to absorb resentment energy from the surrounding area. He did not fear those people to notice him cultivate as they cannot see the resentment energy. After two hours of cultivating, he hears a crack in his heart, and two black leaves slowly emerge from the seed.

For a child seed to become the mother seed, it needs to germinate first. Once it produces a flower and when the flower solidifies it is called mother seed. The mother seed can produce as many child seeds as long it is being fed with resentment energy.

"After a few months, I was finally able to produce two leaves. Master is correct, it is easy to cultivate using resentment energy. It will not be long until I reach Foundation Establishment." The masked man smiles contently. All the hands that he cut are really worth it. Those people deserve the punishment and are able to absorb their resentment.

The masked man takes out a communication talisman and calls his master. He tells about his progress in cultivation. His master praises him and tells him to be careful. The masked man carefully goes home. Recently, a Foundation Establishment cultivator is hunting him. Those stupid gambling den owners really do not know when to stop. Next time, he will definitely target their hands.

In a small house, a man is surrounded by bizarre plants, he carefully caresses the plants. Sometimes he will tell jokes to those plants and laugh by himself. Then, he notices his communication talisman is vibrating and his disciple is calling him. After a few praises, he put the talisman away.

That boy is very good. He...He...He." The man laughs with a low and deep voice.

"With this, when Master Hao arrives, he will have many talented subordinates."

"You seem happy? A gentle voice echoes in the room. There is no sign of the person.

"It is you. It has been a while. Your contribution to spreading the child seeds is remarkable. All the child seeds steadily channeling resentment energy towards me."

"It is for the sake of our master. Once all the mother seeds in your body are full it is time for our master to arrive. I cannot stand living here anymore."

"If you hate it so much then just go to our headquarters. As long as you spread the child seed, there is no need for you to stay here."

The woman did not reply. The man shakes his head, "Weak!"


Li Zian is walking towards a house. She knocks on the door and a middle-aged woman opens the door.

"Hello! I heard you need a helper." Li Zian is in a boy disguise smiles sweetly at Li Heng.

"Oh!" Li Heng stretches her neck to see if there are other people besides Li Zian, "How old are you?"

"I am twelve years old. I may look skinny but I am strong. I used to do house chores. You can count on me." Li Zian is promoting herself.

"This... Alright, get in. The payment is not much, five bronze coins for a day. If you finish the chores early you can go back early. Your job is to help me to take care of my husband and help around the house."

Li Zian nodded and ask a few questions before going to the well to fetch some water and fill the tank. After that, she helps Li Heng to bathe her husband. Then, she helps Li Heng in cleaning the house and goes out to buy firewood for cooking.

In the evening, Li Heng pays five bronze coins to Li Zian and before going home she meets with Lee Guang. Lee Guang is very friendly and adds two bronze coins secretly and winks his eye. Li Zian said thanks and race home like an ordinary child.

"How is it?" Ling Min Zhe quickly pulls the chair for Li Zian to sit and pour cold water for Li Zian.

"It is confirmed, The Hand is Lee Guang." Li Zian drinks the cold water. Zhong is messaging her sore shoulders and hands.

"To think The Hand is just a fool." Zhong chuckles a bit.

"Yeah! Who knows that The Hand will hide and cultivate beside our room. Ha...Ha...Ha," Ling Min Zhe shakes his head while laughing.

"Now...Now, we need to find his master, so I will be working there to familiarise myself with him. Min Zhe how is your investigation regarding the mother seed?"