

GodOFGames12 · Fantasía
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19 Chs


151 Fox form

"Freja you can't watch." Shaman stood by the pool but knowing what Freja was like, Shaman knew she would enjoy watching them.

"Tsk, who said you could tell me what to do." Freja smiled at Shaman who realised she had no say in the matter.

"Then no touching or getting close unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary." Shaman made sure to emphasise her point and ensure her message gets across.

"Hai, hai~ I understand, now go get ready." Freja crossed her arms while shaking her head.

Shaman was still a little suspicious, but she had to take her word for it.

"Let's all jump in." Shaman turned to Elysia and Clara.

Elysia did not look too happy and stared at Clara for a moment.

"Elysia now is not the time! If you are that worried, we can wear a towel around us, besides we already have a she-wolf peeping on us." Shaman glanced back at Freja, who waved at Shaman in response.

"I-, fine It's okay." Elysia pouted even though she knew that nothing was going to happen, and they only had to hop in the water for a moment.


"Good." Shaman sighed, glad another jealousy crisis was hopefully averted.

The girls then began to get undressed and wrapped a towel around their bodies.

Silver averted his eyes out of respect and tried to clear his mind.

"Ara~ Silver having a hard time there." Freja had walked to silver with a set of clothes in her hands.


"Here are some clothes and I will send you back to your own room to change, is that okay?" Freja felt a bit of responsibility for Silver as technically they were related.

"Please." Silver grabbed the clothes in Freja's hand and before he knew it Freja opened a portal underneath him. Silver fell through the portal and landed on a bed.

'So this is my room.' Silver was finding this unreal. Like a dream had come true, he had finally gained a sense of identity for himself.

However, what he did not expect was a system prompt to appear in front of him.

[Silver, would you like to have your own system]

"Oh, is that you Rea?" Silver thought it was Rea, who was offering him a system like Shaman did with Clara.

[Yep, it's me. Shaman already has a deep trust for you, so I went ahead and used a system grant on her behalf.] This time Rea spoke up instead of using text.

"Oh if that's the case then yes." Silver saw no problems and so he accepted.

[Sweet, just a moment]

Silver closed his eyes waiting for Rea to finish what she was doing.


"Alright, are we ready to get in?" Shaman standing right on the edge of the pool faced Elysia and Clara.

Both nodded their heads and stood to either side of Shaman.

They all got in at the same time, taking off their towels just before stepping in the water. Crouching in the water, they all went to the middle of the pool with Elysia grabbing hold of Shaman's arm, making sure Clara did not touch.

"Aha well, it looks like not much-"Just as Shaman spoke, both Shaman and Elysia started to glow. Clara, however, did not and had to turn around from the blinding light.

Shaman felt a weird sensation flow through her body, feeling like her body was morphing. She did not feel pain, although she could feel everything in her body shift.

After a minute of transforming, both Shaman and Elysia found themselves in the air for a moment. Dropping into the water, Shaman looked around, finding that she felt smaller.

"Oh my god." Clara froze for a moment upon turning around, causing Shaman and Elysia to panic a little.

"YOU ARE SO CUTE!!!" Clara, unable to control her urges, came up to Shaman and Elysia, picking them up.

"Wha-" Shaman, still very disorientated, met eyes with Elysia finally realising what happened.

"We became foxes?" Both Shaman and Elysia spoke at the same time, as they had obtained a new form. Shortly afterwards, a system notification appeared in front of them.

[Fox form activated]

[Due to the user entering an ancient pool, the user has unlocked the ability to transform into its corresponding race]

Shaman did not know how to feel, as this was something she didn't know she could do in the first place.

Looking at Elysia, Shaman saw a fully black adult-sized fox, which kept Elysia's defining bright red tips and eyes.

Shaman was a fully white fox with her black-tipped tail and ears, and with her sky-blue eyes which gave an aura of nobility.

Clara hugged the both of them, rubbing her face up against their fur.

"C-Clara you are crushing us." Elysia was able to get a few words out, wanting to be let go.

"Oop, sorry." Clara lightened the grip she had on Elysia and Shaman, realising she was choking them.

"Well this is interesting, the same thing happened to me when I jumped in." Freja who was watching had actually tried the pool in the past and experienced the same process.

"huh? Didn't you say, you never went into the pool?" Shaman, who could finally speak now that she's no longer being choked, instantly picked up on this detail.

"Well, I did not jump in like you girls did." Freja smiled, getting them on a technicality. Truth being told, she just really didn't want to ruin the surprise.

Clara, who was still holding them, went to the edge of the pool putting them down. It took a moment for them to gain their footing as being on all 4s was a new sensation, but thanks to the system it allowed them to adjust really quickly.

Shaking their body to get rid of the water, Shaman already started to enjoy her new form.

"I don't appreciate you tricking us, but I can't complain since I am rather liking the new form." Shaman walked around in a circle waving her tail about, having a bit of fun.

"Well it is rather handy so make good use of it. Now that you are done, don't take too long. I will leave a portal here for 10 minutes. However, one last thing before I go. I will have another mission for you in the coming days so don't slack off too much." Freja, giving her final words, opened a portal and walked through, leaving the girls to themselves.

The cave went silent for a moment before Elysia spoke up with a realisation.

"Now you can carry me Shaman!" Elysia was thinking of all the new possibilities of having a fox form and was rather excited to try out a few cute ideas.

"I can carry you anyway, but it is awkward since you are taller, so having this new form works out." Shaman had also started thinking of the possibilities herself, curious what certain things would feel like.

"Ahem, before you go play out your fantasies, try turning back into your half human form." Clara, who watched Shaman's cute display just before, wanted her to transform back before the urges came back.

Shaman was rather curious about what transforming would feel like, so she quickly opened her system looking for the skill.

[Fox form]

Thinking about the skill, Shaman felt her body start to morph back into her half-human form. A light covered her body, which started changing its shape until it began looking like her original self, but something was different.

Looking around Shaman felt herself to be taller than she usually was, finding that she was slightly taller than Clara now. Elysia, who also transformed back into her half-human form noticed that she was now the same height as Shaman.

"Wait, did I get taller, or did you get shorter Elysia?" Shaman was getting even more confused than before.

[Oop looks like the spell wore off] Reia spoke up out of nowhere, giving a hint as to what happened.

"Please tell me you're not serious! You are not telling me that this entire time, my height has just been nothing but a lie?" Shaman felt anger bubble inside her.

[Aha, let's say someone thought it would be funny, but do know it wasn't me that thought that] Rea sounded very nervous, knowing that Shaman was rather insecure about her height.


[I am not allowed to say]

Shaman got the answer she needed, knowing exactly who it might be. Taking in one deep breath Shaman prepared to scream her lungs out.


"Phew, now that I got that off my chest, let's get going." Shaman closed her eyes and took a moment to breathe.

Both Elysia and Clara were a little shocked but were glad that Shaman was not angry anymore.

"I have a son to treat, but first I need to go get some new clothes, my old ones are too small." Shaman realised this fact as she went to pull out her clothes from her inventory. Leaving her with only a towel.

Elysia was a bit better off, but her clothes had still become too baggy for her to wear.

"Oh well, let's get going, we have a break to enjoy." Clara was keen on the idea of relaxing for a bit and doing a little bit of training.

"Indeed, also Elysia, tonight's our night!" Shaman turned her head to Elysia and winked before walking through the portal.

152 Steps into motherhood

After getting new clothes from the tailoring maid, Elysia, Shaman and Clara made their way back to their rooms.

Shaman planned to take Silver out to explore Freya forest and so she got into some casual clothes.

Shaman put on a pair of black leggings alongside a white strapless bra. On top of that, she wore a white sweater that had its back and shoulders exposed, leaving her hair to cover her exposed backside. Saman also noticed she had regained a bit of chest. Although the change was relatively small, at least she was no longer a cutting board.

"I have to say, I look a lot better being taller." Shaman looked at herself in the mirror, finding herself to look a lot more mature rather than cute.

"Oh, why can't the night already arrive." Elysia rolled around on the bed, wanting the day to be over already. Elysia had also changed some of her clothes and went with a red skin-tight sweater that tucked into her skirt.

"Patience, first we have a son to attend to and you need to shape up your act as his second mother." Shaman knew that Elysia did not have that same motherly feeling for Silver, but Shaman still wanted Elysia to try her best.

*sigh* "I know, but I don't know how. Having a son randomly like this still feels weird." Elysia was rather conflicted as she wanted a blood-related son, but at the same time, Silver is possibly the closest thing they will get to one.

"Hmm I understand, but try to embrace the situation. Silver is still rather young, so take advantage of that and let's have a fun time together, as a family." Shaman turned around with a smile, making Elysia blush and look away.

"W-well he already calls me mama." Elysia spoke in a low voice while she poked her fingers together a little embarrassed.


"Ehhh? Since when? That is so adorable." Shaman was shocked to hear that Silver was already calling Elysia his mum.

"Anyway, That gives you more of a reason to be his mother. Come on let's go, I'm sure he is waiting for us." Shaman was unaware that Silver already considered Elysia as his second mother, which made things a whole lot easier.

Shaman came up to Elysia, pulling on her hand to get her up. Elysia dragged herself off the bed after which she was pulled along by Shaman out of the room.


Shaman and Elysia quickly paid a visit to Clara who was in her room to see if she wanted to tag along, but Clara decided to stay in the mansion to do some personal training. However, the real reason was she didn't want to be a third wheel or ruin their family time.

Shaman and Elysia stood in front of a room that one of the maids told them was Silver's new room.

Shaman was filled with excitement, wondering what kind of clothes he was given.

'He should only be a little bit shorter than me and looks around 13.' Shaman tried to guess what Silver's age could be as it was never really clear when he was a wolf.

Shaman knocked on the door, waiting patiently for Silver to open.

After a few moments, the door started to open and a pair of wolf ears poked around the corner. Silver, timidly peeking from behind the door, checked to see who it was, but upon seeing it was Shaman he swung the door open.

Silver revealed his new clothes and Shaman was impressed with the selection. Silver wore a black hoodie with a dark grey jacket over the top and a pair of black jeans. The clothes matched his silver hair and made his bright blue eyes stand out even more.

