
Jana's Journey

life is simple, untill you compare with someone.

A Guy named Jana, always feels alone even though he has a family and friends. He was graduated but still jobless, everthing he do people point him as he was jobless.

one night he got a dream that everyone he like, one day gonna leave this world. He felt very upset and couldn't even sleep. Next day morning he woke up struggling that he was gonna miss someone.He thought everyone is settled well and why cant he be like them, that thought killing him from inside.

While everyone comparing him with others, he also started comparing himself and felt sad.It turns to be an addiction, he compare himself with others in every possible way he could. Finally he realised that he need some space from all this and that can be happen only if he move from that place, so he planned to go on a solo trip where he can find some space from everyone.

yes, he made it possible and left to a trip to himalayas, it took few days for him to reach there. after a long journey he finally reached his desired location. There he started looking for a place to stay but every place was crowded and he wanna stay alone. He travelled to deep into the woods and found a small hut where an old preist was staying. He asked the priest for shelter and preist asked him, why he wanna stay this far while everyone was enjoying the location outside. Jana said that he hate everyone and want to stay alone to find himself. priest laughed at him and said, I'm the only one staying here and for every need you have to take a miles walk so you have to stay here for a week, that is 7 days. If u wanna stay here for 7days you dont need to pay me money but you need to give your 7 days of time to me. Jana replied that he will do anything for 7days and he just need food and place to stay. priest said that you have travelled a long way so for today just go in to the woods and find some wood to put fire and vegatables to make food. jana told to priest that he wont charge money for that and he is happy to spend money but priest told him not to buy from anyone. I just want you to cut the wood and find some vegatables. It may be new for you but you can do it only if u believe in you. so now take rest for few hours and do your job, I have to do meditation so dont disturb me said the priest. Jana freshed up and took a nap for sometime.

After few hours he left into wood to find some wood for fire. He was suprised that he walked so deep into woods. he started cutting woods and it took so much time for him as the work is not from his book. By the end of the day he reached the hut and said to priest that he was so angry for making him to do this work and its easy to buy things from near by shops. Priest said before leaving for work I can see respect from you but after work I cant see that. what changed you either the way of work or the time it took to do work. Jana said its easy to buy from near by shop where he can save his time and energy but you made me do this. priest started laughing and jana was confused and thought that priest may be out of his mind staying away from everyone. priest gave him 100 ruppess and told him to get apples, you can get from shop by spending money or from a tree for free. Jana left to shop and bought apples from shop and gave it to priest and priest told him to get herbals and those are only available in shop and Jana asked money to buy herbals, priest said that he gave him money already but you spend them on apples. jana said that he has no interest to spend his own money after the way you treat me. priest said to him that his feeling towards to him changed but everyone here treat him in a good way even though ti trouble them, so why cant you change your perception as you always compare youtself with others. Jana was speechless then priest told him that to be calm and dont think, this is your first lesson. you spend money on apples as it was easy way and you thought it was wise but when it comes to herbals what happen. spending money to make it easy is not wise. if you could pluck apple from a tree, you can spend money for herbals. Always think before spending money. Nature gives you the best one without money.

That night Jana was not able to sleep, he keep thinking about how foolish he was. preist came to him and said, I told you to stop thinking cause you have a big day tomorrow so u need to sleep now. Jana tried to be calm and slept.

Next day, priest gave him work. He said to clean up the palce and get fresh wood and vegetables. jana first hesitated but went out to bring wood and vegetables. It took more time for him to reach back. Once he came back with wood and vegatables, priest said his work for today is done. Jana shouted at priest saying that he was using him to do his work. jana asked priest, why do you gave me the same task like yesterday, Are you using me for your needs?. priest smiled and said, your mind is filled with anger so you are not looking the truth, so do meditation for few hours without distraction. so then i will answer your questions said the priest and left. Jana thought that he was trying to play him but its just a meditation so he wanna give it a try. so he cleaned the place and started doing meditation.

At the end of the day, priest came and suprised to see jana, as he is meditating. priest gave him space and went away. After few hours, jana came to priest. priest asked him, how are you feeling. Jana said that he was feeling good and no any thoughts in head. priest asked him, why do you shouted at me in the morning ?

Jana replied, sorry for my behaviour, I was just frustrated at that moment and now I feel bad for such a behaviour. priest smiled and said, every people have their own way of frustration, but it should not effect your way of action. one true self will be revealed when they are frustrated, so if you can control those, you will be remebered as a real man. Jana replied that he was very happy to meet priest and he would love to do anything. After having dinner both of them went to sleep.

next day, when priest came to jana, he was suprised cause jana went into forest and came back with wood and vegatables. Jana asked priest is there any thing that I can do for you. Priest replied you dont need to do things for me, just do things that you wanna do. Jana replied that he dont have anywork to do then priest told him to go out and help people who are in need. Jana said that he will do that happily and left out.He came back by noon and priest asked him how many people you help and jana said that he helped 8 people and he was so tired. priest told him to eat something and do meditation for the day. After meditating for hours, jana came to priest. preist asked him, how do feel today. Jana said that he was so happy helping people. priest told him to help people again tomorrow and keep smiling all time.

Next day, Jana went out to help people and came back by noon. priest asked him how many people do you helped today, Jana replied that he didnt count as he was smiling while helping it made him forgot about count. Priest said if you do things with smile it make you forgot the sad in you. jana asked him how is that possible, If i help them they will be happy and why should i suffer helping them. priest told him to go out tomorrow and help again but this time without smiling and be sad.

Next day, he went and came back evening. priest asked him, everyday you come back by noon but today you came late. Jana replied that As he was sad everyone I helped tried to make me happy, so it took time. Priest asked you helped 3days differently, 1st day you helped them being normal and next you helped them with smile and now you helped them with sadness. Task is same but response is depend upon how you do. I know you came here with confusion about yourself, so I gave you this task to make you understand.

jana said that he was so happy to see that people are trying very hard to make him happy, when I'm sad. Priest said thats how you see it, If you are happy, you make others happy. If you are sad others will make you happy. being alone in sadness wont make you perfect, reaching out trying to merge with outside world will give you new life. Jana asks priest that he was trying hard but people always compare me with others and that make him sad. Priest says that Happiness is same for every human being but feeling are different. If I like to eat and you like to cook. and we are doing that everyday and people say that youare always eating and making him cook the food, you will feel sad and next time you will cook without interest and I will eat without interest. here we are suffering and not people. you have 2 ears one to listen and another to leave what you listen. If you are confident enought to speak about yourself then no one will compare infront of you again. everything will be in our hands. its not a problem, cause for everything there is a solution so if there is a solution why should we call it still a problem. Jana realises what he is doing ans priest tell him to go back to home as he came this far without telling to anyone. while going priest gave him one advice that dont let yourself to create a pblm to yourself. Then jana feels sorry for not telling his parents about this and felt sad that his parents are worrying about him. while going he says to priest that You make me believe in myself and I will continue that in any situation and Thank you for everything says jana left that place and it took few days to go back home, after reaching home he hugs his parents and says sorry for making them worried.

The End