
Jack the ripper: Origins

Set in the Victorian age a humble 12 year old boy named JACK PETERSON with a strange sickness of his own, desires nothing but to escapes his impoverished homestead by becoming a world renowned actor but all of that soon changes when he befriends two girls, SUSAN and JULIA GIBSION who are victims of heinous abuse, on discovering this Jack seeks help from a mysterious man CATHER J. KIPPER, who helps him by unknowingly turning the humble boy into an articulated and meticulous cold blooded serial killer.

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25 Chs


The next morning, Jack was a little tense as the words of Sir C.J were still ringing in his head, 'Remember Jackie boy, I scratch your back you scratch mine'.

'Man, I wonder what I am going to have to do for him this time, I knew I should have just gone and told them but Sevki pressurized me to ask, it is okay, as long as the girls walk away harmless from this then I am okay with whatever he has got planned for me.'

The boy waved his hand in front of face as if he was waving the bad thoughts away, got dressed did not bother with breakfast and left for school.

On his way to school, he went through different plans in his head of figuring out way of existing in the same environment as the girls without having the urge of telling them or working with Charlotte without being overwhelmed by emotion and snapping at her.

'Argh, these are the day when I really miss Elizabeth, she would have come up with some elaborate and eccentric plan that astonishingly works out in the end without anyone being poisoned or me owing her a favour that could land me in jail, now I had to ask the man that made all the previously potential problems possible, I wonder what will happen to me after I complete this task, maybe something far worse then the Phil family, I will , most likely receive the death sentence, I need to shut up now people are looking at me like I am crazy but for their information, people who talk to themselves often have a higher I.Q then the average dumb, dumbs, oh no, speaking about dumb-dumbs here comes two of them.

'Mr Jack Peterson, how are you doing today?',Susan said.

'Jack, you wierdo, I saw you talking to yourself again.'

Jack, nodded and walked right past them, the girls followed, Jack looked over his shoulder and saw them coming so he decided to walk faster, he looked over his shoulder again and saw them, them walking faster too, then he had no choice but to break out into a power walk, with perfect form might I add, keeping his elbows at a ninety degree angle and swinging his hips side to side, he looked over his shoulder again and saw that his leaving them behind.

'No way girls, this form is perfect, this is Olympic form, I deserve to be in the Olympics.' He whispered to himself 

'Susan, why is your boyfriend walking like that?'

'Worms, I guess.'

'Disgusting, Jack!, you wierdo!, why are you walking like that!'

Jack looked over his shoulder and shouted


He turned forward and now the chase was on, I would not say that it was a chase because the girls were just walking after him, he, alone went in and out of the class rooms as the waited outside, then in and out the toilet's both male and female,  circled then school building five times, while the girls stopped and waited after the first two time but he believe they were actually chasing, until fatigue kicked in, out of energy and nowhere to run, he resorted to violence, started throwing  acorn and stones, luckily for them, he did not have good aim so he was throwing to over their heads the whole time, feeling sorry for the boy, they decided to retaliate too, the acorn warfare  went on for a few minutes,  then he realised that he was not hitting one of them, so he decided to surrender, got on the ground and decided to play dead.

'Jack, what are you doing?'

'I surrender!, I give up, the odds are against me, two against one is not fair.'

'Life is not fair, Mr Jack Peterson.'

'We coming over.', Susan said.

'Drop your acorns!' jack shout from his pathetic position.

'I already did.'

'The girls dropped their acorns and walked over.'

'Not so fast!, slowly now, slowly, slowly, now hands in the air?'


'Only people, who have something to hide, would ask 'why'?'

The girls raised their hands in the air, Jack got up from the ground and circled them.

'You not wearing a wire are you?'

'A what?'

'I do not know, I am just mumbling random nonsense.'

'That would not be the first time.'

'I think you have made your point Julia, so how are you guys doing, I must say I am not doing so well, my chest feels like it is on fire, I think this is the end for me.'

'Relax, it is just because you got a little cardio.'

'Are you sure, because my hands are shaking and my head is leaking a serve amount of water and sharp pain in my chest, my lips feel cold.'

Then he fell on his knees.