Silver was a little embarrassed seeing the looks Shaman and Elysia were giving him.

"Ahhhh! You look so good." Shaman finally spoke and quickly went up to Silver hugging him. However, Silver noticed Shaman had gotten taller and was a bit confused about what happened.

"Wait mother, since when did you get taller?"

"Oh, After you left me and Elysia got a fox form and it undid a certain spell that a damn god or goddess put on me." Shaman looked up to the roof hoping her glare reached whoever did it to her.

"You can turn into an animal now? Can I see?" Silver was curious, wondering what their forms would be like.

"Haha not right now, first let us go explore a bit in town." Shaman wouldn't mind showing SIlver but they still needed to play around with switching forms before they started changing forms whenever they wanted.

Shaman pulled away from Silver and was about to start walking.

"B-but I want to see you as a cute fox." Silver pouted, hitting the heartstrings of Shaman.

'Oh is this the weakness where mothers can't resist the upset face of their son?' Shaman was close to falling over just from how cute Silver looked.

Elysia let out a sigh, managing to resist the cuteness, but still finding it hard to say no.

Meanwhile, Shaman pulled herself together and regained her composure, firming her resolve to resist Silver's cuteness.

'If I'm going to be a good mother I cannot be swayed by his cuteness, I mustn't fall into this cycle of letting him get what he wants just because he is so damn adorable.' Shaman mentally prepared herself, as she was trying her best to be a good parent.

"If you can be a good boy, I will make sure to show you once me and Elysia are done testing the skill, is that okay?" Shaman slightly leaned forward and gave Silver a head pat.

"I guess that's fine." Silver was a little disappointed, but he understood he'll get his wish, so waiting wasn't too bad.

"Alright, onward." Shaman grabbed Silver's hand while Elysia positioned herself on his other side.


Shaman made sure that the tips of her hair were completely white and that Elysia's were completely black.

Making their way down the street, Shaman saw that the place looked rather suburban. The buildings looked rather modern and she felt like she was back in her own world.

Silver ended up grabbing Elysia's hand, which was rather odd for her. Elysia's crazy side did not get aggravated or annoyed, but instead felt great joy about the situation.

'It really feels like we are a family.' This feeling of happiness was something Elysia seemingly desired and did not want to go away. Remembering the words Shaman told her before they left, she decided to not hold herself back and embrace the situation.

Elysia broke out with a genuine smile, making Shaman happy, seeing as Elysia was finally accepting the situation.

As they continued to walk down the streets, they found themselves in a sort of food court with a bunch of stalls on the side of the street, as well as a few stores of various foods.

Silver's eyes lit up as he spotted many things that he wanted to try which he wouldn't have been able to in his wolf form.

Shaman gulped slightly, hoping they had enough gold coins as she was unsure what the prices of things were here.

"Mother, I want to try that." Silver was drooling at the mouth as he pointed at a stall that was serving small pieces of meat on a stick.

"Aha, of course you would go for the meat option. They are called kebabs, I think." Shaman was rather unsure if that was the right word for it, but figured most things were named the same, most likely due to multiple people having been transported here.

Walking up to the stand, Shaman ordered a few kebabs for everyone and was grateful that the prices were in silver.

Passing over to Silver a few kebabs, he instantly started devouring the food like it was nothing and before they knew it, it was all already gone. Shaman and Elysia had not even taken a bite out of theirs and Silver was already done.

"That was quick." Elysia was surprised as she thought she was the one with quite the appetite.

"Hehe~ I want to try your cooking, mama." Silver turned to Elysia, remembering there were many meals that he wasn't allowed to have.

'AHHH sooo cute.' Shaman was internally screaming watching the scene unfold.

"Oh, of course, I will cook you something for dinner tonight then." Elysia had not cooked in a while thanks to Freja's maids taking care of most of the chores and liked the idea of cooking again.

"Yay!" Silver smiled as so far he was having the best day of his life.

'To think he has killed a person before' Shaman thought back and could not believe such an innocent-looking boy had already killed many people before.

'I wish I could protect that innocence forever, but maybe it's for the best that he isn't sensitive to murder. He was rather excited about that scythe.' Shaman, if she had the choice, would have liked Silver to stay out of conflicts, but he was an important part of their group and unfortunately, Silver was used to the murder.

'Well, I should enjoy these moments while they last.' Deciding that there was no point in thinking about it, Shaman went back to enjoying their day out.

Continuing to walk down the street, they kept trying out different kinds of food as they enjoyed the time they had together as a family would.

153 Silver and his scythe

"Hey mother, can I go into a lower level dungeon to try out the scythe." Silver looked up to Shaman with excitement as he wanted to test out his new weapon.

"We will have to see if there is a low level dungeon around, but first we have to get you registered at the adventurers guild. We will have to go speak to Freja to officially sign you up, so for now just use [Shadow walk] and sneak in with us." Shaman wasn't against the idea, but the age of entry was 18 for adventurers and seeing Silver looked 13 with no real ID, it would be hard for him to sign up through any normal means.

"Oh yeah, Rea gave me a system and it said I can access a shared inventory since I am your son." Shortly after getting the system from Rea, Silver received many notifications telling him of the benefits.

"Oh? Rea, did you do that?" Shaman was a little suspicious as this is a first for Rea to use one of Shaman's skills of her own volition, but this was also directly related to the system so it did not seem unreasonable.

[Yes I did it, you don't need to worry about some other being interfering and stealing Silver] Rea reassured Shaman that nothing suspicious happened.

"You had me stressed out for a moment, don't do that again and wait until I am around at least." Shaman, knowing that there are other system users, did not rule out the possibility that higher beings could take advantage of the situation.

[Aha it's okay even if it wasn't me. Due to your bond with him through the system, Silver would have been completely fine]

"That's good to know. Anyways, we need to go find a dungeon, so let's go look for an adventurer hall to see if there is one in the city." Shaman was relieved to hear that Silver would have been safe anyway.

"Yesss!" Silver smiled and Shaman was once again filled with joy seeing his excitement.


'AHHH he is so precious!' Shaman was internally screaming, wanting nothing more than silver to smile.

"Well let's hurry, we don't have much of the day left." Elysia was both eager to see Silver in action as well as finally have her night with Shaman.

"First we will head over there towards that tall building." Shaman looked around for any obvious buildings that could be the adventurers guild, as they didn't have a map or know where they were at.

Looking down the street, the first building to catch Shaman's attention was different from the other general store buildings and was much taller, making it a sort of a landmark.

Making their way towards the building, which started to look more like an office building the closer they got, Shaman was able to see a sign at the front.

"Adventurers Guild."

"Looks like my intuition of going to the tallest building has still yet to fail me." Shaman knew that important buildings like a guild would always have some defining trait making them easy to find.

"Now Silver, make sure not to say anything that indicates that you are coming with us to the dungeon." Elysia Leaned over so she was eye level with Silver. Although they could just sneak in, if they didn't need to, there was no point in breaking the rules.

"Mhm." Silver nodded and Shaman looked at Elysia with a smug look as it seemed her motherly side had started to come out.

Elysia quickly looked away blushing since she couldn't help herself.

"Hehe~" Shaman giggled, finding this side of Elysia cute.


Walking into the adventurers guild, Shaman and Elysia were holding Silver's hand as they approached the front desk.

"Hello, how can I help?" a rather young male half dog was behind the desk in a suit and a pair of glasses.

'Hey, we are wondering if there are any dungeons around here and what tier would they be?" Shaman responded to the half dog, who thanks to her new mature look ended up blushed slightly as Shaman looked rather beautiful.

Elysia spotted this so she glared at the half dog and he quickly shook off the thoughts he was having.

"Aha we have a few dungeons which are behind the building and they range from tier 3 to 6. For the higher level dungeons you would need Empress Freja's permission to enter." Cold sweat went down the half dog's neck as he answered, hoping that Elysia wouldn't murder him.

"Sweet, thank you, can we also see if we are eligible for a rank up?" Shaman knew it had been a rather long time since they visited a guild hall and had a lot of Terikin cores to hand in.

"Oh sure thing." Reaching underneath the desk, the half dog pulled out a crystal tablet.

Shaman put her hand on the tablet showing her rather outdated information.

"Wow! You haven't checked in for a while, do you have the appropriate tier cores so we can register you straight to rank C?" The tablet emanated a yellow light indicating the level Shaman was.

Shaman reached into her inventory pulling out a bunch of Terikin cores.

"Make sure to keep enough for my girlfriend Elysia." Shaman gestured with her head to who Elysia was.

Silver looked with curiosity, as although he had seen it before, he never really took interest in guild procedures. He also found that ever since gaining his own humanoid form, the world around him felt more alive and many new things now caught his interest.

The dog nodded and taking a few cores of terikin to verify Shaman's achievements, updated her details. Elysia then put her hand on the tablet and received the same colour as Shaman. The half dog updated Elysia's details and then processed the rest of the cores into gold.

Handing over a bag of a few hundred gold, Shaman deposited it in her inventory making money not a concern for a while.

"Also just so you know, you can't take the boy with you, he looks rather young." The half dog noticed the teenage boy between the girls and wanted to give them a friendly reminder.

"Oh it's okay we were just taking out our son. We were just stopping by before we dropped him off." Shaman smiled and took Silver's hand before walking out of the guild house alongside Elysia.


Entering the tier 4 dungeon, they soon discovered that the beasts in the dungeon consisted of armoured animal people. Although they had a human figure, the knights were mindless, making them attack anything that came near them. Their entire body was covered in fur and they acted like wild animals, but somehow still had their suits of armour on.

"Alright Silver, here is your scythe. It's time to show us what you got." Shaman pulled out the demon scythe she got from killing the skeleton knight the first time.

Silver nodded vigorously and held out his hands to receive the scythe.

Shaman placed it into Silver's hand and the scythe instantly began to change to fit his size.

'Well that's convenient, it did say the scythe can morph into other weapons, but I didn't know it changed depending on the user.' Shaman didn't expect it to change, however, the size was not the only thing that changed.

The scythe handle was completely black, but the blade turned into a dark grey with the sharp edge of the blade being black creating a gradient effect on the blade. At the base of the blade, a silver fox and a wolf head were carved with blue gems for eyes. This clearly represented Silver and his mother, making the scythe mean a whole lot more to Silver.

