
Itachi The Mage With Sharingan (in TBATE)

Itachi dies for good after saying goodbye to his brother. But will he find peace or rather, will he have a second chance ? He is in TBATE (the beginning after the end) for those who don't know. ITACHI WILL NOT BE THE ARTHUR DOG'S. Itachi = Arthur's adopted big brother temporarily and will be more powerful than him. No chakra, just mana and talent. For harem, I don't know because we have to rebuild the Uchiha clan. There will be hearts for him but he will have Tess and for Arthur, I will see in the future. I would follow the original plot but there will be new things too and changes. Chapter sizes: 1500-3000 worlds (or more) Characters and cover are not mine. (Read the webtoon or the novel if you dont want spoils)

TrueDarkin · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Chapter 6

Tessia showed many different places in the castle. Itachi could only sigh at that but he wasn't bothered, it even lowered the stress accumulated over time.

After a few minutes, she took Itachi to a more vegetal place. There were lots of flowers on the edge of the path with a beautiful view of the outside of the castle. This is Tessia's favorite place. She took glowing bees in her hands to show them to Itachi who only smiled at her actions.

Suddenly, he felt an object move towards them through his senses. He hugged Tessia and then threw one of the kunais from his pockets at the flying object with mana. Then a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. He kicked mana to his liver and hit his stomach straight. But the assailant easily stopped his punches.

"Who are you ?" Itachi asked coldly.

"Hello !" It was Tessia's grandfather, Virion.

"I'm sorry for my actions. When I saw the plastic object, I understood that you had the attention to test me. You are really strong but attacking an individual discreetly is quite intrusive." Itachi said in a neutral tone.

"Hehe, you are a really good young man. Good reflexes and instincts. Your mana control is awesome for your age besides using these unique weapons, I can understand why you can kill those slave traders." he has a curious tone.

"Grandpa !! Stop bothering Itachi! I'll show him around the gift!" exclaimed Tess.

"Bother ? No. He should also know why I'm here. Your boyfriend is very interesting like his brother I tested."

"Grandpa! He's not my boyfriend! He's just…my friend…" Tessia said shyly while Virion laughed.

"Well let's start when you want a kid." Virion saw Itachi's figure disappear and appear in front of him.

Itachi kicked his face from the side but hit some sort of barrier that made him step back a few feet. He retaliated by throwing 2 Shurikens at him which managed to be dodged by Virion.

Virion used his speed to appear next to Itachi and give him a direct punch to his side of his right abdomen. Itachi used his sword to block the blow. He immediately threw down his sword and used his hands to grab Virion's and hovered over his head, thus being in the air temporarily.

He took a breath of air and then formed a circle with his fingers in front of his mouth without making any signs.

{Katon: Goukakyuu no Justu!} A fireball several meters in diameter moved towards Virion who was surprised by what he saw but he didn't panic and just stretched out his hand with magic then shook him, causing Itachi's magic to disappear.

He knew this attack wasn't going to work, but he had a plan, and it was the kunai he threw at the plastic object. He quickly concentrated the magic in his right hand and then quickly created a magical thread towards the kunai that was behind Virion now. He then pointed his fingers up and forward.

The kunai lifted off the ground and took off upwards then walked straight ahead towards Virion.

He hadn't noticed the Kunai until he was some distance away, he quickly shifted to the side but the kunai had managed to graze his leg and cause a slight injury.

Itachi didn't stop and took the sword off the ground and swung it at Virion who was in a surprised state, he managed to touch his stomach.

"Guess that's enough?" Itachi said as Tessia ran towards him.

"Itachi ! Grandpa ! Are you okay?" she asked worried.

"It's okay. It was just a little spars." he said calmly as Virion slowed down.

"It was pretty deceitful of you but that's what I deserve for being arrogant. Now round 2..." He was pinched in his stomach by the sulking Tessia.

"You should have taken it easier with him!"

"Hahaha...I'm afraid I would have been the victim in that case." Virion said with a smile to his granddaughter.

"I am honored to be praised by the dean." Itachi showed respect to the former king.

"Honored? Then become my disciple." Virion said seriously.

"Your brother is very talented and I have taken him as a disciple before. But you are smarter in anticipating everything in advance and stronger in mana control, that is your advantage. Your melee combat is also not to be underestimated and also this style of fighting with your weapons..." Virion was going to continue his speech but Itachi interrupted him in the middle of his sentence.