'I see the light, it is so amazing, to be honest I do not mind dying right here, right now because I get to see your beautiful face in my last moments, I always knew that you were my guardian angel, O!, my dear Susan!, how great my love for Eliz….Susan, Julia could you do me one last favour?'


'Can you please turn around, I only want to see beautiful things in my final moments.'

'NO! and you are not dying, you just got a little exercise, since all you do is read  books in the library with old ladies or all alone in the mountain or whatever  you  call it, at your secret chill spot, talking to yourself.', Julia snapped.

'I see you obviously were also those who also believed all Phil's stories about me, that I am bewitched, talking to demons, honestly, I actually would not mind dying right now, I have just so many problems in my life and it feels like I am the only one that see all the problems and suffering, it just makes me feel so helpless.'

'What kind of problems, maybe we can help.'

'Your kindness never seize to amaze me Susan you are such an amazing human being.'

'It is nothing, that is what friends are for, after all if I cannot stick with you during tough times, then I would not be a good friend, would I now?'

'That is a great and all but this is something that you girls cannot help me, it is just one of those things that the hero of the story has to go through alone.'

'I see, if that is what you want then I respect that.'

But Julia refused to accept this response and grabbed him by the chest and brought him close to her face.

'I am not so easily convinced, I think you up to something, something very sinister, insidious, heinous, which will only bring more suffering on us all but I will not allow this to happen, you will tell me or else I will force it out of you.'

Jack loosened himself from Julia's surprisingly strong vise grip like grip, he removed himself from her presence got up, dusted himself and leaned against a tree with his hands in his pockets.

'What is with all this tension and aggression, do you think you will find a husband with this kind of attitude, do you think a man would like to be bull dosed over every time he steps inside of the house, the answer is NO!, anyway, I will not answer you, because I am my own person and I can do whatever I want to do.'

'Calm down Jackie, you always get so emotional, you so sensitive and touchy, I was just joking..I think.'

'It is easy for you to joke about these things but you have no idea the internal battles I am fighting and all the difficult choices I have to make.'

'That is why we offered our help because believe it or not we care.'

'I do not.'

'Julia!, what I am saying is, it is okay to be honest with us, is it a crime to be honest, to be truthful, I believe, that if people were always truthful to each other then the world would be a far better place because all lies and secrets only suppress the persons emotions and causes internal struggles that make the person so helpless that they become annalistic because they believe systems have collapsed and therefore they have nothing more to lose so why should they care about anyone else, resulting in the person becoming hateful and destructive because he has nothing to care for anymore, causing damage to his relationships close to him, which might result in the person being alone for the rest of his life.'

Jack gulped hard, turned to the heavens smiled and cleared his throat.

'I love the truth to, even if it is bitter it still manages to make whatever suffer or pain go away.

'I could not agree with you more, sometimes all you need to do is to tell the truth, to resolve the problem.'

'Julia did you just agree with your mortal enemy Jack Peterson?'

'I did and I am not ashamed to admit it because today, I think that it is the first time he has ever said something sensible.'

Amen!, Jack shouted and danced in a circle.

'Today is a good day Mr Peterson.'

'And who says that miracles do not happen, because I just witnessed one.'

'I know right.'

Susan Joined Jack in his celebratory dance, doing all sort of moves which undoubtedly considered an insult to the world of dance.

'Okay, guys that is enough, seriously my eyes can't take it anymore and we need to get to class or would like to be late despite being on the school ground?', Julia said rubbing her eyes. 

'Yes, sister we are coming, let's go Mr Jack Peterson, did you do your maths homework?'


The group walked back to class, discussing the math homework, Jack forgot to do it but he is debating like he actually did it.

In class, Jack could not help himself from staring at Elizabeth's empty desk from time to time, then out the window again, wondering what she would be doing at that specific moment in time, properly fighting with someone or exploring her new place.


He turn to find Mrs Taylor standing over him.

'Yes, ma'am?'

'Are you okay, are you feeling sick?'

'I am perfectly fine.'

'I know.'


Mrs Taylor nodded at him and walked to the front of the class.