[Binding completed]

A system message appeared in front of Silver telling him that he had binded with the weapon. Just as he was hoping to get more of an explanation, a new window popped up with further details.

[User Silver has successfully binded with the demon scythe and will now be the only one who can wield the scythe. Any attempts of using this weapon by other people the user has not specifically allowed will result with them being drained of their mana and attacked with the user's main element. The scythe can be stored in a separate space and can be recalled at any moment. If the scythe is destroyed, the user will need mana and demon metal to restore it.]

Silver felt his head already hurting from all the information he was fed.

"Ohhh so that's what the demon metal is for, good thing we have a use for it now, otherwise I would have sold it." Shaman leaned over Silver's shoulder and read the system message he got.

"But why did the weapon suddenly bind to me and not you?" Silver was confused as Shaman touched the scythe many times.

"Probably because I did not accept the weapon, but since you fully accepted the weapon, the system must have recognised you as its new owner and bound it to you.

"Hmm, that makes sense, but I have to say Silver, you are looking quite nice with that scythe." Elysia who was a little further back got a good view of silver with the scythe and despite the innocent look he had, it fitted him quite nicely.

"Hehe~ thanks." Silver felt extremely happy and the wagging of his tail showed that.

"Alright now that that's out of the way, let's try out this scythe. Me and Elysia will be close by so if anything happens or you don't think you can handle it, call out to us." Shaman, although a little reluctant to let Silver go kill, didn't want to shelter him as he had great potential.

"Yes mother!" Holding the scythe in his right hand, Silver dashed off in the direction of a small castle that housed the beast knights.

Shaman and Elysia followed Silver, keeping a bit of distance, but not too far just in case anything happens.

154 Silver's first solo dungeon

Scythe in hand, Silver ran through the forest towards a mediaeval castle.

Shaman and Elysia stayed out of sight so as to not distract Silver, but still close enough to step in if it gets too much for him.

Silver made it to a clearing in the forest where the castle stood. He looked around for any beasts, but only spotted some by a massive metal gate.

Silver activated [Shadow walk] and using the brick wall to his advantage hid in its shadows while approaching the beast soldiers by the gate.

The bear soldiers were on all fours, their glowing red eyes frantically looking around for any enemy to dare approach the castle gate.

Silver's shadow sneaked behind one of the bears and scaled up the nearby wall. Without making a sound, Silver jumped out of the wall and fell towards the bear. Swinging the scythe, Silver aimed for the neck of the bear.

As the blade sliced into the bear's neck, Silver landed on its back and then jumped off it while pulling on his scythe. The bear's head came clean off without any issues and so Silver quickly went back into the shadows.

The few other bear soldiers that were around saw Silver and ran over to the dead bear's body. The bears growled and frantically clawed at where Silver disappeared to, trying to find where he went.

Taking advantage of the lack of intelligence displayed by the bears, Silver spread out his shadow underneath all the bears. In an instant, Silver's scythe and a couple shadow scythes came out of the ground, instantly killing the bears.


Coming out of the ground from his shadow, Silver turned and smiled giving a thumbs up.

Shaman and Elysia who were watching were impressed, however Silver looked in the wrong direction as his guess about where his parents were was wrong.

Shaman and Elysia were currently hiding in a bush on the opposite side Silver came in from.

'Still adorable.' Shaman was proud of Silver as even though the small boy was killing things without a shred of remorse, his little pose at the end was nonetheless cute.

Elysia giggled and was happy to see that despite the sudden change in body it did not affect his ability to use his skill.

"Hey Elysia, now that I think about it, why don't we go into our fox form since it will be easier to sneak around like this." Shaman was not too worried for Silver so she thought they could experiment a little with their fox form.

"I don't see why not."

Taking the initiative Shaman began to transform into a fox. Surprisingly, her clothes had vanished and a system message came up.

[Clothes will be automatically put on when changing back to human form]

Elysia soon followed and received the same message as Shaman.

"I have to say it feels rather odd being an animal." Shaman was looking at her own body, finding it a little hard to comprehend she was now a fox.

"Well at least we look cute." Elysia came up to Shaman and rubbed into her face.

"Hehe~ indeed, but we need to catch up to Silver, who knows how many beasts could be in there." Shaman started feeling uneasy since she was unable to see Silver and so she wanted to hurry.

Running up to the gate in their fox forms Shaman tried activating [Shadow form] and luckily it seemed all her skills worked.

However, Shaman noticed when using the skill that it felt easier to use all of a sudden.

'Wait is this like a natural form or something and so my power increases when I'm using it?' This was the first thought that went through her mind, but she was unsure if it was because of Silver that [Shadow walk] felt easier to use.

Noting that she needed to test more of her skills, Shaman went ahead and pulled Elysia in with her. Going through the castle gates they caught up with Silver.


Silver, deciding to take a different approach to stealth, did not rely on his shadows to get around and instead snuck around.

Upon entering, he noticed that the soldiers were of a different race. Instead of bears they were now mainly cats and dogs that stood on their hind legs. The size of the beasts was also that of a human which looked rather odd.

'They are in full animal form, but they act so human-like.' Peeking around the corner, Silver saw a group of 6 dog knights walking down the hall and couldn't help feeling how out of place it all seemed.

Silver let the group of dogs get closer before jumping around the corner. The dogs were confused at first, but they all still pulled out swords. Their eyes also started glowing red as if their combat instincts had been activated.

Silver spun around with his scythe, gaining momentum and hitting the dog that was leading the group.

The dog tried to block Silver's strike, but Silver's strength overpowered the dog, easily slicing the knight in half.

The other knights did not bat an eye and proceeded to attack Silver without a shred of hesitation.

Finding himself under heavy attack, Silver used his shadows to form a shadowy sword, blocking some of their strikes with it and blocking the rest with his scythe.

Unused to dual-wielding, and struggling to protect himself, Silver almost lost his balance. However, rather than struggling to remain upright, he simply let himself fall back, falling into his own shadow and escaping the strikes.

Quickly jumping out behind them, Silver slashed down on one of the 5 knights while shooting up shadow spikes from the ground into the other 4. All of the knights were killed swiftly and Silver quickly ran away from the scene.


Silver made his way through the castle killing more knights, until he finally made it to the top where a throne room was located. Assuming that this was the final boss, Silver checked that he was prepared to take on the boss.

Shaman and Elysia were still nearby in their fox forms hiding in the shadows.

Silver pushed open the wooden door, revealing a grand hall with a throne at the end. Sitting in that throne was a big knight about the size of a giant orc. The knight was completely covered in silver armour, making it impossible to tell its race. A great sword was stabbed into the ground in front of the knight and upon entering the knight grabbed the handle of the sword.

"So the intruder that has been killing my pets has finally come." The knight stood up and spoke which was a surprise.

"Heh, they were rather weak, just a little warm-up before coming to fight you." Silver had a smug face, letting himself get a little cocky.

[Oi don't get cocky and stay focused] A system message appeared in front of Silver which seemed to be from his mother.

'oop , getting a little ahead of himself.' Silver took a deep breath. So far it felt like this whole thing was just a game, but thankfully his mother's message brought him back to reality.

[It's okay to say snarky remarks, but never underestimate or take it lightly] Another message came in and SIlver nodded his head.

"What are you staring at, hurry and fight me so I can teach you a lesson." The massive knight pulled out the great sword from the ground and rested it on its shoulder.

"Sorry, just planning out your demise." Silver, taking the knight's invitation, dashed through the hall.

Silver spun the scythe while he was running and coated it in his shadows. Once he got close enough to the knight, Silver swung upwards. Trying something new, silver had sent a Shadow slash towards the knight, which caught it off guard.

The knight moved to block the shadow strike, but the shadows bended around the blade. The knight was directly hit across the chest and was pushed back by the strike, leaving only a small dent in its armour.

"Is that all you got?" The knight had a smug tone as SIlver's attempt hardly did any damage.

"Tsk, that was only a test." Silver wasn't satisfied so he poured more mana into his attack and the shadows on the blade grew larger, making the scythe look bigger.

"Don't even try." The boss slashed down with his great sword towards Silver.

Silver was able to easily dodge the attack, but once it hit the ground a bunch of rubble was launched all over the room.

Being forced to dodge even more, Silver found himself further away.

'Dammit I need to get close.' Silver planned to directly attack the knight with his shadow blade, but he needed to get close first.

Silver rushed forward again, and so did the knight, dragging the great sword behind him.

The knight swung over his head directly into Silver, but Silver's speed was too much and so he was able to jump in the air avoiding the strike. The rubble shot around once more, but Silver had jumped in the air on purpose so he would not be forced further away.

During the previous strike, Silver saw there was a brief moment where the knight's sword would get stuck making him vulnerable. Taking advantage of that, Silver landed, ran up the sword and jumped into the air to slash across the knight's chest.

The knight let go of his sword and jumped back, making Silver's attack just a tad short, only hitting its chest piece with its edge. On the bright side, the chest piece did gain a massive cut, showing that Silver could easily pierce his armour.

"Tch." The knight was not amused and was stuck without a weapon.

"What was that about teaching me a lesson?" Silver had a smug grin knowing that the knight was now backed into a corner.

"This isn't the end." The knight, knowing he didn't have much time left, sprinted towards Silver intending to attack with his fists and potentially get his sword back.

"How stupid." Silver muttered under his breath.

The knight moved to punch Silver, but this opened the knight up allowing Silver to easily dodge and target his head.

Silver's eyes glowed blue as he jumped in the air and spun. Holding the scythe in one hand, he lodged the blade in the knight's head going right through the helmet, smashing the knight to the ground.

[Dungeon cleared]

155 Pats and praises

Silver stood in front of the corpse of the knight, catching his breath.

Grabbing onto his scythe he pulled it out of the knight's skull and helmet, but upon pulling it out, the helmet crumbled to pieces. Now that he could get a proper look at the knight's face, he was surprised to see it looked like a normal human, which confused Silver as he didn't think humans could inhabit dungeons.

Shaman and Elysia had come out of hiding, approaching Silver in their fox form. Once they got close though, both Shaman and Elysia transformed back into half humans and thankfully the system put their clothes back on.

