
Jack the Multiverse Police

Life was a bitch. A lesson that the eternal 21 year old NEET, Jack Freshman will never forget as he gets killed by the world's most ridiculous thing– A fidget spinner. But thankfully, a 2nd chance was on hand as the mysterious being simply named "G" reaches out to him and offers him a job he cannot refuse, not that he ever planned to. "Basically, I'm a police?" "I see no mistake whatsoever, the annoying buggers can get taken care off and you can do so as you please while doing your job, is it not a win-win, as your generation says?" Follow Jack Freshman on his adventures between many fictional worlds as he slowly but surely grows stronger. (Slow Pace, Asexual MC, Simple System)

xXPlagueXx · Cómic
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23 Chs

Chapter 20: Jack and Future Plans 2

I can feel it.

This surge of madness. This surge of power!

I want to eat the biggest hamburger in front of Salter!

I sat up without even realizing, my lips twisted into a manic grin and my right hand covered the upper part of my face, allowing only my blue eyes to shine in between.



"Ok, then. I guess I'm not stupidly crazy as I expected"


With speed that even G would be surprised of, I opened my Skills screen for the first time since forever.


[Chrono Burst - A subskill of Shiva's Kala form's Time Manipulation. Unlike the skill to literally control time indefinitely and freely, this skill allows the user to slow and accelerate time in short bursts, the skill can affect other things but usage on one's self is far more effective]

[Divine Body - Invulnerability to physical and magical damage that doesn't go past an equivalent to 30 Constitution, in other words attacks that aren't stronger than 30 constitution doesn't deal long lasting effects but it still hurts]

[Gaia's Blessings - Strengthens your link with the world itself due to having the blood of Shiva. Your natural regeneration in Earth increases and allows for understanding between you and anything that is within Gaia's grasp. Supernatural species of Earth such as Yokai and Mythical Beasts tend to like you more as a mother]

[Emotion Culling - A skill usually possessed by those who kills for justice. Forcefully culling emotions in order to allow maximum concentration on the task at hand, this skill may either upgrade to Emotionless or degrade to Emotion Dampen, depending on the amount of usage]

[Assassinate - A skill strictly obtained when the perfect combination of Agility, the skill Unseen Death and the skill Presence Concealment is achieved. This skill allows you to hide your entire existence, essentially entering another realm of reality, attacking with this skill active will result in an instant death for the receiving end. Downside is that getting hit while in this state, somehow, by pretty much almost anything, will result in a massive backlash that will probably kill you more often than not. This skill stops anything that can make you exist, from heart beat to even the miniscule movement of atoms in your body, an enemy with at least 80 (B+) Intelligence will see you since their level of vision and somehow basic Clairvoyance is enough to realize an anomaly in space-time, specifically an existence who exist and at the same time doesn't. You can also get this if you question your self worth and kill something, as shown by Jack Freshman]

[Divine Mana - A God has a natural attunement with Mana itself, as a descendent of Shiva, you are given this same authority over Mana. This Skill allows you to be naturally sensitive to Mana, increases your Intelligence to 50 (A), Mana obeys you increasing your control to God-like levels, and as a descendent leaning towards Shiva's aspect of Time, your understanding of the concept of Time is forcibly increased, it is suggested to obtain the Mental Fortitude skill first due to the possibly maddening amount of knowledge]

[Mad Knowledge (Time) - The knowledge of time's concepts. A skill that even Kala was afraid to touch beyond the surface, the intricacies, mysteries, loopholes of everything related to time is known to the holder of this skill, however, this is a corrupted version of said skill, a certain event that can only happen when the bearer of the skill is lacking in both liking and wisdom for time. Due to the machinations of G, he also forcefully fiddled around with this cursed skill, limiting it to the point that even at 50 (A) intelligence, this skill barely touches the tip of the iceberg of what it can do. As your intelligence increases, so does the madness you hold, I repeat, do not increase your intelligence anymore nor should you take interest in this skill, only a fate worse than a Lancer servant awaits you]

A fate worse than a lancer servant it says?


Better drop the skill down to fuck-this-shit land, no way am I going to allow that shit to happen to me!

I sighed and closed my skill screen, and then laying down back at my bed as I stared at the window.

"I wonder what time it is, I might be late"


"It's 7:58... Holy?!"

Did I just know the time without even looking at the clock?!

Is this the tip of the iceberg Mad Knowledge (Time) has? It's amazingly useless!


I can-

"No, no, I've been warned. Don't take interest, Jack, distract yourself please"

I shook my head a bit and took my phone to call the school.