'Listen up class!, I want to teach you something very important about life or tell you something important about life because it is something I cannot necessarily teach, there will come a time in each and everyone of your lives where you are going to have to say good bye to the people closest to you.'

'Why, Ma'am?', So random student asked.

'Because…who are you again, were you always in my class, never mind, to answer  the question, that is just the way life goes, everything with a form will break, every living thing must die, everyone you meet must part.'

Then she turned around and started to scribble on the board again.

The day ended and Jack was busy preparing himself mentally for the time when he will have to face former person who he saw as an older sister and most likely a friend who he could turn to when he had a question about the opposite gender but now turned homewrecker Charlotte Bonate, how is he not going to confront her and he cannot just ignore her then she will definitely notice that something is up.


Jack turned around and found the girls walking towards him.


'Do you want come to our house for a little visit, my mother made delicious lemon meringue pie.'

Although the offer was super tempting, he had more pressing matters to attend to, which acquired his utmost..

'I would love too.'

What, why am I even telling his story.


'Of course he would come, where ever there is free food you are sure to find Jack Peterson.'

'Unfortunately, I will not be able to stay long, because I still have to get to work.'

'I promise that we will not take much of your time, maybe just like fifteen minutes.'

'I think that it would be more like twenty to twenty-five minutes Susan, because it will properly take us about five minutes to walk to our house, then we would talk and eat, that would be like ten minutes, then he has to walk all the way back to this very spot, which would be another five minute, plus the distance he has to walk from here to his respective working environment, that would be another five minutes.'

'You could if just said my work or job, why do you always have to use fancy words.'

'If I did that, then I would not sound like the well-read, strong willed, intelligent girl the writer set me up to be.

'I think you forgot rude and up notches, to your character trades.'

'You tell her Susan!.'

'Susan!, how can you side against your own sister again?'

'I am not siding with anyone, I am just hot and tired.'

'I could not agree with you more Ellie.'


'I mean Susan, sorry my A.D.D brain is acting up again.'

Julia narrowed his eyes at him.

'I always knew there was something wrong with you, now I know, you have AIDS.'

'NO!, A.D.D!,'

'Sorry, I have been reading this book on infectious diseases.'

'By who?'

'Argh, could you two dumb it down a little, which means keep your mouth shut and walk in silence, take a look around and see all the beauty around you, look at all the trees and stuff.'

'Why is she like this now?'

'She always becomes cranky when she starts feeling hungry but do you know what I think?'


'I think she is just cranky because we are intellectually superior to her and that she cannot join in on some of the conversations we have.'

'I can still hear you because I am literally walking right beside you, bit..'

'No, let us not use words like that, look we have arrived, your house looks bigger since the last time I have been here.'

'No, it is still the same, maybe you just got smaller.'

'OOOOOOOOH!!!, you just got burned by Susan, how does it feel to be on the receiving end, Huh!'

Julia, pretended to hold a micro phone to his mouth, 


'You Know…'

Just as he was about to give a befitting insult their mother appeared, leaving him with no choice but to swallow his words.

'Sir Jack Peterson, how lovely to see you again.'

'It is lovely to see you to.'

Jack stuck out his hand to greet her but she retreated quickly as if he was handing her a poisonous snake.

'Mrs Gibson are you alright?'

'I just thought.'

Then she shook her head as if she is trying to shake whatever dreadful thought was in there out.

'You thought what?'

'Nothing, and what did I tell you about calling me.'

'My apologies, Elaina.'

'That is much better, I take it you are here for the lemon marine Susan baked?'


'If you want to  taste it, then you will have to come inside for that, I have no idea, why the girls have not invited you in yet, I thought, I taught you girls better, please come in Mr Jack Peterson.'

He and the girls entered the house and it seemed like they rushed ahead, he noticed Susan look at her mother and her mother gave a nod, it also felt like the atmosphere was  much more tense then before, everyone seemed on edge as of the king of hell was present.

'Please excuse them, they have to go freshen up now, we must always look our best for our guest, hello Jack, Mr Jack Peterson, is anyone there?'

Jack snapped out of it and found Elaina waving her hand in front of his face.

'Yes, I am here.'

'You think too much for someone your age, is something bothering you?'

'No, just school.'