"Mother! Mama!" Silver threw his scythe into his inventory and then ran up to his parents.

Shaman opened her arms and gave Silver a hug alongside Elysia.

"You did such a good job, I'm so proud of you." Shaman started to pat Silver's head, glad that he wasn't injured.

"I have to say, for someone who's been in his new body for under a day, you got some nice moves." Elysia was rather impressed with how Silver was able to adapt to his human body.

"Hihihi~ thank you~." Silver was extremely happy and proud of himself for what he accomplished.

"Now let's head back home, I'm sure you are exhausted." Shaman was super pleased with Silver's performance and could not wait to do some fighting with him.


"Mhm, but what about that knight? He is human." Silver was rather curious if it would have been someone from the outside.

"Hmmm let me check." Shaman let go of Silver, leaving him in Elysia's arms and approached the body. Kneeling down on the floor, Shaman used [inspect] on the body.

[Beast tamer]

[Tier 4 leader]

[A human that has the power to control beasts to his will.]

[However due to him dabbling in dark arts in order to control other humans, he was exiled from his home and was forced to survive on his own.]

"I see." Shaman got the answer she needed and thanks to her being a higher level than the boss, she could even get a bit of his background.

"He used dark magic and was casted as an outsider, so I guess he built his own castle using beasts as his servants." Shaman explained it to Silver and Elysia, giving an explanation as to why he was a boss.

"Oh so he was a bad guy, okay then." Any shred of sympathy Silver had vanished in only a few seconds.

"Aha, he must take after you Elysia." Shaman was a little surprised how Silver took the news and it reminded her of Elysia.

"Well you are both my mothers, so why wouldn't I?" Silver looked up at Elysia who was struggling to deal with the cuteness.

"You're so sweet." Elysia was close to tearing up as what Silver said meant a lot to her. Elysia hugged Silver even tighter, now suffocating him in her chest.

"Careful, don't want to kill our son now." Shaman smiled, seeing as her plan of getting Elysia to be Silver's second mother was progressing smoothly.

'Elysia seems to be much more accepting now.' Shaman could tell Elysia was a bit reserved, as if she was unsure if it was something she wanted. However, with Silver hitting her in the heart with his words, Elysia has now become a lot more attached to him.

'I wonder if we could do the same with Clara.' Shaman still had no idea how to deal with Elysia's obsessiveness, but considered trying to extend it to also include Clara.

'That's not really fixing the problem though, but it can also be useful.' Shaman suspected that when Elysia goes into a very emotional state, it enhances her power quite a bit, so by taking advantage of that she could take on entire armies.

'Hmm, I need to talk to Freja about this properly, I can't figure this out on my own.' Shaman did not want to rely on others, but the situation was too complicated.

"Shaman?" Elysia was finished pampering Silver and was ready to go back home.

"Oh yes, let's get going." Shaman and Elysia grabbed Silver's hand and they made their way out of the dungeon.


Clara had found her way to a hall meant for training and was practicing some of her movements.

Clara spun in the air with her blade whips extended and upon landing retracted them into a sword. Continuing the chain, Clara used her whip blades as dual swords.and stabbed into a dummy target.

*Clap* *Clap*

"Well done, I have to say, your fighting style is quite unique." Kiruya stood at the door clapping at Clara.

"Aha thanks. What brings you here today Kiruya?" Clara holstered her weapons and walked up to Kiruya.

"Since Shaman and Elysia are out with Silver, I have come to tell you your next mission." Kiruya reached into her inventory, pulling out a piece of paper.

"So soon?" Clara thought they would have had a little more time to themselves before going out again.

"Oh you don't have to leave straight away, but it would be good if you could prepare before going."

"Oh, that's understandable." Knowing this Clara hoped to level up a bit more and get closer to tier 6.

"So, your mission is actually to make your way to elfheim and head to the capital." Kiruya started to read the contents of the mission to Clara and so far nothing seemed to be dangerous.

"You are to deliver a few items for Freja to the King and Queen."

"Hold on, what's so dangerous about this mission that we would need to prepare for it?" Clara so far thought that this mission was just a postal service.

"I'm getting there."

*ahem* "The reason why the mission is dangerous is because in order to meet with the king and queen you need to clear a tier 6 or 7 dungeon just so you can get the chance to see them."

"But couldn't Freja give us something to avoid this?" Clara figured they could be given something that would allow them to bypass the dungeon trial.

"Aha I would say yes, but Freja wants you to fight for it." Kiruya felt a little bad for them, but it was ultimately Freja's choice what they had to do.

"I guess there is no changing the mission if it was Freja's decision." Clara wasn't against the decision as it would let them grind some levels to reach the next tier while also visiting a new place.

"There is also no time limit so you can take as long as you want and once you are finished with the mission, use a communication talisman to let us know you are done." Kiruya closed the piece of paper and handed it over to Clara.

"If you can also inform the other two, that would be great and you can all leave once you are ready."

Clara nodded and stored the details of the mission in her inventory.

"If you need me I will be around the mansion and if not…. You know where." Kiruya went a little red as she did not want to openly admit where and hoped her implication was enough.

"Aha I don't think I will be disturbing you if that's the case, but thank you Kiruya." Clara knew exactly what she meant and blushed a little thinking about it.

"Anyway, bye bye~." Kiruya quickly ran off, leaving Clara behind.

'Well back to training I guess.' Clara shook her head to get rid of stray thoughts and went back to training.


Walking back into the mansion, Shaman and Elysia were chatting away.

Once they reached the top of the stairs, they saw Clara standing in the hallway by their rooms.

"Oh hey Clara, what's up?" Shaman was curious what Clara had to say, as it looked like it wasn't small-talk judging from her demeanor.

"We were given our next mission, I just came here to pass you the details." Clara pushed off the wall she was leaning on and pulled out the paper she received from Kiruya.

Shaman grabbed it and had a look at the contents of the mission.

"Oh, I see it's just a delivery, but with a little challenge before we can actually deliver it." Shaman did not mind the mission as they got to explore a new major territory.

"We don't have a time limit so whenever we are ready we can start making our way over."

"Sweet, thanks Clara." Shaman put the mission information in her inventory.

"Well, I'm off to sleep, it is rather late now." Clara was rather exhausted as she had been training the entire day and felt her body aching.

"Alright, goodnight then, I have a little Wolf to feed and put to sleep." Shaman put her hand on Silver's head, giving him a pat.

"Night Clara." Elysia reluctantly spoke to Clara.

"Oh, haha goodnight Elysia." Clara was surprised, but was glad to see that Elysia looked like she was improving.

Clara walked off to go to her room.

Shaman and Elysia led Silver into his room so they could use the kitchen to prepare some food.

Elysia cooked up some meat for Silver as a reward for his effort.

"Thank you Mama." Silver's face was brimming with joy while devouring the food Elysia made for him.

"Well me and Elysia are going to go back to our room now, to get some rest." Shaman walked to the side of Silver so she could give her goodbyes.

"Yeah I know Mother, go have your fun with Elysia." Silver took another bite out of his meat.

"Ah." Shaman had no words as indeed Silver had been present for their activities and is regretting that she did not think much of it.

"Anyway, goodnight Silver." Shaman gave Silver a kiss on the forehead before quickly rushing away.

"Heh, goodnight naughty Mother and Mama." Silver wore a cheeky grin, wanting to see the reaction of his Mothers.

Shaman halted in her tracks as she felt her image as a pure mother was at stake.

Taking a deep breath Shaman turned to face Elysia who was blushing.

"Let's leave before he makes it worse." Shaman whispered to Elysia while grabbing her hand.

"Goodnight sweetie." Elysia quickly said goodnight before Shaman started dragging Elysia.

Exiting the room, Shaman quickly walked back to theirs.

"Okay, I'm hungry." Shaman was hoping Elysia would cook some food, but Shaman also was really eager to get started.


"Hmm? Well isn't your meal right here." Elysia took advantage of the situation and slightly lifted up her skirt.

"Oh, fuck it." Shaman found it unbelievably cheesy, but it worked as she pulled her in for a kiss.

156 A long awaited night (R18)

Shaman switched on the soundproofing for the room so as to not disturb anyone else.

Shaman faced Elysia and without waiting another moment pulled her in again. Sharing another kiss, Shaman could feel her bottled-up desire about to explode. Shaman started to push Elysia back towards the bed while taking off their clothes and kissing at any opportunity.

Elysia had kept her stockings on since she noticed Shaman would often stare at them longingly.

"Haha, was it that obvious?" Shaman thought she had gotten away with staring, but seeing Elysia intentionally keep them on Shaman thought she was found out.

"Fufu~ Why would I stop you, you can stare all you want." Elysia, now being mostly naked, turned her back to Shaman and bent herself over the bed.

Shaman took off the last of her clothes and saw that Elysia had bent over.

"You asked for this." Shaman felt herself start losing control of her urges.

"I have been waiting for so long, use my body however you want~." Elysia's tail was wagging, inviting Shaman over.

Shaman stood behind Elysia and used her hand to caress Elysia's pussy.


"Oh? You haven't been wearing anything underneath the whole day?" Shaman instantly noticed that Elysia was not wearing any underwear despite never taking off her stockings.

"Ngh~ I had the system take them off for me as we were getting undressed." Elysia slightly moaned while Shaman was lightly touching Elysia.

"Fufu~ I see, it makes it easier for me." Shaman slowly sped up until Elysia was more wet.

Not waiting much longer, Shaman ripped a small hole in Elysia's stockings, exposing her pussy. Shaman then began to finger Elysia while also leaning over to whisper in her ear.

"I'm sure you are nice and sensitive down there for how long you have been waiting." As Shaman spoke she pushed her fingers in as deep as she could causing Elysia to moan loudly.

"AHH~, yes~ more~." Elysia had been restraining herself the entire time and hadn't had much of a chance to pleasure herself while waiting. This made her a lot more sensitive, meaning Shaman did not need to do much to make Elysia climax.

"Oh~ already getting close, you can't release just yet~." Shaman wanted to tease Elysia who was already struggling with her extra sensitive body and pent up desires. Shaman then suddenly stopped and pulled out her fingers.