Ring! Ring!

What a shitty ring tone, there's no cool anime opening in this world.

(Hello? Freshman-kun?)

"Ah, Sir, don't address me so informally"

(I'm sorry, I'm sorry, so is there any reason why you're...late? Woah?! Did something happen? Were you in an accident? Did you get yourself involved in yesterday's ketchup party that was held in the church near our school?)

Ketchup party? Don't tell me... wow. Okay. The church are confirmed a bit off with their excuses.

"No, no, I wasn't involved in that"

But he is technically correct.

"Sir, I called to ask permission, I'm going back to my hometown for a week, can I squeeze the favors and check me as-"

(Why do you even have to ask? Of course we'll exempt you, you're an upstanding perfect student, if you need to leave for a week to go home abroad then it's all fine! Just make sure to bring some souvenirs when you get back okay?)

Are you a teacher or my next door neighbor?!

"Thank you, Ichimura sensei"

(Ahaha! Iya~ ok, if that's all then I'll continue on with my work, see you next week Freshman-kun~)


After the call, I dropped my phone at the table from a few inches high. I'm honestly too lazy today, my yesterday night was full of bullshit that I'm still having excess mental exhaustion.

But of course, I'm not physically tired. Is that even possible?

I'll test that later.

First, I'll sleep for a few more hours, I got a whole week to spend.


Schiiwk! Schuwing! Fwoo! Fwa!

Despite the loud noises my sword swinging brings, my entire body didn't look tired, not even a bead of sweat was seen.


Because I've been using Mana to boost me for the last 3,999,999,999 swings. I stopped in place, holding out the Katana in my hand to my right hip, both hands gripping tightly in a manner than lets me switch from this position to an overhead vertical slash quickly.


A red particle gathered around my Katana and me as I pumped the both of us with all my mana for one, super powered swing of death!

Voooo! Boom!

[You have obtained Mana Burst]


I dropped my Katana, placed both my hands at my hips and danced in a slightly sexual manner. Thrusting my crotch forward with a creepy Joey face.


Though, if someone else saw me, their only reaction would be to call me cute.

Because I truly am~★

Shoo! Go away feminine Jack!

I stopped soon after, currently, I was in a place faraway from Kuoh Town, I'm sorry but I'm not stuck in Kuoh with the plot barrier that makes everything happen in it, also I ran to here, since I ran faster than riding a vehicle.

Or rather, I hopped from roof to roof with Assassinate activated, as long as I touched a weapon before activating it, I can have that weapon in stealth as well.


I wonder if guns...

Important shit to try later.

First, I read the flavor text of my new bread and butter skill.

[Mana Burst - A barbaric way of boosting yourself with Mana. How should I explain this, you take a large amount of Mana and then pump them to your subject like no tomorrow, and then enjoy the momentary amounts of boosts you get for the duration of the burst. This applies to pretty much anything, Guns? Burst them. Sticks? Burst them. Sling shots? Burst them. The amount of boost is directly proportional to the amount of Mana you boosted with, don't even try use this unless you have at least 40 (B) intelligence, it's a good way to kill yourself]

"Is the flavor text getting even more grumpy after each skill?"

Now, you would probably ask, why not just learn magic?


I hate mages. Yes, it's a stupid way of thinking, but I'm planning to temper myself so that I can learn magic without turning into one of those guys who forget their entire skill set in favor of using retarded magic elemental bullshit.

And of course, what's the best way other than to crudely boost myself using the universal skill Arthur has?

Though on that side, magic for me has become child's play.


A ball of fire appeared from the top of my palm, hot but only to the enemy.


Next a ball of water appeared beside my palms, causing a bit of smoke to come out from the 2.


A ball of wind appeared, or I think it did, it was camouflaging so yeah, the fire was becoming a little bigger and a little weaker.


A ball of earth appeared, it's...well, a ball of earth.


A ball of light, that's it.


A ball of darkness, that's literally it.

Then, using the base elements that they are, I willed my Mana to change them to have different properties.

Fireball became white with holy properties.

Waterball became green with corrosive properties.

Windball became purple with poisonous properties.

Earthball became magma ball.

Lightball became...I don't even know. I have no idea what this ball of complete random rainbow is, maybe gay properties? I'm joking, it was a pink ball of light with the properties of charm.

Darkball became even blacker with the properties of gravity or it's just heavy, either one is the property it has.

This 6 balls were the absolute example of my level of magic. It's called Divine Mana for a reason.

"Then, next is, what weapon best suits me I guess?"

To the R window we go!