'I keep telling my husband, that the teachers are giving you children way too much homework, I cannot remember the last time I saw Susan and Julia play outside, please take a seat.'

'No, Elaina, I will not be staying long, I was hoping you could put it in a tin or something so I can eat it at work.'

Elaina put her hand on her chest.

'Work, at your young age, I have never heard of such a thing.'

Then out of the blue a voice spoke from the staircase behind him.

'That is how it is now dear, the younger you start working, the more mature and responsible they become, which is a good thing, because if you look around at the young man now, they are almost always drunk and impregnating women but this young fellow does not seem to be afraid of hard work, are you now boy?'

His suspicions were right, the king of hell was present and now the time has come, to face his mortal enemy to finally face him, face to face, to engage him in conversation but the question remains, will Jack be able to control his emotions or will he expose the fake human being for the monstrosity he is, please stay tuned to see what happens next.

Jack turned around and watch the figure descend from the stairs in slow motion, his hearts started pounding, his mouth and lips went dry, he tried to swallow saliva but there was nothing only air, then his eyes started to dry up too, causing him to blink rapidly before he knew it, the man of the hour was right in front of, dressed quite elegantly, which Jack found disappointing and irritating, because he wanted him to look like a dirty loser, like Elizabeth before her aunt came and took her to London.'

'Am I right or am I not wrong?'

Finally Jack managed to gather some saliva from somewhere in the depths of his mouth and wet his vocal cords and manage to speak some words.'

'Yes, Sir.'

'Oh, dear!'

Elaina, rushed into the room.

'Where are my manners, Jack, this is my husband Gregory and this is Jack Peterson.'

Greg, I think we can call him that now since we know his name, stuck out his hand for a hand shake, Jack accepted, he took his hand and squeezed it hard, while looking Greg, formally known as Gibson, looking straight in the cheating, abuser's eyes not an ounce of fear coursing through his veins.

'Nice to meet you Jack.'

'Nice to meet you too Greg.'

'Quite a firm hand shake you got there, now that I got a good look at you, I cannot help feel like I have seen you before.'

'That is because you have.'

'I have?'

'Yes, you have, I work at the bakery.'


'You ordered a cake from our top baker Charlotte Bonate, she even insist that she gives it to you personally, you have to remember her, it is not every day that she insists on delivering the cake personally.'

'Now, I remember.'

'It must have been a special cake, may I ask what cake was it?'

'Yes, it was Susan's birthday cake, what time do you have to get to work?'

'In a few minutes.'

'You better hurry, because it is about to get really busy, about now and they going to need all hands on deck.'

'Yes, it is true but how do you know that, have you worked in the food industry before?'

Greg Aka Gibson, coughed slightly before he turned his attention to his wife.

'Elaina!, where is Jack's doggie bag, the  boy needs to go.'

'I am coming!', Elian shouted from the kitchen

'No, need to stress, I am in no rush, so sir, have you?'

'Have I what?'

'Worked at two places at one…., sorry, I mean have you worked in the food industry before?'

'No, I have not.'

'Jack!', Elaina shouted from the kitchen.

'Yes, Elaina?'

Greg glanced at Jack.

'Would you like some scones too?'

'Yes, please.'

'Why, do you call my wife by her first name?'

'She said I could.'

'Did she now.'


'Yes, Elaina?'

'Should I put butter or cream on them.'

'Butter!, on both sides.'

Jack looked at Greg and smiled, Greg, immediately sat down, soon Elaina entered the room, carrying a beautifully wrapped box.

'Here you are Jack, I put some extra in so you can share with your friends.'

'Dear God woman, he is going to work not to school.'

'Well one can have friends at work too.', He narrowed his eyes at Greg, 'I will take your leave now.'

'Alright then, I will call, the girls, how long does it take to get changed?'

'Dear leave them, you are a woman, you should understand.'

'Girls come down now!, can you believe it, they brought you all the here and they are nowhere to be found, the least they can do is come and see you before you leave.'

'There really is no need too, they probably started with their homework.'

'That homework thing again, sucking the joy of the children's lives.'

Elaina, started pacing around and started rearranging things in the room.

