
JACK and JILL: when the lovers met

Jillian Don was in a hot pursuit that wet, Stormy night with the bad guys on her tail. She had a gunshot wound and was gasping for air, trying hard to keep running. She was about to give up when a car stop beside her. " Hey jill , let me help you " The man said urgently with a shaky voice. " Who are you? " Jill asked wanting to be sure he's not one of THEM. " I'm Jack mayor " She heard him say before passing out on him

Reemah_Reigns · Fantasía
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69 Chs

CHAPTER THIRTY FIVE: My beauty at stake

Jillian's Pov

I watched as Mr Mike walk out of Zach's office.

I turn to Zach Mike, he stare at me angrily and i tried hard to stop my self from laughing out loud.

I turn away from him so he won't see my grin.

" You think he love you ? " Zach asked me loudly and i face him in response " no he don't, you are just like a whore to him " he said out loudly. In an instant i walk to him and my hand flashed swiftly slapping him.

His head tilted back through to the impact and he gasp staring down at me.

He raise up a hand but stop mid air ,gritting his teeth.

I think he is reconsidering Jack's word.

I smile, of course he must.

" You heard him a while ago, i am his woman " i said smiling before walking out.

He seems so much in anger, i wonder how mr Mike will react to me.

Now i have a full confidence, i know it's all due to Jack's warning.

Larry and han joined me later.

Larry clear his voice " shall we go to Mr Mike now? He is the real reason we are here " he said looking at me oddly.

His gaze tell me what is on his mind.

He probably was thinking maybe i am actually breeding mayor's offspring inside me but i doubt it.

Although I Know Jack had made love to me without protection but i doubt it if i am a pregnant woman now.

I lead the way to Mr Mike's office, i could hear the whispers from the other staffs.

I feigh ignorance.

Larry turn the knob of Mr Mike's door and give it a push

Han stood by the door while larry and i entered.

I have expected Mr Mike to be greatly angry but when i entered his office with my manager, larry, he was flipping through some files. Seem to be very busy.

He raised up his head to look at us.

His expression was of someone very surprised to see me.

" Hey Jilly " He said to me smiling.

I smile at him trying hard not to roll my eyes.

I wonder why he is acting.

He offer Larry and I a seat before extending a file to me.

Larry smile at him politely as he picked up the file and start going through it.

I sat quietly in Mr Mike's office ,my mind all about jack mayor.

My thoughts was interrupted and i am forced back to reality by Larry who yelp.

I turn to him , surprise.

" What is it? " I asked urgently.

In his response to me he gave me the file and i go through it hastily.

I smile brightly.

" You will be modelling for Claw foot club new perfume from next week on. Your schedule will be very tight, you got an interview in an hour ago and also a meeting before evening with Zach. If you miss any of your schedules you will be fine" Mr Mike said to me smiling.

I exhaled deeply. I see he want to make me miserable by providing me many schedules and a fine!!!

Not that I'm complaining, i should have seen it coming.

" I picked up a pen and i signed the contract "

I smile brightly at him , getting on my feet to go out.

" Please larry , would you give Jilly and i some moment? " Mr Mike asked larry who only modded politely before stepping out.

I turn to Mr Mike waiting for him to speak.

" jilly do you think Jack will continue loving you after he heard the secret ? "

I frown in confusion and surprised.

What secret is he talking about?

" I do not understand what you are talking about sir " i said shifting uncomfortably.

I watch him stood up and walk to me.

" You won't know until you find out. " He said smirking.

I stare at him Intensely wishing he could tell me what he meant.

" Find out what? "

He sighed softly before pinning me with his gaze, i gulped when i saw the evil smile playing on his face.

" About your mother and how she contributed in the glory of claw foot club "

" What? " I asked clearly in awe.

What is this man talking about?

I smile wanly " excuse me sir, you must be mistaken. I never knew my mother, she left when i was very young "

" Exactly! That means you won't have recognize her even if you meet her. Am i right? "

I held the urge to shrug my shoulder.

" I know nothing about that woman. As far as i know she is dead to me " i told him and he laughs.

" That is understandable but still thanks to your mother " he said smiling.

I became very uncomfortable after hearing his words.

" If you will please excuse me " i said walking out.

Han was standing in the hall way, he noticed my weak stance and he quickly came to me.

" Are you okay? " He asked urgently putting a hand on my back to steady me.

I nodded trying to calm myself .

" Where is Larry? " I asked han.

" He went into Zach Mike's office "

I look away sighing, i wish i could be at home, on my bed.

Mr Mike has said i have an interview about an hour later ,that means i can't leave.

I bet there are still more places i will have to go today.

" Let's go , he will meet us in the car " i told han.

I entered my car and sat down tiredly.

Today has begun already with confusion and shock.

What does he mean by my mother?

I shook my head trying to stay positive, when i met Mr Mike that very day to beg him about the competition i am very sure i came only with my dad.

That was vividly four years ago.

I blink rapidly with the Mr Mike's words playing and playing in my head.

Oh goodness! What if it has to do with the mayors?

I shudder at the thought and i quickly dismissed it.

If my mother has anything to do with the bad incident of mayor's death i am very sure Jack will have a very hard time to accept me.

I ruminate about the issue , i finally reached for my cellphone.

I had to call my dad, i never ask him about my mother except a time,i had asked him that night and he has told me she left.

" Jilly ? Miss Jilly ? " I heard han calling me.

I snapped back to reality and I turn to face him.

" Yes? "

" You look very pale " he told me and i smile.

" It is okay, I'm just stressed out " i told him with a smile.

" No, your face " he said with shaky voice.

His expression told me something is wrong with me.

I quickly brought out a small mirror from my bag.

" Oh " was all that came out from me when i saw my reflection in the mirror before i pass out.