
The Deal

I heard my alarm beeping as my eyes slowly began to open. I got out of bed put my slippers on then heard my mother scream from downstairs

"Samantha you are going to be late!" Late for what I thought, then I took a look at my calendar and remembered,


I ran downstairs grabbed an apple from the bowl of fruits on the dinning room table and ran out the door holding it slightly open to say by to my mother.

"Mom I'm taking my bike ok" I yelled grabbing a bite of my apple and pushing my bike to the side walk.

"Bye sweetheart have a good day at school" she said her voice disappearing the further I rode on my bike. After a 5 minute bike ride I arrived at my new school, it's the first time I've ever been to a public school so I was scared but excited at the same time. I parked my bike in the bike rack then took my backpack and walked into the main office of the school to get my schedule. There were many kids at the office but not entering just loitering around. I was about to enter when a security guards hand stopped in front of me, "what is your business here ma'am?" He said with a poker face, I replied hastily

"I'm a new student I was going to get my schedule." His arm retreated and I continued through the doors. When I got to the office it seemed empty then I looked to the corner to see all the staff members surrounding a boy who's face was blocked by the employees. "Excuse me..." I said quietly but everyone turned around and looked at me.

" I was wondering if someone could ... um hand me my school schedule?" I said even quieter than the first time. Everyone looked surprised And scattered around to get the paperwork. I met eyes with the boy he looked my age so I walked up to him and asked

"Hi my name is Sam are you also new here?" he looked shocked then I reassured him "don't worry I'm also new I'm just trying to

make friends ya know..?" Then his shocked face turned into a judgmental smirk then he said

"Not that it's any of your business but, I am new and putting it out there I am not interested in a fake friendship so if you could kindly leave me." I stood there in shock by the harsh words he had just spoken to me.

"Um... I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you I'm not good in new surroundings." I said quietly and apologetically. He judged me, his eyes going up and down as if he was scanning me with lasers then out of nowhere he said

"I will be your friend under one condition..." "ok... and that is?" I said wondering what I have gotten myself into. He took away is judgmental look and switched it for a smile.

"You cannot tell anyone that we are friends or that you know me and also don't believe anything anyone says about me." He said this sternly and seriously

"you got it!" I stuck out my hand to shake and he smiled and shook it. I was concerned about this whole deal we had Just made but maybe it's for the best I mean don't judge a book by its cover, or the first page you know.