
Checking out the neighborhood.

Author note.

please guys help me this is my first work and iam really optimistic about how the result of my work will be please. Don't forget to drop your comment of the comment section.

James have finally finished arranging his apartment it is more easier than he expected, he have predicted that it will take him at least two or three days to get use to his stuff but it turned out that it will take only a day to get it done.

he stretched his body lazily and stood up and went to his refrigerator to take a glass of lemonade.

ahhhhh! so tasty as always he then check his schedule on discovering that he is free from work he decided to troll on his neighborhood. he locked his door and dropped the keys inside this shirt pocket before making sure that he locked his gate. he then continue to walk around observing many structures and facilities that is erected on his neighborhood, he noticed that there is a football field not far from his apartment almost adjacent to the back of his house. he was very excited about it because he have always been a fans of football which he sees as his best hobby ever.

This is cool, iam going to like it here he said, he then walk about three meters away from the spot and always see many houses that looks like his own apartment. seems like these houses was owned by the same person and was built by the same construction company. Anyway that is not his intention his real intention is to get use to his environment and maybe try to engage in a conversation with his neighbors of whom he is interested in only the female ones.

James have always been in love with milf, he never bought the idea of having sex with young people or even people that is on the same age bracket as himself he always love to do it with people who are older than him that was the reason why till now he have never had a girlfriend. he believed that having sex with a matured woman is more interesting with big tits and ass it will make the sex worth.

Hey dude! his line of thought was interrupted by a voice that called him from behind and when he turned he saw a boy or a young man about the same age as him, with a big smile on his face as if he won lottery ran to him.

Hi, iam Zack I live here he said pointing at a beautiful house that is opposite to the field where people are playing football earlier in other words he is his nearest neighbor.

I'am James nice to meet you, he handshake Zack that is still smiling. I wonder what is making him smile as if iam a girl, James said in his mind. I saw when you moved into your new home since then I have not make out time to know who my new neighbor is but now I saw you strolling when I was playing football and I decided to use this opportunity you know. yeah yeah i understand that's good of you, he is already finding this guy friendlier he look at his face and observe the brown haired, sea blue eyes Zack in front of him.

Not bad he muttered, what did you say? Zack asked, I mean not bad we can be friends right?. he asked Zack to distract his attention from his statement, when James said not bad he was actually referring to Zack's look he is just handsome even though that he cannot be compared to him.

hell dude asshole a voice shouted at Zack whom james supposed to be Zack's teammates who are beckoning on him to come back to play. nice meeting you he said to James signalling that he will answer the call. yeah see you soon.


When people say the clichés the brightest days in life appears after the darkest day is a statement that James have always heard of but have not think deeply into the meaning until he met the most beautiful lady he have ever seen in his life maybe not life but in NewYork as he knew that maybe he have seen many lady who may beat this one on contest he have never seen her type