
Chapter 21: Jack and Future Plans 3

"Twin Dagger, boo!"

Keep scrolling.

"Rapier, boo!"

Keep scrolling.

"Zweihander, boo!"

Keep scrolling.

"Chakram, boo!"

Keep scrolling.

I was now sitting in the empty greenery, scrolling in the R window for anything worthy of these hands.

Ok, ok, pride patting aside, I really don't see the appeal of swords or spears.

For me.

Originally, I practiced Kendo because I imagined myself to be one of those badass Katana users in a yukata or something. I was also ridiculously good with it, unexpected for someone like me who was retarded and crippled double combo wombo fat shit.

But then, I realized that the only reason other MC's in fiction are ok with swords against hard enemies is because their swords are ridiculously overpowered.

Me? I'm using a irl store bought Katana, though with my current skill set, I could use this and wipe the floor with Kiba anyday.

I need something that my magic can compliment both long and short range.

Or heck, mid or close is also fine.


A gun and gun-kata? But the bullets are limited, unless I get something like a magic gun.

[Elemental Ammo Revolver]



"That's expensive, I only have 27,000SP to spare"

And if I buy dual...

I'm poor, maybe a magic sword with high magical conductivity?

"Mythril swords..."

I scrolled down the R window, and then I scrolled back up after finding it.

I also closed the window, then I went near a bush and hugged my knees as I balled myself.

"Scary~ 90,000SP"


Wait, my otaku sense is tingling.


"Genius! Gunblades!"

How the hell did that even go pass my mind? What weapon is better suited for dual range combat other than a mix of literal 2 different range type weaponry?

I opened the R window again with renewed vigor.

[Gunblade Revolver]


I felt a tremor go around my body, my fingers were imaginarily sweating as they come close to the buy button.

"Gunblade get!"

Boop Boop.

I bought 2 and watched as particles converged and former 2 familiar looking blades.

Smaller than a meter by a few inches, the body is shaped to a gun but straight enough to be a sword and near the trigger/hilt, several revolver like compartments laid. The blade is one-sided like a Katana but the shape is a bit like a kitchen knife, but with several pointy shapes at the tip. (AN: Basically Squall's regular gunblade)

My hands shook as went to grab them.


I found my true love.

This gunblades were beauty, they were perfect, I can fap to them.

My bodily control lost it at that point and it started rolling, jumping, bashing everything in pure excitement for a few minutes.

I swear it was my body doing stuff automatically, definitely not me.

Why was I so excited you might ask?


I picked up a single gunblade and turned around while placing it on my shoulders. Making sure to look at nothing in particular and magicking the wind to blow for me, making my hair move.

"Right and wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It's our different standpoints, our perspectives that separate us"

Then, I remember to do some flair slashes.


"Call me Squall"

Joy. Too bad that a Buster Sword is off-limits for me.

Oh, how'd I want to hear the Victory theme along with the sick sword spins.

I'm also blonde if that means anything.


Okay, I finally relaxed. My fanboy phase has gone pass, it's okay, I'm realistic Jack now.

First thing you do with a new weapon is have a practice target or a dummy.

A golden ripple appeared beside me and a white stone appeared from it, this was a soul stone, and what am I going to do with it?


The type of magic I use it the DxD Devil's way without the circle bullshit.

Their way is basically Imagine it, Mana it, Will it. It's child's play for someone like me...

God, I sound so cocky.

I didn't mean it that way, it's just that it really is super ridiculously easy that you're only going to fail at it if you either lack imagination or lack Mana.

Anyways, using the soul stone, I created a life-like 2 meter earth, fire, water, wind and dark golem. Obviously, since they're just golems I gave them 20% of the soul in the stone each.

And with this I'm really a one man army? No, unlike other golems who you control by attaching a string-like imagery of your soul, these things were literally their own beings.

And they don't have brains.

No brains means dumb and no loyalty.

Perfect for test dummy because they don't hold back and still posses instincts. On the other hand, you might see this as child abuse.

I picked up both gunblades and entered a stance randomly, Kendo wasn't going to work here.

The fire golem and water golem charged at me first, while the earth golem stood in place observing the ground?

I used Mana Burst as a red coat of Mana surrounded me and my speed rose to incredible levels, making my dash seem like teleportation.

Also the excess red Mana looked way too fucking badass.

I pulled the trigger at close range and...




"Umm, no one in FFVIII uses Mana Burst when attacking don't they?"


Well, the aftermath of my reckless trigger happy moment is a wasted soul stone and a large amount of forest in front of me ruined.