"Without offending you and I apologize, I decline your offer. I already have my training schedule and I don't need a master. But thank you for taking care of my brother." Itachi said politely.

"I see. I suspected it a bit, it's a shame but I won't decline your opinion. But I'll give you some advice. I'm what they call a Beast Tamer. A title you can't. get that once you have completely conquered the beast will inside of you. Your brother is also in the same situation. I think you already noticed it too, but the beast will is too powerful for your body immature. If it is not controlled quickly, you will be destroyed from within." Virion said.

"I had indeed noticed this on my trip. I might be arrogant, but I found a way to control it on my own. A child learns better on his own than those of others, right ?" Itachi said.

"You, a kid ?! But you're right. But I'll let you train here for 5 years. I will have your brother Arthur with me and you probably won't see each other or hardly during these years. Is that okay with you ?" Virion said while awaiting the response.

"Yes. I have another request, also make sure Arthur is convinced that his parents are okay. I won't be accompanying him after this moment.

He has to grow up on his own without me being through his path." Itachi said before heading to his room leaving Tessia and Virion behind.

"So, little one? I managed to keep your cute boyfriend here, you're only 5, don't be impatient, okay?" Virion said with a teasing smile.

"Grandpa, you are a pervert !! And he's not my boyfriend!" She kicked him and then ran off to go to her room.

'Young people today...But still, having a monstrous kid as a step-grandson wouldn't be bad...' thought Virion.


The next day, Itachi had woken up to the sounds of Tessia standing on top of him.

"Who is it, Princess Tessia?" he asked confused.

"Call me Tess I told you, not princess !! You slept too long, I came to wake you up !" she said with a pout.

"I see. Thanks for waking me up. I'll get dressed now…" He took off his nightgown to reveal a body with thin but visible muscles.

"I-Itachi, pervert !!" She left the room with the red face.

'Did I do something wrong ? Am I a pervert ? ' Itachi thought confusedly but he shook his head and then quickly dressed to go downstairs.

He went downstairs and found Arthur and the Royal Family there with the guards who were in a discussion about the two of them in front of a cart.

"You know it's not appropriate for a human to live in this realm !" Alduin said.

"He's right, Dean Virion. We will be forever grateful to these boys for saving and bringing Tessia back but allowing humans to stay here goes against all traditions." Merial said.

"I have grown fond of these kids. There is nothing to add. Besides, your daughter also agrees with me. The boy Arthur will be under my responsibility while Itachi trains in the palace without going out. This will avoid awkwardness. Make sure the whole kingdom knows." Virion said clearly.

After that, Arthur and Itachi entered the cart with Tessia and Virion. They discussed several topics, Tessia had fallen asleep on Itachi's shoulders. It didn't bother him as Sasuke did the same. They were on their way to visit Virion's so-called mysterious friend.

Several minutes later, They arrived at their destination. They had arrived at a normal house in the kingdom. Virion kicked the door, shouting "Old Witch".

An old woman had come out of the door and started to curse Virion. He finally introduced them to his friend, Rina Darcassan who is a very special deviant who can help them according to Virion.

She welcomed them inside the house around a table and then began to explain her type of magic. She explained that she was a diviner. She can see someone's future, no one can hide from her. She can also see special people like Arthur or Itachi and because they are so special, she can't see everything exactly. Her eyes also allow us to see certain passages from the past or the future. The 2 boys understood what she was referring to but didn't say anything. Without further ado, she began to give instructions to Arthur so that she could send a message to his parents. (watch webtoon or novel, lazy to rewrite everything.)

Arthur told them that he and his brother were alive and safe and told his parents to keep his mother's baby safe. He had tears in his eyes with a determined look.

After they were done with this, they returned to the palace. The 2 leaders apologized to Itachi and Arthur for not agreeing to stay here. But Tessia wanted to take Itachi to town while Arthur went to train.

'It all happened too fast. I also want to train, why do I have to take care of a child in town ?'

He waited for Tessia to prepare herself outside before seeing her face.

"Let's go, I'm ready, Itachi !" She said with a smile as she grabbed his hand and started showing him around

After a few minutes, The two were walking around the city ignoring the stares of the elves. Itachi was used to looks like that at his academy so he wasn't bothered.