"I thought I would last longer, but I missed this so much." Elysia had overestimated herself and was surprised at how deprived she actually was.

"That just means it's going to be a whole lot more fun teasing you." Shaman had a smug grin while she turned Elysia around and had her lay down on the bed.

Getting in between her legs, Shaman leaned in and kissed Elysia who in turn used her hands to fondle Shaman's breasts. They held the kiss for about a minute until Shaman started to fondle Elysia's breasts back.

Moaning in each other's mouths, it wasn't long till Shaman pulled away from Elysia. Taking a few moments to catch her breath, Shaman climbed onto the bed and leaned up against the head of the bed while opening her legs to Elysia.

"Come~ have a meal~." Shaman pointed down below and Elysia got on all fours. Crawling to Shaman with desire in her eyes, Elysia lowered her head and began to eat out Shaman.

"Mhhmm~." Shaman let out slight moans and, not wanting it to stop, Shaman wrapped her hands around Elysia's ears. Shaman pushed down on Elysia's head and let out a moan, but she did not stop.

Letting out more moans, another minute had passed and Shaman already felt like climaxing into Elysia's mouth, but she needed to hold on.

Shaman pulled Elysia by the ears and what she expected to be a painful cry was actually more of a pleasurable moan.

"Oh fuck… It feels good when you pull on my ears~." Elysia was huffing as she did not have much room to breathe.

"Turn around~." Shaman had gotten an idea and so she got Elysia to turn around while she was still on all fours.

Shaman got on her knees, but a note on the bedside table caught her eye. Although rude, Shaman stopped to pick up the note. Reading it, she found the contents surprisingly helpful.

[Under the bed is a drawer, hope you have a wonderful night.]


'Tsk this she-wolf, well if it's her I can only assume it's going to be something helpful.' Shaman felt a little embarrassed, but she wasn't going to turn down anything that could make the experience better.

"Come on~ what's the hold-up?" Elysia was waiting patiently on Shaman and was wondering what she was doing.

"Hold on, I think I found something." Shaman reached her arm down the side and felt a handle. Pulling open the drawer, it revealed many brand new toys that Freja has seemingly supplied the room with.

"Fufu~ get ready darling~." Shaman pulled out a strap-on and Elysia freaked out a little as she knew there was no way she could handle it without cumming.

"Now if you cum I am going to have to punish you~." Shaman knew full well Elysia would not be able to hold it and the look in her eyes told Shaman everything.

Shaman put on the strap-on and she traced the outside of Elysia's pussy.

Elysia however, despite the risk of punishment went ahead and tried to push on it to make it go in, but Shaman was able to pull away.

"Please~?" Elysia was getting desperate as the teasing was getting too much for her and so she wagged her tail and ass for Shaman.

"Good girl~." Shaman was satisfied and so she grabbed Elysia's tail while putting it all the way in.

Elysia felt a wave of pleasure go through her body and felt like climaxing right away.

Shaman then slowly moved her hips, getting used to using the strap-on.

Elysia gripped the sheets focusing on not cumming while she was being fucked by Shaman.

Once Shaman was ready, she began to thrust into Elysia and slowly built up speed.

"AHH~." Elysia kept letting out moans with each thrust and her body began to move on its own. Shaman also pulled on Elysia's tail with each thrust which caused a louder moan.

"Harder~." Elysia was enjoying every bit of it and wanted to be treated harsher. However, Shaman slapped Elysia's ass hard when she spoke.

"I only want to hear moans from your mouth~." Shaman thrusted even harder and Elysia let out an even louder moan than before.

"AHHHH~!" Elysia was barely able to hold on and started to not care what the punishment was.

Another 15 seconds went by of Shaman's thrusting till Elysia finally climaxed.

Elysia then screamed her heart out while her body shook from pleasure.

"What a shame, looks like I have to punish you~." Shaman grinned while pulling out the strap-on and taking it off.

"Do… whatever… you want… my body belongs to you~." Elysia took deep breaths trying to recover before whatever punishment Shaman was going to give.

"Good~ Now I'm going to need you to cum some more." Shaman grabbed Elysia by the hair and threw her on her back. Elysia let out a moan as pain to her felt more pleasurable.

Although not really a punishment for Elysia and more Shaman fulfilling her desires, Shaman liked to call it a punishment.

"Oh fuck." Elysia was not sure if she was going to last the night as she was already feeling tired.

However, the exhaustion will soon be forgotten as Shaman got between Elysia's legs and started to eat her out.

"Mhm~." Elysia instinctively put her hand on Shaman's head, but this caused her to stop. Shaman lifted her head and bit Elysia's thigh causing her to recoil a little.

"More~." Elysia, knowing she would be punished by pain, put her hand on Shaman again. Shaman repeated the same action and Elysia moaned loudly.

Elysia then repeated the process a few times before Shaman stopped for a moment.

'Seems like pain won't work.' Shaman could see the look in Elysia's eyes and considered switching roles to let Elysia have a go. Even the thought of being submissive was rather attractive for Shaman.

Elysia though was starting to lose herself a little and now all she wanted to do was pleasure Shaman to return the favour. The pent up desire of making Shaman feel good made Elysia want to have her way with Shaman, but was fighting against the waves of pleasure she was currently experiencing.

But Elysia wanted to have one last bite, so she pushed on Shaman's head since she had stopped, but this time Shaman did not fight back and Elysia noticed the shift in her attitude.

"Heh~." Taking advantage of the situation, Elysia, wanting to return the favour, grabbed Shaman's ears and pulled her up to a sitting position. Shaman did not enjoy it as much, but it forced her to comply with what Elysia wanted.

Elysia pushed Shaman on her back and grabbed the strap-on that was onto the side. Elysia then put it on herself.

Pinning Shaman down, Elysia inserted the strap-on into Shaman causing her to moan.

"AHH~ fuck me hard~." Shaman was getting more and more turned on by the second as Elysia dominated her. Not bothering to go slow, Elysia started to thrust deeper and faster, causing Shaman to moan, but Elysia sealed her mouth with a kiss, cutting off her moan.

A couple of minutes had passed and Elysia started kissing Shaman's neck, leaving marks on her body.

Shaman was now on the verge of cumming as her moans were getting louder by the second.

"Come on sweetie~" Elysia whispered into Shaman's ear.

This pushed Shaman over the edge and she finally climaxed. Her body shook with pleasure and felt like she was out of her body.


After taking a moment to breathe, Elysia pulled out the strap-on and took it off. Elysia could feel her body getting heavier as the adrenaline was starting to wear off.

"How was that?" Elysia laid down on top of Shaman who was still catching their breath.

"I wish we could do it all the time." Shaman did not feel like moving a muscle, but also did not want it to end.

"Aha me too, but we just don't have the endurance quite yet to go all night, especially after being pent up for so long." Elysia positioned herself on Shaman's side and used her arm as a pillow.

"Let's hope while on the mission we get some chances." Shaman, using her other arm, tried to get the cover over them, but remembered it was wet.

"Hehe~ good idea." Elysia was not going to say no to more chances to have fun.

Shaman then noticed that the top sheet was different and when she felt around there were no wet patches.

"Oh looks like the covers we got were able to absorb our mess. I don't know what the cover is made out of, but it seems like it was designed for this kind of thing." Shaman thought about Freja who had given them some toys to use and realised it would not be surprising in the least if the room was fitted for more things sex-related.

"Well I'm sure our body heat would have been enough~." Elysia hugged Shaman as it did not bother her if they had covers or not.

"Hehe~ I know." Shaman still wanted them covered just in case they have any visitors in the morning.

Shaman got the cover out from underneath them and then pulled it over them. Getting more comfortable, Shaman snuggled into Elysia.

"Goodnight sweetie~" Shaman gave a quick kiss to Elysia, which got a little intense before Shaman pulled away just for them to get back into it again.


"Aww no round 2 tonight?" Elysia was all for more action, but knew it was too much to ask.

"I can hardly move as is, so if we can tomorrow night we can have another round." Shaman wanted to make sure she could move the next morning, so she did not pursue it any further.

"Oh well, Night darling~" Elysia pulled Shaman into her chest as that was her favourite position while sleeping.

Closing their eyes, they both quickly fell asleep enjoying each other's embrace.

157 Innate Element

Shaman opened her eyes, finding herself not in Elysia's chest, but back in her palace bedroom.

'Oh? Another memory?' Shaman was surprised to be forced into another memory. Unfortunately, she has been neglecting to catch up on them, as she would usually be either too busy during the day and too tired to remember to look at them at night.

[Yes and I am going to keep forcing them to happen since you are unable to do it yourself.] Rea's voice echoed in Shaman's head and sounded rather annoyed at her.

'Damn and here I was hoping for some nice dreams about Elysia.'

[Do it when you wake up, you need to check these memories more often otherwise you will miss key information. This memory will also activate your innate element called Stardust, so pay attention.]

'Oooo, sounds interesting, but why can't I use it already?' Shaman felt that if it was an innate element of hers, she should have had it since she woke up.

[Because of the system and you need to recite some scriptures to activate it, hence why you are looking at this memory.]

'I see, well thank you Reia.' Shaman felt like she should have been more actively finding out about the past as she has replaced the original person.

[No worries, expect this to happen more, now time for the memory to play.]


Time suddenly began to move and Shaman was able to hear the ambient sounds around her. The small rustling, breathing and the quiet chirping of the birds through the window.

Slowly opening her eyes, Shaman pulled herself up from bed and rubbed her eyes.

It was her 12th birthday and it was the day she was going to get her unique element.

"It's today!" Remembering what was happening, Shaman was filled with excitement. Quickly jumping out of bed, Shaman changed out of her black pyjamas into a mainly black dress with white accents. Shaman also tied her hair up in a high ponytail leaving only her bangs that were too short to be tied back.

"Hehe~" Doing a spin in front of a mirror, Shaman was happy with the way she looked.

Shaman ran out of her room and quickly navigated the palace to the study where her dad was.

Shaman slammed open the door to her dad's office giving him a small scare.

"Dad! Today is the day." Shaman tried to keep a serious face, but her tail was wagging and she couldn't help but smile.

