
Jar of Fireflies


wayzlnut · Fantasía
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29 Chs


"I am here sitting on the edge of the lake watching over my feet as I swing my toes on top of the warm spring. I feel the cool breeze and wind around me but can tolerate it with the help of my long brown and thick hair. I love how it feels. The gloom in this place matches my feelings perfectly. This place isn't complete without you. I miss you. " Fae said to herself while she was in a mysterious garden beside a lake. This happened a year after she met the gardener.

Fae was just a young adult girl who has childish features as her physical appearance and character. She was a weird girl but interesting, and one of a kind. She lives with her mother in her hometown - Farland. This town is a growing town where in some city people would want to move in to take a break from the crowded and all the hassle from the city. The nearest city was Garposch miles away where a lot of migrators come from. She was an average girl who lives a very simple life. They call her the mysterious girl and she wonders too why she is. She is too different from any girl in Farland. She walks on her bare feet.

"The floor always looks soft to me and the solid ground dirt doesn't bother me. I love the feeling of the tiny grass and wearing this old white plain dress my mother gave me. It gives me so much comfort that I wouldn't want to wear any other. I do look like a homeless girl as I roam around the town checking out on people doing their own business. I was that quiet girl whos always around. Our town always feels alive and warm. No wonder a lot of people visit our town. A corner has a group of singers singing together while playing their instruments. One on the side, there were children playing around. It was a peaceful feeling inside. A feeling that I am safe. I am at home. On the other side, a group working on in their livestock business. There were roosters and other animals around. And on the other side... Well? A gardener? He is busy taking care of the flowers in his front yard. I've been around for quite some time. I haven't seen this guy before," Fae thought to herself while she was smiling and was having a good day.

Fae approached the gardener. He was still busy with the garden. He has a welcoming spirit so he was not bothered by Fae's presence towards him.

"Your flowers are beautiful," Fae said to the gardener.

"This is my favorite type of all irises. I love how it blooms and so beautiful to see, but It would hurt you if you touch it. It would cause you some skin problems. " The gardener was referring to the flower that he was holding with his gloves on. He smiled at Fae.

"Some things are meant to be appreciated with its beautiful appearance and should be left untouched," Fae said

"This one smells good. The scent calms you down. It may not be much of beauty but it is perfect as a gift. " he continued. It was a perfect flower to calm her for the moment that made Fae a little anxious because of this handsome guy.

Fae didn't respond to him because his hazel eyes struck her when he directly looked her in the eyes. He offered her a lavender instead. His sweet gesture made her feel welcomed.

"Thanks," Fae said. He offered her a piece of his lavender. She thought of keeping it as a bookmark in her diary. She was completely delighted.

"By the way, you seem to be a newcomer. Are you from the city, too?" Fae asked.

"Yes, I came from Garposch. I've visited this town before, but I had to go back to the city to take care of some matters. I fell in love with this town and missed it, so I decided to stay here," the gardener said.

"I'm glad you liked it here. I am Fae by the way. I was born in this town. I always check and walk around as a past time. The people here are amazing," Fae said.

"Nice to meet you, Fae. Call me Dylan. For me, gardening is what became the hobby that grew on me," Dylan said.

Dylan was a handsome man who has a petit but healthy and strong, muscular, body built. He has wavy hair. He is the same age as Fae. He was planting some flowers and trimming the bad grass. He was a passionate guy. He just moved into town from Garposch. He is different from the other gardeners. He rather looks classy, who came from a wealthy family. It is obvious with the fine white delicate cloth that he wears.

Fae was a bit, shy person. Although she is quiet most of the time, she loves to meet people, and have a deep sense of relationships. Dylan seems to be a nice person, so she became interested in him at first sight. It was very usual for Dylan to be liked by ladies around.

While Fae was watching Dylan, a lady who looks so pretty with her short and soft sleek hair and a little hint of darkest blue came over to the garden. She passed by and spoke with him.

"Hey Dylan... would you like to have some of my freshly picked peaches and eat some good meal? Come over to my place! My Mom wants to see you. We prepared dinner." Anna said.

"Oh. That sounds good. I missed Mrs. Weinberg's cooking, too.. I'll be there in a bit. Thank you for the invite," Dylan answered.

"Don't let us wait, ok? I'll head back home to prepare those peaches - the fruit that you always liked. I'll help mom prepare. I'm excited that you moved here also, Dylan! See ya. " Anna said. She left and went running down the street excited and enthusiastic.

"Do you have anything important to do today?" Dylan asked Fae who was trying to help him on his plants.

"Me? Uhm. Nothing. I don't do much," Fae embarrassingly said.

"Would you like to come with me to Anna's place?" Dylan asked Fae.