During their ride, a blond elf their own age came and banged Itachi on purpose.

"I have human germs on me, disgusting." he said as other children cheered him on.

"Princess, it is below your level to be with this human commoner. Grant me Feyrith Isvaar III, the honor of escorting you." he said politely with a smile as Tessia looked at him oddly, Itachi was looking at him coldly.

"What's so good about being a noble? A commoner is no different. We all live and die one day, a commoner can become stronger than a commoner and vice versa. The bloodline does. no difference, I would even say that it is better to be commoner than noble to avoid responsibilities and problems. An example, a commoner like me would dare to say that he is stronger than you, how would you take it ?" Itachi said calmly as Tessia couldn't understand his words.

Virion followed them discreetly while being hidden. He was amazed to see that this young boy was already so mature at this age. He already knew that this kid was smarter for his young age.

'Too bad he's not my disciple, but why do I feel like he's talking about this like he's been through this before ?'

The young elf was angry with Itachi. He even dared to say that he was stronger than himself, a nobleman who had recently awakened his magical core.

Itachi took Tessia's hand to walk away but the elf wouldn't let them go and shouted for them to stop.

"Who do you think you are ?! On behalf of the Isvaar family, I challenge you to a duel!" Feyrith threw some sort of handkerchief on the floor.

"How dare you invite Itachi to a duel? You may have noble blood, but like Itachi said, you should recognize your place !" Tessia said in annoyance.

"My apologies princess. But my father taught me never to let anyone trample my pride. Huamin! Accept this duel or flee with your primate tail between your legs! Just know that your decision will affect those around you !" The other elves in the aisle watched the interaction curiously.

"My entourage ? I see. Using like this to attract audiences is pretty cowardly. Unfortunately for you, threats like this don't work on me, given that I haven't had a family for a while. But when will I go. even accept this duel." Tessia looked at Itachi worriedly but she only sighed and agreed.

They both went face to face to start the duel and wait for Tessia to declare the duel.

"Let the duel...begin !" Feyrith charged at Itachi with a magic stick.

Itachi just used his magic on his body and then appeared in front of him punching him on his stomach.

Feyrith wasn't expecting it, he squeezed his stomach in pain and fell to his knees at dol with saliva spilling out of his mouth.

"You can't beat me despite being noble. Come on Tess, we've already garnered a lot of attention." He took Tessia's hand and then they ran in a direction.

Virion sighed when he saw the two children but followed them anyway.

Both are now high on a structure on the tree.

They both enjoyed the view of the kingdom.

"Your training starts tomorrow, will I be able to come see you during that time ?" she asked with a slight tone of sadness.

"If you wish. Arthur will train with the dean, you can also go see him, but I don't mind coming to visit me. I will stay isolated most of the time, you will find that boring." Itachi said calmly, enjoying the breeze.

"Okay! I'll come and wake you up every day and I'll visit you too! It's decided, you can't do anything about it !" Tessia said with a smile as Itachi sighed, defeated.

'I can't get too close to someone. I must be alone, it is only in this way that I will be at peace and very sadly. But this girl is a really nice person, she reminds me of Izumi in a way...' he thought of the girl who followed him all the time in the academy.

"So I will be at your care, Princess Tessia."

"Don't call me that !!" She pinched Itachi's cheek and they started to laugh.

'I just hope nothing bad happens...I will use these years to polish my Taijutsu and my magic. The sharingan will be quite simple since I already know how to use it. But I have a little idea to remove the consumption of magic on the eyes, maybe it can also remove the side effects of the Mangekyou Sharingan if I have one...' thought Itachi.

After this moment, they both returned to the palace and then went to sleep. After that day Itachi began his training in earnest. First through Taijutsu, meditation, Kenjutsu, His Sharingan...This is how weeks go by and weeks into months which turn into years.

During this time, Itachi was woken up every morning by Tessia in a gentle or violent way depending on his mood...He had also grown up during these years. He had a small ponytail behind his head, the fringes of his hair had elongated, which framed his face.

During these years he gained a lot of strength.

His Taijutsu had not advanced but his physical strength had increased tenfold. His Kenjutsu was on the verge of reaching a higher level but he still hasn't reached that stage.

His mana control had reached another level thanks to his Sharingan which was already mature with 3 tomoe and fully mastered. His old genjutsu were also working in this world, he didn't need to worry about that.