"Aha yes sweetie, we need to wait for your mother before we give you your present." Shaman's father, a half fox, had short black hair and a pair of glasses he pushed up as he spoke. He wore a loose white t-shirt and a pair of black track pants. His build was also rather slim, making him look like not much of a fighter.

"Can I go get her then?" Shaman pouted as she wanted to go get her element already.

"Hmmm, aren't you impatient today. Guess it can't be helped, I'll come with you then." Shaman's father got up from his desk and went up to Shaman.

"I have to say you are getting taller by the day, you might be as tall as your mother by the time you're 18." Shaman's father, who was about 6'5″ tall, found that Shaman was just below his chest.

"Soon enough I will be taller than you." Shaman crossed her arms and turned away, but did not stop her dad from patting her.

"Aha trust me you don't want to be this tall, but enough talking, let's go get your mother." Shaman's dad then put his hand behind Shaman getting her to start walking.


"I wonder where she could be?" Shaman's dad was walking down the halls, using his mana to detect where Cecilia was.

"Come onnnnnn." Shaman was swaying back and forth as they had been walking around the palace for about 5 to 10 minutes and had not found Cecilia.

"She might be getting your present ready, so how about we go hang out in the living room while we wait?" Shaman's dad was a little perplexed, but due to the place where they will be heading to later on, it did not surprise him if he wouldn't be able to detect Cecilia.

"Grrrr, can't we just make our way over there?" Shaman took a stance like she was about to pounce on her father.

"Oho, you want to challenge your father's authority? We have to make sure it's safe so we have to wait a bit longer." Shaman's dad mimicked her pose while in the middle of the hallway.

"But I want to go now!" Shaman leaped at her dad.

"Not so fast." While Shaman was in the air, her dad moved quicker than she could see and before Shaman knew it, her dad had grabbed her legs and held Shaman upside down.

"Ahhh!" Shaman screamed, not expecting to be dealt with so quickly.

"Now let's head back before you make a mess." Shaman's dad lightly put her on the ground, but once he did, Shaman went ahead and bit his ankle.

However, Shaman's tantrum had zero effect and her father stared at her with a smug look.

"Damnit." Shaman got out of her father's hold and turned away from her father.

"Pfftt, adorable. Now come on Shaman, don't want to leave your mother waiting." Shaman's dad patted her head before walking ahead towards a living room.

"Hmph, you win this time." Shaman admitted defeat for now, but she was determined to win one day.


Laying upside down on the couch Shaman was kicking her legs while waiting for her mother.

Her father was reading a book while also trying to poke Shaman with his other hand. Shaman was constantly blocking his hits but every now and again he would succeed causing her to yelp a little.

"You know sitting like that makes it easier for me."

"Shush, I'm bored."

"Oh my~ isn't it my two favourite people?" Cecilia had finally arrived and was in a shrine maiden outfit.

"Mum!" Shaman quickly got off the couch and ran up to Cecilia.

"Hello my cutie, you ready to go activate your element." Cecilia gave Shaman a hug while also patting her head.

"Mhm!" Shaman nodded furiously alongside her tail.

"Ren dear, can you guard the area while I'm with Shaman?"

"I was going to do that anyway." Ren closed the book he was reading and stood up.

"Thank you. Now that it is sorted out, let's make our way to the shrine." Cecilia picked up Shaman and despite her being rather big now it did not bother Cecilia at all.

"Woah." Shaman was not expecting to be picked up, but before she could say no Cecilia seemingly teleported in an instant.

Appearing in front of a shrine, Cecilia put Shaman down on the ground.

The old traditional Japanese shrine was in full view and was completely surrounded by nature. Turning around, Shaman saw that they were in the mountains and could see the palace from where they stood.

"Nice view isn't it?" Cecilia wrapped her hand around Shaman's shoulder and admired the view alongside her.

"Mhm yes, but we should go get my element." Shaman liked the view but was more keen on her present.

"Fufu~ eager girl you are, just like your father." Cecilia turned and grabbed Shaman's hand.

"Hmph i'm nothing like that geezer." Shaman's image of her dad was a shut-in who always had his nose stuck in a book.

"Yet you still brawl in the hallway like kids?" Cecilia covered her mouth with one hand hiding her smile.

"Y-you saw that?!" Shaman's face went red as it was rather embarrassing.

"Mother knows everything, so don't go trying to hide anything." Cecilia booped Shaman's nose before pulling her along inside the shrine.

"…" Shaman stayed silent trying to fight off the embarrassment.

Inside the shrine was rather bare, but on a pedestal was an old looking scroll.

"Huh? Is that it?" Shaman was confused as she didn't know how a scroll was going to help her get an element.

"haha , don't worry I was confused as well when I first did it, but trust me this place holds our most sacred treasure."

"But it is out in the open, we can see home from here."

"That is just an illusion sweetie, this place is deep underground." Cecilia told Shaman the truth as there was no point in hiding it.

"Ohhh that's so cool. Did you do that?" Shaman had always aspired to be like her mother so she wanted to learn as much as she could from her.

"Fufu~ it was indeed, but enough about me, today is about you. Now I need you to go up to the pedestal and read out what's on the scroll." Cecilia explained what Shaman had to do and she nodded before walking up to the pedestal.

Shaman's tail wagged in excitement as she got closer and when she reached it, she took a deep breath.

Cecilia took a step back and knelt down on the ground. A few magical circles activated around her and then one at Shaman's feet.

"What?" Shaman was confused by what's going on and panicked for a moment.

"It's okay Shaman, concentrate on reading out loud the words, I am just stimulating your mana so try to bear with the odd feeling.

"Mhm." Shaman felt a weird sensation through her body, but taking her mothers advice went ahead and read the scroll.

"To all my ancestors and the people of the fox race. I hereby declare my loyalty to my race and my conviction to use my power for the good of the people. I call for the legendary kitsune Akrone to bestow power upon thy vassal. Please accept this pledge, for I shall follow the way of the kitsune and strive to become stronger. Akrone, Please grant me the power to fulfil these duties." Shaman finished speaking and the words on the scroll began to glow a bright purple.

'Hmm? That's odd.' Cecilia had not seen the text go purple before as when she did this it had gone blue.

Shaman held her hands together and shut her eyes waiting for something to happen. Soon another feeling flowed through and Shaman had no way to describe it.

Opening her eyes she saw a word appear in front of her.


158 [Stardust]

Shaman suddenly shot up from her bed and held her chest. Elysia was also woken up by the sudden pull on her blanket.

"Huh? What's wrong sweetie~ it's still early morning." Elysia was rubbing her eyes trying to see what was wrong.

"I- I'm okay. I was just in my memories and the shock in the dream seems to have startled me awake." As soon as Shaman woke up, the sudden shock she suddenly felt from seeing the words stardust seemingly brought her out of the memory.

"Oh what did you see?" Elysia sat up and leaned on Shaman's shoulder half asleep.

"I saw my parents and I was reciting a scripture to activate my innate element." Shaman checked her system to see if anything was out of place.

"Ohh, so do you have the element now or do you also have to recite it?" Elysia was rather curious about the memory, especially about Shaman's parents who would hopefully be her future mother and father in law.

"Rea told me I have to recite it, but damn these memories feel so real." Shaman had calmed down, but unfortunately she was now wide awake so getting a bit of extra sleep was not going to happen.

"I wonder if I could have a dream like that." Elysia's imagination wandered for a moment and drool leaked from her mouth.

"Oi, you have me right here if you want to try anything." Shaman knew exactly what Elysia was thinking, especially after last night.


"Oh yeah, well how about some early morning action to start our day." Elysia already felt herself getting into the mood.

*sigh* "Only a quick one." Shaman saw no harm and thought it would be a good way to spend some of the extra time they have in the morning.

"Yes!" Elysia then pulled Shaman back down in the bed.


Elysia and Shaman got dressed into their casual clothes from yesterday, but Elysia had to go get a new pair of stockings from the maid who was thankfully awake and made sure to get a few extra pairs.

"Hehe~." Elysia was in a great mood and was sliding around on the kitchen tiles while waiting for Shaman.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself." Shaman came out of the bathroom and instead of her usual hair down, she had actually tied it up like she did in the memory.

"Damn, you're looking more like a mother by the day." Elysia quite enjoyed the new hairstyle and could not stop admiring it.

"Aha, thanks. This is what my hair was like when I was little and I thought to try it." Shaman did a slow spin to show off all the angles and was quite happy with Elysia's reaction.

"Ooo, well I like it a lot." Elysia quickly went to Shaman's side and hugged her arm.

"Good, now let's find a space to activate this new element of mine." Shaman was glad that the system preserved the memory so she did not need to memorise what was on the script.

"I can't wait to see, you haven't actually told me what it is." Elysia had been left in the dark on what the element was and was rather excited to find out.

"I never told you? Well I guess it now has to be a surprise."

Shaman and Elysia then walked out of their room looking for a hall or a space where they can be alone.


After getting directions from a maid, Shaman and Elysia found themselves in a training hall. There was various equipment and dummy soldiers. Shaman was also able to feel that the room was heavily reinforced with magic, meaning they don't need to hold back.

"This should do, now Elysia I want you to stand back." Shaman didn't know if anything would happen if Elysia stayed close, but would rather be safe than sorry.

Elysia nodded and sat down on a bench that was by the exit.

'Okay now I just need to recite it.' Thinking about the memory, an image of what was on the script appeared in her mind and she began to read it out loud.

"To all my ancestors and the people of the fox race. I hereby declare my loyalty to my race and my conviction to use my power for the good of the people. I call for the legendary kitsune Akrone to bestow power upon thy vassal. Please accept this pledge, for I shall follow the way of the kitsune and strive to become stronger. Akrone, Please grant me the power to fulfil these duties." Although the script wasn't there Shaman could already feel the same sensation as she did when in the memory.

A purple light started to glow on Shaman's chest and Elysia, who was watching, stood up, ready to jump in if it looked like anything had gone wrong.

[Stardust element acquired]

A system message appeared in front of Shaman and soon after the glow in her chest died down.

Getting down on one knee, Shaman held her hand to her chest, still feeling a lingering effect from the light.

"Shaman?" Elysia was concerned, but assumed Shaman was okay since it looked like she wasn't in pain.

"Yes I'm fine. Just like I described earlier, that feeling I got when in the dream was a little intense." Shaman stood up feeling much better and opened her system.