No Golems in sight.

On the bright side, shit was op. Not servant levels of damage but pretty close, it seems like the reason why it looks so destructive is because I only released it like a bomb, no control.

Therefore, I aimed the gunblade on my right hand to a nearby tree, using Mana Burst but this time controlling it as I used it with the idea of bullets rather than just bursting out Mana.


A red Mana bullet came out of gunblade, perfectly replicating the sound of a bullet and the effects?


A 2 inch hole appeared on the tree, accurate and balanced.

Does it look underwhelming?

Of course, a bullet looks underwhelming at first until you place it inside a gun and get shot by it.

I took the left gunblade and shot with it as well.

And then I got trigger frenzy.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!



"Okay, remind me to be mindful of my Mana. Or actually lessen the concentration of the Mana, or even better, stop shooting a shit ton of bullets for no reason, yes?"

Emptying my Mana feels like being hungry and sleep at the same time. Why isn't Gaia's Blessings helping me? Help! Mama Gaia!


Oh, I'm fine now. My Mana regen was also affected by Gaia's Blessings isn't it?

I'm shaping out to be even more useful, someday, I'm going to kick me some Devil's ass without Divine Body and Gaia's Blessings acting as my crutch!

Also no Chrono Burst as my anesthesia!

Yes! Just pure weaponry, stats and Mana!

And so my grueling 7 week training continued.



Penetrate the outer shell, pull the trigger.

Bang! Doogsh!

The Earth golem fell flat on the floor, the fire golem took the moment and tried to squash me with its fiery limbs.

In response, I dodged using Mana Burst and hopped backwards, before throwing the gunblade on my left hand towards it boosted with Mana Burst, the blade flew but I couldn't kill it, fire was basically not really solid.

Without looking back, I pointed my remaining gunblade behind me and pulled the trigger at the sneaky dark golem.


"2 down, Chrono Burst"

I watched as the gunblade I threw slowed down and blew up the wind golem with a well placed slash n' boom, or I slashed while pulling the trigger at nearly the same time.

Effects were devastating, poor windy got ripped apart by the shockwave.

I paid no more mind after that and caught my flying gunblade, making an X like stance and did a double slash n' boom behind the fire golem.

Right timing as Chrono Burst finished.

"4 down, Assassinate"

My existence disappeared, and the water golem was probably confused.

I walked slowly, circling it and leisurely pointed the 2 at both it's heart and head, gripping the gunblade horizontally and performing a thrust n' boom, or thrusting the gunblade and pulling the trigger.

Schuwick! Bang!

I deactivated Assassinate and sighed at the remains of the 5v1. Ending the fight with my self invented victory stance, spinning the gunblades and landing them both at my shoulders.

A smile...

And then a wink.

"...I think this has an exactly opposite effect against people, it just made me ridiculously cute didn't it?"

"It indeed was, Son of Gaia"

A nearby bird replied, yes, I was talking to birds. Cool guys actually.

Or girls.

Nah, guys.

"So? Did you find out anything Mr. Bird?"

"Yes indeed, you were looking for a suspicious looking individual going around making deals, right?"

A golden ripple appeared beside me, I placed my cherished gunblades inside and followed Mr. Bird.

Eventually, I got out of the forest and into civilization once more, I wasn't particularly interested in what part of Japan I currently was.

But I knew it was Kyoto.

Because the moment I stepped out, countless Youkai's started appearing.


A Youkai with strings for neck responded by nodding...string-ly? Yeah?

And soon, the entirety of my new fans became noisy, following behind me as I walked to a particular shrine.

No wait what the living flying fuck?

What am I the Nurarihyon?!

"Umm, can I ask why all of you are following me this far?"

I knew it was Gaia's Blessings, but WHY are they following me still, shouldn't greetings and stuff like that and staring at me for a few seconds enough?

"Indeed, Son of Gaia feels like Gaia to the cells, for them you seem like...a Messiah, just being near you indeed strengthens them"

So I'm now a Youkai battery?

A Youkai with fish for head came close to me and answered my self only thoughts.

"Are you our mother?"


"No, move"

Shit, bad memories arising.

"I mean excuse me, I'm sorry, that was a little rude"

The fish head shook his head and smiled(?)

"It's okay! Being near you is already enough blessings to last me a century!"

I feel like that wasn't exaggerating.

Soon, my parade of every Youkai I encounter finished as I stood in front of the base of the...

My worst nemesis.

The Boulder sized breast Milf Yasaka the nine tailed fox of danger.


Ooh boi.


Today, I'm going to prove that cute > boobs.