His magical core was also on the verge of passing to the orange stage. He was a genius in magic, in his past life, due to his incurable disease he had not been able to exploit the potential of his body so he was limited. Now that he didn't have to worry about that anymore, his progress was even more monstrous than Arthur, who was only at the Red Core Solid Stage.

He had also unlocked other elements. He airplane was surprised to see that he was a person with all the elements. He didn't want to train in the Earth element right now. He wanted to focus on fire, water and wind. Fire was his natural strong point, he wanted to master the other two to unlock their superior version. He was interested in the element of ice, the higher element of water and the magic of sound, the higher element of the wind. He thinks he can do something with the magic of his regarding genjutsu. And the element of ice can allow him to create spells combined with fire or even lightning which is the higher element of fire.

He had trained his elements lightly because it was not the most important to him. He still hadn't figured out how to use Beast Will, even with his Sharingan.

For his attitude, he had become a bit colder and more distant from those around him, he hadn't smiled in all these years and was focused on strength and culture. He had also not become like Sasuke, overcome with hatred, but he wanted to avoid getting too close to people.

Currently, Itachi was asleep and Tessia had come to wake him up. She had also grown taller in recent years and had naturally become more beautiful. She attempted to wake Itachi up by pinching his stomach, but his body turned into crows before she could do so.

"I'm awake, Tess. There was no need to want to pinch me." he said calmly.

"It's not my fault you didn't wake up when I asked you to!" she said pouting.

"You should consider yourself lucky to be woken up by a pretty girl like me!"

"I don't especially think this." he said before he felt a shiver on his back and saw a dark aura around Tessia.

"You said I was ugly? I think we should go, right, Itachi?" she said with a creepy smile.

"I didn't say you were ugly, you're even pretty. I'll meet you at my training location. Go see Arthur if you like." he said as he left without paying attention to Tessia's deep blush. She would go to see Arthur and his grandfather's training every now and then to learn more about magic. But she stayed with Itachi most of the time because he also taught her things about magic.

'He said I was pretty for the first time in years ! This is the first step, don't give up hope, Tessia !' she was determined to open Itachi's heart to bring him out of his coldness.

After a few minutes, he had arrived at his training location. It was a small lot with just grass. He also had targets on trees to train his ninja weapons which had always been the same for years, his mana wire had become very fast, he could use it in the middle of a fight without the opponent noticing it directly.

He had sat in a meditation position. He was focused on his beast will, he still hadn't been able to assimilate it because his body was too weak to contain the power. He had already found the solution some time ago thanks to his mature sharingan which allowed him to see through his own body.

"I just sent a tremendous amount of magic to the core. It should be okay if I don't make a mistake. Let's get started." Itachi closed his eyes and sank into deep concentration.

He used {Mana Rotation} directly on his core to draw all the magic there. He also concentrated all of his body's magic in his core. He suddenly felt great pain all over his body and a red light burst from his chest causing an explosion around him.

He growls in pain but he could resist it. After a few minutes he could feel it was over without too much trouble but he was tired of absorbing the willpower.

"I slightly underestimated the power of this thing… Sylvia is very strong, I guess." He fell asleep on the floor from fatigue without the top clothes.

Tessia had just arrived with a smile, when she saw Itachi's figure on the ground with off her top clothes, she ran towards him in concern.

"Itachi! Are you okay ?!" She hugged Itachi's unconscious figure.

But when she saw that he was resting in peace, she sighed in relief and couldn't help but take a closer look at him. She has no other opportunities like this to watch him closely. She couldn't help but think that he was very cute but way too mature for his age. Maybe he had some sort of burden or something that made him like that.

She finally took him to his room to let him rest. He had worked a lot those years after all. She put her quilt over him and then kissed him on his sling shyly.

"Rest well, Itachi. You have done a great job."

She can't help but think about the times with him and the fact that he was going to be gone soon. His grandfather had said they are leaving in a few months because of a tournament organized by the three races. She was sad, but there was nothing she could do about it. She only hopes that all goes well for them and that Itachi will be a little more open.

She finally got out of the bedroom and let Itachi sleep peacefully.

Hey ! Can someone explain to me the magic of "sound" in detail if possible ? I haven't seen a real explanation as I remember. Bye !

TrueDarkincreators' thoughts