
Itachi The Mage With Sharingan (in TBATE)

Itachi dies for good after saying goodbye to his brother. But will he find peace or rather, will he have a second chance ? He is in TBATE (the beginning after the end) for those who don't know. ITACHI WILL NOT BE THE ARTHUR DOG'S. Itachi = Arthur's adopted big brother temporarily and will be more powerful than him. No chakra, just mana and talent. For harem, I don't know because we have to rebuild the Uchiha clan. There will be hearts for him but he will have Tess and for Arthur, I will see in the future. I would follow the original plot but there will be new things too and changes. Chapter sizes: 1500-3000 worlds (or more) Characters and cover are not mine. (Read the webtoon or the novel if you dont want spoils)

ShiroTheBest · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Chapter 8

But before they started the fight, other people came to see them. It was the family that had taken care of them. They introduced themselves, Itachi and the others did the same. Then after the introductions, they started the fight.

The two fought as people who hadn't seen Arthur's power were shocked by his display. Parents Helstea had a bit of a hard time believing that an 8-year-old could be on the light red tier at that age, but they were even more amazed when they found out Itachi was on the dark orange tier.

Arthur and Reynolds used their different elements. Arthur was using his lightning deflector magic with fire and Reynolds had used the element of fire. Their fight ended in a tie.

They were all in awe of Arthur as Itachi calmly watched him with his Sharingan active, he was also pleased with Arthur's slight improvement in mana control.

Reynolds praised Arthur while the Helstea family were in awe.

"Daddy, you don't have to praise me so much...

Itachi is much more skilled in magic than I am,

he always defeated me during our spars haha​​... "

He had an embarrassed laugh but he had deepened his parents' shock even more.

"Say Itachi, how many magics do you master? It has to stop at 2 magics, right ?" asked Reynolds excitedly.

"No. I have mastered all four elements including Ice and Lightning's deviant magic." Itachi said calmly, dropping the jaws of everyone present, even Arthur was surprised.

'Has he ever subdued deviants while training for the Beast Will ? Amazing, I wonder who his real parents are to make him so talented.' Arthur thought with a smile.

"You can show us a glimpse, I'm curious to see the power of my son !" Reynolds said with an excited smile.

"If you wish, but I warn you that you might be surprised, father." Itachi activated his Sharingan ignoring the surprised looks and then activated lightning all around his body to increase his speed. He left a crack where he was.

In one move, he appeared behind Reynolds changing element to activate his element of Ice to freeze his father's body.

Reynolds was startled and quickly turned around giving a fire kick but this was dodged by Itachi who looked him straight in the eye before punching Reynolds' abdomen.

He caught his blow with his hilt and then tackled it to the ground with a victorious smile at his son.

"I win this fight." but to his surprise, Itachi's corpd transformed into several crows then he suddenly felt a chill as he felt Itachi pointed a kunai in his throat.

He hung behind him with a serious look.

"No, I'm winning this fight father, but you're good enough but not good enough to beat me." Itachi deactivated his Sharingan then headed for the house.

"What kind of monster we raised darling! He's certainly grown very strong, that's fine my son hahahaha! Make sure you bring a good wife to have even more monstrous grandchildren !" said Reynolds proudly.

"Daddy, big browther Itachi is going to hawe children with women ?" Elijah asked innocently, trying to make the right sentences.

"Honey…how many times have I told you not to talk about this stuff next to Elijah ?" Alice had a smile with a dark aura around her.

"Hahaha...I said that at the time...Don't repeat that Elie, okay ?" Reynolds said with a cold sweat as Arthur giggled to the side.

Itachi went straight to the room he was assigned to without after having a meal with the family.

During the meal, there was a proposal that he could go and enroll in Xyrus Academy but he was not interested in that now.

He had reunited with his family and left Arthur in good hands, what should he do now ? Leave home to go train for 3 years until you are old enough to go to the academy ? If he wanted to be noticed, he had to at least go to a school even though it might seem boring to him.

