
Izuku Midoriya: The Worthy Recipient Of Gluttony

In a world where superpowers are the norm, Izuku Midoriya is marginalized and ridiculed by society for not having one. Is this world unfair? He thinks so, not because he wasn't born with a special ability. It's the opposite. He was born with an ability, rather a curse that was imposed on him at birth and that he must not use under any circumstances. Because if he does, he won't be able to stop devouring the names and memories of the people around him.

Thewitchcult · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: exam

The U.A. Academy is considered the most prestigious in Japan for the training of heroes, it may even be the best in the world. Each person who trained at this academy left marks in history, like the number two hero in the ranking, Endeavor, and the current number one, the symbol of peace, All Might.

"It would be very bad if we don't get in."

The entrance exam is divided into two parts, the first is a written one and the second is a practical one. Due to these filters, very few people manage to get in, last year's percentage was only 0.2%.

"Isn't that too low? Even for such a prestigious academy, although it doesn't matter."

As a boy dressed in a black uniform with white hair walked towards the entrance of the academy, he was reading a brochure about the entrance program and giving a brief review of the academy's reputation.

"Even if the percentage is that, it is still possible to enter, unless we encounter really terrifying guys in the practical exam."

As he said that, he lightly touched his forehead. It has been months since that incident with All Might. Thanks to his friend's memories, he didn't do anything drastic, although a small scar remained on his forehead as a reminder. He managed to hide it with his now longer hair. Thanks to that, he didn't have to endure an interrogation from his mother, anyway...

"Since that day you don't talk to me, that's annoying, you know.."

Whispering that to himself, he continued walking towards the entrance of the academy, at that moment, he noticed that someone bumped into him.

"Get out of the way, Deku."

As he turned around, he could hear a familiar voice. Now that he thought about it, didn't he stop bothering him since that incident? That day when he met his hero, maybe because of him, that green monster was able to escape and took Katsuki hostage. Although thanks to All Might it didn't escalate, since that day he didn't bother him again. Maybe that caused him some trauma or something, although anyway, he didn't care.

As he stood in front of the entrance of the academy, he swallowed a little saliva, he was nervous. In all these months since that day, he had been training mentally and physically. He felt that he had made a lot of progress in the use of that particularity, although he felt that he was not using all his potential as he was not the genuine user, after all, it is a very useful but difficult to use particularity. At that moment he felt a little bad, if he hadn't met that boy that day, undoubtedly right now he would be in the process of becoming a great hero with that particularity he had.

"No..it doesn't make sense to think about that now."

As he shook his head, he entered the academy to take his entrance exam. In this exam, he would prove to himself and the world that he did not make the wrong choice.


"Then...I will introduce you to the practical exam course!"

The written exam was already over, he must say it was not as easy as he thought, although it was not a problem to solve it. Now a yellow-haired guy with a striking hairstyle was in front of a monitor, do all professional heroes have to be so eccentric? He could immediately recognize who he was...

"Hizashi Yamada, isn't it?..."

As he whispered the real name of the hero, a genuine smile appeared on his face. He remembers hearing him on the radio very often, such a well-known hero was in front of him, that made him a little more nervous.

"As stated in the application requirements, you will have a ten-minute training battle, you can bring whatever you want with you, after the presentation head to the specified training center! OK!?"

Saying that with enthusiasm, he gave the directions, at that moment he took with his hand a paper that was on his desk, on which was written the training center which was assigned, he glanced at the paper that Katsuki was holding who was sitting next to him, he did the same and for a moment their eyes met, He frowned when he noticed that they both thought the same.

"They will separate us...so we don't work together"

Both noticed that the two were assigned to different training centers despite the fact that their impression numbers were followed, While leaving the paper on his desk he sighed a little, At this moment the real exam will begin, While he continued listening to what the professional hero was saying, he was mentally preparing for what was coming.


"Plus ultra..?"

While whispering that, he began to stretch, in a few minutes the physical test would begin, Right now they were in front of a huge door, What Hazami said is that it would be a "Search and destroy" test, You simply have to search for the villains in a fictional city and defeat them to receive points, The goal is to get the most points, While examining his opponents out of the corner of his eye, he could not spot any outstanding ones, although he cannot judge them completely in that way, after all appearance does not reflect their particularity....Well, not in all cases at least.