Dylan teases Fae by inviting him to go with him, because she was still there for a long while, and never left. She wanted to know about that girl and to get along with Dylan, too. She wanted to go.

"Are you sure, It's not a problem to invite a stranger like me?"

"Nah... only if that's a problem with you,"

"I'll go," Fae took the risk of going with a total stranger and accepted the invite. She sometimes does stupid things, but she interprets herself as being adventurous.

"Sure, you might want to bring shoes because it will be a tough walk down the street Ms," Dylan looked at her feet and laughed about it. She was not wearing anything on her feet. He thought she just forgot about it and didn't realize that it is her personality. She intended to be like that and has always been like that.

"I'm fine like this, don't worry. Didn't you hear that story of a scary ghost girl, having long hair white dress, and bare feet in the town? A child mistook me as a ghost when I was out walking at night. I knew that rumored ghost was me, but don't worry. I am not a ghost. That story was not true. I am naturally like this and I am fine with it. I got used to it through time," Fae said

"Uhhh. Really? That was a little weird... " Dylan was skeptical about what Fae said.

"Yes, I am telling the truth. I am usually like this. I promise"

"I am not buying it. Here take my slippers and use it," Dylan did not believe her. He still thought that Fae was lying about forgetting her shoes. He took off his slippers and offered it to her.

"No, you still don't believe me? Look. I can pick up my slippers at my house but I just like to roam around like this. I promise, " Fae tried to convince him.

"Uhuh. Okay, weirdo. You'll hurt yourself doing that." He has a weird look in his face while looking at her feet but who cares. He shook his head. He picked up some petal from one of his unique flowers and sealed by a folded leaf. He brought it and put it inside his pocket. Together, they walked towards Anna's and had a small conversation.

"Ouch!" She jerked her foot as she stepped on a small sharp rock on the way.

"Learned any lesson Miss? You didn't listen," Dylan shook his head.

"I am fine... It happens all the time. It's nothing," Fae

"You childish thing," Dylan pulled out the petal that was wrapped by a folded piece of leaf from his garden. He crushed it with his hands and kneeled down on the ground. He grabbed her wounded foot and coated the wounds with this fresh petal that he brought that could help heal the wound faster and alleviate the pain.

"I knew this could happen, so I brought this for an emergency," Dylan was very thoughtful. His kind gesture is making Fae fall for him. She was still unaware of these feelings that was growing on her, but she knew that she liked, Dylan as a person.

"I admire you as a gardener, Dylan. You even know the attributes of your plants," These words slipped through Fae's mouth. It was almost like a confession on the first day that they met, but Dylan didn't really pay attention as he gets it a lot. Fae stared at his face and saw kindness in his eyes. She adores his personality and his passion. She thinks if he is always like this.

Dylan stood up and held her arm, "I can't stand this. I'll carry you," Before Dylan could bring her. She resisted and challenged him. "No, thanks!" She ran away fast and got him so far behind. Ever since Dylan could not get out of her mind. The things that Dylan does for her being a stranger is breathtaking. She heard his voice from behind.

"Hey! Fae!" Dylan shouted to call her out. She ignored Dylan and looked forward to the way instead. It was an awkward moment to happen.

"Are you coming? Where are you going? You passed it already," Dylan shouted to call her again.

She turned her neck and saw him going inside the nicest house in town. Her eyes went big as she saw him about to enter. Someone opened the entrance for him. It was her dream to see what's inside that huge mansion, that happened to be Anna's place. He went inside the house and Fae was still standing there. She was awed and amazed. A little dramatic but, she felt excited to go inside. He peaked to check out on her outside. She waved at him to signal him that she doesn't want to go inside. She feels unworthy to go because her feet look disgusting and dirty. She wouldn't want to make a mess. That is how she respected that mansion where everybody wants to have. The town is filled only with average houses. Most people in the town have simple lives and average. Some are poor. So, she is not used to this kind of place. She did not expect that she will finally see what's inside that extravagant mansion.

He runs towards Fae, while she was just standing and staring blankly at the mansion. He snatched her hand. She let him pull her all the way to go inside the house. "Com' on... It's alright... we walked too far. We're here already" Dylan cheered her

"There's no way I would enter that house looking like this. My feet would ruin the floor. I wish you have told me," Fae said

"This lady. Seriously? I've been telling you all along haven't I? Sheez"

They went inside and saw the mansion's glory. It was a wonderful place. Fae was happy to have met Dylan and get to see this mansion all on the same day. It was a special day for her.

"Am I dreaming today? Don't wake me up," Fae said to herself.

I am a Novice in writing a book, but I hope you stay in tune! Feel free to leave a comment, or message me. xoxo

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