
The Beginning

I awoke from what appears to feel like a long dream in the arms of a woman. I looked up to see a beautiful woman looking down at me, her expression filled with happiness. I couldn't move my limbs very well and everything was in black and white. It appeared to me that I had died and reincarnated inside as someone else. I have absolutely no idea how I died but knowing that I had left everything behind filled my heart with sadness. I couldn't think about anything else and started to cry. I cried and cried until I fell asleep.

I don't know how long it was until I woke up and discovered that the woman that was holding me was sick. She was coughing up a storm and her expression was filled with sadness. She did pick me up again after noticing I was awake and started speaking to me. I was so young, but I could remember the words she spoke almost as if I heard them for years. I love you. The time I spent with her didn't last long before another woman came in and took me away that night. The next time I woke up I was in a nicer looking room filled with luxurious items. It wasn't until later that I learned that this was the world of RWBY and that I was the son of Jacques Schnee. You can tell I was his son because I had his blue eyes, but my hair was half white and half black naturally. It seems my mom's genes wanted to show itself with my partially black hair. Even though I was his son, the man treated me like dirt. Maybe it was because he knew that I was never going to be the pawn he wanted me to be. Instead, he made me help with the cleaning duties as a butler with the excuse I must work to eat. Of course, the duties weren't terribly hard, and I made a few friends in the mansion thanks to it. However, the thing I looked forward to the most was talking with my brother and sisters after a long day. I treated them the best I could and made sure to be the strong older brother they needed. Even though I say I'm the older brother, I'm only older than Weiss by a couple of months. In addition to my butler duties, I also was training my body to serve as a huntsman because I knew that's what I wanted to do. Since my father wasn't paying attention to anything I did unless it was disobeying a direct order, I went ahead and bought a training manual for learning swordsmanship. Whenever I had free time, I practiced various sword moves and stances for battle. I probably would've been caught by my father if the maids and butler didn't agree to keep my training a secret from him. Even though I'm exhausted every day with work and training I thought that getting strong and making the world a better place would be worth it. Years passed by in a blink of an eye and it was finally time to enroll in Beacon Academy. Over the years, I have had hunted real Grimm and sharpened my skills in battle. I wouldn't say I have complete mastery of my Glyph semblance considering I can only summon Grimm that I've killed. I'm not like my sister who can use hers to increase her speed, hold objects in place, and do all kinds of amazing things with hers. I have discovered that I have two Semblance in my body. The other Semblance is my greatest secret and trump card. I call it "Devour" since it can absorb anything, and I can manipulate whatever I absorb however I see fit. I usually use it to absorb life energy from my surroundings to boost my aura, but I tested it out and absorbed the negative energy being emitted from the Grimm's body. I experimented with it and figured out that by injecting it into my body I could boost my physical capabilities as well. Well, I finally arrive at Beacon Academy with my sister. Thankfully, I was able to catch Ruby before she fell onto Weiss's stuff and caused a scene.