After thinking for a while, he finally decided to stay here for a little while to rest and relax his head. He had been training non-stop to reach this level, a little rest before the big trip wouldn't hurt.

"And you, Mikoto, what do you think I should do?" He took the little dragon from his head and then looked it in his eyes.

She was making little groans to say he had to stay here a while longer.

* Sigh * "I'll stay here and then see what happens, but we won't stay very long. Maybe a month or more." He finally fell asleep with the little dragon next to him.

The next day, the two families went to town for shopping or other things. Itachi had come reluctantly because he didn't know what to do. They had left to cut Arthur's hair, Itachi did not cut his own because they were very good like that, he will become more handsome when he reaches adolescence. He didn't look mature at all to others with his cute, serious face. After wandering around for a while more, they all came home. Itachi had seen a suspicious hooded man who had watched them for a moment.

He understood very well that this man was looking for something and had found an object or other on them that was precious.

'Maybe he's looking for some mana beasts to steal? If I see him again in the future, this will be his lucky day.' He had activated his Sharingan with a coldness in his eyes. He still hated the selfish nature and man's lust for power so much.

After entering their home, they saw an old woman who had been brought back by Vincent (the father of the Helstea family).

"You must be the two prodigies that Vincent told me about. My name is Cythia Goodsky. I am the founder and director of the Xyrus Academy." she said.

Alice had bowed politely, taking the heads of her two sons to make them bow too. Itachi was calm and wasn't full, he wasn't going to cause unnecessary trouble.

"There's no harm. Actually, I'm the one who's rude to impose myself at this late hour." After that, she offered to go to a place so that she could see a demonstration of the two children.

They walked over to a small fighting field that was outside, the two boys weren't stressed out or anything. Arthur wanted to eat his dinner while Itachi just wanted to go to sleep and meditate at the same time.

"Arthur, do you want to take care of it or do I take care of it? I don't mind." Itachi asked, clearly he didn't want to fight.

"I'll take care of the fight, I can see you don't want to. But seeing my power, she should also accept yours." Arthur sighed then walked out onto the arena with the headmistress.

"And you, don't you want to come?" she asked.

"No. I would also probably destroy this place if I used my powers. Arthur is far more suited to avoid this and besides, if he shows himself to be worthy of his prowess, I naturally will be too. Given, without to be arrogant, that I am stronger than him in melee and magic." he said calmly.

"You are certainly a smart boy. I could of course accept you, but what makes you so sure of yourself that you can be worthy of my academy without showing it to me?" she asked while waiting for her answer.

"I don't have to fight to show my strength."

Itachi released all of his magical pressure with his Sharingan which had put tension in the air.

'This boy has such a powerful aura at this age ... He is able to assert his words and on top of that, he is soon in the solid orange stage. A Quadra Elemental with two deviant magics and unknown special eyes in it...Definitely a child with potential, Vincent didn't lie to me on that at least. It would be stupid to refuse this child to the academy and he knows it too. He had me for once, really a prodigy.' thought the old woman, smiling.

"Alright, if your brother Arthur shows me he is worthy, you will also have the opportunity to join the academy if you wish. I saw that you were a prodigy only with your aura and those special eyes that inspire fear in others." She finally placed herself on the arena waiting for Arthur to attack first.

The fight lasted a few minutes, Arthur had shown a new use of elements which were Earth and Wind. The manager was very impressed with that too, going so far as to say that he would be one of the strongest on the continent. Everything calmed down and then finally, they were going to go home. But the headmistress had taken Arthur into a bubble of magic from Son to speak with him.

Itachi had guessed that it was surely a similar reason to his, to show power and influence to be a famous figure in the future. But Arthur wanted to become an adventurer, Itachi was not going to do the same. He was going to isolate himself in the clearing of the animals then to train in the wild nature for 3 years before entering the academy. Its goal was the yellow core and to have a perfect mastery of its elements and to create combined skills. He was not going to train his integration phase of his beast volunteer because his body was still young, he was going to try to improve his ability to master the acquisition phase.

