
Its a world of blending with group chat

I do not know English, so I used the translator to translate the story, and now this is a vulgar embodiment story in the anime world with a group chat and travel between the worlds of anime and novels . For more chapters please visit my patreon p@treon.com/Akasaki_Ryujin

Akasaki_Ryujin · Cómic
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94 Chs

Chapter 79: Moving Again!

"Not bad," Akira nodded in satisfaction upon seeing the table full of all kinds of sandwiches.

"It's time to wake up, Mashiro," Akira muttered and walked up to the second floor to wake her up.

Akira entered his room to find Mashiro awake with her hair wet and a towel wrapped around her body.

"It's good that you're awake," said Akira, entering the room and closing the door behind him.

"I just woke up," Mashiro replied, looking at Akira, causing water to drip from her hair onto her face and neck.

Akira looked at Mashiro in astonishment at the sight of her wet body and smelled the scent of soap after bathing.

"I'll help you get dressed and style your hair after it's dried," said Akira, quickly regaining his composure.

"Okay," Mashiro nodded and allowed Akira to help her get dressed and do her hair.

Mashiro didn't mind, but she noticed that Akira liked to see her in black underwear, which is why she often wore black.

At this moment, she remembered their night yesterday, and her face turned a little red as she recalled Akira's teasing requests.

True, the teasing requests sometimes embarrassed even Mashiro, who had a bit of common sense.

But she had to admit that she loved fulfilling Akira's desires.

"Drink this," said Akira, handing Mashiro a bottle of blue liquid.

Mashiro took the bottle and drank it without hesitation, knowing that this liquid would help her tired body recover from last night's activities.

As the liquid entered her body, Mashiro felt relieved; her lower back stopped hurting, and the faint bruises on her body disappeared.

"Sorry," Akira whispered kindly, realizing he was a bit rough during their intimate time, which caused Mashiro's bruises.

"It's okay," Mashiro shook her head and looked at Akira with love and adoration.

Mashiro didn't mind because she loved him and was ready to do everything for him, just as he always did for her, which was the main reason she agreed to his harem.

"I love you," whispered Akira, kissing Mashiro without hesitation, and their tongues intertwined.

After several times, Mashiro learned how to resist and not submit to Akira's advances easily, putting up a playful resistance, but she always surrendered in the end.

After the kiss, Akira helped Mashiro get dressed, dried her hair, and styled it, and then they walked out of the room.

After they left, Akira went to Ryunosuke's room, which was closest to his.

"Ryunosuke, wake up, it's breakfast time," Akira said while knocking on Ryunosuke's door.

"I'll come right away," Ryunosuke answered, and there was a sound of movement indicating she was awake.

Hearing this, Akira turned to the doors behind him and knocked on them simultaneously.

"Asuna, Misumi, it's breakfast time," Akira exclaimed, knocking on their room doors to wake them up.

"Coming right away," said Misumi, and she walked out of her room with a slight blush.

Asuna didn't answer, but Akira heard footsteps and followed her, opening the door.

"Good morning," Asuna said after opening her door and leaving.

"Good morning," Akira replied, pulling Asuna and Misumi by the hand and speaking, "It's breakfast time. Mashiro is waiting."

Asuna stared at Akira's hand in silence, and no one knew what she was thinking.

As for Misumi, she felt her heart racing, and the memory of the kiss an hour ago flashed into her mind, causing her face to redden.

Akira didn't notice the girls' expressions and hurried down to have breakfast with Mashiro.

"Mashiro and I are going out today. Do you want to come?" Akira asked, looking at Asuna and Misumi.

"Why?" Ryunosuke was taken aback and couldn't help but ask loudly.

"To be honest, these rooms are small, and I can't get comfortable," Akira replied, surprised by Ryunosuke's reaction. "It's true because I have a good relationship with Ryunosuke."

Upon hearing Akira's answer, Ryunosuke fell silent. She didn't know why, but she felt pain in her heart.

Although she hadn't known Akira for a long time, she had been very happy since getting to know him.

Ryunosuke was an antisocial person who found dealing with others annoying and always worked and left negotiating with her clients to her AI.

But since Akira moved in, he had taken care of her, cooked for her, and talked to her from time to time, and Ryunosuke had gotten used to it and was reluctant to see him leave.

"Sure," Misumi nodded without hesitation because it was impossible to let Akira go after he took her first kiss.

"Where are we going?" Asuna asked, looking curious.

"To my grandparents' house, which is two blocks from here," Akira replied, remembering that his grandparents' house was not far from his apartment.

"When are we going?" Misumi asked, grabbing another cheeseburger.

"After breakfast, we'll leave," Akira replied, taking a sip of his tea.

"Okay," Asuna nodded and didn't say anything because it was easy for them to move since they had the system storage.

"Ryunosuke, do you want to work for me?" Akira asked upon seeing how Ryunosuke stopped eating and looked down.

Akira hadn't forgotten the reason he moved to Sakura Sou, which was to get Ryunosuke to program the games he wanted to make.

"What do you mean by that?" Ryunosuke asked, confused because she didn't know why Akira wanted her to work for him when she knew nothing about making novels and manga.

"I want to open a new branch of Pandora that specializes in games, and that's why I need programmers. I certainly won't miss a talented programmer like you," Akira said, as if it were the natural thing to do.

"Don't worry, because you'll be well compensated, and if I may add, I can provide you with very advanced technology," Akira continued, not allowing Ryunosuke to speak. "And if you accept, you can move in with me. It will be more convenient for our work together."

Ryunosuke didn't know how to answer because the offer was too tempting, but that's not what she wanted.

"And I forgot to mention that I'll make sure you have your own workspace, and the pay will be excellent," Akira added, trying to convince Ryunosuke.

'I wonder what this feeling is,' Ryunosuke asked herself, feeling a fluttering in her heart.

Ryunosuke was inexperienced in romance and love, so she didn't know why her heart was beating so fast right now or the disappointment she felt upon hearing that Akira was going to move away from Sakura Sou.

"Then it's decided," Akira said, returning his focus to the food that had almost entirely disappeared thanks to Mashiro, who ate in silence while they talked.

Mashiro didn't care about their conversation because, for her, as long as she was with Akira, nothing else mattered.