
Chapter 56

'' Holy shit. It was like a switch of personality.'' one of her classmates muttered when he was sure both weird girls were already gone

'' I know right.'' his friend said leaning on his desk, trying to return to his game

'' Hey!'' another classmate, a girl at that said loudly getting their attention '' Do you all know why they are so freaky?'' she said pursing her lips into a smile, laughing with her friends

'' We already established they are freaky Yachi.'' a boy said to the newly named Yachi making the girl huff '' Stuck together since day one. And that girl Shishijima, it's always trembling.'' he said rolling his eyes even though he didn't even look up from his paper with the club names.

'' Stop spreading the fire before Sora decks you.'' another student said in a singing voice making the others laugh loudly

'' Hah!'' Yachi said smiling widely '' You know what? Fine. I'm not telling you but don't come later at me all surprised.'' the girl said rolling her eyes before returning to her own group.

After all, gossiping about the two weird girls in her classroom was funny just if someone was listening to. There was no charm if no one was interested.


'' There he is.'' Danuja said nodding towards Dad, who get up upon seeing them, tongue lolled out and tail wagging. She sometimes wondered why he was that happy seeing Kana but Danuja couldn't fault him either.

Smug bastard  she thought, narrowing her eyes when Kana begin to scratch his back and pet his head through the fence. Looking down at the dirty ground and feeling the chilly weather, Danuja strip off her jacket before putting it on the ground under Kana.

'' Oh.'' Kana said still petting the giant dog before turning her head to Danuja, stumbling upon her words at the girl actions '' Thank you.'' she said softly with rosy cheeks before clearing her throat, adding '' What club do you want to join, Danuja-san?'' she asked lowering herself on the soft, warm from body heat and worn out jacket

'' Dunno.'' Danuja said humming '' Something with less people.'' she said making Kana snort amused, laughing brightly 

'' I want the same.'' Kana said after a while making Danuja shoulders tense up before she forcedly relaxed

'' If it's too much noise or anything, you would tell me.'' Danuja said not adding anything when Kana just looked at her fondly, while nodding

'' I will. '' Kana said not quite looking at her but for now Danuja would let it be. She didn't want to make the small girl pressured or scared to tell her things.

It was a little like Dad when he was a pup. A balance of what you can and what you can't do.

'' What about you? Anything that catch your eye on that list?'' Danuja asked already knowing that she would join whatever club Kana would

It was just more convenient like that.

'' A few.'' Kana said mildly '' There was the Cooking Club but I'm awful at it.'' Kana said before retreating her words looking embarrassed '' It's not that I don't know how to cook but I can't really get the right taste at most of the things. And I normally don't eat complex foods either.'' Kana said still smiling 

'' I don't know to cook either. Beside boiling noddle's and sometimes not even that.'' she said remembering the brief moments where she tried to copy Hitomi-san with no luck '' I like to eat though.'' she said smirking briefly when Kana laughed, finally stopping petting Dad

'' I can see that.'' the girl said teasing, scooting closer to Danuja '' How tall are you going to get this year?'' she asked laughing silly when Danuja huffed proudly.

At last that's was a thing she was always proud.

'' Anything else?'' Danuja asked after a couple of minutes

'' Maybe a reading club?'' Kana said humming, leaning her shoulder on Danuja arm '' There shouldn't be a lot of people.'' she said smiling at Danuja, her ears reddening at the remark

'' We have time.'' Danuja said shrugging. They remained there for some time, Danuja noting that Dad place of resting wouldn't do him any good when winter comes around, before the bell rung and Danuja helped Kana back up, buddling her in her own jacket and walking back to class.

Danuja did not even observe how she measured her large steps, making her pace smaller for Kana.


After classes and her last glimpse of Kana for that day, Danuja let her mind go back to her incoming fight, the burning bubbles under her skin growing restlessly.

'' Danuja-san-'' Kana said on Friday morning after the first class was over and they were seating by the same fence from the day before. Dad was in a blissful land by Kana small fingers and Danuja didn't even stop the glare she send his way. ''- you look really happy this morning. Did something good happen?'' she asked turning to look at Danuja, her amethyst eyes sparkling with curiosity

'' Nothing unusual.'' Danuja said shrugging nonchalantly '' Just a good mood.'' she said not quite able to contain her smirk

'' That so.'' Kana said humming before smiling brightly, her eyes almost closest '' That's good then. I almost thought you will get into a fight or something.'' she said laughing lightly, turning back to Dad and continuing their petting session

In response Danuja did not say a word beside getting out a small chuckle so Kana wouldn't get suspicious before clicking her tongue at the though.

No bruises or open cuts she though somehow catching Dad eyes in the process Got it


'' Say, Mr. Touma-'' Danuja asked the man that night while they were still driving towards the Rings '' -are you open to a bet?'' she asked making the man snort

'' You don't have money again brat?'' he asked making her shrug '' Didn't you get a job or something? '' he asked more curious than amused

'' Still have it. Just though I could use the opportunity.'' she said shrugging as well making the man shake his head 

'' Stop thinking about money and get ready for your fight.'' he said his eyes not straying away from the road

'' We are in the car.'' Danuja pointed out, grumbling when Mr. Touma pushed a finger on the side of her head

'' Mentally brat. Work some motivation there or something.'' he shrugged when Danuja just looked at him weirdly '' What? I heard those things are popular.''

'' Did you had something like that?''

'' Oh hell no. My coach would just punch me in the face and send me in the Pit.'' he said barking a laugh

Fun.: Some Nights [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

I finally have a liniar course of the story. I'm so prous of myself it's unbelievebel.

Have a great meal today!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts