
Its a world of blending with group chat

I do not know English, so I used the translator to translate the story, and now this is a vulgar embodiment story in the anime world with a group chat and travel between the worlds of anime and novels . For more chapters please visit my patreon p@treon.com/Akasaki_Ryujin

Akasaki_Ryujin · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
94 Chs

Chapter 31: Akira's Past and Freedom from the Ghosts of the Past

"Argh" - Akira shouted and woke up gasping for air - "Damn it's the same dream again!"

Ever since his son and student were killed by his prostitute wife, Akira had dreamed of them every night, but since his reincarnation, he had not dreamed of them. He thought he would be able to sleep peacefully, but unfortunately it was only a short period of peace.

Akira still clearly remembers everything from when he met her to the day he killed her.

In the past, Akira was just a guinea pig for an organization called the Federation that experiments on humans to push their limits and create the perfect human.

With this goal, they kidnapped and bought newborn children to raise them not to disobey them, and to conduct experiments on them from an early age to compare the results with children who began experimenting with them when they were older.

Akira was the result of this research, although he was not a perfect human, but he was the closest to this description.

Akira had the power to destroy a small building with a single punch, he could jump hundreds of meters, and he had a strength similar to mana that allowed him to use supernatural abilities.

When the union saw this, they planted a miniature bomb in Akira's heart to control it, because for them there was no such thing as human rights, but just a tool that was made from the experiments that they put their efforts on.

And there was certainly no resistance from Akira, who had been raised from an early age to obey orders.

After a while, it was discovered that the experiment dramatically increased the average life expectancy, which caused chaos in the laboratory, and during this chaos, one of the scientists took advantage of this opportunity, stole the results of the research, and fled.

After escaping from this world, the search spread all over the world, causing even greater chaos.

But fortunately, the search was not complete, but this was not a reason for those with power to surrender to semi-eternal life, which caused them to gather armies to destroy the union and obtain the full research results.

Certainly the Federation did not stand by and wait for it to be destroyed, but rather sent Akira to fight against the armies of the world.

While Akira was fighting the armies of the world, scientists tried to produce more superhumans to fight, but unfortunately it seems that the scientist who escaped deleted all the backup data, and there was nothing left but the incomplete research file that needed the part that was with the fugitive scientist to complete.

When they succeed in making superhumans, scientists start trying to clone Akira to build an army of superhumans.

Although superhumans were powerful, they were not truly immortal and could be killed.

Akira could fight an army of 10,000 soldiers and win without effort, because he was impervious to bullets, and they did not want to kill him and wanted to study him, so they did not use missiles.

After fighting for a few months, Akira gradually changes from a puppet that obeys orders to an independent individual who desires to live freely.

Thus, Akira turned against the union and destroyed it completely, but his heart was destroyed in the process.

Fortunately, due to the experiences he had gone through, his body's vitality was great, and he could live for ten years without a heart, relying solely on his mana to operate instead of his heart.

After the destruction of the union, Akira used the skills he learned from them, created a new identity for him, and merged with society, but due to the constant killing, Akira has a great lust for blood, which causes him to turn into a madman if he does not kill every once in a while.

Thus, Akira chose the path of a contract killer and began to earn a living from this work.

On one of his missions, he met the woman he loved more than himself and the person he currently hates the most.

This woman was a stranger and was not afraid of him after seeing him assassinate his target, but the rest followed him from one place to another like a little puppy.

And of course, like any other love story, Akira fell in love with her after spending 3 years together and the two got married.

After marriage, Akira decided to quit working as a hired killer because he became wanted by the first class everywhere in the world, and decided to become just an ordinary employee in Japan.

Although his student objected at first, she agreed and was happy for her teacher, who found happiness and moved to Japan with them and they lived there.

After a year of marriage, Akira and his wife had a child. Akira was very happy, and even his student was very happy to have a little brother.

And that time that woman started to change, but Akira did not notice this because all his attention was focused on his child, who was normal, which caused his surprise.

Akira gave his full love to his child, wife, and student and had been living a happy life for a few years.

But on the birthday of his fifth child, he was late to buy a birthday cake and a gift for the child, and when he returned, he saw what he did not want to see.

Upon his arrival, he sees Akira, the woman he loved more than himself stabbing his son with a kitchen knife.

Seeing this, Akira rushed to the child and threw the woman aside and grabbed the child tightly, but unfortunately the child's body was cold and devoid of blood.

While Akira was in disbelief and called out his child's name, he saw his student lying on the side with many knife holes in her body.

At this time, the woman rose and told him everything about the reason for her attachment to him, her marriage to him, and the birth of a child to him.

This woman was the daughter of one of the people he killed when he was following the orders of the Union and she swore to kill and torture those who killed her father and her family.

And since that day, I learned many skills only to kill Akira, and in the end, when I renewed it, I decided to narrow it down with the bitterness of the cup that I drank from it.

And so she married him and gave him a warm and beautiful family and then took away everything from him.

Akira, who heard everything, killed her in an instant, gathered himself, pushed his son and his student, and returned to being a hired killer because it was the only commandment of his student, which was to live, so that woman told him this.

And this is how Akira lived until he died after the end of his vitality and was reincarnated because of the game of the gods.


"I remembered something I didn't want to remember" - Akira muttered and felt the urge to destroy everything, but he eventually controlled her and calmed down.

After a while Akira got up and went to the bathroom and washed his face and brushed his teeth and sat on the sofa thinking a little because it was early and it was 5:00 AM.

"The system. Will the gods intervene if the soul of a reincarnated or someone in heaven or hell is destroyed?" - Akira asked, his eyes turning to a bone-piercing coldness.

[ Error ... Error ... Error 404 ]

"!!!" - Akira was surprised as he looked at the system screen, which became red and blurry.

[Ding, a message has been received from the gods...the message is being opened by a higher power]

[You do not need to worry because the soul you are looking for is reincarnated, and the gods will not interfere in the conflict between the incarnate either. Your disciple has been reincarnated in the same realm as that soul, but the soul of your youngest son will be reincarnated as your son, and this will be the last time I directly intervene to help you. or contact you]

"…" - Akira stared at the letter, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Thank you," Akira finally whispered with tears in his eyes.

At this time, Akira felt as if a huge weight had fallen off his shoulders, which made him feel even more at ease.

[You're welcome, but in order to destroy her soul, you have to become stronger because she is stronger than you are now... and take care of yourself, and you don't need to hold yourself back because this is your new life, and you shouldn't be bound by your past life when given a new chance, and enjoy this life]

"…" - Akira stared blankly at the last part, not knowing if he had the right to enjoy himself after what he had done.

[You do not need the truth, but rather that you remove the restrictions that you put on yourself, because neither your son nor your student will blame you for what happened.]

"..." - Akira stared silently, not really knowing what to do after he decided yesterday to devote himself only to revenge.

"That's right, you don't need to torture yourself with us more than this. It's been 5 years and you've been tormenting day and night because of us." - At this time, his child's voice rang in his head.

"That's right Master, you don't need to torture yourself because I am alive and well and the younger brother will be reborn as Master's son" - at this time his female student's voice came out.

"!!!" - Akira was surprised because this time it was not an illusion made by his remorse and helplessness, but he felt that they were real.

"We don't have much time for this, so listen carefully."

"Have a good life, my father/teacher" x 2.

[Take care of yourself until we meet one day]


Hello here the author there will be two chapters today also and I want a good guild name for this please suggest a name for the guild in the comments


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