'But you must remember now dear, if they do not focus on their school work, how else will they become educated and independent, otherwise what is the point of sending them to school?'

'I could not agree with you more Mr Gibson, education is very important, makes them independent thinkers, then just going around just following the herd like a mindless sheep, you know  what they say about herds, Mr Gibson?.'


'Herds are for turds.', Jack said with a grin on his face.

'Yes, that does not mean that they lose their manners!'

This is the first time Jack has seen Elaina like this, it is as if she hated the fact that her daughters is getting an education.

'I will just go now, I am quite late already.'

'Yes, I think you better go to.', Greg intercede, 'Otherwise Waldo, will not be happy with you?'

'How do you know Waldo?'

'I ordered the birthday cake.'

'But you said that only that Charlotte Bonate was the only one that takes orders.'

Jack grinned pleased with himself, for the fox cornered himself and he had to do nothing.

'Let us leave it now dear, he needs to leave now.'

Greg wrapped his arm around Elaina and they both walked Jack to the gate.

'This is it boy, walk safely now.'

'Yes, Mr Jack Peterson, look both ways before crossing.'

'I will, goodbye now.'


When he arrived at the bakery and saw Waldo, was already waiting for him outside.

'A little late are we?'

'My apologies, I was held with some personal issues but now I am ready to work.'

'I appreciate your honesty, but I have to give you a verbal warning, two more and you will have to go, do you understand?'

'Yes, sir, could I interest you in a scone, they were recently taken out of the oven?'

'Are you bribing me?'

'No, sir, sharing is caring, so I am just sharing.'

'Maybe later, get in there and start working.'

'Aya, ya Sir!.'

Jack ran into the shop and started working.

After a gruesomely busy day of peeling and de-seeding (I am not even sure if that is an actual thing word) fruit, was ready to go home but not before meeting his new found enemy, Charlotte Bonate.

'Good evening, youthful employee of Olive's baker, how are you doing today?'

'Hi, I am tired and I want to go home how about you?'

'Woow, someone is in a bad mood.'

'No, just tired.'

'Are you doing anything exciting after work?'

'No, I am not doing anything exciting after work, are you doing anything exciting after work?'

'I do not know if you would call washing dishes and a facial, exciting.'

'Well actually there is nothing more exciting then self-care, like sleep, which is want I am desperate to do at this moment.'


  He picked up his belongings and head for the door when, Charlotte ran in front of him.

'Wait, do you have any plans for Friday night or Saturday?'

'Not that I can think of, why?'

'Since, you have no plans for this weekend, I was wondering if you wanted to take me somewhere.'

Charlotte interlocked her fingers behind her back and tapped the front of her shoes on the floor, swaying a little side to side.'

'What is this lady doing, is she trying to look cute, please this might have worked on Greg, because  his small head is in charge of making decisions for him but not on this guy!.'


'Why would, someone like you go anywhere with someone like me?'

'What do you mean, I would like to go somewhere with you, how about I take you on a date?'

'Oh would you look at you, playing the good Samaritan, I bet he properly distanced himself from her, when he discovered I am on to them, now she want to chew on me for the time being but I am sorry sister, I am no one's Ben 10.' (ben 10= a young man dating a woman far older than himself)



'Man, you get lost in thought very quickly.'

'Sorry, school stuff.'

'What is your answer?'

'I would love to.'

'Sir C.J is going to kill me for ruining his plan but let's look on the bright side, I will be going on a date with someone older and good looking, street cred for days, at least I will die a legend, if he does not kill me before then.'

'Do not worry about the money and the planning, just leave everything to me, I will show you how to treat a woman to the most fantastic date of her life at the most cost effective way.'

Jack immediately thought of Elizabeth and how he could learn from this experience and save up money to go to London and take her on the most fantastic date of her life and he will not even need a lot of money to do so.

'Are you sure, I can contribute if you want me to?'

'Yes, I am sure, how does Friday night sound?'

'I think that we should first see how it goes on Friday, it could be one of those busy days so I think we should see, between Friday and Saturday.

'Yes, you right, then I should say how does Friday and Saturday sound to you?'

'It sounds alright if God wills.'

'Then it is on, if God wills, good bye Jack.'