While he was finishing stretching he noticed a girl who was calming her breath, Looking at the faces of all his opponents he could notice that most of them were brimming with confidence and tranquility, A smile appeared on his face, He was not the only one who was nervous it seems, When he thought about approaching that girl to wish her luck, a loud voice was heard

「YYYYYY, Start!」

At that moment the doors of the fictional city began to open, And everyone ran to enter, his brain began to work immediately, He was a fool to be distracted by something so trivial, He immediately set off, Damn, everyone was using their particularity immediately after the voice sounded, After entering the city he whispered a word, By doing so someone external would think that nothing happened, but he set off immediately after.


"With this it's 35 points, right?"

After saying those words, He separated the head of the robot that pretended to be a villain with his own hands, After that he diverted his gaze to a building, he immediately jumped towards the building with great force to climb it, Helping himself with his hand, he managed to climb to the roof.

Being up on the roof, He put his hand on his forehead to block the sun and get a better view of the panorama, More than half of the test time had already passed, His training clothes were all dirty and his hair was all messy, The moment he set off he started hunting the robots, Luckily he didn't fall behind too much and was able to take care of several, Right now he had 35 points, he was wondering if that would be enough to pass, while gathering information from the heights he could spot a subject who destroyed a robot with one blow with his legs.

"That's...The one who made a fuss when they explained the physical test...Participant 71111, right? I wonder what his real name will be....Tch, I shouldn't be getting distracted"

While he was lost in useless thoughts, He spotted another robot to his left, those are another 5 points, right?


「A limited time and a large battlefield」

「The ability to understand the situation and order your thoughts in seconds」

「The skill to act quickly and be the first to arrive」

「The mental strength to act coolly and keep calm in any situation」

「And of course, The necessary combat skills」

While the examiners were discussing the qualities of a hero, they were watching various scenarios of the day's test in which the examinees were participating through a monitor. A large part of the eyes were looking at a boy, that boy who had his disheveled hair was looking at a robot from the roof of a building a few seconds ago to then destroy it with a kick when he jumped towards it.

If the four skills they mentioned before were said for that boy, no one would refute it, although..

「This year looks promising, although we can't be sure yet, is it time to activate it, isn't it?」


While Izuku was cleaning his uniform that was full of dust, he turned his gaze back, he noticed that a large part of the participants were in the same place... Doesn't this mean...? At that moment he remembered Hizashi's words

"In closed spaces with several participants nearby...an obstacle will appear"

As he whispered those words, a loud rumble sounded throughout the place, at that moment a robot several feet tall even taller than the nearby buildings appeared, that.... Isn't it too big? With a distracted look, he was fascinated to see the robot, when it released a warning blow on the floor, raising a large dust storm, it made him take action immediately, the best thing in this case is to run away, after all even if he stays he won't gain anything, while several participants passed by his side running, he was about to turn around and quickly look for more points, when he noticed something.

"That girl...what is she planning?"

He was able to notice in that small instant a girl on the ground, wait is she trapped under the rubble? Little by little the dust curtain was dispersing and he saw her better, the obstacle was getting closer to her, this is bad...Damn! he immediately ran towards her, without any logic his legs moved by instinct to save her, putting a lot of his strength in his legs he managed to reach her.

"Are you okay? Tch, wait a second"

As he removed the rubble from the girl's legs he tried to support her on his right shoulder.

"T-thank you, sorry for this.."

As she leaned on his shoulder, she apologized for distracting him from the test, at that moment he felt a small air to his right, he looked up instinctively and noticed that the robot's arm was getting closer to them, this.. Isn't this too much for a test? He had to think, if he dodged, the girl would receive all the blow, while he was desperately looking around, the only thing he could think of was...


He pushed her with all his strength forward, he mentally apologized for being so rough, at that moment, he crossed his arms to receive the impact of the blow, when the impact came, he felt it lighter than he thought, still it was strong enough to make his bones creak and crash him against a building passing through a wall.

「The end, time is up!」

N/T: If you notice the writing very centered on the protagonist, the story is being told from his point of view, the perspective will change in some dialogues and chapters to make it more dynamic, probably in the next chapter I will explain the peculiarity he was using.