That night there was a conversation between Arthur and his parents about becoming an adventurer. Alice didn't agree with that but after seeing that Arthur's will was strong, she would think about her guess later. He had said that a supervisor could accompany him to avoid the dangers, and it had worked to make the mother think. Reynolds was more or less okay with him being an adventurer.

Itachi was going to leave without warning them, he will just leave a message to say that he will not be in danger and that he has something that keeps him safe.

* Sigh * "I definitely can't take advantage

of life. I have nothing to do here, Arthur is happy with the family, and I can't seem to be happy?

But if something tries to hurt them, they'll pay for it. I'll try to spend some time before I go, because it might even be the last time there is an opportunity like this." Itachi fell asleep still having confused thoughts in his mind...

* Time Skip, 2 Months *

During this time, Itachi hadn't done much to improve his strength or otherwise. He had just enjoyed the moments with his family at the dinner table or even in town. He hadn't seen the hooded man from the last time, but he had a bad feeling about it. His sister and the Helstea's daughter, Lilia, had started their daily meditation to be able to unlock their mana core. He finally decided to leave after the Helstea family auction to make sure nothing was going to happen. Mikoto was always doing well with others and her twin sister Sylvia. She had gained weight and was growing in height so it was starting to be difficult for her to place herself on Itachi's shoulder or his head.

Today was the day the Twin Horns would come to the mansion to visit. They were waiting outside the door for their return. After a few minutes, it was Angela who appeared first. She had squeezed Arthur between her breasts since Itachi had refused and was standing slightly apart. Durden had cried with joy and stroked the heads of the two boys to show his joy. Itachi had agreed without saying anything, with his calm, neutral face. He was not good at emotional encounters, to tell the truth, even if he saw a friend again 10 years after not having seen him, he would have reacted the same way.

Adam was at the door with a smile watching his companions cry as the plan was to keep smiling. He also noticed the mana beasts and wondered about them but Helen smothered him with her bow and then said she was glad to see them bigger and more beautiful again.

"Itachi ! You really haven't changed ! Still that calm, impassive face, sometimes I wonder what you're thinking in your head !" Adam said with a smile.

"Indeed. You haven't changed too. Glad to see you again after years." Itachi said calmly.

"Always so bad at expressing his feelings when I see, say, your a girlfriend? With that face, you should have plenty of it under your feet..." Adam said, wanting to tease the child with the impassive face.

"No. I don't have time to waste on things like that. But…" before he could speak again he saw a figure running over him and hugging him.

"Jasmine, you don't need to do such a scene..." Itachi said struggling to keep his cool with Jasmine hugging him and whispering sorry.

After the reunion, they all got ready to go to auction. Itachi and Arthur looked like cute, immature people with their young bodies, but Itachi knew he was going to experience a growth spurt the next few years (adult voice at 12 xD}

They walked up to the cart each with a nice outfit, then set off on their way to the auction. Itachi had

a small esteem for finding something that could possibly interest him, but he had nothing that would interest him. In the wagon, Arthur recounted the events that had happened after they fell off the cliff while Itachi was silent.

They finally arrived and were welcomed into the auction house. It must have been a large structure, as seen by Itachi. This was House Helstea's 10 Year Auction, so there might be some priceless artifacts there but it isn't. Itachi and the others made their way to a special private room for special members.

They had made themselves comfortable while waiting for the auction to begin. The 2 mothers were chatting while Elie and Lilia had fun together. Itachi was patiently watching the auction room.

A servant had come informed that the VIPs had arrived and that they would be here soon. After a few minutes, the guests had arrived. It was the royal family of Sapin which consisted of 4 members.

Blaine Glayder, Priscilla Glayder, Curtis Glayder and Kathlyn Glayder. They all had a calm look on their faces, those present bowed in the presence of royalty, also Itachi who was used to greeting his superiors in this way.

"I had no idea we should be sharing this space with Vincent guests." said the king.