Wind – Tier 4

Fire – Tier 4

Water – tier 4

Ice – tier 4

Stardust – tier 5

"Oh? It's already tier 5." Shaman was rather surprised that it started at tier 5, but guessed it was the fact that it was her innate element.

"Soooo, what is it?" Elysia had slowly walked up behind Shaman, itching to find out what it was.

"I'm not entirely sure what I can do, so let's find out." Shaman knew that she was able to conceal herself with it from when she saw Freja in her memories.

"Mhn." Elysia nodded and stepped backwards waiting in anticipation.

Shaman stood up and allowed mana to flow through her body.

Thinking about the element, soon purple and blue dust started to rise from the ground. The dust then swirled around Shaman, the space between the dust particles was so dark, it reminded her of the darkness of space. The shimmering dust particles were reminiscent of stars in the night sky and whenever the particles swirled, images of galaxies formed. The sight was so surreal, no one would guess it was made of tiny specs of dust.

Elysia was amazed by the sight and felt like the stars were in front of her.

Shaman seeing this effect decided to try something fun and so she lifted her hands up and sent the dust to the ceiling.

Covering the entire ceiling with the dust, Shaman had created a mini night sky within the training hall.

"Wow." Both Shaman and Elysia were in awe of what Shaman had created. However, it was draining her mana, so unfortunately she needed to take down the sky she created.

The dust covering the ceiling then stopped moving, breaking the illusion of the sky.

Shaman knelt back down as the mana expenditure had exhausted her. She still wasn't used to her new element and still had much to learn about how to efficiently wield it.

Elysia quickly went to Shaman's side to make sure nothing serious had happened.

"That was amazing." Shaman couldn't believe such an element existed. It felt like a bit of a budget space element, but nonetheless she was happy with it.

"I would say do it again, but it seems like that took a lot of mana to do." Elysia helped Shaman lean on her and moved towards the bench so Shaman could sit down.

"It did not take all of it, but it used a lot at once which I was not ready for." Shaman looked at her system and only about a third of it was consumed, but due to it all being spent at once it took the wind out of her.

"Sheesh that's a lot. Don't you have about 8000 points of mana?" Elysia was able to see Shaman's status and was surprised about the amount that was taken.

"Yes I do and I still need to use some more to figure out what exactly this element can do." Shaman still had no idea how it worked and needed to play around with her new capabilities.

"Did you want me to go get anything then?" Elysia wanted to be helpful rather than watch despite the beautiful view.

"Can you go get Clara and Silver? I want them to be here so we can have a group training session and test it out against an opponent." Shaman thought it would be a good idea for everyone to come as it would hopefully give her a few ideas on how to apply her new element while also allowing Silver to get some more fighting experience.

"Sure." Elysia nodded and left the training hall.

'Now let's have a look at the description.' Shaman hoped by looking at the element through the system, it would give some hints to how to use it


[An element that has the power of space and illusions. Although not know for its offensive capabilities it allows the user to manipulate the vision of those around them and to traverse through a separate space]

'Oh I see, so I can use it like my spatial rift, but it has its own separate domain and can only be entered through the portals I create.' Shaman took a guess at what the separate space meant. If she was right, it could mean she had her own storage domain and a space she could use for escaping.

'I can also create illusions, but how does one even do that, definitely gonna need to test that on someone.' Shaman could not quite grasp how she would create an illusion, but judging from how she made the sky, it might be a similar process.

'Alright, now that I have somewhat of an idea, let's play around a bit.' Shaman recovered and stood up from the bench.

Entering the middle of the hall again, Shaman once again began to manipulate the dust around her.


[Shaman Shiroi]

Age: 18

Race: 5 tailed Fox Girl

Tier: 5

Level: 110

MP: 8000/8000


Sword domain, Iron skin, Inspect

Wind Slash lvl 10, Slicing tornado lvl 6, Sword gale lvl 7, Wind crescent lvl 5

Deep sea lvl 5, Tidal wave lvl 5, Water Shield lvl 5

Blazing sword lvl 10, Fireball lvl 4, Blade of Flamescion lvl 2


Ice free form

Spatial rift

Chains of earth


Lovers call


Light regeneration

Blessing of the fox

– Negate mind control (once aware of control)

– Classified

– Classified

(Shared skills with Silver)

Shadow cloak, Shadow dash, Shadow Claw, Shadow Bite, Shadow walk


(The + is added stats from items they have equipped)

Vitality: 600 +30

Agility: 650 +45

Intelligence: 710 +60

Strength: 750 +50

Dexterity: 710 +38

Defence: 600+50

159 Separate space

Shaman raised her dust from the ground, trying to imitate her mother who also had a dust element, and formed the dust into something physical that could be used to move or grab someone.

After creating a small platform in front of her, Shaman stepped onto the dust platform which felt as if she was trying to step into the starry night sky. The dust's illusion effect played with Shaman's eyes, as it looked like her foot would just go straight through.

Slowly placing her foot onto the dust platform, Shaman had successfully created something physical out of the dust.

'Looks like I can use it to travel around like my ice, but it works more like a hoverboard than a slide.' Shaman could imagine herself using the dust as a way of getting around since she could move the platform at will.

Shaman, wanting to test it out, stood on top of her newly created platform and almost lost her balance.

'I need to concentrate so much just to keep it steady.' Shaman was already struggling as she had to constantly make sure the dust stayed condensed and stable as she stood on it.

Once Shaman was stable on the platform, she slowly tried raising herself up from the ground.

'Okay, so far so good.' Shaman was getting the hang of it more and more as each second went by.

After a few more seconds of raising herself high off the ground, Shaman saw movement at the door, breaking her concentration. The platform wobbled and Shaman fell back towards the ground.


"Shiit!" Shaman was about to use her wind to save her fall, but Elysia, who was the one at the door, quickly ran and caught Shaman.

"I leave for a couple of minutes and you are already hurting yourself." Elysia held Shaman in a princess carry.

"I was just about to save myself, but you beat me to it." Shaman pouted and blushed, happy that Elysia came to her rescue, but also indignant at the implication she needed saving to begin with.

"Hehe, too bad, your queen has come to save the day." Elysia acted proudly and was treating the situation like Shaman was a damsel in distress.

"Mother!" Silver had just come through the door and instantly sprinted over.

"You can let me down now." Shaman nudged Elysia to put her down so she could hug her son.

"Oop." Elysia quickly put Shaman down.

Shaman instantly opened her arms and Silver jumped into them for a hug.

Clara had also walked in, but still in her pyjamas and looked like she had only just woken up.

"Oh hey Clara, how come you haven't gotten ready?" Elysia was a bit confused by Clara's wardrobe choices, but since it was nothing urgent, she couldn't really blame her for being a bit lazy.

"Oh, I planned not to do much today. I exhausted myself quite a lot with training, so I figured I will watch and head back to bed when you're done." Clara yawned and took a seat on the bench.

"That's a shame. I was hoping to test out my new element, but if you don't want to, that's fine." Shaman let go of Silver and started to pat his head instead while she spoke.

"I don't mind throwing a few spells at you, but I'm not doing anything that requires me to move a lot." Clara was fully capable of using her lightning, but would rather not move around.

"If that's the case, I will ask later for you to throw some attacks at me."

"Can I see the new element you got mother?" Silver looked up at Shaman, curious what it was.

"Here." Shaman held out her hand and created a small ball of dust in front of Silver.

"Woah, you can make the stars?" Silver was confused about what it actually was as it looked like Shaman held a mini galaxy in her hand.

"It's called stardust, it allows me to control space and create illusions."

"What else can you do with it?" Silver wanted to see more as his interest peaked.

"That's why you are here, we are going to test out my new element and see what it can do." Closing her hand and making the balls disappear, Shaman took a few steps back, getting ready to start experimenting.

"First I want to test out the space aspect of the element and get an idea of how versatile the element is." Shaman swirled her hands and visualised a portal-like entrance in front of her with the dust.

The dust took the form of a portal and Shaman found once it was created, the burden of having to keep her concentration was gone.

'Seems like the system took over, but why isn't it registering as a skill.' Shaman expected the system to start adding skills to her status, but nothing had appeared.

'Hmm no Rea, must mean that I will find out soon.' Shaman half expected Rea to randomly speak up, but she had stayed silent.

Shaman walked up to the portal and slowly stepped into it. Just as she was hoping, her leg went in without any difficulty. Getting more confident, Shaman put her entire body into the portal and looked around. The portal closed behind her, leaving her alone in the separate space.

It was like she was standing in outer space. No matter where she looked, her sight was filled with the shining stars. Only once she learned to tune them out, she noticed that behind them was the vague white outline of the hall she was in before.

'At Least I know where I am.' Shaman walked around the empty room until she had a good grasp on how her location in the separate space matched with the original room.

Wanting to get out right behind Silver, Shaman stood behind where he was and opened another entrance. Silver had not noticed the portal yet and so Shaman stepped out while poking Silver in the head.

"Ahh!" Silver screamed as he was shocked to see Shaman randomly appear from behind him.

"Hahaha~ it's only me Silver." Shaman was greatly amused by Silver's reaction and wanted to do it again.

"So how was it?" Elysia was worried for a moment when Shaman vanished, but quickly calmed down when she saw Shaman re-emerge.

"It works similar to my rift, but when I was inside I felt like I had a lot more control." Shaman did not know how to describe it, the only way she could compare it was that her old rift felt like a tunnel she used while the new separate space was like her own house.

"Maybe you can manipulate the space in whichever way you want, sort of like a lucid dream."

"That could work, but to do that at the moment I think is going to require a lot of mana, so how about we all go in." Shaman wanted Silver to see what it was like as the scenery inside looked rather magical.

"Yes!" Silver's eyes were shining with excitement as the brief glimpse of the portal when Shaman entered had already piqued his curiosity.

Shaman opened up another portal and found that it did not take much mana to create, which was rather handy.

Silver jumped through instantly, but as he was about to land, Silver realised he can't see any floor. Panicking, Silver braced himself for a fall when his feet hit solid ground. Tripping over his own feet Silver fell face first onto the space floor.

Shaman and Elysia tried hard not to giggle while they quickly went inside to help Silver up.

