
its a matter of essence

Sleeping and having nothing and Awakening and gaining everything that could be needed is what Joseph acquired, and there are no rules but everything to gain. What is a man to do when they have lost once before

dontenglish · Cómic
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Beep beep beep. "Uh, where am I?" I asked aloud. My body was super slow, like concrete had been poured down on me.

I tried to stretch to shake off this drowsiness, but when I tried, I hit some form of glass instead, causing me to refocus on where I was. "What the hell is this? When I fell asleep last night, I was not in some kind of vat, for that matter. How can I even speak with all this stuff in here with me?" I yelled out in panic.

"*ding* entertainment subject awake explanation now dispensing." said what sounded like a dull robotic voice

"Hello, if you hear this, you have not died again. Congrats! I have chosen out of my kindness to resurrect you in another world in exchange for you testing some new products I'm making for some investors I call Essences. I've given you three more than any have survived, so congrats again. I don't know your exact situation at the moment. Still, most likely, you are in extreme danger and are about to be killed cause my rivals don't want this new business venture of mine to be accomplished, but you should be all fine as long as you can get your essences to work for you otherwise well you know how it will go so see you." said a voice from what seemed right inside of my head

"What the fuck!!!!" I angrily yelled, "Okay, Joseph, we got to calm down. If we're really about to die like that fuck wad said, we need to use whatever he gave us, so uh, Essences are whatever. If you wanna give me a sign, that would be nice," I said jokingly. But it would seem that it was going to be a weird day cause it worked, and what appeared in front of me was a screen it had 

A bunch of different words with numbers next to each word, with most of them being at one, with the only skill being at a different number being my cooking, which was at three.

From what I've seen, all of this correlated to my skills and body strength, with my cooking skill being at three, being that I used to work as a head chef in a restaurant. However, I didn't understand why it was all at once, considering that I have several issues with my body, which should have been lowered by some amount unless there wasn't a number lower than one, which this essence of mine would show.

But for now, I should figure out how to get out of this vat or whatever using the five points I have, so with some hope, I tried putting a single point in strength and felt an immediate change like lava was flowing through my veins but not in a painful way no it felt somewhat addictive in a way. Like I could do anything, I tried punching the vat without much thought. Once my fist connected, a tiny spider web-shaped crack formed on the glass.

But once I realized what I had done, I grew ecstatic. "My arm is working. How I thought that I'd lost all movement in it is this thanks to the essence? Does that mean?" I said aloud in happiness but stopped before I finished my sentence, knowing that getting my hope up too high over something would hurt me even more if it wasn't the case.

So now, knowing that having two points in strength was enough to damage the vat, I started hammering into the glass again, alternating between my hands using my old street fighting skills to hit as quickly as possible till finally, the glass shattered. I collapsed on the floor and tried pushing myself up, but as expected, I failed pouring ice on my good mood even more. 

"*Tch*, of course, it wouldn't have fucking worked. When have I ever had good luck when it came to my health? Goddamn it" I yelled out in anger as I punched down on my leg, feeling electricity roll through my leg, pain feeling that made me pause.

"Wait, did I just?" I said with shock as I tried hitting my leg again, feeling the pain once more. "I can feel it again, but I can't walk," I asked in confusion. 

"That would be thanks to a paralytic agent in the vat with you, test subject 106, and as interesting as it is that you quickly recovered from a failed experiment, we no longer need you, so goodbye," The white-haired man said as he raised his hand as a magic circle of some kind formed. 

I knew whatever it was was dangerous, so I tried as hard as possible to pull myself out of the way. Still, before I could, an icicle had already formed, and all I could think of was that this was my kind of luck as it sped towards me, but before it could hit me, something happened like time had stopped for a second as I heard a voice.

"Are you my master?" I heard a voice say, and as if on instinct, I responded in kind, "Yes!" I yelled.

"Then very well, I, fairy knight Gaiwain, shall now protect you." The woman I recognized as Barghest from FGO crushed the ice aimed toward me and rushed forward in her armor toward the man, and with a speed I could not comprehend, the man had disappeared, and his arm was left behind.

Turning around walked towards me and then got onto one knee. "I'm sorry, master. The man teleported away before I could finish him off." Barghest said calmly.

"It is okay, Barghest. I'm just glad you appeared the time you did to save me, or else I would be dead," I said with a smile.

"Master, any other servant would have gladly appeared for you as you are the one who owns the throne in this realm," Barghest said with a blush.

"You're talking about the throne of heroes. Does that mean I can summon the others from your kingdom or humankind's version of your kingdom?" I asked in excitement.

"I'm sorry to inform you, master, but at the moment, that is impossible for you because of my existence. My magic cost has prevented you from having any mana left to summon another servant, and the circumstances here were unique. The place we are at is isolated from the outside world, similar to the fae realm, but it also appears whatever has made it that way is slowly disappearing since that man left," Barghest said calmly.

"That's sad to hear. Anyway, would you be able to help me out? It seems the paralytic is still in my system, so I can't stand up, and I prefer not to be around a bunch of test tubs filled with humans if I can," I said with a smile.

"Understood, master," Barghest said calmly as she picked me up.

"Hey, Barghest," I said as I turned to look at her. "Yes, master, is something the matter?" Barghest replied calmly, " Do you have to princess carry me? It's a bit demeaning," I said in annoyance.

"Sorry, master, but this is how my Highness Queen Morgan taught us how to be as knights if we must carry someone unable to move," Barghest said with no shame.

"*sigh* then can you at least move a bit quicker so we don't have to do this all day?" I said with a smile.

"Understood, master," Barghest said thoughtfully as she got into stance.

"No, wait bargheeeeeeeeeeeeeest" I screamed at the top of my lungs as my body suddenly moved at a speed I'd never experienced before and passed out.


Hello everyone, my name is Dontenglish. I will be the one making you fume from cliffhangers hopefully. 

So I suppose I should explain to those who don't know this story is going to be using Essences from the meta Essence CYOA of course I will be doing some fanwank-ing with the Essences to make the story a bit easier to write, but to those interested I shall be posting the link in one of the comments for you guys to check.

Anyway, for those interested, here are the first two essences of our main character, Joseph. 

The essence of the Throne of Heroes: This essence provides the Nasuverse waifu for our main character to enjoy. It also provides a few other goodies later, but that's for you guys to read and see.

The Essences of Empowering Charges: This is why the weak to strong and overpowered tag is in this story. This is for anyone who has read those power manipulator worm fanfics or inspired inventor The Love Child of the Two and While. It is not as broken as the two not being able to give you something from nothing, but it can improve what is already there and help others, which is another fun aspect. 

Anyway, I will see you guys in the next chapter, and I hope you all have a good day or night.}