"Forgive me for being presumptuous, Your Majesty! I remembered you wanted to meet again the last time you were here, so I thought today would be a good time for that. You remember from my wife Tabitha and my daughter Lilia. This is Alice Leywin, my close friend's wife, and their children, Itachi, Arthur and Eleanor Leywin." They nodded in response, the King and Queen said there was no need for formalities since they were Vincent's friends.

Both were curious and liked the two children's mana beasts and then suddenly the hooded person accompanying them exclaimed in shock.

"Are you on equal contracts with those twin mana beasts? Let me take a closer look!" But the man was arrested by the king who told him to calm down and that he was not in labor.

Itachi had cold eyes because he had recognized this man. He was the one who had followed them that day, so he became suspicious and at the slightest movement he would not hesitate to attack.

The event was about to start so they all settled in and then the auction had started.

Itachi was watching the queen and the king intently, he felt a strong magic in them but it was hidden by an artifact according to him. The queen had turned and noticed her, she just smiled at the boy and turned to continue the conversation with the other two mothers.

Itachi was not at all affected by these women, he had no special attraction to women, even in his past life, without telling Izumi. Tessia was a close friend to him but he didn't feel anything special. Even for those other girls of her age like the King's Daughter or Lady Helstea's Daughter. To rebuild his Uchiha clan, he will necessarily need to have a wife, but he will think about all of this in the future.

A sword had been presented for this round at auction, Itachi was not interested in that. He was looking for something more interesting. He paid no more attention and sighed. He wanted to take Mikoto in his arms to stroke her, but he had not found her. He had a bad hunch about it. Turning around, he saw the hooded mage trying to grab the two little dragons. He quickly rushed there to take the animals with him and then returned to his place.

The mage was not happy and told Itachi that these mana beasts would be his and that he would sell or use them.

Itachi wanted to get rid of this man but he couldn't kill him here. He simply activated his Sharingan and unleashed his intention to kill man with a Genjutsu that made this effect 10 times more impactful. He took off his Genjutsu and then walked over to his seat to sit down, letting Sylvia go next to Arthur and keep Mikoto on her arms.

Everyone warned, sensing Itachi's intention to kill, some were even having difficulty breathing on the ground. Arthur was in a cold sweat knowing that it was Itachi who was releasing this aura.

'How does he have such a powerful thirst for blood ? I am a king who has been through many battlefields and yet I am slightly influenced by his aura. How many people did he just kill ?!' thought Arthur.

The others had drawn their guns to defend themselves against the intruder who had released this aura, but within the next second it was gone. Itachi was aware it was his fault but he didn't care, this man deserved to be mentally tortured so he dropped a little Genjutsu at him to dissuade him, maybe he was going a little too hard ? No. Tsukoyomi is worse than these genjutsu, this man should be happy that he is not the Mangekyou Sharingan.

After a few minutes, an intruder had been apprehended by Arthur's father and the matter had been settled, but Itachi had given a slight frown upon hearing this.

'This has all been planned in advance...Are they there to steal mana beasts ? If they dare to lay a hand on us, they will suffer for it.' Itachi thought with a cold look but he was still relieved that the intruder had been able to fix the problem to avoid him being spotted.

The guards mock Sebastien who had fallen under fear to the ground with shaking hands but he quickly denied that he had just slipped. He let one look at Itachi who was looking at him coldly with his Sharingan then he turned away with a groan.

Now the penultimate item had arrived. Itachi still wanted to see if there was anything interesting. When the presenter removed the blanket that hid the object, Itachi's eyes widened in shock upon seeing the array of objects in front of him.

"Here we have an artifact that was recently found by adventurers, its value is not known but the sword is known to be mighty! And accompanied by this, there is also a striped headband with a symbol that appears to be an ancient civilization with a torn outfit! The auction starts for 5 gold !" several hands were raised.

Itachi had lost his temper upon seeing the Kusanagi sword and his own striped headband he had in his past life. There was even the uniform that Sasuke wore during his fight which was in a very bad torn condition. With a little precision, you could see dried blood on the outfit. How did they appear here? He had very confused emotions in his heart, he raised his hand with the number "10" gold coins.