"Geh, I was not expecting that." Silver got up with the help of his mothers and steadied his feet.

"Pfft, it was adorable so don't worry about it." Elysia could not hold her laughter in, but tried to compliment it so Silver would not get angry.

"Oi don't laugh." Silver pouted and turned his head to Shaman.

"Heh~." Shaman let out a small laugh and Silver felt betrayed.

"Grrrr." Despite Silver acting like a brat, he could not help but laugh a little at himself when he reenacted it in his head.

"Clara, did you want to come in as well?" Shaman looked back out the portal and called out Clara's name to see if she wanted to also come in.

"No, it's okay." Clara was not keen on moving and preferred to stay on the bench.

"Alright~." Shaman closed the portal and Clara shut her eyes to see if she could sneak in a few more minutes of sleep.

"Woah." Silver looked around, feeling like he was walking in outer space.

Even Elysia was in awe and wandered around on her own, taking it all in.

"As far as I know, we can stay here as long as we want since my mana is not being drained." Shaman opened her status screen, noticing that it was not going down at all.

"Ohhh so we can sleep in here instead if we are outside or even in a dungeon." Elysia instantly thought of different ways to apply it.

"Just as I thought, that way we can be completely safe, but I still am not confident in staying here for too long so we will need to test it a bit more before we do." Shaman did not want to jump straight into staying in a separate space for too long as there could be some unknown side effects.

"You're right, let's try to store a beast in here and see if there are any effects on it." Elysia wanted to use a person, but that would be more of a hassle to deal with.

"Good idea, but let's move on, I want to test some more things." Shaman wanted to move on as they spent way too much time testing out the skill.

"Alright Silver we are coming out now." Shaman called out to Silver who had ended up running around the room trying to see if there were any walls.

"Okayyy." Silver had not bumped into any walls and when coming back to Shaman he ran through the outline of the training hall unimpeded.

Shaman opened up a portal back to the hall and they all stepped through.

"Okay now let's see how the illusion part of this element works." Shaman had some great ideas and was going to have a little fun with what she was going to do.

160 Confusing Elysia

"Elysia, I'm going to be using you to test out these illusions so prepare yourself." Shaman was a little unsure if it was a good idea as Elysia does not have the best mental stability.

'Should be fine as long as I don't show her anything that she would consider bad.' Shaman's thoughts drifted to creating an illusion of her and Clara, which Shaman knew would cause the training hall to go up in flames.

'Yeah let's not.' Shaking her head, Shaman focused on doing something Elysia would like.

"Okay, I'm ready." Elysia mentally prepared herself for whatever she was going to see, but hoped it was something good.

"Alright, here goes nothing." Shaman wanted to test if she could make Elysia see multiple Shamans and how that would look.

The stardust swirled around Shaman for a moment before shooting itself towards Elysia.

Elysia shut her eyes instinctively as the dust was aimed right at her face. Realising that nothing had hit her, Elysia opened her eyes to see what happened.

"Huh?" What Elysia did not expect was to see 5 Shaman's surrounding her.

The real Shaman who was further back could see the copies of herself, but was unsure if Silver could.


"Hey Silver, can you see 5 of me surrounding Elysia?" Shaman whispered into his ear and Silver looked up at Shaman confused.

"There are 5 more Mothers?" Silver tried squinting his eyes while looking at Elysia, but could not see anything.

"Clara, can you see 5 more of me around Elysia?" Shaman wanted to make sure that only she could see the illusion.

"No, I see nothing." Clara hearing the question was a bit amazed as she could see the visible confusion on Elysia, indicating that she was indeed seeing something.

"Hmm it seems like only I and the person being affected will see the illusion." Shaman liked this detail as in a group fight it will make it harder to break illusion through a third party.

'Heh let's have a little fun seeing as no one else can see them.' Shaman had full control of the illusions and so she began to move them closer to Elysia.

'Oh my they are moving.' Elysia had no idea how to react as she knew it was an illusion but had no way of breaking it. A detail she also noticed was that the eyes of the copied Shamans looked like the stardust element.

The fake Shamans were now in arms length and they began to touch Elysia.

'Wait I can feel them.' Elysia began to freak out as the copies started moving their hands all over her body.

One of the copies restrained Elysia while the others began to tease her.

"Ah~ this is not fairrrrr." Elysia screamed out while also letting out a small moan.

Clara had facepalmed and Silver was still confused about what was actually happening. Shaman was giggling to herself as she couldn't believe that she could feel the copies.

'It must be a mental thing rather than actually creating copies, so right now her brain is thinking she is getting touched, but in reality, nothing is happening.' Shaman dismissed the illusion before it got too intense. Elysia fell to her knees heavily breathing as the situation itself was something she had fantasised about.

"Ahem, please don't do that again…. At least not in front of everyone." Elysia's face was completely red as she didn't want it to stop, but remembering where she was, Elysia felt a bit of shame.

"Hehe~." Shaman now had new ways to tease Elysia without moving and got lost in thought about all the different scenarios she could apply this.

"Oi." Elysia pouted as she saw the cheeky expression Shaman had and knew it did not mean anything good for her.

"AHEM!!" Clara loudly cleared her throat as this was not the time and place for it.

"Oops, my bad." Shaman got a little carried away, but now that she had an understanding of how it worked, she wanted to move on to something else.

"Maybe another time, anyway Elysia I want you to send some weak attacks towards me." Shaman wanted to test if she could use the dust as a defence. Shaman also gestured to Silver to stand back or sit by Clara, just so he would not accidentally get hurt.

Silver decided to go sit by Clara and watch from a distance unless Shaman called for him.

Elysia got up from the floor, still distracted by the lingering feeling of all the hands of Shaman that violated her.

Elysia then pulled out her bow and prepared a few basic fire arrows to shoot towards Shaman.

"Ready." Elysia signalled she was ready and Shaman thought of an idea of how to use her dust.

"Go for it." Shaman prepared her dust at the ready for the attack to come.

Elysia shot the arrow at a relatively slower speed just to make sure that if Shaman failed it could easily be dodged.

Shaman erected a wall of dust, intending to use it as a portal to the separate space. Just like in her fight against the half-bear noble, she also opened an exit portal. And yet, even after the arrow entered the first portal, not a thing came out of the second..

"Damn seems like I will have to use my spatial rift for moves like that." Shaman peaked into her portal and spotted the fire arrow on the ground, slowly fizzling out.

"Alright, send a few more attacks." Shaman once again prepared herself.

Elysia shot a few arrows that were the same as the first arrow. This time Shaman took a more physical approach with the arrows and blocked them like she was using a shield. The fire arrows disappeared upon contact and Shaman successfully defended against the light attacks.

"Now your spear." Shaman knew the attacks were rather weak and wanted to test if there was a limit.

"I won't be behind it so hit as hard as you can." Shaman then created a wall, allowing Elysia to hit it as hard as she could.

"Hehe." Elysia summoned her spear and walked up to the stardust wall.

Preparing to stab right into the wall Elysia took a deep breath, wanting to put as much effort as she could into the strike. Twisting her hips Elysia stabbed right into the stardust wall. Unexpectedly, a crack appeared on it, spreading out as if it was glass. Elysia continued to push into the wall until eventually the wall broke apart, turning back into dust.

"Okay so it's a physical object until broken." Shaman was a bit confused as to why it cracked like that, but it seemed the dust condensed together to create the object and when it breaks it will turn back into dust.

"Is that all?" Elysia was unsure if there were any offensive ways to use it as it seemed to be more of a support element.

"I think that will be it for now as I can't think of how to use it offensively. At most I would be just using an illusion and then taking them out while they are distracted." Shaman had already formulated ways to apply the illusions in battle as well as a good way to defend against attacks.

"Hold on, if I can create condensed objects does that mean I can use it like my ice to create weapons?" An idea had struck Shaman as when she created the wall it had physical properties.

Shaman quickly, using her dust, created a replica of her sword.

Shaman gripped the replica and created an ice block in front of her.

"Let's see how durable it is." Shaman wanted to see how effective it was and so she swung down on the ice box. Upon contact the stardust sword cut into the ice, but quickly broke right afterwards, turning into dust.

"Hmm, it is very brittle, looks like this is only good enough to get a quick hit in." Shaman was a little disappointed, but she was only tier 5, meaning there was still a lot of improvement to be had. Also, after the sword was completely gone, a system message appeared.

[Element control has improved]

[Unlocked Stardust free form]

'Finally the prompt I had been looking for.' Shaman was hoping to get this as the same thing happened with her ice.

'Looks like if I use the element in a lot of different ways, the system will allow me to use it as I see fit without requiring a different skill for every single type of application.' Shaman had proven a theory she had come up with ever since she got the ice free form skill and hoped to achieve this with the rest of her elements as well.

"Well at least you found ways to use it." Elysia already saw the element as extremely strong just for how versatile it was.

"Yes, I can't really complain." Shaman realised she shouldn't be asking for too much as this was already a huge boost in power. Now she could even take on people who are much higher tier.

"If that's everything, how about we go hit up the tier 5 or 6 dungeon?" Elysia was eager to do some fighting and thought why not spend the day getting some levels.

"We will go tier 5 as I don't want to get too far ahead of Clara in levels, plus I want to try out some more things while in battle, so we better take the safer option." Shaman wanted to try converting her elements into a free form like her stardust.

"I assume you're not coming with us Clara to the tier 5 dungeon?" Shaman still wanted to make sure, but the tired look on Clara's face already gave her the answer.

"I will sit this one out." Clara yawned. Although she did want to go, she did not feel like it was a good idea in her current state.

"Alright, Silver, go get ready and meet us out the front of the mansion." Shaman knew Silver would come so she urged him to get ready.

"Yep!" Silver hopped off the bench and instantly rushed out of the room to get into more outdoor clothes.

"Now that we know what we are doing, let's get going." Shaman went up to Elysia and grabbed her hand.

"Mhm." Elysia nodded. As they turned to leave, they noticed that Clara had already left, seemingly to her room.

As they exited the training hall, they found Freja just outside with Clara and Silver.

"Something urgent came up, we need to talk." Freja's grey eyes did not have the same playful look, indicating that whatever it was, it was quite serious.