
Jackson Bare's overpowered adventure through Marvel and the Omniverse

(DROPPED) WARNING THIS STORY IS WRITTEN BY A VERY NEW AUTHOR SO THERE WILL BE A LOT OF LOOPHOLES AND THINGS THAT DON"T MAKE SENSE, IT WILL GET BETTER BUT IF YOU CAN"T WAIT FOR THAT THEN I ADVISE YOU TO SKIP! This is just a wish a story I made for fun it's going to have a very overpowered mc so if you don't enjoy that I will not recommend this for you if you do have some advice for places and people I have the mc meet please comment. I am also a beginner writer so this story might not be the best one plus there might not be a lot of training arch or whatever, I will try to build up other characters though. Anyway, this story is about a young man who gets a couple of wishes and ends up fighting alongside the Avengers and being brothers with Loki and Thor hope you enjoy it. Oh and obviously everything except Jackson, Arthur, and Devion and system belongs to their right full owner Marvel, Jackson, Arthur, and Devion, and the system are mine. Don't want any copyright infringements

Jackson_Bare · Fantasía
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37 Chs

Chap 18: Death

"My prince help us, Asgard needs your help" I hear in my head

"Heimdall!" I yell out loud, garnering Arthur and Dev's attention, "Why'd you yell Heimdall?" I ignore Dev's question and ask Heimdall "What's going on Heimdall?"

"Giants are attacking, Odin has summoned you" Heimdall tells me which gets me angry "I believe I told him that I no longer serve him"

"I understand, but many will die in the battle to come" Heimdall replies

"Hahahha, I'm no saint Heimdall, I've killed plenty and I don't care if more die, I hope you survive," I tell Heimdall as I cut the thought connection, "So what was that about?" Arthur asks "It seems there's going to be battle between the giants and Asgard, Odin asked Heimdall to bring me to fight in the battle but I obviously refused," I tell Arthur and Dev as I walk and sit at a cliff edge, "Many will die, Jackson, are you sure it's right to not fight?" Dev asks me "Devion bloodstar" I call Dev which makes him instantly look at me "The giants have nothing to do with me, I don't fight, people who don't fight me, the giant's war is with Asgard which is ruled by Odin, I no longer serve Asgard" 'But what about the people?" Devion asked again

"You know what you're right what about the people, I don't know them they don't know me if I'm going to save them from death does that mean I should save them every time they come near death, I'm not a saint, I kill when I want to and save when I want to, Dev know this you can't and won't save everyone, think of it like this when you kill what about the family of the one you kill do they deserve to suffer," I tell Dev who just looks down.

"Hehe then by your logic, we shouldn't have killed those people at the village, or I shouldn't have killed those people for me to get those souls," Arthur says while looking at me " well I guess you have a point but I'm still not fighting, it has nothing to do with me so there's no point," I tell them as I look at the sun rising "I don't like it but your logic kind of makes sense, as long as you guys and the kids are still here it doesn't matter what happens to others," Dev says as he looks at the sun rising "Ahh why'd you have to get so emotional, you just ruined the mood," I say.

3rd POV

A small group of houses can be seen, with five people fighting against one another "Come on Thyri, hit harder" A young man with a stubble on his chin tell's a young skinny woman with clear skin, "You know I don't like fighting Ornolf" Thyri tells the now Identified Ornorlf who laughs at her response "HAHAHA, You still need to learn how to fight, alright that's it let's take a break" Ornolf says making everyone stop their spar and go to the lake and sit by the shore, "When do you think they'll be coming back?" a man with skin for bones says to no one in general "I don't know Storolf but I do know that we need to be strong when they return" A lady wearing a chest plate and armored skirt replies to Storolf, suddenly Thyri looks up with a worried face "There a lot of new mana signatures around us "

"is it them?" Storolf asks," I don't think so there's too many of them and they don't seem as powerful as them" Thyri replies to him, "Alright let go, keep your guard up, Thryi stay in the back and cast spells, Storolf go scout, and ambush them if they're enemies, Gunnar defend Thyri me and Brunhilde will go confront them," Ornolf says as everyone get in their position with Storolg dissapaering.

Storolf can be seen running along the treetops with his hands behind his back, running so fast that he appears to be a blur, before coming to a halt in front of what appear to be blue men wielding swords, axes, spears, and bows. "Frost giants, friend or foe, doesn't matter, it's better if we confront them together and determine this," Storolf says as he begins to turn around, but an arrow pierces his shoulder with an even more piercing cry coming after "ARHHHHHHHH, Foe, Foe definitely Foe I need to tell them," Storolf says as he disappears in a blur, but it appears the giants know where he's heading as they start running.

Storolf Appears next to Ornolf "We've got frost giants, they're foe, they are well-armed and about 60 in total, and they probably know where we are" Storolf tells Ornolf who face's scrunches when he sees the wound on Storolf shoulder, "Thryi please heal him, and everyone get ready" Ornolf says with a very serious tone, Thyri goes ahead and heals Storolf when a roar is heard "RAAAAAAAWWWWW!!" "HERE THEY COME!!" Ornolf yells as 60 frost giants appear, the frost giants start charging towards our group.

The battle ensues with Storolf disappearing and appearing next to the blue men slashing at them with a dagger with a green liquid dripping out, but there's no damage on the frost giant who smashes down hits on Storolf who disappears before the axe hits him, Gunnar rushes with a yell 'AHHHHHHHH" and starts swinging at the frost giants killing multiple giants but he gets an axe lodged in his shoulder slowing him down greatly "GUNNAR" Thyri yells out launching fireballs at the giants near Gunnar, rushing towards him and healing him.

Ornolf and Brunhilde figth with their swords swinging taking multiple frost giant's heads, but suddenly it starts becoming cold and their weapons start to freeze, "This probably why they're called Frost Giants" Storolf laughs as his hands start freezing. "We need to use the sword!!" Brunhilde yells as she rushes back into one of the houses returning with a bundle in her hands, she removes the scarf from what she's holding revealing a red blade with dragon engraving across it, as she holds it in front of her the swords start glowing and flames start erupting around it. She swings the sword which releases massive flames from it engulfing the gIants but some of it also reach her allies. A

s the flames start to calm Brunhilde takes in the damage she has caused seeing the scorched ground and the burned trees, "seems like we won" Storolf says as the burns he got from the flames start killing him "should I have used the weapon?" Brunhilde says seeing her friends and siblings die from the use of the weapon, but Ornolf consoles her saying "We fought to the bitter end with your help, if you didn't do this we wouldn't be able to die on our terms and this is our terms" with everyone smiling at what has happened as their eyes shutting, dying from the burns "See you in Valhalla"Brunhilde says looking at her brothers and sister, her eyes collapsing from the amount of magic it took for her using the weapon.

"I want to revive you but you don't want to be, you died on your own terms so I shall respect you, now let me apologize for my mistakes," someone says as they come out of a portal looking at Brunhilde and her siblings dead on the floor

(A/N: Sadly the kids have died, what is going through Jackson's mind and what will happen, how did the giants arrive here when there's a battle about to happen in Jotunheim, I don't know but what I do know is WAR..... WAR is coming and the world shall face the WRATH OF JACKSON.

Have a nice day. Peace

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