
Chapter 11

'' How lovely.'' Danuja commented when the flat headed screwdriver stabbed right though the man pants to his flesh, sinking nicely in him. He , it, screamed before tumbling on the side and falling over with blood dripping from the handle to the cold ground.

Before she get up, Danuja made sure to hit the the handle once more, sinking it even deeper.

The man that was holding Dad down was staring surprised and with what Danuja liked to think, panic.

'' That's not even a weapon.'' the man said, his grip on Dad slightly wavering from his thrashing or at the very last the scene in front of him. He didn't look so confident like minutes before, seeing his partners?, friends?  on the floor one of them having a panic attack while gripping his head or eyes while the other was in a pained shock, a screwdriver sticking out from his genitals.

'' Everything.'' Danuja said jumping on the man, pressing her hands on his throat  '' Anything.''  she continued pressing harder, his grip wavering  '' Anything can be a weapon.''  Danuja said still pressing even when the man grip fall and Dad got away, backing into a wall.

She still gripped when his hands grabbed and tugged at her desperately.

She still gripped when his eyes whitened.

Danuja was sure that if Dad wouldn't have barked at that time she would still be above that man even when the police come.

When she closed her house door, slowly dropping on the ground, Danuja let Dad seat on her lap, curling there still trembling, the police sirens still echoing in her mind and dried blood under her nails.

'' Fuck.''  she said finally realizating her chaotic breathing and trembling fingers treading carefully in Dad fur  '' What the fuck was that?'' she asked, her only answer being Dad sudden growling before pushing himself more towards her, almost burying himself under her clothes

'' It's okay.'' Danuja said swallowing heavily before opening her legs wider, Dad snout under her coat, his body between her legs  '' We are okay now.''  she said trying to inspect him of any injuries but stopping when he become agitated

'' I'm gonna kill them.''  Danuja said anger settling beside fear and the remained panic  '' Those bitches send their goons on me. Them or fucking Ryota and I tried to be nice to him.''  she said huffing trying to remember if there was anyone else that could have send those men on her  '' It must be Ryota though, especially when he saw what you can do.''  she said talking to Dad 

'' How funny.'' she said finally convincing Dad to get up, letting her take her coat off and settle on the couch instead  '' They call me a monster while I'm the one beat up. They call me a monster while they push anyone weaker than them down and fucking laugh.''

And Danuja with her mind and body numb from pain and cold laughed.  Then she sighed, gritting her teeth before leaning down, letting Dad cuddle her.

'' Hey Dad.''  she said heating her cold ear on his body. It was slightly wet and his hair scratchy but so, so familiar that she couldn't help but sigh 

'' I think, we can be bigger monsters than them.'' she mused before chuckling at the though, lifting herself higher on the cough, leaning on the armchair with Dad head on her lap and body over her legs  '' Don't you think so?'' she said before huffing softly, a small smirk growing on her face


The very next day after That Moment  Danuja made a list.

It would come as a surprise but Danuja was a surprisingly organized person who like to have, at the very last, the important things in order. 

On her desk, soon to be stabbed on the wall, was a piece of paper with a neat writing and careful placed ideas.

The first thing she needed to do was to grow stronger by any means or at last means that wouldn't hurt her bills and hopefully the time spend with Dad. The  second thing that needed to be done was finding out who put those goons on her that day, because at the end of the day, the most likely candidate would be Ryota seeking revenge for what happened that day.

He was the son of a powerful man, he was also most likely abused by said man that called himself father but at the same time had enough resource, enough money and/or people to pay a couple of goons and seek them on anyone.

There was also the change that those goons were actually bored and were not send by anyone. Though at how they talked and how they were expecting her to answer in a certain way made her question the encounter even more.

It took another day and another intense cuddling session with Dad to realize that it didn't matter. It didn't matter who send them or if them come on their own accord. Because at the end of the day Danuja wanted then dead.

It may sound extreme coming from highschooler and a girl at that but Danuja was never the norm for anything. She was always just a little more than needed. A little more possessive. A little more weird.

A little more abnormal.

She also realized that having the odd house keys in her pocket or a small screwdriver in her bra won't always be helpful. Or enough. Even after  days passed she still had brief moment when she wished that Dad wouldn't have stopped her at that time so she could have finished strangling that man.

The urge couldn't stop growing when seeing just how terrified Dad was of getting near the front door. Danuja was happy enough that his eating habits didn't change.

Danuja realized that she needed more than what she carried around and her own sharp nails. She realized that if people saw her as a freak. As a monster. Than who was she to deny them the sight of the monstrosity she could become?

Who was she to stop their dreams from coming true?

Writing this while listening to Ren x Chinchilla- How to be me, what should I do to stop smoking. It worked over the summer but now that school begin and I see everyone smoking every day it feels harder.

Have a good meal today, you deserve it!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts