

Ivysharna has been suffering from her stepmother, Victoria and her big brother Lumiere.. she only have her big brother, halmiere and her stepfather, kaisen. but kaisen's disease got worst and worst, kaisen told Ivysharna that her real father is still alive and ask her to search for her father and live happily.. "what! wait father! father! tell me more! k-kaisen! " (...) "do you want to marry me? "said Edward "your eyes is pretty, believe me, I'm telling the truth, my lady" said Harry "Ack! p-princess! are you okay? y-you not hurt right? I-I promise not to try to k-kiss you again! this time for sure! I'm really really really sorry! " struggle danielle will Ivysharna be able to live happy this time? and will she be able to choose her true love? read Ivysharna diary!

IvyLie_purple · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Ivysharna diary 16

'so, your highness.. What is your R. E. A. L reason you want to meet me today? '

I asked.. I don't want to heard another fucking joke again!

Edward flinch

'I.. Feel like I want to see you '

Edward blushed.

What th-.. H-his aura.. I-it's changed.. His aura colour is... Pure yellow? Wait! Is he..

Trying to be cute..

(wow! It's terrifying!)

((wow! What kind of monster did you try to tame))

(shut up)

But, his aura feels warm... I love it..

' me too.. '


'I'm glad to see you, your highness '


Edward suddenly cover his face as if he's trying to hide that he shy.. Haha so cute

We're chatting and joking around...it's so fun... This is second time I owe Hazelton family.. Thank you for keep friendly with me Hazelton!

Edward return to Ophelia castle after finish chatting with me.

Sigh.. What's so special about her anyway.. But today.. Talking with her made me more interesting to see her again, Ivysharna

[Meanwhile in Ivysharna room]

'lucy '

'Yes your highness, Princess '

'today I make another friend! '

'congratulationsyour highness '

'I wonder.. Is it okay for me to be friends with the crown prince and her sister as well? '

'of course it's okay , your highness is a princes of this kingdom! Maybe this kingdom is small.. But the late empress is really great person! Your highness is really like the late empress! So you're deserve anything you want '

'..then can I ask about how and why my mother die? '

I asked..

Lucy flinch and show gloom reaction.. I can tell that Lucy -no everyone is keeping a secret about mother from me!

It's okay if they don't tell me.. I'm just want to live happily..

'it's okay lucy.. Even if you don't tell me,its okay anyway.. It's not like I deserve the right thing to know about my mother'

'your highness it's -'

'you may go now .. It's already past night.. I'm sleepy'

I talked back.. Tch.. Why keep everyone avoiding the question!

Lucy back to her dorm..and I.. I'm just sleeping because none of them want to tell the truth!

[Tommorow morning ]

In the dining room

Where's father and who is that?

'Ouh you so cute! Eat this whole food! Is it good.. Poke! poke! I like to see you this big '

He open his his as big as he could.. As if he want to look me in fat look..

Th-this person!

((Pfft.. What the hell! He said that he want to look you when you are fat! Hahaha! He want you to get fat! Wait! I've got image it! Hahaha! How funny! I like this person! ))

(are you like a person who always make fun of me! )

((calm down princess..I'm just joking around ))

(joke my ass! )

I looked at his face. A red hair, a blue diamond eyes! Those eyes! Like mother.. Is he perhaps..

'are you my uncle? '

I asked


He look me and smile

'I forgot to introduce myself. How fool am I! Haha!.. Well.. I'm the third son and the first prince of vecenna royal family.. Raphael von vecenna ..I'm glad I be able to meet you! My niece really cute! '

Said Raphael..

Ouh.. Uncle Raphael..by the way.. His aura! Eh? I.. I can't tell what his emotion is! He's weird.. I tilt my head.. I've wondered what his aura really is..

'Haha! Why do you tilt your head? Is it because you can't read what my aura is?'

Raphael asked

'eh? H-how did uncle know! D-did you use telepathy magic! '

I'm shocked! How did he! It's not make any sense!

'don't worry about it.. You know..lilith even try to read my aura everytime she saw me but she couldn't tell what kind of my aura is.. Haha'

Raphael said. (laughed)