
Jack the Slayer

I'd never thought my twin, Lilian, would have done this.But she did-and doesn't seem to realise the danger she'd just gotten herself into. In fact, I think she's obsessed. On this guy called Jack. What in the WORLD is Kate supposed to do when her twin Lilian is smitten with a guy who looks devastatingly like Prince Charming, but is as lethal as Jack the Ripper??? Kate's answer: Protect Lilian by pretending to be her. But is that even going to work? Read on to find out! You can also read this on my Wattpad account, the same title and username. All rights reserved

Emmii04 · Adolescente
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5 Chs

Meeting Prince Charming

Should I go? I asked myself, flopping onto my bed. My brain was banging angrily in my head, during my debate on whether to follow Lilian into town, where she was going to meet Jake. I just wanted to make sure she was OK.

But is it necessary? Lilian may be the younger twin, but she was the most confident out of the two of us. I'm sure she can look after herself.

Very well then. I won't follow her. So why is it that I'm going downstairs, grabbing my jacket, and about to open the door?

Just as I was about to leave, my mum's voice rang out. "Kate, where are you going?"

I paused, panicking. I couldn't give it away—I'd already promised Lilian. I don't usually lie, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

"Um…I'm going into town…with…Alyina," I blurted out. Mum just stared at me, confused.

"Alyina? Who's she?"

Oh. I just made that name up, you see. Looks like I'll have to play along with this.

"Uhh…you see…Alyina's a…new girl,"I managed to force out in the most natural way possible. Fortunately, mum seemed to buy it.

"Oh, that's nice, dear. Have a good time!"

I smiled, nodded, and was just about to close the door when she suddenly came running to me, shoving my phone into my hand.

"Don't forget your phone, dear, and call me if you need help or if you're in trouble. Also, tell me if you see Lilian. She said she was going to be in town, although she didn't say where…"

My heart suddenly skipped a beat. "Did she say anything else?" I quickly asked. Mum shook her head, her brow creasing, looking quite worried.

"No, she left before I could ask anything else. So unlike her, though, you know she's never in such a rush to meet someone." She frowned at me. "Why do you look so startled? Did she tell you?"

I swallowed nervously. "Err, no, she didn't. Don't worry mum, I'll try and find her. She can't be far." And with that, I closed the door, grabbed my bike, and rode towards the city centre.

My mind whirled in thought. Lilian is out there, meeting a total stranger she's only met online, and how am I supposed to know where they're going to go? A coffee shop? I laughed at myself. That guy—Jack, I mean—never looked like a coffee guy. More of a bar guy, I guess, but who'd be drinking themselves drunk in broad daylight? Only maniacs would. At least the bicycle shed is opposite the only bar in the city centre. Not ideal, but it could be useful as to where I might start looking for Lilian.

I scanned for Jack as I was locking up my bike. I only had a basic outline of his features: slick hair, blonde tips, pointy nose. It won't be hard to find him—I would just have to look harder.

After the bike was locked up, I slowly wandered around, my eyes darting this way and that. I was starting to panic now—what if they'd already met, and I was too late?

Suddenly, I had an idea that could work. However, it was very risky, and it would only work if my sister hadn't met him yet. I was hoping that, if I see him, or if he sees me, I could act as Lilian, meaning that she won't have to put herself in danger, and I can see what she really is doing. Obviously, I might be putting myself in unnecessary danger, but if it meant that Lilian wouldn't be hurt then that was OK.

After a couple of minutes, I was away from the pub and nearing a coffee shop. I was in despair now; there was no sign of him or her whatsoever, and time was ticking fast. Just then, a hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me towards them, nearly letting me lose my balance. As I faced the person, my eyes scanned to who this person was. It was a guy. With brown hair gelled up, blonde tips, a pointy nose, as well as piercing blue eyes and tanned skin. For a few seconds I couldn't work out why he looked so familiar. Then when my brain acutually started to work again I soon realised who he was. And I wasn't prepared.

Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no.

It was HIM.

The guy of my twin sister's dreams.

Prince Charming himself.

I don't think I need to say anymore, do I?