"Itachi? Are you interested in these items?" Vincent asked but when he saw her face with mixed emotions he didn't take the conversation very far.

"10 gold! Who proposes higher ?!" the presenter was waiting for another person to enrich but no one raised their hand as they saw that the sword appeared to be rusty.

Itachi had won this auction but he was still confused. Why was Sasuke's outfit in this condition ? Isn't he in another world ? Where is it really the same world in later times ?

The last item was a core of a class A mana beast that was won by the king.

They eventually moved to another room after the auction was over to collect their items.

They were waiting to receive their items but Reynolds suddenly came into the room because the king wanted to speak to him.

"Is there a problem your majesty?" he asked politely.

"Do you see Sebastien here present has been a royal guard for many years, helping our family countless times. For the exemplary service he has lavished on me, and therefore for my country, I sometimes feel the urge to reward him ? And it would appear that he is taken in affection for the mana beast of one of your sons. Giving a royal family guard your son's bond would be a service to your kingdom." the king said while Itachi kept his cool.

'He used the king to steal my mana beast. But it won't turn out the way you want it to.'

"Excuse me majesty, neither I nor my wife have anything to do with their mana beast. They acquired them on their own, I can't decide about them and the answer is theirs." Reynolds said with a slight grimace.

Itachi had activated his Sharingan surprising everyone, then looked at the king indifferently while Sebastien was furious behind. The king stopped him and then watched the boy curiously as to what he was going to say.

"Sorry to offend you, but I refuse to give my mana beast and Arthur will also agree with me. If you ask me a second time, I will ask you to give you your son or daughter in return. Mikoto is there. most valuable person to me on par with my parents, so you have to give something equivalent to be able to take my mate." he said indifferently as a knight charged on him for his insolence.

Itachi just looked at him once and the knight fell unconscious without anyone knowing how it turned out. Then he turned to Sebastien who was telling him to attack him with magic. He activated his acquisition phase then went back in time for the spell he was going to cast and threw a Genjutsu even more violent than the one earlier.

{Jigoku no Honō} Genjutsu consisted of plunging your enemy into an illusion by tying him to a stake at the same time being burned by flames as hot as Amaterasu's.

Sebastien was screaming in vain as he was burnt. It was slowly charred under the flames for hours. He had already passed out with white eyes and saliva coming out of his mouth with tears on his face.

Itachi stared at him coldly then turned off his Sharingan as his face grew calm.

"What happened to Sebastien? Check his condition !" said the queen.

After this event, the king finally let go of the mana beasts and then everyone went home. No one was in the right mood, especially the children, so the king and his family apologized first. They had given some gold coins as compensation for their actions and it all ended that way.

It was night, but this night was special. Yes, Itachi was going to leave the house to go to train in the glade of the beasts. The items he had bought were fine, the Kusanagi sword and its mocked headband. As for the outfit, he had searched the outfit and then found a photo in a bad state so he wiped it off. The photo turned out to be one of him with his whole family before the clan massacre. Sasuke was next to Itachi holding his hand and his mother's on the other side. It was one of the few photos where everyone had a smile, even Fugaku. Itachi had a feeling of sadness because he understood that this photo came from a distant past and that the whole village he had protected had disappeared, including his younger brother. This feeling of sadness amplified to finally have tears on her face that didn't match her still calm face.

"Konoha...Sasuke...So I came from the past to the future. All of this is gone, including the ninjas and the chakra which is the ancestor of magic I guess. So I no longer have a family of blood…" He wrapped the headband and put the Kusanagi sword behind his back ignoring the new symbol of his Sharingan in his eyes.

"I have to stop thinking about the past and focus on my life. I am no longer Uchiha Itachi from Konoha, but just Uchiha Itachi from the Uchiha clan." He finally left the room by jumping from the window and disappeared from the Helstea house under the moon...

"Be careful, Itachi." Arthur had noticed that he was gone but did not stop him because he had warned him that he was going to leave tonight.

"I hope you are stronger the next time we meet."