

The woman continued to walk around her, her gaze sharp and assessing. She reached out and tugged at the straps of Iris's dress, adjusting them slightly, before running her fingers through her hair, tousling the silky strands into an artfully mussed style.

"You're going to drive him crazy, love," she said, her voice smug with malicious satisfaction.

Iris's mind was racing with anxiety and confusion as the woman continued to prepare her for the party, her hands like cold, manipulative claws as they adjusted and primped her appearance. She didn't feel like herself anymore, her reflection in the mirror unrecognizable, a mere doll being dressed up to fulfill someone else's twisted desires.

As the woman finally stepped back, satisfied with her handiwork, she took Iris's chin in her cold fingers, forcing her to meet her gaze in the mirror. The sight of her own reflection, her usually warm, girl-next-door appearance transformed into a sultry, alluring version of herself, sent a wave of shame and anger through her.

"There you go, sweetheart. You're ready to charm the pants off of any man."

.The woman's words hung in the air, thick and heavy, an ugly reminder of the role Iris was being forced to play. She felt like a fraud, a counterfeit version of herself, and the thought of having to act so inauthentically was almost more than she could bear. But what choice did she have? The mayor had made it clear that she would do as she was told, mind and body. She was his puppet, to be pulled and manipulated at his will.

"Come on, let's get going," the woman said, her voice almost eager.

Iris followed the woman out of the room, her heart heavy and her feet leaden. The thought of the party and the role she had been forced into weighed on her, a heavy burden that she couldn't shed. The corridors of the mayor's massive estate loomed ahead, ominously large, a foreboding reminder of the night ahead. She steeled herself, putting on a mask of forced confidence as she walked beside the woman, preparing to play the role of the "belle of the ball" and ensnare De-Martin in the mayor's trap.

As Iris followed the woman into the party, she scanned the room, her eyes taking in the faces of the guests. She recognized many of them, wealthy and influential people from the city's elite. But there was one man who stood out to her, a man who she had never seen before. He was standing next to the mayor, their faces close and engaged in conversation. Iris couldn't hear what they were saying, but she could tell that they were talking about her. The man in particular kept looking her way, his gaze calculating and intense as his eyes raked over her body, taking in every inch of her appearance.

As Iris looked at the man, she didn't get the sense that his gaze was lascivious or sexual. Instead, his eyes were intense, even a little cold, like he was assessing her, studying her, but not in a sexual way. His expression was mostly unreadable, but if anything, there was a hint of curiosity in his gaze, as if she was a puzzle he was trying to figure out. The way he looked at her was more like a predator scoping out its prey than a man sizing up a potential sexual partner.

Iris felt a strange mix of intrigue and unease under the man's intense gaze. She wasn't sure what to make of him, his expression and demeanor betraying no hint of emotion. He stood next to the mayor, his presence larger than life, his eyes rarely straying from her face. His gaze seemed to bore into her, trying to see through her, to read her thoughts and intentions. Iris could feel his eyes on her even when she looked away, his gaze heavy and almost physical on her skin.

As Iris made her way through the party, the mayor suddenly appeared at her side, a smile plastered across his face. He placed a possessive hand on her shoulder, his grip almost bruising.

"Everyone," he announced, his voice loud and authoritative. "Please welcome my special guest tonight. This lovely young lady is Iris."

The conversation around her slowly died down, all eyes turning to the couple. The guests murmured amongst themselves, their eyes raking over her form, taking in her every detail. She felt exposed, like a prized possession being shown off.

She felt the weight of the eyes on her, each gaze like a physical touch, as if each person was mentally undressing her with their eyes. She tried to maintain a cool, composed expression, but the unwanted attention was making her skin crawl. The mayor's hand on her shoulder felt heavy and oppressive, his grip possessive and almost threatening as he showed her off to the crowd like a prized piece of meat.

As the mayor paraded her through the room, introducing her to the various guests, she forced a polite smile on her face, trying to hide the revulsion she felt. Their eyes were predatory, their gazes hungry and appraising as they took her in. Their hands lingered too long on hers, their words too sweet and condescending. She felt like a lamb being paraded towards the slaughter, a sacrificial offering being prepared to be devoured by the wolves.

The mayor suddenly stopped in front of a man with a cruel, wolfish smile. He was talking to a group of others, his head thrown back in laughter. The mayor placed a possessive arm around her waist.*

"De-Martin," the mayor said, his voice slick and sly, "there's a very important young lady I'd like you to meet. This is Amber."

The man turned to face them, his eyes running over her, taking in her appearance with a cold, calculating gaze.

De-Martin's gaze ran over her, she felt a shiver run down her spine. His eyes were cold and calculating, as if he was mentally undressing her, taking in every inch of her body. It was a predatory look, the look of a hunter sizing up its prey. She felt exposed and vulnerable under his stare, like a piece of meat being appraised for its quality and freshness.

As the mayor introduced her to De-Martin, using the name "Amber", she felt a wave of confusion wash over her. But she suppressed her reaction, keeping her face blank and neutral. She didn't understand why the mayor had given her a false name, but she was sure it had something to do with his plans for her. She could feel De-Martin's hungry gaze on her, his eyes roaming over her body like a predator sizing up its prey.

De-Martin continued to look her over, his gaze lingering on her figure, seemingly mapping every line and curve. It was a predatory look, his eyes taking in her like a piece of meat being appraised for its quality. The intensity of his gaze made her feel exposed and vulnerable, like a small animal being hunted by a predator. She felt a shiver run down her spine, her heart pounding in her chest, as she tried to maintain her composure and feign indifference under his intense stare.

Suddenly, she felt a cold, firm hand close around hers, startling her. She looked up to see the man from earlier, the one who had been watching her from across the room, his eyes intense and unreadable as he held her hand in a vice-like grip.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," he said, his voice smooth and almost seductive. His eyes were on her, studying her closely, like a cat toying with a mouse before pouncing.

His grip on her hand was strong, almost painful, as he continued to look down at her, his eyes glittering with intensity. She could feel the heat of his gaze on her, burning her skin, making her feel like he could see right through her, past her false smile and feigned composure. Despite the intimidating air about him, she found herself drawn to him, despite herself. His presence was electrifying, commanding, and she could feel her heart beginning to race as his eyes continued to bore into her.

His eyes were intense and unwavering, like he was trying to see into her very soul. His grip on her hand was tight and firm, almost possessive, as he continued to look at her. Despite herself, she found herself feeling a strange attraction to him, as if his intensity and power were drawing her in against her better judgment. He seemed to exude a dangerous aura, like a tiger waiting to pounce on its prey, and she felt a strange mix of fear and excitement as he continued to stare at her, his eyes holding her in their grip like a snake with its prey.

She was stunned for a moment by his intense gaze, but she quickly collected herself and summoned a polite smile. She tugged her hand out of his grip and held it out in front of her in a professional manner.

"It's nice to meet you too," she replied, her voice cool and steady despite the rapid beat of her heart. "You are...?"